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"Seulgi? I don't know." Irene can only heave a heavy sigh, as Kai pour a drink on her red cup, "I'm a mess. I doubt Seulgi will ever want to date me again." Irene said, finally chugging her drink down.

"Jisoo said that you're scared of commitment." Chaeng raised an eyebrow, she sat next to Irene on the couch while the rests are at the pool, partying with the host.

Taehyung's house is huge, his parents own a company and every time they go to a business trip, V would always took that opportunity to throw a party. Most of the students resorts to staying in their dorm, or in a condo since most of them live in the province, but to be lucky enough to have a mansion near the university, and having a care-free parents who spoil their child with everything? almost everyone envies the host.

"It's just... it feels like she's rushing and I was not ready for that." Irene frowned, "So you have to end it?" Chaeng asked, drinking her 2nd cup. "I guess..." Irene started to tear up.

"Someone get a tissue!" Kai called out, "How do I tell a girl I want to kiss her?" Chaeng asked, finally finishing her drink and now she's onto the third one when she stole Kai's cup.

"I don't know? Ask Jisoo I guess?" Irene chugged another cup of alcohol down to her system.

"But it's so hard!" Roseanne cried out.

"Is this a competition?" Sehun asked, watching the two girls drink as many as they could while they rant about their struggling love life.

"And I won't let them win!" Kai joined the two girls, now drinking as well.

Jisoo and Lisa managed to arrive there, they can clearly hear the people chattering, and singing from the backyard. "That's a big house." Lisa said in awe, it's also her first time to get invited to a party, the house has two floors, it used to be so spacious but the crowd is blocking every way. "How the hell are we going to find Chaeng here?" Jisoo asked, she held Lisa's hand as they squeeze through the huge number of crowd. Jisoo tried to call Roseanne earlier, but the latter is not answering it.

Jisoo realize that Taehyung didn't just invite their blockmates, but the whole students in their university as well. "Chaeng! Chaeng, where are you!?" Jisoo shouted, but no one can hear her, the older one realized that Lisa's already gone, her hand slipped, she lost her in the crowd.

"Manoban! Fuck! Move out of the way-"


Jisoo was getting mobbed by the crowd from jumping with the dj, she was about to get suffocated until someone pull her out, she suddenly saw her ex boyfriend, Haein and he's wearing a black t-shirt and a fitted pants, his hair is even longer than the last time. "Haein!?" Jisoo gasped, she covered her mouth, "What are you doing here!?" He asked almost shouting, he's looking extra muscular than the last time Jisoo saw him. "I'm looking for my friends!" Jisoo shouted, covering her ears, irked by the loud sound system that Taehyung's parents installed.

"Jisoo?" Lisa tried to squeeze herself through the crowd until she find herself in an almost empty hallway of the house, the thai fixed herself, straightening her windbreaker jacket. "First time and I already hate parties." Lisa bit her lip out of frustration and she saw a few familiar faces who are making out in the hallway of the house.

" Lisa bit her lip out of frustration and she saw a few familiar faces who are making out in the hallway of the house

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