Summer Love - James Worpel

By gobulldogs_

16.7K 571 3.1K

It started out as a fling, but little did they know it would turn into something more than that. After it di... More

A/N & Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82

Chapter 79

126 4 2
By gobulldogs_

Saturday 18th of February:

A few more weeks has flown by and tonight, it's our engagement party and I am so excited! I have been counting down this night since it was booked!

It was a pretty last minute thing as we were on a strict time schedule due to James and I wanting to be married before the season starts.

It's around 4:30pm, when the doorbell rings and I jump up off the couch and run to the door, knowing it's Marie, who's here to do my hair and makeup.

Perks of having a family member that a hair and makeup artist is that she's charging me way less than another hair and makeup artist would cost.

"Hey hey!" I say and she smiles.

"Hey! Ready to get glammed up?"

"Of course!" I say as I close the door and we walk through the house and into the study which has been set up for Marie to be able to do my hair and makeup.

I sit down on the chair as Marie sets up her things and I smile.

"Thank you for doing this."

"Tahls, I wasn't going to let you get it done by anywhere else, when you have me."

"True." I say and she smiles.

"Alright, let's do some skin care before we start." Marie says, pulling my hair back into a pony tail, before grabbing out some skin care stuff and applying it on my face.

Once that's done, she begins by applying some concealer...

James walks in when Marie is nearly done with my makeup and he smiles.

"Gorgeous with and without makeup."

"This is probably the first time you've seen me with makeup." I say and he laughs.

"Probably." He says and I smile, as I close my eyes so that Marie can do the finishing touches.

"Alright! Makeup is officially done!" She says and I smile, looking at myself in the mirror as Marie starts setting up her products to do my hair.

"Well, I better leave you to it and start getting ready myself." James says and I smile, as I watch him walk out of the room.

"So what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking like a messy curled ponytail, it's something different you know."

"Hot." She says and I smile, as she plugs the curler in.

"Something like this." I say getting up a photo of it on Pinterest.

"Oh yes, I can do that.. that's too easy!"

"If you say so..." I say and Marie smiles, as she begins to work on my hair....

About half an hour later, she is done, and I am in love with this hairdo.

"Damn, maybe I should've done this for the actual wedding."

"We can do something similar but different for the wedding."

"Okay." I say and she smiles.

"Now, if you don't mind me, I need to get ready!"

"Go ahead." I say. "The room is yours!"

Marie smiles at me as I get up off the chair and walk out of the room. I head straight upstairs so that I can get changed into the dress I picked out for tonight.

I ordered it at one of those formal stores because they are gorgeous. It's a wine colour, and looks gorgeous on me as I made sure to fake tan before tonight. I got it professionally done the other day. Thankfully, I don't look like an orange, as the tan has soaked into my skin and looks very natural.

James walks into the room, in his suit and I smile.

"You look gorgeous." I say and he smiles.

"Thank you baby." He says. "Do you need help putting on your dress?"

"Yes." I say and he nods, as I take my clothes off, chucking it on the bed, and stepping into the dress, pulling it up.

I move my hair aside so that James can zip me up and I smile as I look at myself in the mirror. A few months ago, I was struggling to love myself, and to see where I am now, just amazes me how much your mindset can change about something if you have the right people around you.

I sit down on the bed to put my heels on. Once they're on, I stand up and admire myself in the mirror.

"Gorgeous." James says and I smile.

"Thank you." I say, as I walk over to the dresser and spray some deodorant and perfume, before grabbing my YSL clutch.

I look at James and he smiles.

"You ready to do this?"

"I've never been more ready." I say as I grab his hand and we walk out of our room, then downstairs where Marie is waiting for us.

Harry has also just arrived and will be travelling with us to the venue. It just makes everything easier as Marie is already here.

"Hey Harry." I say pulling him in for a hug and he smiles.

"Hey Tahls, you look gorgeous." He says and I smile.

"Thank you H." I say and he smiles, before wrapping his arm around Marie.

"Alright, let's go!" James says and I smile as I begin walking out of the house. The limo is waiting for us in the driveway, the driver waiting outside.

"Alrighty! How are you guys this evening?" The driver says as he opens the door for us to get in.

"Great thank you!" I say as I get in and walk to the back of the Limo, James taking a seat next to me.

"What's the occasion tonight?" The driver asks.

"It's our engagement." I say as James grabs my hand and the driver smiles.

"Ahh very nice! Well congrats!" He says as he closes the door and jumps into the drivers seat.

"Thank you." I answer as we feel the car reversing out of the driveway.

"Drinks anyone?" Marie asks, grabbing a bottle of bubbly from the ice bucket that's sitting on the little table.

"Yes please!" I say as Marie hands me a cup with some champagne in it. I take a sip and smile as Marie passes cups around to the others and we clink our glasses together saying a "cheers". 

"So, when are you two thinking of tying the knot?" James asks just for some casual conversation and Marie chuckles. 

"Probably not anytime soon, unless he's planning on it." She says eyeing Harry and he chuckles. 

"It's something I would obviously like in the future, but isn't on the agenda as of now." 

"Right." James says and I smile. 

"Oh leave them alone! Not everyone has to get married because we are." I say to James and he laughs, just as we finally arrive at the venue. 

"Thank you so much!" I say to the limo driver who tells me no worries. We get out of the limo, seeing that the bridal party is already here, which is great! 

We're going to be introduced similar to our actual wedding, except it's just our parents, maid of honour and best man that gets to walk in. James and I will walk in, and go straight to the cake where we will cut it, then we'll probably do the speeches, and after that, we're all gonna hit the dance floor! 

"Look at how gorgeous you look!" Em says as I walk over to her wrapping her in a hug. 

"You look gorgeous as always too, but thank you." I say and she smiles, as I look at my brother, who has the biggest grin on his face. 

"You look beautiful." He says wrapping me into a hug and I smile, as I hook my arms around his neck and squeeze him tightly. 

Wе then make our way to the dressing room where my parents, and James' parents are already there waiting for us. 

"Look at you two! Absolutely gorgeous!" Mum says and I smile, kissing her and Dad on the cheek before doing the same to James' parents. 

"Thanks Mum." I say and we all smile. 

"I just can't believe this day has already come." James' Mum says and I nod. 

"I know, it's snuck up on us really quickly hasn't it?" 

"Sure has." James says and I smile, just as one of the waitresses comes into the room. 

"Alright, so everyone has arrived on time and are seated. So follow me!" She says and I smile, letting my parent's and James' parents out first, along with Em and Marcus, before James and I follow behind, hand in hand. 

"Alright so we'll have the maid of honour and best man walking out together first, then the parents, and then you two, is that good?" She says and I nod. 

"Perfect." I say as we're lined up behind the double doors that lead into the reception. 

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the engagement of James and Tahlia! I am Dave, and I will be your MC tonight!" The MC announces. 

"You might notice, as you look at the main table that there are some very important people missing. So who's ready to welcome them in?" Dave questions and the guests erupt in cheers. 

"Alright, first up, we have the maid of honour and best man of the bride and groom to be, Emilia and Marcus Bontempelli!" He announces, just as the doors open and the guests all erupt in cheers. A song Marcus and Em chose blasts through the reception as they walk through the doors. The doors then close and we listen to the claps of the guests to the beat of the music. 

"WHAT AN ENTRANCE THAT WAS!" The MC says and everyone cheers. 

"The Bontempelli's definitely know how to entertain us, on and off the footy field." He says and I let out a laugh. 

"One hundred percent they've broken out into some dance they've created." I say to James and he laughs. 

"I can't wait to watch the recording back to see what they actually did for everyone to react that way.." 

"Agreed." I say and we smile at each other. 

"Alright, next up, we have the lovely parents of the bride. Carlos and Geraldine Bontempelli!" Dave announces. There is a loud cheer as the doors open, and my parents walk in to an Italian song my Dad begged for them to walk into. It's more of a funny one for tonight, but for the wedding, Dad said the song choice will be more professional. 

"Alright! Another great entrance." Dave says. 

"Now, we must welcome the parents of the groom, Mick and Bev Worpel!" Dave announces. The doors open and Mick and Bev walk out to the song they have specifically chosen. There are a few whistles that go off, as well as a whole lot of cheering. 

"Can tell why these two fell for each other, both their families know how to make an entrance!" Dave says and I laugh. 

I look up at James who smiles. 

"This is similar to how it's gonna be on the actual day." 

"I know babe. It's kind of nerve-racking but exciting." 

"Sure is." He says. 

"Now. For the couple you've all been waiting for. Give it up, for your soon to be bride and groom Tahlia Bontempelli and James Worpel!" Dave says and I smile, as the doors open and James and I walk into the reception side to side. 

My mouth drops when I hear the song that plays as we walk out. I look at James and he has the biggest smile on his face. Forever by Chris Brown. He knows how much I love this song, it's why he deliberately didn't tell me the song he had chosen for us to walk into tonight. 

I grab James' other hand and begin to sing as we dance slowly to the cake that is placed on the main table about two meters away from where we are dancing. 

I take my time, letting the song play out as I sing the lyrics of the song to James. We manage to somehow get over to the cake without boring all the guests with our dancing. 

Forever continues to play in the background as James and I grab the knife, and cut the cake three times. Everyone taps their knives on their cups for us to kiss and so we do. Besides, I wouldn't miss an opportunity to kiss James. 

"How gorgeous is this couple?" Dave asks and there are numerous amounts of cheers. 

"Alright, now, without further ado we should get the speeches out of the way, how does that sound?" Dave asks us and I look at James. 

"Yeah, now's probably the best time before I get drunk." James says which makes everyone laugh. 

James and I head around to sit down as Dave makes his way over to us. 

"Alright, so first up, we have the father of the bride. Carlos! You're up mate." Dave says and there is heaps of cheers. 

"First and foremost, I'd like to say welcome everyone, and thank you for coming to the engagement of Tahlia and James. We all really appreciate it and can't wait to celebrate with you all." Dad starts off by saying. 

"To my beautiful daughter. My first born daughter. I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet as I'll have to repeat everything for the wedding if I start blabbing on." He says and everyone laughs. "But, I don't think you know how proud you have made us. Both me and your mother. And Marcus and Marie. We're all so proud of you and couldn't be happier for you. James is an incredible young man who cares for you, and will go to all lengths to make sure you are happy. That's props to his wonderful parents, Mick and Bev who are angels. So, shout out to them for raising this incredible young man. As for everyone else, drink up, and party hard, the night is still young." Dad says and I smile at him as we all clap our hands together for a wonderful speech. 

"What a wonderful speech, that was summed up perfectly!" Dave says. 

"I guess there's no need for me to do my speech now cause this one covered everything I was gonna say." Mick yells and we all laugh. 

"Save it for the wedding." My Dad chimes in causing everyone to be in stitches with their banter. 

"Alright, now for the best man to say a speech." Dave says, handing the microphone over to Marcus and I smile at him. 

"Feels weird not sitting next to Em. But I'll survive." Marcus starts which makes us all laugh. 

"Tahlia." He says. "You have grown up to become a beautiful strong young woman who isn't afraid to go after what she wants. And James was someone she did want." He says and I laugh whilst James smirks at me. 

"Nah only joking. You have become an amazing young woman, and it still amazes me how you're 25 now and about to get married. I still think you're sixteen in my eyes." He says which makes everyone laugh again, but I roll my eyes.  

"But in all honesty Tahls you and James are amazing together, I have seen it with my own eyes, the love and admiration you hold for each other, I know will last a lifetime. You two are soulmates, fate brought the two of you back together to create this perfect love story that I'm sure you two will divulge into deeper on the night of your wedding. But something I have learnt from these two is that their love is so strong that whatever curveball life throws at them, they always come out the other side, unharmed, and most importantly together. James, you're basically family to me now mate and I wouldn't want to be sending Tahls away with another man other than you, cause you truly are special." Marcus says and James smiles, saying thank you to him. 

"Wonderful speech from the best man, and brother of the bride. But now, Tahlia, it's your turn." Dave says handing the mic to me and I take a deep breath, standing up and looking out to our guests. 

"Anyone that knows me, knows that public speaking isn't one of my strong points. But I'll get through this one short and sharp even though there are heaps of things I want to say about this wonderful man to my left. But I'll save it for the wedding." 

"First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for coming, it really means a lot to both James and I. To know that we are loved by every single one of you in here. So thank you." I say. 

"Secondly, to my gorgeous fiancé." I say looking at James, and he smiles, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. 

"I love you with my entire heart and can't wait to get married in a couple of weeks. You are truely an amazing man and I can't help but thank the universe for bringing us back together. I was a true believer in if it's meant to be we will find our way back to each other, and I was right. We are meant to be." I say looking at James and he smiles. 

"That's all I have to say for now, but drink up everyone and enjoy the night!" I say and everyone claps as I sit down. I hand the microphone over to James and he stands up. 

"Alright. First of all, to the love of my life. You look fucking sexy tonight." He says and I laugh whilst everyone cheers as well as a few whistles. 

"I always say that she could rock up somewhere in a towel and she'd still look incredible." James says and I laugh shaking my head at how badly he is embarrassing me. 

"Alright, enough embarrassing the bride for now.. Tahls, meeting you was the best thing that has ever happened to me. But maybe if I ever win a premiership that might surpass it." James jokes and I slap him lightly on the bum. 

"Just kidding. Anyway. I could stand here and talk about how incredible you are, but I think I should save it for our wedding night. But I will say that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, till death do us apart. So instead. I hope you all have a good night, drink up cause Dad's paying!" James says and everyone cheers. 

"Some very wonderful speeches here!" Dave says. "Big round of applause for everyone who said a speech tonight." 

"Alrighty! Now, the moment everyone has been waiting for. Let's hit the dance floor and begin the celebrations of the lovely couple!" Dave announces and I smile, grabbing James' hand and pulling him to the dance floor where the DJ plays some awesome tunes.... 

This is going to be one of the best nights of my life... 


Hey guys! 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Tahls and Worps are just adorable aren't they? 🥺

There aren't many chapters left in this story which is kind of bittersweet as I have been wanting to get this story done for so long but have lacked motivation. 

Anyways, remember to vote and comment 

Next update out soon! 

Down below is the hairstyle and dress Tahlia chose to have just to put it in some more context for you all! 

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