I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonn...

By Unknownbunnny

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Bonnie is suffering right now. His parents are dead, his boyfriend is abusive and he has no friends to help h... More

Ch1: Ordinary life
Ch2 New Face
Ch3 Music notes
Ch4 questions
Ch5 A Friendship
Ch6 Halloween
Ch7 The Festival
Ch8 Why?
Ch9 Shopping Spree
Ch10 shatterd peices
Ch11 Im Sorry
Ch12 The Truth
Ch 13 Discussion
Ch 14 Thanksgiving
Ch 15 The Escape
Ch 16 Safety
Ch 17 Crush
Ch 18 Two boys
Ch 19 Birthday
Ch 20 texts and chats
Ch 21 The Party Massacre
Ch22 The Situation
Ch 23 Love Birds
Ch 24 Friends and Promises
Ch 25 Chats
Ch 26 Gifts
Ch 27 Thoughts
Ch 28 The loop
Ch29 Party Cove
Ch30 Christmas
Ch 31 New years
Ch 32 Concert
Ch33 Court
Ch34 Visit
Ch35 Unexpected
Ch36 Warnings
Ch37 Spy
Ch38 Hearts
Ch39 Terrors
Ch40 Date
Ch41 Caution
Ch42 Sorrow
Ch43 Nightmares
Ch44 Forgiveness
Ch45 Apologies
Ch46 The Plan
Ch47 Our Problem
Ch48 Time
Ch49 Together

Ch50 Panic

332 11 11
By Unknownbunnny

Phantoms POV:

I knocked on Foxy and Bonnies apartment door and held out. No anwser. I knocked again. No anwser. "Maybe they're still asleep?" I said, "Or they're both taking a shower." "Or Foxy's still crying his eyes out after Bonnies incident." Funtime said next to me. "That was stuipid of them to try and play that card. Bonnie could've gotten hella hurt. Same with Ray." I told Funtime. "He was trying to find Kai. You would've done the same thing to protect your girlfriend." "Yea. I would've. But I would've brought the gun I gave them with me." I said. She rolled her eyes and then staired at the door. "Maybe they're in the shower again." Funtime said, agreeing with my statement before. I just rolled my eyes and got ready to unlock the door with my spare key. After I did so, I pushed the door open and walked inside with Funtime. We walked over to the kitchen and sat some stuff down we bought them at the store. Just some simple stuff but they really needed it. "Bonnie! Foxy! Where are you!" Funtime called out to them. No response. Weird. "Maybe they're asleep or something." I said, Getting ready to check their bedroom. Funtime went down the hallway to check the bathrooms and whatnot to search them too. I don't think they would've actually left or anything. Like, where the hell would they go at this time of day? I walked up to their cracked open bedroom door and peeked inside to find... No one. I fully opened the door now and scanned the room. Empty. What the hell? "They aren't here!" I shouted to Funtime. She came down the hallway towards me. "What? Where the hell would they go?" She asked me, confused. I scaned the room until I finally spotted some piece of paper on their bed. I walked in now and went to go grab it. Funtime came with me. I walked up and grabbed the note. "They left something." I told her before I began to read it.

The note:

Dear Phantom,

Foxy and I are finishing this. We know where he is. Where his hideout is. We're putting an end to this. Even if it results in us killing him. I have been so lost my entire life and after I found Foxy, I was givin hope again. And now he's broken. Everyone knows he's broken. And I'm not just gonna wait for him to break more. The police aren't gonna do anything else. So were taking this into our own hands. Together. If this goes horrible, we both love you and thank you for helping us through this terrible time. Tell Funtime that too if she's with you. But don't let anyone else know. Please. God bless you phantom.

From, Bonnie

My heart jumped after I finished that. Funtime gasped too after reading it over my shoulder. "What the fuck! They're gonna get themselves killed!" Funtime cried out. I was so lost and confused. "Shit!" I yelled in anger, throwing the paper away. "Where the hell would they go?" I asked myself. Funtime heard me. "Bonnie said something at that ally way. Maybe someone there remembered where he said Kai was?" Funtime said, sparking an idea. "Holy shit, good call." I thanked her, pulling out my phone in the process. I typed down the names of the people I remember were there and added them to a seperate groupchat from our big one. We need to find out where they're going.

Phantom made a group chat and added Freddy, Funtime, Ray, Blackheart, and Enard:

Phantom: Foxy and bonnie are gone. They are going after Kai.
Freddy: What!?! Are they insane!
Ray: Where did they go?!
Phantom: I dont know. Someone here has to know. Bonnie said something when you guys were in that alleyway. One of you has to remember. Please!
Blackheart: Oh fuck oh fuck...
Enard: The Old Mill! One of the Mills outside of town! I know where they are! I used to hang out near them when I was a kid.
Phantom: Then everyone grab your fucking keys! We got to go right now! Enard, Meet us by Foxy and Bonnies apartment. Ray, get Blackheart and Freddy a ride over too. And bring a weopen just in case. Hurry!

I ended my text message and looked around that room for the gun I gave them. "Enard knows where they are. We need to hurry." I told Funtime next to me as I opened the nightstand to see a missing gun. Atleast they brought that with them. "Then lets fucking hurry! C'mon!" Funtime ordered me, quickly running out of the apartment. I then joined her and ran out too. Hopefully they didn't make it far. Oh god please be ok. Please!

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