The Black Dragon Emperor (Hig...

By YamagsuKami

369K 10.8K 3.8K

Three Dragons, Three Colors, Three Rivals but more importantly, Three Brothers: Albion, Ddraig and Vritra. More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Bonus Chapter: (Lemon)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 45

2K 80 23
By YamagsuKami

Sirzechs blinked a couple of times trying to visualize properly Y/N's form.

The office where he was working was rather dark since he liked to work in such a state.


He muttered confused. This wasn't a usual behavior of him. To not add this strange feeling he got from the young human. It was something similar to...


Maybe it could such case and if it was right what could have caused this state of mind to someone as calm as Y/N.

Even if the demon lord could feel the anger of Y/N the human held it to himself quite well. Sirzechs knew that this oppressive feeling wasn't driven towards him but something else.

"Sirzechs... I apologize for coming here this suddenly. It doesn't sit well with me to interrupt your work just for a chat... But I really need... To have word with you. Can we?"

Y/N spoke calmly but his bright purple eyes that shined in the darkness of the room were deep on the Demon Lord, something that unnerved Sirzechs a bit.

"Do not worry. In fact, I was hoping that something or someone to make me forget about all this paperwork."

He chuckled a bit trying to clear the tense ambiance. But the joke didn't change Y/N face.

"Thank you. I want to go somewhere where I cannot be monitored or any unwanted ears nearby that might hear something that they shouldn't. Do you have any place of the sort?"

Sirzechs smiled as he snapped his fingers and a red magical circle appeared below them transporting both to some sort of grassland with a blue sky.

The place differed totally from the sight of the demon realm. It was more similar to a good day on Earth.

Y/N wondered where they were. He couldn't feel the energy of the devil realm or Earth. Just like some separate world.

"Where are we?"

He asked and Sirzechs smiled as some chairs appeared out of nowhere along with some bottles of wine.

"You can sort of say that this is some kind of artificial world that I made."

Such information surprised Y/N.

"You can create a world?"

Sirzechs chuckled while shaking his head.

"Of course not. This is just like an illusion, it's a fake world that I created with my magic but it's far from being an entire whole world. However no one can enter here without my consent, so anything that is said here stays here."

"I see."

Y/N said back and Sirzechs took a seat inviting him to do the same which he did shortly after.

The Demon Lord poured the drink into both his cup and Y/N's as he asked.

"How big is this? You seem quite serious about it."

"This will possibly be the most important talk we're going to have... at least on the personal level."

Sirzechs couldn't hide his surprise. The least he expected was Y/N to talk about something personal. This had to be something serious.

"Start whenever you want. Time flows differently here so we have time."

Y/N nodded as he to the nowhere. His eyes were lost in the sky blue of the false horizon.

A heavy breath left the younger male as he prepared himself to speak.

"Before starting... Sirzechs... Remember the last job that I did for you..?"

He said with a monotone voice.

Instantly, Sirzechs face went grim at the reminder of that day. He had blocked that memory in the depths of his head and hoped to never remember it. Sadly, that wasn't the case.

That day would haunt him for eternity.

But of course, the one who took the worse part was Y/N.

"Yes... I remember it. What about it?"

The voice of the Demon Lord was now more serious than before.

Sirzechs rapidly drank all of the wine in his cup trying to numb his head as fast as possible.

"That day... You took notice of a secret devil organization. An organization that wanted the old regimen of the old Satan Lord. In resume, this organization wanted the old dictatorship on the Devil Realm. Therefore they threatened your peaceful reign, Sirzechs."

The red-haired man stood silent as his cerulean eyes dug deep into the red color of his wine.

"You were desperate. You didn't know what to do. You immediately thought about your son, Milicas, and refused the idea of him living in a world like the one you grew up in. So you did what any governor and father would do... Condemning yourself to a burden that only you would carry."

Y/N eyes burned brighter.

"However, you're not carrying that burden alone... I am just like you... Remember when you asked for my help to do this final job... A job that we would forget that it ever existed and we would never talk about it... Unless that it was necessary... Sirzechs, you and I killed a lot of people that day... Some even were innocents that were brainwashed by false promises. I wiped them all, no survivors. All this while you trapped their ways out not allowing them to run away from me..."

Sirzechs eyes went darker as those horrible sounds stormed on his head.

The sounds of flesh tearing apart, the screams of pain, the begs for mercy... The sound of Y/N's blade cutting their flesh like butter.

It all was vivid in his head and he couldn't help but feel sick at the memory of it.

Even if he fought in a bloody war a long time ago... He never got used to death.

He looked sharply at Y/N.

"Are you going to blackmail me?"

Y/N shook his head.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't do something that negligible. I just want you to remember that we have a secret that no one else can know. Not even Grayfia knows the details of it. I want you to be conscious that we can trust each other... And because I need to trust you for what I'm going to ask you."

"And what is that?"

Y/N didn't answer right away. He grabbed his cup of wine and drank all of it in one go.

He didn't like alcohol but it certainly helped when it came to opening up.

Sirzechs did the same and drank some of his own as well.

While he was drinking his wine Y/N abruptly said it.

"I'm going to have a child."

As soon as those words left Y/N's lips Sirzechs spat all the wine.

"P- Pardon?"

He asked baffled.

"Just like you heard. I got a baby on the way..."

Sirzechs fell silent for a while and decided to take another shot.

"I see... How old is it?"

"Two months now."

But now came the biggest question.

"Who is the mother?"


This seemed to make everything even worse for the Demon Lord who brought his hands to his head tugging his crimson hair.

"You just impregnated one of the most dangerous women of this time but also the one who threatened your life, allied with Khaos Brigade. l and attacked the three factions. To not add how twisted it is the fact that you're going to have a child with the woman that had tried to kill you how many times? A hundred?"

Y/N stood silent before correcting.

"A hundred and twenty-two. To not add the threats she shot at me while we had sex, like "I'll kill you if you cum first" or "I swear that I'll kill you if you stop" and that sort of thing. If we count those it would be like three hundred at the very least."

Sirzechs growled not wanting to hear that.

"I don't want to hear ANY of that, okay? The point is... that you're going to have a child with an enemy... You know what that means right? You're a Traitor."

Y/N frowned deeply at this statement.

"A traitor to who? You? I was never your soldier. I was just your friend who did some favors with the kindness of my heart. Let's not go that way, Sirzechs."

Sirzechs nodded as he waved his hands trying to alleviate the tense aura.

"I know. And I just meant politically speaking... But Imagine the disaster that would unleash such news. The two strongest Dragon Emperors having a baby, one allied with Peace and the other with Ruin. Valiana Lucifer is with Khaos and that made her a threat. All the devil realm considers her an enemy and you... some sort of Ally. You like it or not... it is a mess."

The explanation seemed to put Y/N out of his nerves as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Oh god Sirzechs, I know that fucking her wasn't exactly a jackpot. I know that. But that doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters is that I am going to have a child... My child and it is at risk."

Y/N seemed genuinely desperate. This made Sirzechs raise from his chair.

"What do you mean by that? Is the baby okay?"

The human got off his seat as well and placed his hands over his hair, frustration catching up to him.

"I don't know... I don't know. I'm still so lost about all this. Why the hell all of this is happening to me? I deserve to suffer but not the child."

This feeling. Yeah, it was anxiety. He was scared and didn't know what to do. No. He knew exactly what he had to do and that was what terrified him.

He had to defeat Cain and maybe just maybe he would know the way to save his child... But defeating Cain seemed way too far from his reach.

Yes, he was insecure about his power. Could he get stronger in such a little gap of time?

He needed the power to defeat Cain... Power that he didn't possess.

Without Vritra's trust, he was even more doomed to fail.

Was this a lost cause?


The call of his name made his return to reality.

Sirzechs was in front with his eyes filled with concern.

"Breath. And calm down."

Y/N noticed that he was breathing way too fast and tried to calm himself.

"I- I am fine now. I'm sorry... I lost myself for a bit."

"No worries. I understand, I am a father too so I can relate to that fear of losing a child. But I need you to explain to me what is happening."

Y/N nodded before he grabbed the entire bottle of wine and started drinking from it.

When he decided that it was enough he faced Sirzechs.

"I'm going to give it to you straight. I'm Cain's son. Don't tell me to elaborate because I don't know shit about it. I'm even more confused than how you are."

Sirzechs indeed was astonished by this notice but decided to not point it out.

"That's... I don't know how to put it."

"Exactly. Me too. It's out of this world. But the problem is that there is this curse that he had that was cast upon me as well. And if things go as he said to me my kid is at risk of... dying."

"Wait, you spoke with him?"

"Yes, but that doesn't matter. God damn it, Sirzechs. Stop asking questions! All I need you is to listen to me. Let's talk about this favor that I wanted to discuss with you..."

The demon lord fell silent listening attentively that what Y/N was going to ask.

"Hear me, I need you to send someone to protect... not watch or overseer Valiana and my child while I am out."

"Of course, Gremory will be always by your side-"

"No!... No, that isn't what I want. What I need is for you to send someone who you trust with your life to protect Valiana. Someone who you trust and who is powerful enough to contain any threat. I don't want any of your minions protecting my child."

Sirzechs felt a little insulted by this last sentence but he understood the soon-to-be father.

He himself wouldn't leave Milicas safety to a weak soldier.

"I can go personally."

Y/N shook his head.

"No, not you. You have a lot of responsibilities and if you're out of the devil realm this might fall to pieces."

"The Devil realm isn't that unstable, Y/N."

"Still, not you. You have a son to take care of and a whole realm. I want someone available at all times... Do you have someone? Someone powerful who doesn't have many responsibilities."

Sirzechs stopped to ponder about it and the perfect candidate came to his head like a lightning.

He knew the perfect person to take care of this matter.

"I have someone. Someone who I trust with my life and who has a power that rivals that of a demon Lord. But I need to fill her with the details of this chat... Can I?"

"If the person is going to protect my child then they can have all information they need to."

Sirzechs nodded.

"Perfect. As soon as we come out of here I'll tell her."

"Thank you Sirzechs. I owe you a big one for this."

The crimson-haired Demon Lord smiled kindly.

"No, you don't owe me anything. We're friends and that's all."

The man soon after snapped his fingers and they were back at his office.

A breath left Y/N as he grabbed a small piece of paper out of his jacket that had the shape of a square and placed it on Sirzechs's hand.

"I know I'm asking too much... But. Promise that if things go out of control with me... use this against me."

Sirzechs eyed the paper and widened his eyes.

He recognized this magic circle.

How? How could Y/N make this?

"How do you have this?"

Y/N smiled sadly.

"I worked an entire year creating that thing. Do not waste it."

Once again Sirzechs looked at it and back at Y/N who was disappearing slowly in a pile of shadows.

"Y/N... Is there a way to save your child?"

Y/N looked at him with his bright purple eyes as he smiled sadly. The shadow slowly devoured him.

"Only one... And that's why I need to step out. Thank you Sirzechs... And Goodbye."

As soon as those words left his lips the young male disappeared into his shadows.

Sirzechs placed the seal carefully over his table and sighed heavily.

He should inform her about all this.


Y/N materialized from the shadows inside his house and stood there watching at nowhere while his ears were filled with the noise of deep silence.

Now he had to prepare himself for the forthcoming battle.

But first, he should pack some essentials.

Going upstairs he headed to his room and started to pack some things into his backpack but something interrupted his labor.

He felt someone behind him and he sighed heavily.

It was someone he wanted to avoid talking to at the moment.



She greeted him but frowned when she saw him packing some stuff and decided to ask.

"Where are you going?"

The fallen angel asked the male who was giving her his back.

Y/N turned over to face her and he had a smile.

"You see, I just returned from my little trip to the devil realm and decided to go to Mexico."

His tone was a little too jolly, this attitude made Raynare feel awkward.

"Why Mexico?"

He shrugged.

"Why not? I mean haven't you been enjoying your days off. You should be overjoyed that I'm giving you all even more of them to spend. I know, I am a Great Boss, thank me later."

Y/N retook his doing and grabbed some clothes his smile immediately fading the moment he turned back.

"Y/N... You're not fooling anyone. What's happening?"

Of course, she would notice.

Maybe he should improve his acting.

Lying and acting weren't the same. He was good at the former.

"Raynare... Enjoy your extra days off. I'm going to be off the radar for a bit. I have to take care of some things."

"Is bothering you. Is clear on your face... It has to be a big deal."

Y/N finished packing and zipped close his bag.

"Nothing that I cannot handle."

He said sharply as he passed her by the side but Raynare grabbed his arm and while he could easily get off her grip he didn't.

"What is happening? You can tell me, Y/N."

Raynare seemed genuinely concerned.

"Don't worry about me, Raynare. It's pointless, if something happens to me then that's how things are... Now let me go."

She didn't. Instead all the contrary. Her grip got firmer.

"Of course, it isn't pointless Y/N. What is happening with you? This isn't like you."

Y/N looked at her giving her a full display of his cold bright purple eyes.

"I should be the one asking that. Why the sudden concern about me? If I'm not mistaken last time you didn't care if I dropped dead."


The human fully faced her.

"Let's cut the chase, shall we? What is wrong with you?"

His eyes dug into hers intimidating her a bit but she found the words she had deep in her heart.

"Because I care about you Godamnit! And I don't want anything bad to happen to you..."

Y/N sighed but he smiled a little.

"I care about you too. Nothing bad is going to happen to me, Raynare. Heh, looks like you're finally being honest yourself now. Did I change you that much?"

Raynare went beet red and started to act as her usual self.

"You think you have such an impact on me, you asshole?! Rethink that. Do not overestimate yourself this is just... Uh... Professionalism... Yeah... Professionalism!"

He chuckled a bit as he patted her head and gave her a kind smile... But on that smile, there was a spark of... sadness.

"Thank you, Raynare. Thank you for everything. Take care."

When he finished those words he moved his hand and started walking away. Raynare saw his back going farther and farther until she couldn't hold it anymore.

Why...? Why all of this feel like a farewell?


She exclaimed and he eyed back and widened his eyes at the sight.

Raynare was... crying.

Genuine crying and not just an act.

"Don't die... Please promise me that."

Y/N smiled.

"Me? Die? Not until I conquer the whole world."

He joked gaining a laugh from the female fallen angel.

"Promise me..."

"I won't die. I promise, Raynare."

Y/N said sweetly to her as he disappeared into his shadows.

In his absence, Raynare's tears fell to the ground as she placed her hand over her chest to notice her heart racing.


"Why am I feeling like this?"


Victoria was fixing all the disasters that "father and son" made in her office.

It was still obsolete to call them that way.

Father and Son... Well if she stopped to analyze them they had similar behavior sometimes... plus they kind of have some similar features... to not add the inflated ego they both had.

A sigh left the blonde woman as she placed a book where it was supposed to be.

"Was he here?"

The sudden voice made her jump all the books she accommodated and fall back down to the floor.

This made her frown in annoyance as she turned back and looked at some silhouette that was visible in the dark.

She sighed knowing who this person was.

"Yes, he was here. Looks like you arrived too late to the "heartwarming" reunion."

She sarcastically said but this didn't seem to cause any amusement to the unknown man.

"So the Kid knows the truth already, right?"

Victoria frowned.

"So you knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me? Or better, why didn't you tell him?"

"I wasn't sure when to do it... I preferred for him to live a little longer, but Cain was faster and told him the truth in his savage way. But I think it was about time for him to know. Even if it was Cain the one who told him... He needs to go through all of this to take responsibility for his heritage. We All Did. Y/N needs to get stronger."

"I never understood what's is your obsession with the "strength" topic."

The man chuckled as he looked down at his wrist some kind of symbol on it.

The man stepped out of the dark and his eyes glowed a bright green, a smirk on his face.

"Of course, you don't understand the importance of it... You're not a Primus, Victoria."

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