Just a Royal Mess

By RanielleTJ4

10.5K 647 0

What do you think happens when 2 unlikely people meet in a situation that might seem normal to other people b... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 1

394 20 0
By RanielleTJ4

Eleanor's POV

"Ok, I suppose this dress looks good," I said to myself. I was right now in a cheap motel in Romania for franc's wedding. Well, I kinda plan to sneak in there congratulate her and leave as I don't want my brother to see me. Fucking my back hurts because of the fucking train seats. Well, you see I had to travel from Belluno that is where I am living right now to Venice in a train then changed my train to get from Venice to Bucureşti that is where I am right now. I had to do all this cause just so my brother doesn't find me. Like I know crossing borders he can find me but the train is safer then flights. Plus I'm low on cash, like bro I fucking work as a waitress, which I love but like it doesn't pay much just enough for me to live off of it. The money I had taken from Franc was mostly spent of travelling from Switzerland to here and then getting the fake passport so if I cross borders my brother can't track me. But I love it there, no one knows me and everyone is really nice.

I took my clutch and putting my long coat on I got out of my room. The motel was right near the venue where Franc and Amber were getting married. I was a palace kinda place with a large garden in the back that overlooked the lake. It was a beautiful place to get married. The entire block was shut down for this wedding. Ok so maybe getting is going to be a bit harder then I thought. I had scoped the place out last night and gotten to know that Franc was getting ready in the left wing whereas Amber was coming straight from her house. The only thing I have to do is find out which room it is cause like left wing has lots of rooms. Plus there is a lot of security, like tons.

I walked towards the back cause it would be easier to get in from there. I saw only 2 men but like were bulky men. Ok, Eleanor think. Bitch you should have thought about this when you decided to come here.

"You're going to have to wing it," I said to myself taking a deep breath. Walking towards them with a panic look on my face.

"God I'm so screwed," I said to myself but loud enough for one of the men to hear it.

"Excuse me ma'am the entrance is from the front," he said
"yeah I know, I work for Ms LeMarc. She had told me to get her a String you know one of these energy drinks that you get in Paris the hotel didn't have it so I had gone out to get it but now I forgot which room she was staying in this place is so fucking huge." I said ok first what the fuck is a string and second hope this works.

"Where is the drink?" he asked curiously.

"Well, I didn't get it outside either," I said.

"Where is your badge if you work for Ms LeMarc?" He asked again. The Fuck badges?

"I forgot it in Ms LeMarc's room," I said he looked at me suspiciously but then said "ok the room number is 105, you know the way or you forgot that too?" he asked me.

"Thank you and I know the way," I said with a smile. Well, that was easy I thought as I entered the compound. Thank god I had scoped this place out or I would be lost right now.
God hiding is a lot of work. I could have entered from the front but 'A' I didn't have the invitation card and 'B' I don't know if my name is on the list and 'C' there are chances of my brother finding out. So why take any risk. I have a happy life right now and I plan to keep it like that.

I saw too much security near francs room. I decided not to go from there as well I don't have a badge that would be a mess again. realizing where francs room was I decided to go through the window. going back out I went under franc's room. Ok, I guess God is on my side as she had a balcony plus there was a pipeline I can climb. I took off my heels and holding them in one hand I started climbing.

"Ms Tovar, I think stairs would be a better option" I heard someone say, looking back down it was Franc's bodyguard. He had a smirk on his face. Shit! "Why don't you get down and we can go through stairs like normal people," he said. I just nodded and got down. Following him upstairs. He knocked on the door and we heard a "come in."

"I found her trying to sneak in your room as you said," he told her as he entered the room and I entered after him. Franc was standing near a desk reading some papers in her wedding dress.

"Thank You, Colby," she said without looking up, he nodded and left the room.

"Bitch it's your wedding day stop working for once," I told her

"It's not working it's the legal document that will officially say I am married." She said signing and then finally looking up. "I knew you would come and I knew you won't use the front entrance like a sensible person would," she said with a smile. I went and hugged her tight and she hugged me back.

"I can't believe your getting married, my big sister is getting married," I said pulling away placing both of my hand on her cheek.

"I can't believe it either. Well, I can. I knew it from the day I first time kissed her." she said chuckling placing her hands on mine.

"I came to congratulate you. I got to leave soon" I said moving back.

"Bitch come on, you can't be telling me that you're not going to see me get married." She said upset. "Why are you still running it's been a year since I last saw you and 3 since your brother saw you. It's time to go back home Ella" she said holding my hand.

"When I'm ready franc when I'm ready," I said with a sad tone I knew my brother missed me I still checked my voicemails he still every week sends me a message telling me how his week was and that he misses me and wants me to come back home. "I have a good life right now its normal. I'm working as a waitress and I'm happy. After all these years I'm finally happy" I told her with a smile. She gave me a sad smile, knowing how things were before I left.

"I can understand and I am happy that your happy but your brother is worried at least let him know your fine."

"I know, that's why I'm giving you this letter to give it to him," I said pulling out a letter from my coat pocket. "It explains everything. What I'm doing right now? why did I leave? How happy I am, everything" I told her and handed her the letter.

"I will," she said with a smile. "ok so tell me what have you been up to? I got to take updates I don't know when will I see you next" she asked sitting down on the couch.

"Well, I'm working as a waitress in this small café in the town where I live," I told her sitting on the couch next to her.

"and where do you live?" she asked me and I gave her a look that said 'you really think I'm telling you that' "ok I get it not going to tell me. where ever you live I'm pretty sure you would have slept with half of the girls in town" she said chuckling knowing my reputation.

"Actually I haven't slept with anyone there. I haven't slept with anyone since I last met you" I said shyly
"Wait you're kidding me? you haven't slept with anyone since the past year?" she said half shocked half amused.

"well, when I said I'm going to change. I meant I'm going to change everything." I said scratching the back of my neck.
"that's impressive. I'm happy for you. So this rules out you liking someone, cause you know if you did she would have been your girlfriend and well you would have slept with her" she said shrugging. I felt a blush creep on my face as this reminded me of someone. She saw that and looked at me excitedly. "Oh My Fucking God! Telling me everything"

"Well, there is this girl that comes to the café every day in the evening like clockwork. But like I haven't asked her out cause first shes always with someone and second she way out of my league" I said.

"Eleanor Tovar no fucking girl is out of your league for god sakes you're a fucking princess and I think you can find a way to ask her out," she said as if she was stating a fact.

"I might be a princess but there I'm just a waitress a nobody," I said looking at the floor.

"Come on you seriously want me to believe that bullshit. As I said your Eleanor Tovar, you're the girl who turns straight girls gay as easily as flipping a pancake. You slept with someone who thought you were homeless for god sakes" she said reminding me of the time we both had a bet to see if I could sleep with a girl even after I told her I was homeless and as you can see I won. "your fucking working right now, you have changed. I'm sure that girl is going to fall head over heels for you just by you saying 'Hi' to her" she said. ok, maybe she's right I am the girl who did all those things I'm fucking amazing. I can do this.

"your right I am Eleanor Fucking Tovar. I can get any girl I want" I said smiling. That's when there was a knock on the door. Franc mouthed 'Hide' I nodded and got under the desk. Then she said, "come in."

"It's time," a girl said. I know that voice...it's bella.

"yeah I will be out in a minute," she said.
"hurry," Bella said and then I heard the door close.

"I guess I should leave now anyways I have a train to catch," I said coming out of my hiding.

"Shut up you idiot, you're going to watch me get married," she said in a stern voice.

"Franc I will miss my train, plus my brother might see me," I said trying to reason with her.

"Well, my jet can take you back to where ever your living now, I won't try to find out where that is and I will make sure your brother doesn't see you." She said pleading "it's my fucking wedding Eleanor."

"ok fine I will stay but I need that jet and promise me you won't try to know where I live." I made her promise me.

"I promise I won't you can fucking keep the jet and the pilot forever if you like just to make sure," she said chuckling.

"I don't think that is necessary," I told her smiling. she then called Colby her bodyguard in and told him something to which he just nodded.

"He will stay with you the entire time and make sure no one sees you and then after the wedding done he will take you to the jet," she said with a smile "Now if you will excuse me I got a wedding to go to" she smiling like a kid making me laugh.

"yes you do and thank you franc," I said smiling and then giving her a hug.

"anytime," said hugging me back and then she left. Colby took me to another room then to the balcony. It was facing the wedding.

"No one will see us over here," he said. he went in and bought a blue hat from somewhere. "just to be safe" he said giving it to me. I wore it and the hat practically covered my face.

The wedding was beautiful and I'm so happy for franc. I had just landed in Belluno and was in a cab on my way home. It was pretty late right now.

I think I will take franc's advise and ask that girl out. What's the worst that could happen? I thought to myself.

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