Romance Me

By Epiphanousbeauty

31.5K 1.5K 1.1K

"I'm so sorry, Lynn." His husky voice seemed to wrap around her, pulling stronger than any physical force. "I... More

Author's Explanation
Table Of Contents
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Opening
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part One
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Two
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Three
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Four
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Five
Me? Love Her? Ha! - Exclusive
Billionaire Love - Opening
Billionaire Love - Part One
Billionaire Love - Part Two
Billionaire Love - Part Three
Billionaire Love - Part Four
Billionaire Love - Part Five
Billionaire Love - Part Six
Taming the Beast - Opening
Taming the Beast - Part One
Taming the Beast - Part Two
Taming the Beast - Part Three
Taming the Beast - Part Four
Taming the Beast - Part Five
Taming the Beast - Part Six
Reaching You - EXCLUSIVE!!

Me? Love Her? Ha! - Part Six

1.2K 88 60
By Epiphanousbeauty

Daniel was pinned to the ground, blood dripping down from a split lip as a deathly shade of white consumed his features.

Cody was crouched on top, every muscle taut as his large hands wrapped around the model's throat. The jock's face shifted between instances of utter fury to showing hints of confliction, and as the seconds ticked by, sweat broke out on Daniel's blanched skin, his hands frantically pulling at the grip on his neck.

Lynn stood dumbly for a moment, then blinked.

"CODY STOP!" she cried, rushing over to his side. At the touch of her hands, Cody snapped back into awareness and released his hold, leaving Daniel to a series of wretched coughs and gasps for air.

The jock stood back, staring at the boy on the ground as shock swamped his features. Lynn's heart wrenched at the sight and, without thinking, she extended a hand to rest on his chest as her eyes found his.

"Cody?" she asked.

His sight snapped from Daniel to her, and his face shifted to one of frantic concern. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you? I swear if he hurt you-"

"I'm fine," she cut-in. "A little shaken up is all."

Cody's eyes narrowed on her neck, and a blush flooded her cheeks as his own face darkened in anger.

"You know..." said a voice nonchalantly behind them, "When hitting a model, you never go for the face. That should be proper etiquette - and really? I hardly deserved it."

Those hazel eyes ignited in flame, and before Lynn could stop him, Cody had lifted Daniel from the ground, his hands gripping the front of the boy's shirt.

"You will stay away from Lynn," the jock snarled, giving Daniel a barely-controlled shake. "No speaking, no touching, no looking. And if I so much as hear of you going near Lynn again, you will have a lot more coming to you than a split lip. Got it, pretty boy?"

Daniel stared at Cody, his face veiled as his eyes simmered in bitterness. Whether this was directed at Cody or himself, the jock would never know.

Silence pervaded and, right before Cody lost control again, he roughly released the boy, shoving Daniel several feet.

"I'll take that as a yes," the jock growled.

Lynn took a step forward. "Cody, perhaps we should-"

"No," he snapped, not seeming to comprehend what she had said in the first place. In the blink of an eye, Cody had grabbed her hand, pulled her down the hall, and pushed through the school exit.

A chilly breeze awakened Lynn's senses, which had all been a hazy mess for the past hour. Cody dragged her along the grass, seeming driven by his own demons as the setting sun sunk down. She tugged at his hand, trying to stop him as her breathing began to rasp with exertion, but he tromped on.

"Cody wait!" she protested, then suddenly stumbled as her sandal slipped off her foot.

"Ah! Cody, my shoe, I need to - ow!"

The jock skidded to a halt as Lynn cried out, bending down to cradle her stubbed toe. All anger and frustration melted away from Cody's face, replaced with a guilty expression.

"I'm so sorry, Lynn..." he began. Quickly pinpointing the lost shoe, he hastily scooped it up. The girl's breath caught as she felt his arm slip around her torso to give support, and as he crouched down beside her, holding out the sandal in expectation, she almost cried.

Just seconds ago, Cody had possessively threatened Daniel for touching her, and now he was tenderly offering to put on her shoe - as if she was the cherished Cinderella! What was this sudden change in him? How did he go from his usual grudging attitude to this outward sincerity of his affections (if they were affections)? It was like she was dreaming... and oh, how she didn't want to wake up!

But this is so unlike him... what if he's playing a trick on you - or has consumed some wild mushroom? This cannot be!

Lynn moaned in confusion, burying her head in her hands.

What if she was making things up in her own mind? She had wanted so long for Cody to return her affections, to truly and openly love her. Had her mind finally snapped and created its own version of reality?


The girl slowly lifted her head, her heart jumping at the tender cadence of Cody's voice. His handsome, chiseled features filled her vision, his lips parted as his seemingly golden eyes searched her face in concern. A large hand came up to caress Lynn's cheek, and she took in a small gasp, her eyes filling with tears.

"What's wrong?" Cody whispered.

The girl looked at him desperately, like she was trying to discern the depths of his heart.

"I don't know what to think anymore, Cody. You just-" her voice broke as a tear slid down her cheek, but she pushed through. "You've suddenly changed - changed so much from before that I... I don't know if I'm dreaming, or gone crazy... or whether I should be shouting for joy - or fleeing for my life! I just... "

Lynn hesitated, trying to find a way to express the tumbling emotions inside her heart. Taking his hand that cupped her face, she looked at it, tracing the rough skin, marveling at the strength and warmth it gave. Cody stared at her hand as well, a shudder passing through him.

"I don't know, and that... scares me," Lynn admitted, the tears streaming now. She took in a ragged breath, her blue eyes pleading.

"Help me, Cody. me understand."

There was a moment of stillness, of quiet. Then the hand moved, the warmth of its touch sliding up her fingers, across her arm, and around her waist. She felt herself being pulled forward, her form coming so close, yet so far away as the heat burned between their bodies.

"I'm so sorry, Lynn." Cody's husky voice seemed to wrap around her, pulling stronger than any physical force. "I am. For eighteen years, I've been doing everything wrong. So please..."

His other hand came up, its warmth encompassing her cheek as his eyes dropped down to her lips.

"Let me do something right."

Slowly, ever so slowly, his lips brushed against hers, their warmth and tenderness sending shivers of utter delight through her body. She gasped at the sensation, her limbs melting as he pulled her against him, the warmth of his hard muscle flooding through her soft skin.


The ground was spinning. Cody shuddered against her, a moan escaping as the heat of his kiss rapidly escalated in demand. A hand traveled through her hair, holding her head as the arm around her waist tightened, crushing her against his body in a breathtaking sensation.

His touch was heated, hungry, scandalous, sensual - and she couldn't keep up. Her heart seemed like it would explode, her balance tipping precariously as shock-filled pleasure rippled through every nerve.

Suddenly, his lips left hers, traveling across her cheek. She sucked in air, her fingers gripping Cody's shirt for dear life as black spots began to fill her vision. Too much.

"Cody," her voice was breathless. "I don't think I can-"

He groaned, his lips parting hungrily on the sensitive skin of her neck, and she gasped in turn. The final straw of lucidity vanished into thin air as her world swerved, and blackness enveloped.


The words echoed in his head:

"Let me do something right."

Really?! Was that what he said? Because, after Cody had kissed her senseless - literally - somehow he felt like his method of expressing his feelings didn't turn out that "right." What the hell had he done? His mother would've smacked him black and blue if she had witnessed this sudden passion he had wrought on Lynn.

Speaking of which...

Cody shuddered as the girl's breathing tickled across his neck, his arms stiffening in their protective cradle as her delicate form lay silently curled against his chest. He took a purposeful breath, shifting his sitting position on the grass while he attempted to rein back the heat and passion that still wracked his senses. God, it was hard.

"No... I don wan... no waffles..."

The jock blinked. Looking down, he watched as Lynn clutched his shirt, her head shaking infinitesimally as she murmured to herself. Despite himself, a smile crept up on his lips.

How could she be so innocent, and yet snare his heart for her own? How could she be so inexplicably slow in matters of love - and yet pursue him in every moment she had?

And how could he fall for her - no. Love her like he did?

At that thought, Cody inhaled sharply, the concept still extremely difficult to comprehend. Yet all factors led to it. His jealousy during the past few months, his shock at her threat to leave, his terror and rage at Daniel's assault.

Just the thought of Lynn being harmed sent a wretched twist in his heart - and even now, feeling the way her form fit perfectly against his, her features relaxed in angelic beauty, her lips flushed red from his kisses, he knew in the deepest parts of his being that he never wanted to let her go.

A contented sigh filled the air as Lynn snuggled closer, almost as if she was agreeing to his inmost thoughts. The warmth of her curves seemed to pass unhindered through his shirt and into his skin, causing his mind to dive dangerously far from appropriate.

So soft. So beautiful. His whole body urged to take her lips again, to taste the sweetness of her touch and watch as her eyelids fluttered open. To feel the heat of her soft curves against his body, to relish her small gasps as he showered her skin with kisses. He had never felt so... alive as he had in that moment. It was like nothing he had ever experienced.

And he wanted more.

Just one small kiss wouldn't...


Cody cursed, squashing his train of thought as he berated himself. What - was he now a creepy pervert that took advantage of women in their sleep? Hell no!

Rising decisively, he carefully lifted Lynn's unconscious form, feeling a surge of masculine pride and protectiveness at the way her delicate body fit perfectly in his cradle.

Yes. Protect. So what should you do next? his conscience nudged annoyingly.

The jock scowled, not wanting to move from his spot - or create any excuse to let go of Lynn. He was thoroughly enjoying his new-found affections; not to mention the pleasurable sensations (and temptations) he was feeling. In fact, he could stand here forever, choosing not to face the times ahead, or the troubles to come. Just holding her, unhindered by the outside world, consumed him with a wondrous contentment and joy. It was thrilling.


Cody sighed.

There comes a time when one must put the other first. The jock took a few steps forward, then stopped.

Where would he take her? Not back to school, as it was getting late - and certainly not his house, as that would resort to the whole family teasing him with 'I-told-you-so'. That left Lynn's house, which would probably produce the same commotion considering their families had been "shipping" them for years.

But it'll be less of an explosion there, yes?

Cody nodded mentally, adjusting Lynn more securely against his chest as he walked forward.

"Take care of her."

The voice took Cody by surprise, and he turned to find Daniel standing a few feet away. Immediately, a surge of rage and loathing took hold of the jock. But as his eyes fell on the boy's expression, all caustic words evaporated from his tongue.

Daniel stared at him, his eyes an unreadable pool of... sorrow? apathy? hopelessness?

The wind whipped, seeming to create a large, uncrossable gap between the two as they stood. Each observed the other in silence, the seconds ticking by in a long immeasurable moment until finally, Cody's eyes widened in understanding.

Taking a breath, the jock answered in quiet determination:

"I will."

For a moment, Daniel froze. Then, meeting his gaze, the model gave a nod that, to the ignorant eye, would be seen as a dismissal. Yet Cody knew it was far from it - and for the first time in their hated relationship, a mutual respect formed in the air.

Then Cody turned, and walked away.


Carrying Lynn home proved easier than Cody thought, and by nightfall, he found himself standing outside her house, torn between going in and staying outside. Yet just as he was about to take a step forward, a yawn broke forth from the girl in his arms, and he stopped.

Blue, sleepy eyes looked up at him, and a lazy smile formed on those beautiful lips. The girl sighed, and a jolt of surprise awakened Cody's senses as he felt her small, warm hand caress his cheek. His reaction must have amused Lynn, for she giggled in the most innocent, endearing way.

"Cody..." she whispered.


"I love you."

The jock froze and, slowly, a smile crept up his face. Walking over to the steps of the house, he sat down, settling the girl comfortably in his arms as he stared into her eyes.

"Really?" he asked.

"Mm Hmm." The sleepy Lynn smiled, resting her forehead on his as she whispered confidentially. "But don't tell anyone. It's a secret."

Cody chuckled, though inside his heart was performing a whole routine of backflips. Pulling her closer, he restrained the urge to kiss her right then and there, and instead spoke quietly: "I have a secret too. Do you want to know?"

The girl's face brightened, and she nodded. Cody took a breath, the jumble of nerves increasing in his chest. Then slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned in, his hand caressing her cheek as she stilled, waiting in anticipation.

And as the boy whispered in her ear, he sung no song of flattery, nor uttered an oath of praise, but spoke a short phrase that conveyed the secret of a lifetime.

The secret of his heart.


AWWWW I AM SQUIRMING SO CUTE XD - and #Lyniel fans! IT'S NOT DONE! Coming up next is an exclusive POV from Daniel - you will discover the secrets of his life and why he acted the way he did back there in the nurse's room!

After the exclusive, is a NEW ROMANCE you can jump into, so - if you liked this story - definitely check it out! (I'll give you a hint - power + danger + a billionaire's son+ one EXTREMELY messed up match-making date =

As for the story of Cody and Lynnette - I have enjoyed it so much and am so sad it's over *sobs in the most unladylike fashion*. I know many of you feel sad as well - but do close your eyes for a second, keep them in your memory, and please join me to continue this romance ride into "Billionaire's Love" :)

As we say goodbye to this lovely novella - please give me your thoughts and COMMENT, VOTE, FAN, and SHARE with your lovely friends :D

I love you all! Your the best readers anyone could ask for!

<3 Ruth

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