Amphibia insert AU

By -gayrat69-

20K 649 396

|cover not my art| You were teleported to a goofy frog land with your fellow classmate Anne Boonechuy.. what... More

Best fronds (unedited)
Cane crazy
Flood, sweat & tears
Hop Luck
The Domino Effect
Taking charge
Anne theft auto
Breakout stars
Sprig V.S. Hop pop
Girl time
Dating season
Anne Vs. Wild
Contigi-anne (and yn)
Family shrub
Halloween special!!! 🎃
Lilly pad Thai
Planters last stand
Toad Tax
Grubhog Day
Hop Pop and Lock
Civil Wart
Croak and Punishment
Trip to the Archives
*not a chapter!!!*
Snow day!
Cracking Mrs. Croaker
A night at the Inn
Wally and Anne
Family fishing trip

Anne or Beast?

1.7K 31 22
By -gayrat69-

"Goodnight you frogs!!" Wally yelled as he exited Stumpys Dinner, "cya in the morrow." and with that he hopped away.. but not before tripping on a tin can.

He continued on his way down the forests path playing his accordion when a twig snapped behind him, he stopped in his tracks
"Hello.?" He said as he turned his head toward the noise
Nothing but silence responded
Something scattered behind Wally
He whimpered "what's that?"
He backed away closed to a bush only for a dark figure to arise behind him.
He gasped as he turned around
"No no no no!!" He screamed

The sun arose as it turned to day, it was a peaceful day in Wartwood with the occasional gigantic bugs and monsters.
A snail carrying a wagon came into view, in the wagon was an aged orange frog, a young pink frog, and a small pink pollywog. The wagon came to a stop and the old orange frog turned to the younger ones,
"Alright kids I'm gonna do a little shoppin you watch the cart!"
The pink frog jumped up, clearly very energetic
"You got it Hop Pop, I'll defend this cart with my LIFEEEEE" the pink frog yelled showing off his odd green mouth.
"Sprig, I was talking to Polly." The orange frog says pointing to the one named Polly.
"What?? Polly's a baby" Sprig said confused
"Your a baby!" Polly responded quickly
"Polly's got more responsibility in her little flipper than you have in your entire body." Hop Pop claims.
"Ridiculous! What makes you think I'm irresponsible?!?" Sprig says pointing to himself
"Oh, gee. Let me think." Hop Pop says sarcastically and thought back to yesterday.
"Ok, so yesterday was a bad day"
"Mhm" hop pop said in agreement before grabbing his sack and hopping off the wagon,
"Polly! Make sure sprig stays in the cart," hop pop said before walking into the store and talking to the stores owner "Well, how do you do Mrs. Jonkins?"

Sprig sighed and rested his head on the side of the wagon "wish there was a way to prove I'm not such a goof-up" as Polly watched him with confusion.
Suddenly the frog from the previous night- Wally was his name came screaming out of the woods.
"MONSTER!!" He yelled getting the townsfolk peoples attention
"T-there's a monster in the woods!! I seen it. I seen it!"
"Now, simmer down Wally just tell us what you saw." Mayor Toadstool said
"Oh it was horrifying!" Wally said going over to a fence to pick up a leaf and then he placed it on the ground.
"It had a huge head, a weird stubby bump right in the middle of its face. And long spindly legs!" Wally said distressed as he made a small diorama of the monster.
The townspeople gasped out of shock and horror.
"We better catch this beast before it hurts somebody, because for major toadstool your safety comes first" Major toadstool claims
The townspeople clap and one says
"Well, it's the responsible thing to do"
Sprig and Polly watched from the wagon.

"Polly. I just had a great idea, I'm gonna catch that beast and save the town!!" He says taking a heroic pose but before he could walk away
"Stop right there! Hop Pop said you had to stay in the cart," Polly interrupted him "you know you can't take me!!" Polly said flexing her muscles.
Sprig watches unimpressed before he says
"Ooh ooh polly look, cannddyyyyyy" he says before throwing them to the ground in front of her.
Polly watched in disbelief before she said
"Bribe accepted!" Then proceeded to eat the candy like pac-man.
"Let the monster hunt... begin!" Sprig says hopping into the woods.
Polly's only response was "DONT DIE"

Sprig was exploring the woods with his slingshot ready.. he gasped as he found a human footprint
"Seems like the beast roams these parts.. probably a good place to- AHHHHH"
He yelled as he was pulled up by a rope
The grass behind him shook ferociously
A tall brunette human girl came through the grass- missing one shoe of course. She pants
"Caught ya. Thought u got the best of old Anne, eh?" She pointed her spear at him "well you didn't! Hehe"
Sprig gasped "giant head, spindly limbs, face bumps! THE BEASTT"
Anne came closer to sprig "stop following me."
"I have bad news for you beast. I taste terrible"
"Ew I am not gonna eat you" Anne says sticking her spear in the ground
"Y-you tried to eat Wally" sprig remarks
"I tried to ask 'Wally' for help. He ran off screaming the second he saw me." Anne claims
"That does sound like Wally" sprig says after thinking for a moment.
Suddenly a girl about the same size as Anne came running through the bushes at about 100 miles per hour. She grabbed Anne's shoulders from behind and said "It's coming back"
"What is??" Sprig asked
Anne grabbed her spear and grabbed the other girls arm and darted out of there leaving sprig.

"Where ya goin?" Sprig questioned and as a roar was heard from the distance he tried to untangle himself.
The other girl noticed and grabbed Anne's spear from out of her hands.
"Hey!" Anne grunted.
Yn turned back and quickly broke the rope that was holding up the pink frog.
She picked him up and started running.
Anne found a log they could hide under
"Cmon over here!!" She directs them.

They all were in the log trying to be as quiet as they could. The animal passed and they all sighed loudly.
"You.. you saved me.. your not a beast at all! Your a hero. An ugly ugly ugly hero!"
"Save the ugly" the other girl said.
"You got names strangers!"
"My names Anne. Anne Boonechuy."
"I'm sprig planter. Put 'er there" the pink frog said holding out his hand. "Uh ok" Anne said taking his hand but she immediately regretted it from all the green slime that covered her hand. "Uh... so your hand just barfed on my hand."
"Oh yah and what's your name?" Sprig asked the other mysterious girl.
"I'm y/n y/l/n"
"Good to meet you ugly hero" sprig says holding out his hand for you to shake.
"I'd rather not" Yn says pushing away his hand.
Anne's stomach gurgled rather loudly.
Anne sighed "ok sprig you got anything to eat?"
"Sure do" sprig says lifting up part of the log to show a family of bugs.
"Things that aren't bugs?" Anne questions disgusted while yn gagged
"No bugs eh?" He paused to eat a bug.
"Mm we'll have to hunt around a bit.. cmon follow me!!" Sprig says leading them out of the log.
"How do we know we can trust him" Anne whispers rather loudly to yn.
"What?!?" Sprig questions turning around
"Does this look like a face that could deceive you???" He says making a weird-supposedly-cute-face.
"Yes" Yn quickly answers.
Anne giggled "yeah, I guess not"
"We'll then cmon! Chow time!" Sprig says pulling them away.

Back in Wartwood Hop Pop walked out of the store with a bag full of grocerys
"Huh?" He questioned as he saw an angry mob outside.
"When I say kill, you say it!!" Mayor toadstool yelled.
Hop Pop entered the wagon and spoke to himself.
"Heh, another day, another mob.. cmon kids time to— what the?!?!" Hop Pop turned his head to the back of the wagon and saw Polly slumped onto the ground with candy wrappers and garbage along the ground.
"I don't have a candy problem! You have a candy problem!" Polly said sassily
"Polly, where's Sprig??" Hop Pop asked
"Uhhh.. something something monster, something- something woods." Polly said examining her little tadpole hand.
"Ohhhh if your boy went into the woods he's as good as eaten." Wally says interrupting their conversation. Then he turned to the crowd
"That beast will devour everything in its path"
"Not on my watch!" Hop pop yells "hang in there boy!" And with that he grabbed polly and hopped away "hop pops a comin!"
The crowd followed him into the woods
"Harvest the toenails for medicinal purposes!!" Wally yelled following the crowd.

Back with the 'monsters' sprig dumped a bucket of mushrooms and purple twigs onto the ground in front of the humans. Anne grabbed a weird purple twig and took a bite. She chewed on it for a moment before saying
"Hey this is pretty good."
"Mhm," sprig agreed "so first question, what the heck are you and where did you come from?!?" He questioned as yn picked up a mushroom and took a little nibble, her stomach churning she put it down. She's always been a picky eater.. and she has a sensitive stomach so she thought it was best to wait until she found something that was better for humans.
"We're human beings and we come from... another world!!... either that or this is a dream"
"Wow.. do you know how you got here?" Sprig questioned.
"Nope. One minute I was in my world and the next thing I knew, I was here.. I dunno how to get home, or if I even can go home. So yup that my story" Anne finished

"How did you get here Yn?" Sprig questioned turning his attention to her.
Yn wiped the dirt off her cheek and decided it would be best not to say that she was about to throw dirt in Sasha's hair.
"Same thing." She simply said.
"How bout you? What were u doing in the woods?" Anne questioned
"Proving that I'm responsible!"
"Oh yah, how?"
"Uhhhhhhh" Yn giggled at his stupidity

Suddenly Wally popped up from the grass
"There they are!! And look they multiplied!!"
The crowd started to surround them
"What?? Stay away from me!" Anne panicked
Then the frogs jumped on both of them and tied them down.
"No!! You guys got it all wrong!!" Sprig says trying to stop them.
The frogs began to cheer when they fully tied the girls down.
"Haha! You caught the monster!! Sprig I'm impressed!!"
"I knew it" Yn commented
"Dude, what the heck? You set me up?? I thought we were connecting!!"
"No no no! This wasn't my plan."
"Then what was your plan??" Yn questioned but as soon as she finished a monster roared in the distance, a giant grasshopper popped out of the grass. The frogs screamed
"Hurry! Everyone Mantis formation!!" Major toadstool ordered everyone.
As they started climbing yn yelled
"You better hurry! I've never been this close to anybody for this long and I am very uncomfortable right now!!"

The mantis formation was complete and the green Mantis backed away
"We scared it off! We have power!!" The frogs yelled and just then a red mantis fell behind them.
"Nope that scared it off." Polly commented
"Yeah, that makes more sense." Hop Pop said
It then swiped at the frogs, destroying their formation. They quickly ran away leaving just Yn, Anne, HopPop, Polly, and lastly Sprig.

"Nooo! Huh?" Anne yelled and then realized Sprig was untying the humans.
"What is this? Another trick?"
"I'll distract that thing. You get out of here!" Sprig said as he ran to the mantis. Anne looked at the exit and back at sprig. They both nodded at eachother before waiting for the mantis to attack.
Sprig shot a rock at the mantis with his slingshot "Haha! Oops.."
the mantis was about to hit sprig before Anne and Yn stopped it.
"Do something!!!" Anne ordered sprig while her eyes flashed blue and yns knees gave out.
"Noo! My weak nerd arms!" Yn commented
"Oh right.. on it! Here we go." Sprig said tying the mantis and pulling but he wasn't strong enough.

Yn noticed rope by her feet and she pulled as hard as she could... considering her weak nerd arms. But that was just what it needed, the mantis fell and the townsfrogs cheered.
"We did it!!" Yn Anne and Sprig said at the same time.
"Up top" Anne says sticking her arm up for a high five but she instead got hit with sprigs tongue.
"Ew" Yn commented
"Oh boy that's gross."
"Well now that that's settled, what the heck are we gonna do with these things" Major toadstool asked "maybe we oughta run it out of town just to be safe. Let them be someone else's problem." The mob then ran towards the humans.. just for sprig to stop the mob.
"Stop right there! They aren't monsters! They're just lost and they need our help, we should take care of them." Sprig said
Anne smiled although Yn was a bit suspicious
"Are you crazy?" The major asked
"Yeh what if they both go nutty tomorrow and start eating people?" Wally questioned
"Not gonna happen buddy." Anne said
"Don't worry yourselves silly, I'll keep an eye on 'em, both of 'em."
"Hmm.. have it your way Hopadiah Planter but I don't like it.. alright boys pack it in" the major said to everybody as they began to leave.

"Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again huh?" Sprig asked
"Trouble? Sprig, standing up to that angry mob to help these creatures out was.. some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen." Hop Pop smiles.
"That was pretty cool sprig... it was also really dumb" Polly comments
"Yes, really, really dumb." Hop Pop says
Sprig gasped "you think I'm responsible?!?"
"Well, yah I mean just this one time." Hop Pop says
"YES!! Wahoo!!" Sprig celebrates
"Well don't get carried away." Hop Pop says as Anne is trying to figure out if her phone still has cell service.
"Big win!" Sprig claims.
"Welp this has been great. But.." Anne starts
"Just give us a map and we'll find our way outa this kooky place." Yn finishes.
"Oh.. a map won't be enough," hop pop pulls out a map "this here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year."
Yn sighed, almost losing hope
"It should clear up in a couple of months." Sprig says clearly happy
"But until then.. you try to cross those mountains.." hop pop says and polly finishes for him
"You will die"
"Are you telling me were stuck in this crazy place for two months?" Anne said
"Where are we gonna stay??" Yn questioned

They both ended up in the planters basement
"Alrighty, kitchens upstairs. Breakfast at sunrise. Sharp." Hop Pop says and then leaves.
"Ooookkayyy" Yn drags out
"Thanks dude" Anne says
They both placed down their sleeping bags and sprig popped his head through the doorway
"Hey! Gettin comfy!!" He then through down a bunch of stuffed animals.
"Brought some toys to keep you two company. I'm too old for these.. oh except for this one. Oh and this one. Oops this one too. Sorry this one as well." Sprigs says taking all of his stuffed animals back.
"I'm glad you monsters are living with us"
"Yah me too, weird little frog boy" Anne says slightly mocking.
"Mok good night. Sleep tight!" Sprig says climbing the ladder.
Anne sat down on her sleeping back and Yn sat next to her. Anne pulled the box out of her bag and yn questioned "does it still work?"
"I dunno... I hope." Anne says
Anne lifted up the box and says "cmon cmon.."
She opened it and nothing happened

Anne sighed "looks like we're gonna be here for a while.."

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