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With her girlfriend gone, Jennie and her family have to get used to it for the next few days. Jennie even bought a yoghurt for two at the campus canteen earlier out of habit since she and Lisa always eat it together. Of course, Jisoo took the other one from Jennie and she decided to share it with Roseanne.

Jennie would also check her phone in every chance she gets, Lisa rarely replies back, and the brunette can only assume that she's busy with her family bonding somewhere.

"CPA boards is just around the corner," As their professor went on, Jennie can only heave a sigh as she diverted her attention to her friends who are listening and then there's Kai, frowning. Jennie noticed that she and Kai aren't talking like the way they used to. They've been so distance these days.

Though he and Lisa would often talk when they can, but between Jennie and him, it seem as though they just coexist.

"Looks like I'll discuss the rest for tomorrow, you can proceed to your last subject." The class can only follow as Jisoo and her friends walk outside the classroom ahead, while Jennie carefully went beside Jongin who is walking alone.

"Missed you, dumbass." Jennie greeted, giving her old friend a nudge on the shoulder, "Ah, hey." Kai forced out a smile, "You're not hanging around with us, you got a beef with Irene again or something?" Jennie asked, looking quite concerned.

"No, not really..." Kai can only sigh, "I noticed that something's really bothering you, you can tell me." Jennie pressed on, placing her hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Okay, fine..." Jongin stared at her hand for a second.

"Alright, spill—" Jennie was suddenly interrupted from her sentence when Jongin drag the brunette straight to the empty music room, "What the hell, Kai!?" Jennie said as Jongin shuts the door behind him. "You have to keep this a secret." Kai said.

"A secret? This ain't high school?" Jennie snorted and Kai can only pull her in for a hug, he suddenly started to cry.


"I'm so confused." He sobbed, "Why? What's going on?" Jennie can only pat Kai's back, "So... there's this guy in our class..."

"Kyungsoo?" It's obvious, even Jennie noticed that Kai and Kyungsoo are close these days.

"Yeah, and we sort of... started kissing one time and I pushed him away, a-and... I don't know if it's the right thing to do!" Kai can only breakdown while Jennie's now in an utter shock. "I'm not even sure if I am or not..." He said, "But I think he's mad at me." Kai added.

"I see." Jennie can only give Kai a big embrace, comforting him, "If you're not ready, it's fine. I'm sure he'll understand." The brunette said, comforting her friend.



"H-how did you find out that you're... gay?" Kai asked making Jennie chuckle by this question. "I don't know... I just find out that I like girls like it came to me... naturally, and spiritually." She laughed.

"I see..."

"It's okay, I'm sure your friends won't mind. You're still our Kai whoever and whatever you are." Jennie assured, and suddenly the two of them heard an instrument falling from it's place in the corner and they suddenly saw Irene and Seulgi almost naked at the back of the grand piano when they heard a single note.

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