Blood Sweat Lust

By Rochelle_Rossi

21.1K 459 8

Ellanor has been abused by her father since she could remember and that's the life she knew when she left hom... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Twenty Five

561 12 0
By Rochelle_Rossi

The last two weeks have been blissful. Damion and I can’t keep our hands to ourselves , it’s like there is a imaginary magnetic pull that pulls us to each other . It’s scary how quickly I’m falling for Damion . Just a few weeks ago I thought he is a total asshole .

Damion has put my mind at ease after I opened up to him about my past . He promised that he will keep me safe and I truly believe that , when did I start trusting Damion with my whole heart?

Enjoy the moment Ellanor , you derserve this affection , I scold myself .

There is a knock at the door and I grab my gym bag , knowing it’s Damion waiting for me to walk to the gym .

I open the door and Damion pushes me inside , pinning me to the wall while he attacks my mouth . I kiss him back eagerly before I push him off me . “We’re going to be late.”

Damion keeps kissing my neck , leaving tingles as he works his mouth from my ear to my collarbone . “Can’t we skip today’s training , we can do cardio in bed.”

I laugh and pull his face up to look at me . “No , we’ve been doing cardio in bed the whole weekend , besides I have my first fight to prepare for , and you mister have a championship fight coming up.”

He gives me puppy eyes but takes my hand and pulls me out of the apartment .

We arrive at the gym and the first face I see is Casey , gazing at me & Damion with a smile on her face . I give Damion a peck on the cheek and tell him I’ll join them in a minute .

“Hey girl , did I mention before that seeing you and Damion together makes me so happy?”

I hug her and reply “Yes , multiple times Cas”

“It’s just the happiest I’ve ever seen you , he better keep treating you good , otherwise I’ll happily cut off his dick.”

We laugh and she walks with me to the training mat where Justin is waiting for me . He doesn’t know about me and Damion yet since he was in Seattle the past two weeks visiting his family .

He sees me and immediately hugs me and lifts me into his arms , spinning me around like we are little kids . I laugh the most obnoxious laugh I’ve ever laughed in my life , I can’t help it , Justin just brings out this side of me .

I puts me down but keeps hugging me and I give him a kiss on his cheek as he says “ I missed you so much babe , worst two weeks of my life.” I start to laugh when Justin is ripped away from me and Damion glares at him angrily “Don’t fucking touch her.”

Justin looks at him shocked as I say “Calm down Damion.”

Justin eyes us both and says “Wait , hold up , what the fuck is going on?”

Casey decides it’s a good time to speak up and basically scream to the whole gym “They are fucking each other and loving it!”

I glare at her and she whispers “Shit sorry”

Then Justin looks from me to Damion , trying to see if Casey is talking the truth and I start blushing .

“Well fuck me , seems hell has frozen over , Damion I will end you if you ever even think of hurting Ellanor, got me?”

Damion just glares at Justin .

I step forward and say “Damion relax , Justin is my friend and you can’t expect that to change , plus he is such a good hugger.” Justin bursts out laughing and Damion storms off , a very pissed off look on his face . I’ll deal with that later .

I whisper to Justin “No inappropriate commentary while Damion is within earshot . But don’t change , I love our banter and that won’t change.”

“Well let’s get to training then , I need you to kick ass at this weekend’s fight.”

Justin and I go throw 90 minutes of intense training when he finally gives up and tell me it’s a wrap for today .

“Thank god , you’re the worst training partner ever , not even one water break Justin , really?”

“Aww have you gone soft in the last two weeks , come let me make it up to you with some dinner.”

“Oh god a double bacon cheese burger would go down beautifully now.”

“Nope , no burgers , you need to stay at weight if you want to make weight this weekend , or you can kiss that fight goodbye .” He sees my face fall and says “But no need to stress babe , I’ll let you in on my secret and take you to my go to spot for pre-fight cravings.”

“Great , I’m going for a shower and then I’ll meet you out front in 20.”

I take a quick shower and get dressed in my jeans and t-shirt that I packed for after training . I look for Damion to tell him about our plans , but he is nowhere to be found , strange , he is probably still mad about earlier.

I head to the lobby and Justin is waiting for me . “Ready?” “Yeah I’m starving”  

Justin drives us to his “ go to “ restaurant and the smells immediately hits me as we step out of the car .

“Goddamn that smells amazing.”

Justin holds out his arm for me “Ready to be blown away?”

I take his arm “Yes please , I’m already drooling”

We have the most amazing meal , and it’s healthy enough for me to not put in three extra hours of cardio tomorrow.

I’m laughing and resting my head on Justin’s shoulder , holding his arm as we walk out of the restaurant and suddenly flashes explode all around us .

Ah fuck , the media again .

We rush to the car and Justin quickly drives off .

“Fucking only part of this I hate is the constant camera’s in my face , you better get used to it.”

I sigh “Yeah I probably should , but it’s already irritating me.”

Justin stops at my apartment building and walks me to my apartment , like a true gentleman .

“Thanks for dinner , it was delicious.”

“Only a pleasure babe , I’ll see you at the gym tomorrow morning , better come ready for some deadly cardio sessions” Justin winks at me and I groan . I give him a peck on the cheek and say goodnight , heading straight to bed . I don’t have the energy to go up to Damion’s apartment , I’ll have to deal with him tomorrow morning.

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