Peter Parker One-shots

By rain4dayz

17.8K 539 60

These are just little ideas I had or read about on Peter/Spiderman or occasionally other characters and decid... More

Field Trip to Stark Towers (Part 1)
Field Trip to Stark Towers (Part 2)
Community House..
Peter's Pain..?
Does Spiderman Have A Life..?
His Name Is No..
Parker Knows Tony Stark..?
New Ultron, New Safehouse..
Couch Surfer...
He Doesn't Have Anyone Left..
Security Cameras
Mercenary's and Assignments..
Mercenary's and Assignments.. [PART 2]
An Interesting Teamup..
Friends Again..
Pride Parade..
Gone But Not Forgotten...


453 16 0
By rain4dayz

     TONY WAS SITTING in a press conference with the rest of the avengers and Nick Fury, better known as Director Fury. He was obviously bored and staring into the ground, he was denied the right to answer questions even though he often went to and ran press conferences of his own.

They only caught his attention when he hear a reporter ask something about Spiderman. It went a little like, "Is Spiderman part of the Avengers?"

Which was a highly asked question, Spiderman didn't talk to press much as he hated the attention, unknown to the press and most people of New York Spiderman was not a part of the Avengers, and Director Fury highly disliked him. The others had mostly not met Spiderman only heard and watched videos about him.

"No, he is not a part of the Avengers and I don't believe he has any contact with the Avengers. He is highly against being an Avenger." Nick answered for Natasha, who'd been answering most of the questions.

"We plan to either make him stop being a vigilante or at least know his identity." Fury further elaborated.

Tony, unknown to the rest of them was a close companion of Spiderman. Often helping him with plans or things to help him, even doing simple things as to pick things up for him. Spiderman was one of few people who actually liked him for who he was, not using him for fame or money.

Much unlike the rest of the Avengers and SHIELD who used Tony for money, suits and hospitality.

Spiderman had a designated room in Stark, or the avengers tower for him that Tony had designed himself. He'd never told him about it but just incase he ever needed it.

The conference had been now stretched to a few hours, Tony was starving and didn't know how to escape his silent misery. That was until he received a call, however he'd turned off his notifications to everyone minus Spiderman knowing he'd just hack his way in if he really wanted too.

Fury turned around to look at Tony, who now held his phone is his hand, a smile ghosting his lips.

"Tony? Would you care to answer that." He said, yet in this case there was no not answering it. "Speaker," Tony confirmed wanting to not make him any less happy.

When Fury nodded at his remark Tony picked up the phone and turned it on speaker, putting it in front of the microphone. "Hello?" Tony spoke into the phone waiting for Peters response.

"Hey, Tony. I know your probably busy but I could use some help." Peter, or Spidey started to ramble.

The Avengers gave Tony a pressed look when they recognized the voice.

"Yeah, go on." Tony replied ignoring their looks.

"So normally I wouldn't ask for help," A slight grunt was caught through the microphone, "However, my six biggest problems, or villains. Have decided that it would be an amazing time to team up and fight me." He explained quickly. Fighting noises caught alongside his explanation.

"Yeah, yeah. Makes sense, I can't come but I can send some suits if that helps."

"Yes please. Oh my god. I have a date in like two hours so that would be so helpful." Spidey laughed.

Tony knew who it was but wouldn't say their name with the press listening. (A/N It's MJ but their non binary.)

"I'll send them, bye!" He said to Spidey knowing as soon as this was over he was gonna get slammed with questions from the press and his teammates. (Plus the director.)

"Buh bye!" Spidey said hanging up the phone.  Tony immediately sending suits knowing he would forget any second.



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