A Generic Sanscest one shots!

By Luminositymoon

34.7K 626 884

I've never done anything like this before so I'm nervous but I've seen other people do them and they kinda se... More

crossmare <3
Yandere Nightmare x Blue <3
Nightmare x killer <3
Yandere Error x Ink <3
Yandere Shattered x Blue <3
Error x Error 404 (Lemon)
Yandere shattered x Passive noot
Possessive Fresh x Blue <3
Fresh x Pokemon <3
Bill x Nightmare <3
Yandere killer x cross <3
Not a part but-
Freshmare <3
Criminal nightmare x Cop killer <3
a bird, a bird, and a octopus (swad, Ds, and og nightmare) <3
a Nintendo DS, a pervert chicken wing, and a Lovecraftian octopus monster <3
Dream x killer <3
the birds and the... octopus? <3
octopus chicken sandwich <3
chickens with a side of double calamari
"I'm sorry.."
2x octopus+2x chickens
octopies and chicks
Lust sans angst
Horror farm
"this wasn't real..please don't say it was..please..!"
kfc with some calamari
Kross <3
Yandere parasitic guard
Nightmare getting bullied
a bunch of emos and an artist
ds errormare
birthday crack
Radical knives
bad sans poly

Crossmare <3

871 14 10
By Luminositymoon

Today's chapter is sponsored by skillshar- just kidding! We've got another radical requestor! Their name is: NightmareNeedSleep ! I hope you like this!

Cross had woken up on the couch, he felt awful at the moment and his arm had hurt really badly. Killer had been standing over him, making sure that cross was alive. "How ya feeling criss cross? Ya took a big hit- were ya not listening or something? Me and boss tried to warn ya-" nightmare. It's been a long while now that cross had been messing up missions. He didn't quite really know why but he just had a small feeling on why, but it was just a tiny feeling.
Killer would go to get nightmare now, leaving cross alone with his thoughts. The more he thought about it, the more he had realized that this problem only ever occurred when he was near nightmare. Or more specifically, when he thought or was near nightmare for a bit of time and as long as he thought it was strange it wasn't really but cross wasn't really ever used to being in love or having crushes.
Nightmare now approached, coming over to cross and examining them for a long few moments. Cross had gotten injured in a battle and had ended up passing out, this whole thing had worried nightmare more than he cared to admit. "How are you feeling cross?" Cross had barely heard anything that nightmare had said, sort of daydreaming now but he was snapped out of it by nightmare. "Cross." Cross now shifted his attention back to nightmare, or atleast tried to.
"Are you alright?" Nightmare had slowly repeated his question for cross, the only response he got from cross was a little nod. Nightmare knew he wasn't quite listening and had began to speculate on why, that is until he came up with something that he had thought was utterly stupid but he couldn't have been wrong. Nightmare had always had a slight crush on cross, it wasn't as intense as cross's crush on him but it had lasted way longer than cross's had.
It took a few more weeks until cross had fully healed up in his arm and other places but once he did he had been glad that he could go back on missions again and things would be mostly back to normal. Though his performance in his missions have been lacking due to him crushing on nightmare which lead to him often getting distracted. Today, they didn't have anything important to do nor any missions and so everyone had been able to do whatever and relax. As long as nothing was broken everyone else would be alright and spared from nightmare's wrath.
Cross meanwhile had been gathering the courage to confess to nightmare, having practiced in his room for two hours and prepared for every possible outcome. It was now his time to shine, he had went out into the hallway and made his way towards nightmares room and knocked on the door. Nightmare now opened the door, allowing cross into the room. "What is it? Do you need something cross?" Cross had suddenly gotten all nervous again, now regretting his decision.
Cross had taken a deep breath, looking into nightmare's eye. "Nightmare, this is something very important..and I think you should know..!" Cross had felt his face heat up and fill with blush, now avoiding eye contact with nightmare. "Mh...I.. I'm in lovewithyoubutitsokayifyoudon'taccept-!" Cross had practically vomited out the words, having wished he could've said it in a more calmer way. Nightmare could be heard snickering quietly, which of course may have upset cross as he thought he was going to be rejected.
"Stars, you're adorable cross." Nightmare could sense cross's emotions slightly sink a bit, cross must've thought he was mocking him or something. He'd cup cross's cheeks, pulling cross into a kiss and then pulling away after a moment or two, smiling. "I love you too cross, but I've got work to do. Maybe we can do something later like watching movies?" Cross would nod, he liked that idea and so he left and had let nightmare finish his work. It wasn't too long that they had been gone, maybe two or three hours of doing work but once he finished he'd get up finally glad he finished the work.
Cross had already been waiting on the couch for nightmare, wrapped up in a blanket cocoon. Nightmare couldn't help but snicker quietly at seeing cross like this, having found it cute. He had sat down on the couch besides cross, curious if they had already decided on a movie. "What movie do you wanna watch night?" Cross had asked, nightmare didn't really watch a lot of movies and so he simply shrugged. Cross had just decided to put on his own movies that he liked, wondering if nightmare would like them too.
While cross prepared the movie nightmare had made the two of them popcorn, once the popcorn was ready he set it down to the very far left of cross, so he'd end up having to reach over cross to get popcorn. Though nightmare didn't even really like popcorn, so there wasn't going to be much problems, the movie was beginning to start now. Nightmare had cuddled close to cross during the movie, sometimes giving them kisses and by the time the two were halfway through the movie they had ended up falling asleep.
While the two were asleep killer had went to go and get a snack, only to completely forget about doing that when he saw cross and nightmare like this. He has simply walked away, muttering curses under his breath.

Well this is the end! I hope you liked it, I'll still take requests after this but please know that I'm trying to focus on a new book, I don't wanna end up overwhelming myself and chances are that since I write slowly it'll take a bit, sorry about all this!

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