all the little things

By dodiepie

305K 11.9K 2.9K

An outcast girl meets a popular girl. More



13.5K 537 238
By dodiepie

Jennie arrived home late, by the time she remove her shoes, she saw Lisa in the living room with Ella. The two of them became immediately fast friends which warms Jennie to see Ella happy, Her little sister always have a beef with her classmates in her school. Seeing Ella happy made the brunette feel a bit relief. "You're back." Lisa greeted, waving her hand, she's still wearing her school uniform, though she already remove a few layers, with her suit tied around her waist, her blouse unbuttoned and loose, showing a bit of her tattoo from her collar and her hair is tied up.

Lisa's also not wearing her glasses and she even have her bangs pushed to the side. "I seem to have missed a lot of fun." Jennie smiled, watching Ella laugh on the new comic book that Lisa bought her. "You did," Lisa laughed nervously, still surprised that Jennie trusted her to look after Ella.

"Unnie, I'm hungry!" Ella cried out, "Aish, wait you little gremlin!" Jennie glared, she was just having a good time staring at Lisa's face, "How cute." Lisa said, watching the two bicker, "Anyway, this is really nice. Now that you're here... Is it okay for me to go?" Lisa asked, still not used to this.

"No, stay!" Ella hugged Lisa's leg, stopping her from her tracks. "How about you stay for dinner?" Jennie offered, the latter is madly blushing.

"How about you stay forever!" Ella chimed in, making Jennie pinch her ear, "If you don't shut up-"

"Sure." Lisa let out a smile.

"You mean you'll stay forever?" Ella asked and Jennie immediately covered her mouth out of sheer embarrassment. Lisa can only laugh to this, even though they only met yesterday, Ella's already comfortable with her. "So dinner?" Jennie asked shyly, red as a tomato.

"Of course."

"So... Manoban, your tattoos." Jennie asked as she rinsed off the plates, curious about the flowers inked on Lisa's right collar, "Oh, this?" The thai even unbuttoned her blouse even more to show her tattoos, "For free?" Jennie asked, "What?"

"N-nothing... do they even have meanings behind it?" Jennie asked, she's covered her mouth to cover her smile, she can't help but stare at Lisa's dark bra, and her abs... oh God, her abs. "Not really, I just love Lillies, and Daisies." Lisa replied, showing it off. "What about your Saturn tattoo?" Jennie pointed out, the latter stared at the right side of Lisa's stomach it looked excluded from her flower tattoos, "Ah, this."

"Saturn's one of the slowest to revolve around the sun, meaning patience... it take years to revolve but, it'll get there eventually."

"Not Neptune?"

"One of the slowest." Lisa repeated, "And it's also my favorite planet." She added, "I see... it's deep, I love it." Jennie beamed, "Diana said the same thing." Lisa said as she helps Jennie place the plates back to the rack. "Diana? who is she?" Jennie asked.

"She's my best friend, she died a few months ago." Lisa pursed her lips leaning back against the kitchen counter, "I'm sorry to hear that." Jennie said, "It's okay." Lisa replied, she's buttoning her blouse again. Jennie wanted to give Lisa a hug, but the awkward silence made it difficult for her to even do such a thing.

"Unnie! Look at this!" Ella showed up, and she immediately pull Lisa out of the kitchen to show her, her drawing that she copied from the comic. "Wow! That's impressive!" Lisa let out a huge smile. "Can you draw me?" Lisa asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'll try."


Jennie learned couple of things about Lisa that night. She's not a total loser, she's not a nerd that her classmates assume her to be, and she's not creepy, Lisa's gentle, warm, she's a representation of a gentle monster from cartoons as to what Ella describe her despite her physical appearance, looking like a total punk rocker. Lisa's playful, funny, she make meme faces to make Ella laugh, she's a different person from school. Jennie even checked Lisa's tests scores, and her quiz papers and she noticed that her solutions are correct, but her answers are wrong, making it seem that Lisa's purposely failing her tests. Lisa even have long eyelashes, and she's really pretty up close.

She has a bright perfect teeth, Dolly doe eyes, and her lips are plump. Clear skin, and her cheeks often turn light pink whenever she's embarrassed. Jennie couldn't help herself, she stare at Lisa's face just as she walks her to the bus stop after dinner.

"Manoban?" Jennie broke her silence for awhile, "Yes?" the tall girl raised an eyebrow, "How about you visit my house starting now— I mean it's Ella... she said she wants to play with you." Jennie uttered, "Yeah sure, I'm not that busy." Lisa smiled, she's smiling a lot ever since Jennie told her to.

"Honestly, you look really pretty and I just want to gatekeep this version of you from everyone else, if that's even okay." Jennie blushed, saying all of that in an odd tone to reduce the awkwardness between them, Lisa just chuckled lightly, she pushed her hair back by raking her fingers on her bangs. She's actually surprised to hear this from Jennie, a gorgeous looking student, a popular girl in school, student council president, several boys and girls are even in love with her.

"Me too." She said, "What?" Jennie snorted, "I mean! Y-you too—You look very pretty!" Lisa face palmed, her cheeks are turning red again.

"E-especially without makeup." Lisa added, her ear is red. "Really?" Jennie wanted to clarify, "Yeah." Lisa answered.

"I can't believe she's talking to me." Lisa thought.

"Thank you."

"W-welcome! I guess we're here." Lisa couldn't stop stuttering, "Yeah, we're here." Jennie said, and the bus finally stop in front of them.

"I'll see you, tomorrow?" Lisa said in a tone of a question.



"Jennie and I won't be able to attend class that much this week, we have to prepare for the upcoming College Fair." Chaeng sighed, "Sorry buddy, looks like you can't have Jennie." Jisoo said, crossing her arms as she leaned on Roseanne.

"Oh fuck it, maybe the universe hates me." Kai knelt down on the floor, being dramatic as always. "Or... the universe doesn't ship the two of you." Taehyung teased, making Kai slap his ass just when he pass through. "Where's Jennie anyway?" Jisoo asked, searching that small brunette around the room.

"Maybe she's with that Manoban girl?" Chaeng said, "Manoban? Since when are they close?" Kai asked, "I don't know, but I noticed Jennie's been talking to her outside during homeroom." The blonde Aussie answered and the squad noticed Lisa walking past them, still looking the same as always.

"Oh shoot, Jennie's already at the student council room. I guess I have to go." Chaeng said, she receive a text from Jennie,"Bye bye." Jisoo waved her hand as she watch Chaeng hurriedly take her bag and the rest of her notes from her desk. "See you later." Kai said, and off the Vice president she go.

"I heard Deb confessed to Jennie this morning." Jungkook said, he butted in the conversation between Kai and Jisoo, "Ugh! I should've made my move." Kai clenched his fist. "Jennie's really hard to get y'know. Not even the jocks can touch her." Taehyung whispered in Kai's ear, making the latter jump from his seat.

"That is why I'm going to ask her." Kai stands up, "Where are you going? Jennie's busy!" Jisoo said, but Kai can only ignore her as he strutted towards Lisa's direction. "Hey Manoban, let's talk." Kai said in an authoritative tone, Lisa didn't even flinch when she heard his voice.

"Kim Jongin, go to your seat." The professor scolded Kai. The latter realized that the class had already started and the professor is already in front.

"Yes, ma'am."


Kai wasn't able to confront Lisa about Jennie. The professor would always scold Kai every time he attempts to talk to Lisa. The latter however, is aware that Kai has a crush on Jennie. Everyone in the classroom does except Jennie, herself.

During PE, all the students proceeds to their designated locker rooms to change, the girls are laughing at Lisa for no reason, all of them have already changed to their PE attire while Lisa still wore the same school winter attire. "What?" Lisa asked herself, she checked her locker and she realized that her PE uniform is gone, as well as her white rubber shoes.

"Alright, everyone to the track field now!" Their PE teacher shouted and the girls can only follow, leaving Lisa alone in the locker room. "Wait, I left my aquaflask in the locker, you go ahead Seulgi." Jisoo told one of her classmates, she jogged back to the locker room to retrieve her water jug, and suddenly she was taken by surprise when she saw Lisa standing quietly in the locker room.

"Jesus fuck, you scared me, Manoban." Jisoo said, placing her hand on her chest. "Aren't you supposed to get dressed?" She asked, walking past Lisa to get her water jug in her locker.

Lisa didn't respond, she just stared at her empty locker, "Hello? Do you even know how to talk?" Jisoo asked again, irked that Lisa's not speaking to her.

The older girl noticed Lisa's locker, empty. "That's a bummer." Jisoo said, "Did you forget that the last period for today is PE or—"

"I know." Lisa broke her silence for the first time, "Then where the hell is your PE uniform then?" Jisoo asked, "I don't know." Lisa answered bleakly.

"Well, you can't show up in PE class wearing that. Coach Park's going to be mad when she sees you." Jisoo said, she took out a last piece of gum from her pocket, and just as she was about to throw the wrapper to the garbage bin, Jisoo saw Lisa's clothes inside together with her shoes that are stained with used napkins, and other disgusting trashes inside. "What the fuck." Jisoo gagged by the sight of it, "I found it." She said, tearing up in disgust.

Lisa can only remove the lid of the garbage bin.

"Who could've done this?" Jisoo added while Lisa quietly retrieve her clothes from the trash. "It's okay." Lisa said, she started to undress in front of Jisoo, "Manoban no—" Jisoo gasped when she saw Lisa's tattoo, her piercings, her abs, her face after she removed her glasses.

"Dude, you're actually hot!" Jisoo exclaimed, "But you really shouldn't wear that." She added as Lisa puts on her dirty bloodstained PE uniform, she even put her glasses back on and her shoes are covered in goo. "It's okay." Lisa assured, still keeping a calm demeanor but she's already on the verge to explode.

The two went out of the locker room, and just in time when they saw Jennie and Chaeng walking down the hallway, "Jisoo, Manoban?" Jennie was startled by the sight of the two, especially Lisa.

"What happened!?" Chaeng asked, looking at Lisa from head to toe. "We found Manoban's clothes in the trash..." Jisoo said, "And I know it's not a good time to say this but... Manoban's actually hot." The oldest among the four of them added.

"Jisoo." Chaeng glared. "Yep, not a good time."

Jennie disregarded Jisoo's comment, and the smell reeking off from Lisa's clothes. All she cares right now is-

"Who did this?" Jennie asked, she sound upset.

"Jennie?" Chaeng called out, noticing that Jennie's now fuming.

"It's okay, it's really not that bad—" Lisa was cut off when Jennie pulled her wrist, she's dragging her out of the hallway.

"Jennie!" Chaeng shouted, sounding worried.

"I'm going to find out who did this."

"Kim, it's okay." Lisa tried to assure the president, but Jennie angrily refused "It's NOT okay." Jennie gritted her teeth. The squad heard one of the girls laugh on the corner of the hallway, and Jennie's already familiar with that horrible laugh. "God, you're so disgusting, Shin!" One of the girls said, "I just did what I have to do." Shin said, feeling contented on what she did.

Jennie let go of Lisa's wrist as she stormed to the girls direction.

"Are you done?" Jennie asked sternly, "Oh, hey Miss Presi—" Jennie didn't give Shin the chance answer her when she pulled  her hair down, dragging her on the floor. Jisoo, Lisa, and Chaeng and the rest of the squad tried to pull the two girls away from each other.

"Let go of me!" Shin tried to push Jennie away and the latter "gladly" follow her command when she punch Shin's cheek, causing the other one to land on the floor.



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