The Gangs Little Pet--- Rdr2...

By joycecruzquintero

17.8K 334 56

The cold air bit your fur, the harsh winter, and the constant dogfighting and abuse took a toll on your weak... More

New masters
Out of the mountains
Tagging along with arthur
Hearding dog
New place
A friendly conversation
Failed Roberry
Stubborn wolf
Arthur's back
Daisy's and Dandelions
im back!! ( not a chapter)
Fishing with idiots
Guard dog duties
Rainy days
Troubling cough
New life..

A bit of rest

433 7 0
By joycecruzquintero

Arthur woke up with a groan and noticed almost immediately noticed the soft snores next to him, he smiled when he saw you sleeping next to him, your head settled on his shoulder.

He smiled, even more, when you gave a low, content, growl when he scratched the back of your ear.

"Ya' know, being a so-called the big bad wolf, you sure like cuddles, ain't that right?"

Arthur says and you growl in response, Arthur petted your head before sighing.

"Alright, get off me, ya' big ball of fluff," Arthur says before crunching up his nose " you might need a bath though, hunter"

You yawn and jump off the cot, seeing that it was early in the morning, since the sun is rising.

Arthur chuckled when you nudged prowler to move over from the dog bed, prowler just let out a sleepy growl at you, and you just looked at Arthur as a plea for help, the man chuckled and shooked his head.

"Sorry bud, can't help you there"

Arthur says before standing up, going to attend to his horse.


Both you and prowler walk toward the camp with Jack walking happily behind, during playtime when you were playing with Jack, prowler managed to catch a rabbit while still making sure that the both of you are not in danger.

You even got a bit of mud scarred all around your body

You yawn and lay down in a tree shade once you reach the camp, your mind wanders to the past few months, back when you were friends with cain.

The unusual dog both made you curious and amused you, but when the gang was packing they couldn't find the brown-colored hound, leaving questions in everyone's heads.

You sigh and lazily look around, you tilt your head to the side when you hear coughing, seeing Arthur struggle to catch a breath as he lays the hay bales on the ground.

Standing up, you trot toward him with concern, whining slightly when he brushes you off as he speaks.

"Don't worry, I'm fine...just... a bit tired"

You scoff and look at the hay, seeing a rope wrapped around it with a bit left to be able to pull.

You grab the rope and pushed, the hay moved with you as you dragged it to the horses, a few of the gang members were amused by the sight, after all, it's not always you see a wolf drag a hay bale to the horses.

The horses happily munched on the hay as you ran back to Arthur, seeing an amused grin on his face.

"I'm beginning to think that you'd work better in a ranch," Arthur said as he scratch the back of your ear before chuckling " but then you'd eat every animal there, won't you?"

Arthur says as he brushes off the fur on his clothes before re-adjusting your loose collar as he signed.

"Alright, c'mon, let's get you cleaned"


You weren't used to baths, normally if you got dirty you'd just clean your fur coat as you run in a freshwater river, so having a bath was unusual, even when you were with your old masters.

You weren't misbehaving per se but you did occasionally snap at Arthur whenever he tries to reach for your paws, even growling at him through the process of cleaning your paw pads once you've calmed down.

You don't mean to be aggressive in any way nor snap at him, but he seems to not mind it as Arthur carefully pours water on the brim of your nose, he chuckles when you sneeze.

"Alright, you're all cleaned up, bud"

Arthur says before turning his back to grab a towel to dry you off, you shake the water off as revenge for the bath as Arthur chuckles again.

Once you've decided to dry out your fur, you look back once a loud howl rings out, you raise a brow, then you see a few wolves up on a hill looking down at you.

You tilt your head slightly, and just as quick as they came they left quickly after.

"Alright, let's go, hunter, I ain't risking my life"

Arthur says and you snap your attention back at him and walk toward him back to the camp, you looked back to the hill, before walking away and back to the camp.


The cold wind cooled your fur as you ran.

You were trying to catch a rabbit and after a while, you managed to catch up on the rabbit from behind, close enough to pounce on you took the chance but before you managed to kill the rabbit when something or someone pounced on you.

After a hassle with the animal, you managed to pin it down but release it as fast as you could, backing up to give him some space as you pant, trying to calm your breathing.

"Jesus prowler, what the hell is wrong with you!?!"

You shout at him, angry that he took this chance to pounce on you.

"Shhh, c'mon, we need to go," Prowler says hurriedly as he looks around.

You raised a brow at him, still ticked off that he pounced on you at this time when he had the whole day to talk to you.

"What do you want? And where do we need to go?"

You ask as he quickly walks away, making you run after him so that he answered your questions.

"There's this pack here that I know of, been a while but they still recognized me"

Prowler said before sprinting away, making you run after him.


"Great, just great"

You say as you pace in front of prowler, prowler's so-called pack is prowler's father's pack, one that he tends to leave because he can, and once his pack was patrolling and they saw you they knew that you had a close relation with his pup.

They wanted to meet you up close without any humans causing trouble, you did end up meeting up with his father, he looked similar to prowler but the white was sprinkled around his fur.

"Don't worry, they won't approach the gang if you are concerned, love"

Prowler whispered the last part to himself but you managed to hear it, making you blush because of the nickname, is prowler really just letting his pack, the one he knew all his life, behind just to stay with you and the gang?

You knew you were fairly overreacting a bit since he can still talk to his pack and so on since the camp is located in the woods, so with that in mind, you sigh and nod, before walking away from the wolf and back to the camp, making him run and catch up to you.


The loud commotion made you bat a brow at what was going on along with prosper next to you. You were going to intervene but once you saw that it was Arthur you let it slide, knowing that he can handle himself, unlike your old masters.

Arthur seemed to be arguing with Strauss about the dept business, saying that it puts the gang into more shame if he could, you ignore it, and Trott back to the tent before jumping onto the cot and laying down.

Minutes after the discussion, Arthur sits on the cot next to you, sighing heavily, you perk up and sense the anger and frustration bubbling from him.

You yawn and push his arm away so that you can lay your head comfortably on his lap, he sighs again and pets your head gently as you drift off to a peaceful slumber.


Me: *sees that this has a 100k view* me holy shit, is this black magic?!?!

My dog: *confused*

No, but seriously thanks for the support and I hope that all of you stay well!

Btw this is how prowler's father looks like.

And this is how prowler looks like, one scar on his right eye and a few on his back and one on his tail

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