Just a Royal Mess

By RanielleTJ4

10.5K 647 0

What do you think happens when 2 unlikely people meet in a situation that might seem normal to other people b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 12

223 14 0
By RanielleTJ4

Sofia's POV

WHAT IS THIS GIRL DOING? We were on the floor while I pinned her down to the floor and put chocolate syrup on her, it was all fun but when our bodies come close together it's just electric. Looking in her eye's, I can almost see the Ella I started to like. The Ella I met. I know its childish of me to expect everything to be normal and like it was, after all, that happened but I do. Is it that bad to still wanna live in a bubble? To still want that lust? That attraction? I was pulled out of my thoughts with a not so subtle fake cough.

I was still looking at Ella when she asked me "Whose that?" I looked at the direction she was looking in and answered "Oh, that's Jazz" I said not realizing it was JAZZ! "THE FUCK JAZZ"

"that's more like it" Jazz chuckled. I just got up and ran into her arms but instead of hugging me she kept a one hand distance between us. "You think I'm going to hug you with all that syrup on you, your seriously wrong," she said pointing at my shirt.

I just took off my shirt "Happy" I said as at threw it somewhere and then finally hugged her. I pulled away from hug still in shock "What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"What I can't just come to see my favourite girl?" she said as if it was an obvious but then added "I had a meeting nearby"

"You live in Paris. How is Madrid nearby?" I asked confused, by this time Ella had gotten up and gone to the bedroom to change I assume.

"Well, I came to Madrid for a meeting and then called up Sonny to check where you were? turns out you were like 5 minutes away from the meeting place so I decided to pop by before I left for the airport" she explained.

"Oh that's nice of you" I smile "God! It's soo good to see you" I said with a smile.

"same here," she said with both of her hands on my cheek. she then placed a kiss on both off my cheek. "Now where is that wife that I have been hearing off?" she asked looking around.

"how do you know?" I asked confused.

"Amber told me. you know she is Franc's cousin, right? Plus she told them this like yesterday when they were here for the funeral. That's how she found out who you were" she shrugged.

"you know more about what's going on here than me" I sighed. I had my arms wrapped around Jazz with my head on her shoulder. Jazz and I had gotten really close after spending all the time together after Amber got engaged, mainly cause I was around a lot more just to keep a check on Amber.

We are similar in more than one way. that's when I saw Ella come out of the bedroom in my clothes. that's my dress well she does look hot in it. "Jazz this is Eleanor my wife," I said standing in the same position. Jazz did a little curtsy thing. Well tried to with my arms still around her, then moved her hand forward "Hello I'm Jasmine Hank" she said with a smile.

"Princess Eleanor" Ella said with a polite smile but something said to me she wasn't too happy to meet Jazz. "So how do you know Sofia, My Wife?" she said emphasizing on the words 'My Wife'

"I'm Amber's best friend and I'm also her Ex-girlfriend," she said when I looked at Jazz in shock and was like 'Bitch What?' she gave me the look that said keep your mouth shut, I did so.

"Umm..ahh You guys still seem close," Ella said awkwardly as her face started to turn red.

"Yeah were are like a on and off thing, everyone always said we would end up together but now that she's married I guess not" Jazz shrugged but this point I had let go of Jazz and was just looking at her with all the newly found info she just told me about Her and My relationship.

"mmm... I think I should go I have a meeting with Councilmen and by the looks of it Sonny is here" she said pointing towards the door and indeed he was here standing near the door.

"Ok I will be back after I get things wrapped up here," I said she just nodded and said " It was a pleasure meeting you"

Eleanor shook Jazz's hand and then left. As soon as Ella leaves I shove Jazz. "the fuck was that?" I asked her confused as I walked into the bedroom to get changed. taking off my pants as I walked towards the shower and started the water.

"What I was just checking something?" she said chuckling and turned around as I took a quick shower.

"checking what bitch?" I washed off all the chocolate I got on myself when I was throwing it on Ella.

"Just what kind of a wife she is" she shrugs. I took the robe and wore it as I walked outside.

"Well, Jazz it's just...It's a weird thing." I said not knowing what to call this. she walked on to my table while saying "I know being married is a weird thing especially when you only know each other for what? 12 hrs or so" she shrugged.

"Amber told you everything?" I asked as more of a statement than a question but she still replied: "Amber told me everything." She chuckles as she picks up the contract Ella had given me.

"What's this?" she said as she reads a few lines from it "10-year contract and legally obligated to maintain a portrayal of a happy marriage. The party can only apply for divorce after the end of the contract. If the parties go they're-" I quickly snatched the papers from her before she could read more.

"How many times have I told you to not touch my things," I said as I put those papers in a drawer.

"The fuck is that?" she asked me confused.

"it's just a prenup contract" I lied. Well, it kinda was.

"That looks to me more like a contract then a prenup. Sofia sure I didn't give my Bar exam but I did study law well enough to know what a legal contract looks like." She said sternly. Fucking I keep on forgetting this bitch was almost a lawyer.

"Well, it's a contract stating I can't get divorced for the next 10 years if I sign it and that I can't bad mouth the Royal family publically. Also that I need to show people that we are happily married." I sighed as I sat down on my chair.

"And looking at your face right now your going to sign it," she said as she sat down.

"Yes, I am" I nodded.

"Why?" she asked me confused.

"I don't know, I have done stupid things for this girl. Things I would never do for anyone. Like, Marry her or well stayed married to her or fucking move across the country for her and now I'm actually thinking to sign the paper." I covered m face with my hands.

"Why do all you stupid people get fake married or fake engaged. First Amber now you. Do you guys have some Romanian manufacturing defect or some shit?" she asked confused.

"Well nothing about this marriage is fake I have the legal documents to prove it and I don't know we might as well have some kinda defect. We, damn bitches, keep attracting drama" I chuckled lightly

"that you do, that you do" she chuckled with me. "Why do you wanna do this for her?" she asked me with all seriousness.

"Cause she lost everything. She has lost everyone and I don't wanna leave at a point like this."

"Your willing to give up the next 10 year's of your life for her?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Why? You don't even know her"

"I don't but I feel like I already do. I feel like I saw the real her on that date in Italy. I saw the real her in that café when she use to laugh at the other waitresses jokes. I loved that stupid cute face when made some mistake or that line she gets on her forehead when she was counting the money" I smiled remembering those memories.

"You sound stalker-ish," she said jokingly.

"I might as well have been stalking her. I sat in that café for 6 months and didn't say anything to her other than my order and just stared at her in aww" I said chuckling.

"For what it's worth she likes you too" she shrugs.

"I don't think so."

"what makes you say that?" she asked confused.

"First of all the contract and second she told me she wants us to be just friends" I sighed.

"Well 'A' I think the contract is a royal bullshit that needs to be signed and 'B' she's lying," Jazz said as if there was no doubt.

"What makes you say that?" I asked her the same question she asked me.

"cause for starters I walked in the room to you both on the floor looking at each other like the world didn't exist. Then when you took off your shirt and literally climbed on me and then clung to me, she emphasized the words 'My Wife'. And after I did that whole ex-girlfriend thing as a joke I might add I could clearly see the jealousy in her eye's, how she wanted to rip me into pieces" she chuckled.

"You're just imagining things Jazz" I chuckled half-heartedly. Of course, these things can't be true. Can they?

No Jazz is just imagining things. She has always been a romantic.

"I'm serious," she said. her phone started to ring. "it's my alarm I have a flight to catch" she sighed.

"Come on I will drop you," I said getting up, wearing my clothes.

"No no, it's fine I already got a car with all my stuff in it. So no need" she said with a smile.

"Ok at least let me drop you till downstairs. Anyways I think I will go back to the palace." I said as I took all the paper I needed and put it in a bag, I put the contract in it too.

"Fine let's go," she said waiting for me to be done. We both then walked outside when Sonny gave a car key. It was the keys to Ella's car.

"She told me to give this to you as she took your bike with her," he said.

"that idiot seriously took my bike away," I said shaking my head. Jazz just chuckled as we entered the elevator
"Well, of course, she did she wants you to be safe," she said.

"Well, that bike was safe."

"Not really," Sonny said as the door of the elevator opened. A lot of the paps were still here.

"this is just like when we all roam around with Kat and Skye" Sofia chuckled looking at the paps.

"Yup" I nodded. She gave me a hug and I then kissed her cheek.

"I know you're not going to be around much. Royalty and stuff but don't be a stranger" she said.

"Why are you talking as if I'm leaving the planet or some shit? I'm still Sofia I will still visit your annoying ass almost every month and we will still go to the weird ass karaoke bar" I chuckled.

"I don't think we can sing Single ladies anymore as we both got a ring on it" she chuckles.

"Wait! What?" I said and looked at her ring finger and indeed she had a ring. "why didn't you tell me?" I asked her excitedly.

"Well, that's the reason I'm here. I wanted to tell you and also invited you to the engagement party. I will send you all the details," she said with a smile.

"Oh MY GOD! Congratulations!!" I said and kissed her cheek again. After talking for a few more minutes Jazz left as she was really getting late for her flight, but she promised to call me once she land and got free to tell me everything. I get out of the lobby and into the car. Driving to the palace.

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