
By Ninecoco2005

2.4M 142K 110K

At first, pretending to be a boy was simply due to your mother. But after joining a gang, you had to do it if... More

Happy Birthday Chifuyu
Christmas Special
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Happy Birthday Reader
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Valentine's Day Special
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Study Session With Toman ft. [Name]
Happy Birthday Draken
Happy Birthday Mitsuya
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Happy Toman Day
100th Chapter Special
Happy Birthday Shinichirō
Happy Birthday Mikey
Happy Birthday Izana
Happy Birthday Hakkai

Happy Birthday Sanzu

6.7K 378 307
By Ninecoco2005

Would you look at that!! It's our beloved druggie's birthday!! He needs some love even if he did an atrocious act that I will never forgive him for *cough* Kaku mah bby *cough*... Btw, this chapter IS CANON TO THIS STORY! Anyways!! HBD pash pash boi <33



Haruchiyō had a dislike for a lot of things.

Sweating or smothering people, spicy food, bad hair... But above all, he disliked the Coordinate of the gang he was a part of; [Last Name][Male Name].

You were everything he despised. You were kind, you were gentle, you were better than him. But more than anything, you had all of Mikey's attention.

The King's attention.

Sanzu never understand what it was that made people so smitten with you. You were just a normal person. Sure, your looks were above average, and your fighting skills were on par with Mikey himself, but he still found it hard to understand the subject of everyone's adoration for you.

But Sanzu Haruchiyō was no idiot.

He knew damn well that projecting his hatred publicly would get him killed by the hands of not just Mikey, but perhaps the entire gang. So he'd keep quiet and silently curse you in his heart.

Despite his hatred for people in general, he liked pretty places. Often times, the young man would have the sudden urge to visit the beach, late at night. It was soothing to his ears as he listened to the waved crashing and cooling to feel the sea breeze.

On one of the occasions when he stood alone at the beach, he heard the sound of sand being crunched under boots. Turning his head, his eyes widened as he caught sight of you, standing near him while gazing into the ocean.

"The sea breeze feels nice, doesn't it?" You started and he kept on staring at you. Hearing no response, you turned your head to him and smiled, "Hehe, sorry for interrupting your peaceful time..."

Haruchiyō kept his eyes trained on you. He didn't like you one bit but there was no way he'd show his hatred.

You sat down on the sand, letting the wind tousle with your hair as you took a deep breath, "Sanzu-san... You dislike me, don't you?" His breathing hitched. He knew you were sharp, but to think you were this perceptive was a surprise for him.

But putting that aside, he tried to play it cool, "Huh? No, I don't," he kept his voice low. "That would be treasonous of me... I may be a lot of things, but a traitor, I am not."

You smiled softly at his words. "Ah, I figured as much... But right now, you're not Sanzu Haruchiyō, the member of the First Division. Right now, I'm addressing Sanzu Haruchiyō, the boy who challenges an entire gang just cause they bad-mouthed his favourite person..."

Clenching his fists, even Haruchiyō did not know how to answer you. So you decided to cut him some slack and moved on, "Do you like the ocean, Sanzu-san?" He took a seat beside you, realising that you weren't going to leave him alone tonight.

"I guess..." You pulled your knees to your chest and hugged them with a smile decorating your lips, "I see... Well... what is it about the ocean that you like?" His eyebrows furrowed at your further interrogation.

Just where were you trying to lead this conversation?

"It's quiet, but not silent... Kind of comforting, I guess..." He admitted, looking over to you, and wanting to turn the question over to you, "What about you, [Last Name]-san?"

You smiled with closed eyes as your face was turned forward, not looking at the boy beside you, "Me? Well, I like how big and pretty it is... It just looks like it goes on for ever and ever..." Opening your eyes, you turned at him and he opted to look away from your scrutinizing gaze.

"Say, Sanzu-san... Why do you hate me?" You asked again, and he shot you a discreet glare. But before he could look away, you caught his glare and smiled, "Don't worry. Every word you utter tonight will go with me to my grave. Manjirō won't know.."

Haruchiyō didn't know why he trusted you that day. He just did.

"I don't like... how Mikey treats you like a God... He is the King, he shouldn't bow to anyone... yet here you are, making him bend at your will..." He spat out, anger laced in his words but you paid it no mind.

Even now, Haruchiyō could remember the searing pain of the scars that remained on his lips. They were a constant reminder of the fact that he was not allowed to be near you​. That day, Mikey scarred him because the plane given to him by you, had broken. It wasn't even his fault. But the one thing he learned from that incident, was that you were special to Mikey.

Something akin to a saviour, who offered Sano Manjirō a salvation.

"Ah... Well, I don't think Manjirō sees me as a God... No, it's far from that. Manjirō sees his brother, Shinichirō-san in me. Manjirō sees his parents, Manjirō sees a friend," you stopped for a minute before fixing your grip on your knees, "-and above all, Manjirō sees himself in me...."

You really did talk like an 18th Century scholar and it pissed Sanzu off cause he couldn't understand jackshit of what you meant.

"When Manjirō does something wrong, and I scold him... He sees Shinichirō-san. When he gets hurt, or is in despair, and I help him, he sees his parents. When he needs someone to lean on, or someone to walk beside him, he sees a friend..."

"And when Manjirō wants nothing more to turn me into ashes and cinder... He sees himself in me..." You finished yet all Sanzu could understand from you was that Mikey looked like a lunatic to you, "What do you mean?"

You smiled at his words, "I mean that... Manjirō is a child. He may be strong and fearless, but he is a child. Please don't treat him like a King and please don't think that I am a God... I am nothing but what people want me to be..."

At that moment, Sanzu couldn't understand anything.

"I can be a brother, a parent, a friend and even the person themselves... But I can never be a God. Because God can give you salvation, yet all I can do is help you pull through... Perhaps that answers your question as to why Manjirō 'likes' me... It's because he sees everything he ever wants to see, in me... Because that is my job, as the Coordinate."

"Sanzu-san... Mikey doesn't treat you like me, because he sees you as a person, as Sanzu Haruchiyō himself... And I think that itself is a blessing..." You finished with a smile, a smile that Haruchiyō could only wish to recreate.

That day... Sanzu Haruchiyō came to love himself a little more... Because Mikey didn't see him as something or someone else. He saw him as Sanzu Haruchiyō, the boy who would take a bullet for him.

But one thing that he realised that day as well, is that before anyone else. You were the one who saw him as himself.

And he couldn't be happier to finally be acknowledged as a person. Not as Senju's older brother. Or Takeomi's little brother. Or even the outcast of the Akashi household. He was Sanzu Haruchiyō, and he was proud of it. All thanks to you.

Yet when he thought about your words. They didn't make sense to him. You were not what anyone wanted to see you as. You were [Last Name][Male Name]; the one who can bring even the king to his knees. The one who controls everyone.

The Coordinate.




Almost in an instant, Sanzu snapped his neck in the direction of the voice. He was sitting on a bench in an abandoned park, when you called out to him.

"[Male Name]-san?" He called back and you walked over to him, "What on earth are you doing here alone?" You questioned, a frown evident on your lips.

He gave you a sheepishly smile, something not visible from under his mask but the crinkle of his eyes gave it away, "Well, Mutou-san had some work to do, so I decided to just take a stroll..."

Your frown deepened, "Haru... Did you forget? It's your birthday!" You stated and he stared at you for a good minute before pulling out his phone and checking the date, eyes widening when he realised that it really was, his birthday.

"Oh..." He started, shoving the phone back and blinking owlishly. "I guess I forgot..." He really didn't care. One more year gone from his life, what's so exciting about that?

But from the frown evident on your lips, he felt as if he had committed a grave sin.

"You know what, Haru? You're an idiot. Did you really not tell anyone? Not even Mutou-san?" He shook his head at your words, pretty white hair flowing with his movement.

"Not really... I mean, he never asked so it's not like it's a big deal or anything..." You huffed and tugged at his wrist. At the sudden force, the poor boy almost stumbled but manage to stabilize himself. You ended up dragging him somewhere he didn't know where it was.

While you were dragging him, he kept his eyes fixed on your hand holding onto his wrist.

'​​​​​How warm...' Haru noted, realising that Takeomi never even held his hand. You took more care of him than his own older brother, his own flesh.

You didn't tell him where you guys were going, but continued to drag him. But now that he thought about it, the area looked kind of familiar. It was then that he realised that it was the area around a small park that he often frequented. It was really hidden away and almost abandoned, so not many people came there.

When you guys got closer, he caught sight of a small table placed under the shade of a tree, a long, stick-like object leaned against the tree, wrapped up in soft pink gift paper.

On the table rested two plates with cheesecake and it was just low enough so that you could sit on the grass and eat on the table. Kind of like a chabudai.

You both walked over and you gestured Sanzu to sit down. He couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at your actions, "[Male Name]-san? What's all this?" You smiled brightly at him, "Well, you told me once that you don't like too much attention... So, I figured a birthday party would be too much... A little celebration between us two wouldn't hurt, though!!"

A smile made way to his lips. Yeah, you really did care too much for your own good.

"I told you, it's fine. I don't celebrate my birthday anyways..." But you shook your head, "That's fine if you don't! But a little sweet treat never killed anyone!" He could only smile at your kindness.

You both took your seats and he looked at the cheesecake before smiling softly, "You even got cheesecake from that bakery, huh?" A fervent nod was your reply as you quickly pulled out a small ice box where you had kept the sealed cups of chocolate milkshake for Haruchiyō and [Favorite Flavor] milkshake for you.

Yeah, two slices of cheesecake and two cups of milkshake weren't the best but after buying his gift, this was all you could afford.

"Sorry, it's not the best... I'm kinda broke now..." You didn't dare mention how much his gift cost cause you were sure he'd flip out.

It literally cost you almost half the money you got from working at Shinichirō's bike shop, for 6-7 years!

"It's perfect! I don't like too much stuff, makes my head hurt from all that bright stuff and sparkling streamers..." Sanzu muttered, eyeing his cake and you took this as the initiative to start digging in.

Lowering his mask, he didn't feel anything weird about showing his scars because you had already seen them and didn't treat him any different.

He adored the cheesecake, and seeing how much he liked it, you considered it a crime to not offer him your own. He was hesitant to accept it, but his growing temptation and hunger made him accept him anyways. He did apologize though, but you laughed and patted his head to tell him to eat it anyways.

You both were sipping on your drinks when he finally turned to the tree, "What's that?" A grin made way to your lips at his question, "That, my dear friend, is your gift! I hope you like it!!"

Without his mask, you could see the frown on his lips, "You didn't need to get me a gift... It really is making me feel bad..." He admitted but a sly smirk played on your lips.

"Well, you won't be feeling bad after seeing the gift~" He tilted his head in confusion, and you took this as an opportunity to pass it to him.

Gingerly, he held onto it, feeling it's weight. Then, he gently tugged at the white lace and watched it unravel. With a single tug, the tape sealing the object with gift paper opened and Sanzu got a closer look at what you had gotten him.

His breathing hitched.

"I-Is this-" He didn't even finish his sentence as he gawked at it. You could only grin happily at his reaction, "Heh! Yup, I've seen you practice with your bokēn... Seems appropriate for you to own your own katana!!" His hands shook as he gazed upon just the sheath itself. It was simple, yet so elegant.

But best of all, it was a gift from you. A gift that he never even got from his family, his own blood.

Unsheathing it, revealed a beautifully bright silver blade, shining brightly as light reflected from it. He almost cried in happiness.

"You like it?" He snapped his head over to you and nodded fervently with a very serious expression, "Yes! Very much!! Thank you!!" He could barely contain his excitement. For a minute, he felt as if he was back again as a child, the excitement spilling out of him.

"Well, I'm glad!" You started, giving him a close eyed smile and placing your chin in your palm, "-but... Haruchiyō." You called out and he immediately stopped inspecting the sword.

"Now that the sword is with you, don't you go around fighting anyone with it. It's very sharp, and can stab, or hurt anyone!" You advised with a serious expression and he nodded like a little puppy, "Don't worry! I won't!"

You calmed down after his affirmation, but then Haru started, "But... this must have cost you a fortune, right?" Waving a hand to dispel his worries, you began, "Ah, no! I had a friend who works with weapons so he gave me a huge discount!"

'​​​​​​Even with that discount, this sword cost about as much as my whole bike...' You thought to yourself but didn't utter a word as Sanzu happily gazed at his new sword.

"Just promise me that you won't stab anyone, okay?"

"Of course! You can count on me!!"

Haruchiyō ended up stabbing someone the very next week...


Soft Haru is best Haru. I just wanna read about soft Haru, why does everyone write about his Bonten phase?! Also, idk if he's OOC, bet you guys didn't expect Sanzu to go from a quiet child to a crack head, must have real OOC then, huh?

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