Fairytail: The Legend Of The...

By MKS2810

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"๐™ต๐šŠ๐š’๐š›๐šข๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š•: ๐šƒ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š•๐šŽ๐š๐šŽ๐š—๐š๐šœ ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šœ๐š™๐š’๐š›๐š’๐š๐šœ. ๐™ฐ ๐š๐šŠ๐š•๐šŽ ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š‹๐šŽ๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š–๐šŽ ๐šŠ ๏ฟฝ... More

A Day In Hargeon
Lucy Heartfilia
The Beast
Beginning Of The End
The Luckiest Day
Natsu Dragneel
From 12 Years Ago In Past
Escaping The Past
Across The Ocean!
The Mission In Galuna
Unexpected Encounter
Curses of Tartaros
The Betrayal
Dusk Of Arrival
The Tale of the Tragedy-I
The Tale of the Tragedy-II
Fire & Ice
All For One
The Plan For Survival
Clash Of Ideals
Distrust And Suspicion
Rush Hours
Disbanded or Dark?
Gildarts Of The West
'Their' Freedom
Master And Disciple
Team 1
Crime Sorciรจre
The Surprise
The Late Night Visitor
The Start Of New Chaos
Grand Entrance
The Conclusion
Strange Passerby
The Flower Blooming Capital
Twin Dragons Of Sabertooth
The Heavy Blunder
The Boy From That Day
Raid On Crocus
"Kill Himari"
Fumes of Darkness
Dark Age
Two Friends
Teaming Up
Heavy Hitters
Ezel and Draken
Vessel Of Absorption
Start of Plan 0
His Defeat

Revanche and Redemption

27 3 0
By MKS2810

Royal House

.•.°Revanche and Redemption•°.•.


Note: Fuk I got stuck at a place without internet for 3 days💀 Got a little cocky about punctuality, and had no idea the place in would end up at will have no internet signal. Really sorry for the wait, uploading this just as I got out of that place.

Also, 'revanche' is just a fancy synonym of revenge.


Erupted from the ground was a volcano. Volcano of water mixed with earth and some people.

"WHAT THE-" Lucy, Aquarius and Karen yell as they finally get out of the earthen tunnel, and are thrown high in the sky.

But just as suddenly as they levitated out of the tunnel, they found themselves falling towards the ground. Luckily, their velocity decreases just before reaching the ground. This allowed them to have a safe landing.

What followed was a light shower of rain.


Someone says. All three of them jerk their heads towards that person, almost in annoyance.

But their anger dies as they see the apologist bow from a girl. She rubs her hand on her head and says with an awkward smile. "It might be a little complicated to understand... but I am here to help. I am Yukino from Sabertooth, nice to meet you!"

"Yukino... oh you are that mage-" Karen says and then looks beside Yukino. There was another lady, dressed in clothes which were aligned towards Arabian tradition. "Then that means that women is-"

"My Zodiac celestial spirit. Libra." Yukino says showing the key of Libra to Karen.

"YOU ARE A CELESTIAL WIZARD?!" Lucy says in disbelief.

"Y-yes." Yukino says hesitantly. "And you must be Lucy-Sama..." She pauses and says hesitantly, "but these injuries... they are so gruesome. You should get them seen. But before that... I am sorry for imposing it suddenly, but I have been looking for you."

"Y-" Lucy was just replying, but unfortunately not everyone shared the same curiosity. Aquarius flies over to Yukino and smacks her head with rage. "THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, BRAT?!"

"Huh-?" Yukino says keeping her hands on her head, confused by that sudden smack.

Aquarius jerks her head towards Libra with the same rage. Libra gets chills and shook her head violently. "It was to save you-"

"HA?" Aquarius yells raising her urn. "COME AGAIN? SAVING WHOM?!"

"W-Who's she... Libra?" Yukino whispers while leaning towards Libra.

"Gate of Water Bearer, Aquarius..." Libra says suppressing her tone. "Don't EVER get on her nerves..."

"She is a celeistal spirit... I never knew Karen you had the key of-" Yukino was just beginning to say, but stops as Karen gestures at Lucy.

"It's hers, not mine." Karen says.

"Aquarius, let's not fight with someone who saved us~" Lucy says stepping forward, but a switft glare of Aquarius makes her back down.

"You... are a celestial wizard too?!" Yukino says walking towards Lucy with curiousity and admiration. "Amazing... How many keys do you have?"

"Haha... My keys?" Lucy says nervously, keeping her hand on her key holder. But then suddenly, she gets reminded of the events that took underground. "Wait..."

Lucy quickly checks her key holder, searching for the key of Gemini or Taurus. Yukino's eyes widen as she gets a peek of 7 zodiac keys in Lucy's arsenal. Karen simply shrugs at her reaction.

"Oh... that was a bit surprising."
A voice says from behind Yukino. She turns around quickly and asks with rage, "Are you the one who did this to Lucy-Sama?!"

But then, her anger dies as her eyes fall on that person.

This person was probably the last one Yukino could shout at.

Jiemma Orland. Guild master of Sabertooth.

"That's a celestial spirit capable of using gravity?" Jiemma says shrugging off the wet soil from his arm.

"Master?" Yukino asks with hesitation. "No... it can't be-"

"Who are you?" Jiemma cuts out.

This made Yukino stop. Her breaths started to get faster. She could feel her heart pounding rapidly. Gulping down her throat, she said, "What happened to you, master?"

"Master? You are from Sabertooth?" Jiemma says with disgust.

"Yes..." Yukino replies.

With a frown, Jiemma growls, "My ignorance... to think I had a weakling like you in my guild."

"It's not your guild anymore." Karen says pointing her revolver at Jiemma. "An official guild having a demon as master... pretty bizzare, isn't it?"

And with that, she shoots again. Jiemma, unable to react tanked that shot once again. It hit his chest straight on. But the modifications in his body helped him to resist the damage, and prevent the bullet from penetrating his skin.

But despite it, the pain was still there.

"Another one." Karen says, closing one of her eye to get a better aim. And this time, her target was his head.

But before she could shoot, a sudden explosion in between her palm of the hand with which she was holding the gun happens.

"GAHHH-" Karen yells out of pain, dropping the gun on the ground. Lucy takes a big step towards her almost instinctively, but a magic circle appears below her feet. This magic circle was illuminating beams of light.

Lucy's eyes widen as a spark appears on that magic circle.

Unusually enough, when Karen saw this, an emotion flushed into her head. Something she never thought would appear, not for Lucy. The immense pain of the burn on her hand vanishes for a moment as she yells out of concern, "DODGE, LUCY!"

"No-" Lucy whispers with despair. Unable to even walk properly, she wasn't able to do any swift movement after all.

But luckily, it wasn't the same as earlier. This time, she was with her.

The magic circle suddenly gets overwhelmed by a larger, blue magic circle. It erupts into a pillar of water, encasing Lucy within it.

"Geez, get it together." Aquarius says with a sigh. Then while silently glaring at Jiemma, she says, "That's a gift from my side, since I doubt you can use it yourself right now with that less of magic power.

The water pillar vanishes, revealing Lucy. She was perfectly fine.

Karen takes a sigh out of relief and then asks, "What's up with that outfit?"

The outfit Lucy had right now was a bikini with a miniskirt and sandals. She had a zodiac sign on her collarbone, the sign of Aquarius.

"This is..." Lucy whispers, partially surprised at her own appearance. Then with a smile, she says, "Stardress: Aquarius form... thanks."

"Tsk." Aquarius curses looking away. "I won't be there to look after you always."

"Right." Lucy says cheerfully. Her pain had almost toned down for the time being... is it Aquarius' powers too? Though, the burns were physically still there on her arms, legs and feet.

"To think that you can negate curse with mere magic." Jiemma says walking towards this group. "Maybe I should get a little serious about this."

With that, magic another circle forms on the ground. But this time, it was... too big.

It covered a vast area, including the remains of houses and apartments too. This is bad.

"Di-" Jiemma was just beginning to say, but an overwhelming force slams him into the ground.

The magic circle disappears too.

With relief, the group looks at the person responsible for doing this to Jiemma.

Libra. A gravity so intense that even Jiemma wasn't able to hold on.

She lowers both her hands slowly, casting off the spell.

"Master... M'lady's suspicions was right. To think you joined Tartaros is still unbelievable for me... but-" Yukino says taking out another key from her arsenal. It wasn't golden or sliver... it was black. "I will stop you."

"No... we will stop you." Lucy says stepping beside Yukino. With a smile, Aquarius and Karen followed her.

"My curse..." Jiemma says stepping up. "Each vessel of the demon gates has the same curse as his master. My master is unfortunately a retarded demon, with an exceptionally powerful power. Bomb curse."

"What do you want to say?!" Karen asks, annoyed by such words. The pain in her hand was soothing down slowly.

Jiemma sighs and looks at the sky. It was snowing lightly. "Usually, every vessel's former magic gets erased once they embrace the power of curse. But I am different. I didn't just inherit his curse... I combined my magic with it. And now, I have something that will-"

Suddenly, he raises his hand, and points it at Yukino. With that, a magic circle appears on the stomach of Yukino. Yukino wasn't able to react it.

And so, there was another blast, throwing her off her feet. Her top got ripped from that. The black key gets blasted away from this impact. This left the others stunned on their place, too frozen to move.

"Something that will make skies roar, something that will make earth boil-" Jiemma says pointing his hand towards Aquarius, "and something that will silent the seas. Sounds familiar?"

Lucy yells out of concern as a magic circle explodes on the shoulder of Aquarius.

Aquarius flinches but then curses loudly. "DIE IN HELL, BASTARD!"

"She is made of steel..." Karen whispers with awe.

"Master's magic is much like M'lady's." Yukino huffs standing on her feet. "But with that curse... it is on whole another level now. That means... we are always in the range of his attack... with almost 100% accuracy."

"That's too ridiculous..." Karen says taking out Aries's key. "I don't really have many options left. Think we can win this?"

"I will be blunt..." Yukino says raising her black key with trembling hands. "We can only buy time till Sting-Sama and others arri-"

"No." Lucy cuts out. "I have a plan."


Battles were raging everywhere. Each wizard was fighting to live, to win. The long drawn battle against Stella was interfered by Tartaros.

But there was a team which had no time to fiddle with Tartaros or even Stella... at least until now.

This team was crawling out of the underground, a place famous for being inescapable, with coordination of their friends. Out of them, some were hostile.

Luckily, everything was in control right now.

The team being guided by Juvia and Panther lily, climbing up the steps leading towards a exit at the backside of the palace, towards the light of the sun.

Unfortunately for them, the light was dim, being blocked by the dark clouds.

Team Erza.

The team that got into conflict with the dynamic duo of Kagura and Milliana.

The fight lasted for long, despite the duo being heavily outnumbered.

But, it inevitably came to an end with the defeat of Kagura and Milliana.

What followed was the narration of truth in the voice of Erza herself. A remorseful and guilty voice, resenting it's own weakness.

"Jellal was being controlled by... Ultear. He had no conscious of his own... he can't be blamed to be the one who killed Simon."
"They both are on their way to resent for their crimes."
"No one is to blame here... Ultear too was tainted with evil back then. Hades mamipulated her.."
"No... Simon died because I was weak..."
"I am sorry... I was able to save you when you were a child... but I couldn't save your brother."

Walking up the stairs, finally leaving the Abyss Palace they have been imprisoned for so long. There was no happiness, just gloominess.

Juvia and Lily were taking the lead, who were followed by Kagura, Erza and Mirajane walking side by side. Behind them were Carla, Laki, and Vijeeter. On the back of Vijeeter was Milliana. She wasn't able to stand after this meaningless battle... actually she wasn't alone.

There was no one out of those 9 who was still unscratched. Their magic was heavily extinguished too.

Juvia glances back at Kagura for a moment, while continuing to climb the stairs leading to the ground floor. The condition of Kagura was... saddening.

She was barely walking in her own, using her sword as a support to take a step up.

Hesitantly, she turns around with an intention of help. But was late.

Erza asks her first, stretching out her hand towards her, "Kagura... give me your hand."

"For what?" Kagura asks, without looking at her. "I am fine by myself."

"..." Erza hesitantly pull her hand back and sighs. "You cannot even stand properly."

"I can." Kagura replies, continuing to walk with the help of her sword. "This is nothing-"

Suddenly, Kagura feels herself being lifted from underneath her legs. This, naturally, startled her. But she calmed down as she realized that the one who did this was Erza.

So, now, Kagura was sitting on the shoulders of Erza, while Erza walked maintaining her unstable balance.

To prevent her from shaking a lot, Mirajane and Laki support Erza from her side and back.

Kagura sighs. "You are injured too, aren't you?"

"Nothing compared to yours." Erza replies.

Kagura waits for a moment of silence. Once everyone was walking again normally, she whispers, "My heart... I feel so empty right now."

"...I can understand." Erza whispers back.

Kagura's grip around Erza tightens as she says, "The rage that kept me going... It is no more. Not against Jellal or you... I don't know what to do anymore."

"Live." Erza replies.

"I wish I could..." Kagura whispers back, placing her chin on the head of Erza. "I... just... can't care about anything anymore."

"If you don't care for life, that's fine." Erza says.

This was something that Kagura never expected Erza to say.

Erza smiled as she noticed some sudden movements of confusion in Kagura. She then continued, "That being said... your life is not insignificant. You walked on the path of vengeance and hatred. But you found someone dear to you despite it, didn't you?"

Kagura's sleepy eyes open slowly as she glances back, back towards Vijeeter and Milliana.

On Vijeeter's back was she, sleeping so peacefully. Her expression was completely carefree, simply relaxing her body after this.

(Vijeeter was blushing madly. Kagura averted her eyes with a sigh as she saw it.)

"Yes... Mermaid Heel, and Milliana..." Kagura whispers. "And now that I know that you were the one who saved me when I was young... you too, Erza."

"You made such beautiful bonds along your way..." Erza says slowly, "A life so good cannot be meaningless, can it? If you don't want to live for yourself... live for them. I am sure you will find that something which keeps you going."

"...maybe you are right..." Kagura says. The glum was still in her voice. "But still... I don't know if I will get over it... my brother was murdered... but it wasn't anyone's fault..."

"Parting with loved ones always brings pain. But your friends will soothe it." Mirajana says in between. "Isn't that true, Erza?"

"Yea..." Erza replies and then glances at Mirajane. "You are the biggest example of it."

"...Did something happen to Mi-" Kagura was just about to ask, when suddenly Juvia and Lily stopped.

They were almost on the end of the stairs. Light was pouring in through the small rectangular exit. But... there was someone standing there..

A silhouette. A silhouette of a women.

"Found you, Erza." The woman says slowly.

"Do you know her, Erza?" Laki whispers. "She has a strange appearance."

And, Laki wasn't exaggerating. This woman was wearing a kimono in winters with snow pouring outside. She had a weird symbol on her forehead... and some... horns? Rounded horns on her head.

"No... I don't." Erza replies back and then says aloud, "Are you a friend or foe?"

"I am... your end." The woman replies.

And with that, every of those 9 wizards fall unconscious, tumbling down a free stairs.

Just like that, these great mages were defeated in a blink of eye.

This woman... she was actually one of the demon gates of Tartaros.

Seilah, Goddess of the Chill Moon.

"Now then...you will pay for Kyôka-Sama's death, Erza." Seilah whispers walking down the stairs.

"Death is too easy for what you did. I have waited for this day for a long time now..."

She didn't care to step on the unconscious bodies of Juvia and Lily. Once she reached a stair just above the body of Erza, she completed, "I didn't make anyone my vessel despite being ordered by underworld king himself. Just so... I can save that spot for you. From now on... you will be my vessel, Erza. I will make you live in hell each day... and won't let you die unti-"

Suddenly, Seilah stops as she feels a grip on her ankle.

Jerking her leg out almost instantly, she looks below while jumping up the stairs. "Impossible... my curse is absolute."

"Maybe not..." The one who gripped her says, rising up with a smirk on her face.

It was Mirajane.

"See, I am alright." Mirajane says, dusting herself up. "So... What is vessel? Who are you? Kyôka... I have heard this name somewhere."

Seilah grits her teeth and says in an intimidating voice, "Kyôka-Sama was someone close to me... I was here to have the revenge for her... but seeing someone immune to my curse, Marco is making me want to..."

"Tartaros... yes... Kyôka was killed in the invasion in Worth Woodsea, the place where a battle took place between the alliance of official guilds and Grimoire heart with later Tartaros joining in." Mirajane says.

"Die." Seilah says, lowering her head. The unconscious bodies of those other 8 wizards rise up... but something was weird.

Each had a murderous aura surrounding them.

Mira, since she was right now standing on the stairs below everyone, instinctively stepped down, away from them. Seilah then says, "Kill her."

"As you wish." The others repeat in unison, pouncing on Mira. Seeing her friends in this state, poor Mira wasn't able to counter it with her attacks.

"Can't attack her friends after all?"

And so, she was burried under a pile of humans.

Seilah firmly believed that this is over. Either Kagura will slash Mira's throat, or Pantherlily will seal the deal.

But this time... she was wrong.

From underneath that pile shone a purple light, and a magic circle formed on the ceiling. Then there was a rumble as the stairs crumbled. Seilah jumped back on the exit to not get caught in.

But with a swift movement, Mira, in her Satan Soul takeover tears the ground and ascends from underneath Seilah. This was enough to startle that demon.

Seilah was not able to dodge the heavy punch that came from her blindspot. It struck her chin with incredible force, throwing her in the air.

But despite taking that attack, Seilah managed to land successfully on her legs.

"Why you-" Seilah says pointing at Mira. But her eyes widen as what she wanted to do didn't happen.

Her curse... those wizards including Erza weren't responding to it. As if... they had become immune just like Mira too.

"What's the matter?" Mira asks with a smirk. Her wings stretch out as she says so.

"I can't control them.... it is impossible..." Seilah says, finally starting to lose her expression of cool. "What did you do?"

"The true essence of Takeover magic-" Mira says as the others emerge from behind her. "-I neutralized your curse on them using the power of the caster herself."

"When did you manage to takeover-?" Seilah asks with slight rage in her voice.

But in return, Mira just maintained her smirk.

"..." Seilah narrows her eyes as Erza steps in light. "I see... Before her... I must kill you first."

"What in the world...?!" Laki says hesitantly, while supporting Vijeeter to carry Milliana once again. She was still unconscious.

"Lily, Juvia!" Mirajane says suddenly, "Leave immediately."

"But... who's she?" Panther lily asks pointing at Seilah.

"Doesn't matter." Mirajane replies. "I will explain later. For now-"

"I will stay. The others, leave with the injured this instant." Erza says stepping forward.

Mirajane sighs and keeps her arm in front of Erza. "Leave her to me."

"What? I-" Erza was just protesting, but Mira cuts out, "I am the only one who can defeat her."

Listening to those words calmed Erza down. The resolve on the face of Mira was clear. Reluctantly, Erza steps back.

"This way-" Pantherlily says, guiding the others towards a path leading downhill the palace. Erza takes another brief glance before leaving the two demons alone.

Mira sighs again and looks at Seilah. "Not going to chase them?"

"It doesn't matter." Seilah says closing her eyes. The rocks and debris around them rise as she continues, "My curse allows me to control all my past targets I have used it on. So, I can just command them to return once I am done with you."

"..." Mirajane makes a orb in her hands, responding to Seilah with an intimidating glare. "I can't afford to lose... huh?"


"What... do you mean?" Gray asks slowly to Wendy. But his eyes were fixated at Arcadios.

"Exactly what is sounds like." Arcadios says in between. He grits his teeth and adds, "Damn it..."

"You don't mean each three of them are-" Gray says looking at the three bodies of those unfortunate souls. They were soaked in blood, which was flowing from the cuts on their throats.

Darton, King Toma E. Fiore, and Princess Hisui.

"No... luckily two survived." Wendy says pointing at the bodies. "Princess Hisui and Darton."

"The king-?" Gray says, choking on his voice in between. "...shit. Not at a time like this..."

"That wench who killed them... she gave me a chance to fight... but it was over before I could do anything." Arcadios says remorsefully, closing his eyes. "And when I woke up... I found this."

"Each three's arteries were sliced with precision." Wendy says hesitantly and then looks at Arcadios. "Uhm... I know it's not the right time... but... what magic does the queen of Stella uses?"

"No." Arcadios replies slowly. "Just sword. Not a drop of magic."

"That's insane..." Wendy whispers.

"But... why did she kill them?" Gray asks.

Wendy suddenly looks at him, gesturing him to stay silent. Arcadios clenched his sword and then yelled loudly, "SHE WAS THE ENEMY'S QUEEN!!!"

"But why did she kill them...?" Gray whispers. "Levy predicted it, but never said anything about some grudge or annexation. She thought that they can be dead... but-"

"You mean attacking Fiore was just a game for them? Say it straight before I lose my composure." Arcadios says pointing his sword at Gray.

Gray didn't get shocked from this. He just sighed and grabbed the sword from his barehand. "If she wanted to destroy all the big shots... why are you alive?"

Arcadios' face of rage drops. His grip on his sword wavers as he looks at his palm. "Why am I... alive?"

"GRAY-SAN!" Wendy says in between.

But Gray ignores her and asks, "She fought you... did she say something? Something important? Or is there something that you know because of which she decided to knock you outcold instead of killing you?"

Arcadios slowly shook his head. "No... I don't know anything. And all I can recall is her saying 'fight me' once I regained my sanity back... wait... where are THEY?!'

"They?" Both Wendy and Gray ask.

"Yes... there were five of them. The guild named Radiants... they were actually from Stella." Arcadios explains with haste. "And one of them was this little girl able to control the mind of those with whom she comes in contact with. We weren't able to control the situation because of that girl's magic."

"In see, so it was them." Gray says slowly.

"You know them?" Arcadios asks, calming down a little.

"Yes. We fought them before coming here." Wendy says. "We met them halfway here... that means the queen left just a little while before we arrived. We missed her by a shallow margin..."

"I think... I get it." Arcadios says keeping his weak hand on his chin. "Yes... but why? She wanted the life of the royal family..-"

"If it was just royal family, then Darton-San wouldn't have been attacked fatally."

A shrill voice suddenly says this. The trio instantly look at the one who said this.

The princess.

Her breaths were shallow. She coughs as she tries to push herself and sit.

Arcadios pushes his stoned body and runs towards her. "PRINCESS!"

"Arcadios-San..." Hisui whispers as Arcadios reaches her.

"Don't sit. Stay down." Arcadios says, pushing her body gently down.

But Hisui resisted. "Help me stand..."

"Princess Hisui, you shouldn't-" Wendy was just saying, but Hisui cuts out her too.

"Don't. I must thank you properly for saving my life..." Hisui says as Arcadios reluctantly helps her to stand. "But first... I must make an announcement."

"Announcement? But for what, in condition like this?!" Arcadios asks with shock. "You mustn't!"

"Plus most of those announcement lacrimas scattered around the city must have gotten destroyed in that nukely explosion." Gray adds.

"I know... we must use a hologram." Hisui whispers. She then looks at Arcadios and asks, "There's a hologram lacrima, right? Bring it and follow me."

"Hologram lacrima? But that thing costs too much magic!" Arcadios says in astonishment.

"Don't worry." Hisui says with a reassuring nod. "Remember Domus Flau? We buried a lacrima to collect residual magic from all the wizards who fought in that arena. It was on the request of Sir Hyberion, and the magic council."

"...can we use it?" Arcadios asks. "It might have too much power for us to handle."

"That's why..." Hisui says and looks at Wendy, "I must burden you with a request of coming along to Domus Flau. We need a wizard with us."

"M-Me?" Wendy asks hesitantly.

"Yes..." Hisui says and then looks at Gray. "I cannot tell you what announcement I want to make right now... but I would like you to collect all the wizards scattered across the city together."

Gray didn't reply. He just stared blankly at the princess, thinking about all this. Should he...?

"Please..." Hisui says joining her hands. "Believe me."

Gray sighed and looked away. "Whatever. Let's do it."

Wendy was not sure about this. But she decided to help Hisui anyways.

Hisui bites her lips and says while stepping towards the exit with her trembling legs. "Let's go, Wendy. Meet me at the entrance of secret passage after you find the hologram lacrima, Arcadios-San."

Gray sighed once again and glanced at the two bodies... Darton... and the dead king.

He opened his mouth reluctantly, but before he could say anything, Arcadios went first.

In a emotionless voice, he said, "Princess. At least look at the king... he is your father."

Hisui suddenly stopped in her tracks. Wendy helped her to not tumble forward. She could feel Hisui's body shivering.

In a low and weak voice, Hisui whispered, "If I look at father now... I don't know if I would have courage to keep walking forward in a situation as hopeless as this."


Jiemma sighs as these girls suddenly start to talk among themselves.

"You should know better-" He says pointing his palm at Lucy. "-to not disrespect your elders."

Lucy quickly leaps back, but the explosion was inevitable. It blasted at her waist. And since she was in middle of all of them, the others too got affected.

But despite the pain, Lucy yelled bravely, "BEGIN THE PLAN!"

"ALRIGHT!" The others yell in unison.

Jiemma flicks his eyebrow as Yukino charges towards him. "You weakling... thinking of taking me on in close combat?"

With that, a magic circle formed below Yukino. But right now, Yukino was determined to win. She glances back the instance this circle forms.

"Right." Libra replies to that brief glance. And then, Yukino's body suddenly gets shot up against the gravity, missing the explosion completely.

Jiemma curses and looks at the other two. Karen was standing beside Lucy, with her hand on her waist and a superior smirk. Her other hand was on the shoulder of Lucy. Aquarius had Lucy covered behind her.

...but why? Lucy... she was sitting on the ground cross legged. Her hands were joined, her eyes were closed. Her body was shivering slowly out of pain. Her star dress was glowing.

Jiemma couldn't understand what Lucy was up to. And while he was concentrated on figuring it out, he ignored the person who was soaring across the sky.

Jiemma felt a crushing below on his head, making him collapse flat on his face in the ground.

An axe kick, delivered perfectly by Yukino. The strength was boosted by the added gravity on her body.

"Whoa... she is something." Karen says slowly.

"Shh." But Aquarius hushes her.

Jiemma furiously pushes his body, and rises up in no time. In front of him stood Yukino, in a martial stance.

His blood was boiling just by looking at that fearless and confident face of Yukino. But despite his anger, he said in a calm voice, "You know, there more to this curse than just converting things into explodable."

"Huh?" Yukino asks, oblivious to what Jiemma was saying.

"Anything that touches me", Jiemma says shrugging off the dirt on hair, "-explodes too."

Instantly, Yukino's eyes look at her right leg. Her mouth drops as her leg starts to glow yellow. And in other second, there was an explosion.

This explosion threw Yukino into the sky. Libra flinched from this new progression. She raised her hands, in order to use her magic and balance Yukino from falling straight back to the ground.

But Jiemma had different plans. Libra's hands exploded just as she raised them. And before she could do anything else, a magic circle appeared beneath her and, without any delay, exploded with a great impact.

Dark smoke filled the atmosphere. And as it cleared, nothing was left. Not a remain of Libra.

"That bastard..." Aquarius whispers with nervousness as Libra's gate closes.

"There is nothing you can do to prevent it..." Jiemma says with a smirk, "Since this explosion is attached to your body."

With a loud thud, Yukino falls on here back from a height of about 11 feet. She chokes upon the impact, making her vomit blood and saliva.

"This is where it en-" Jiemma was just saying, when his body felt... unbalanced. It was sinking down the ground.

He glanced down at his feet. There was something... pink... that was acting like quick sand.

"Man... he is tough alright." Karen says stepping beside Yukino.

Yukino looks up and then averts her eyes.

"What is this-? Don't tell-" Jiemma whispers as that pink thing engulfs him completely. He wasn't able to complete it.

Suddenly, Aries appears behind Karen. In a hesitant voice, she says, "I-I did it... Mistress."

Karen sighs and lends her hand to Yukino."Come on, stand up. He won't stay down forever.

"Thank... you." Yukino says, grabbing the hand of Karen. Karen pulls her, but just as Yukino stands, her weight falls on Karen.

"...I am sorry." Yukino went on. "We planned to fight together at this point... but I don't think I will be of much help."

She glances at Yukino's leg. It was burnt heavily... and was trembling. The muscles must have received some good amount of damage.

"Can't touch that bastard either..." Karen whispers, pulling Yukino closer to her. "Rest for a while until Lucy gets it done. I will buy time until then."

"..." Yukino didn't reply. Aries comes from the other side and carefully helps Yukino to stand with the support of her shoulder.

Before heading back, Yukino said, "I... looked up to you, Karen-Sama."

Karen glances back for a brief moment. "And?"

Yukino smiled with a blush and said, "You have changed so much. It makes me want to respect you even more."

"...go away." Karen sighs. "You don't know the half about me. The thing you looked up to was the idol personality I put up in front of others."

"Maybe." Yukino says, turning back. "But... I don't care. I want to believe that you are one of the best."

Karen felt these words to her soul. Though she ignored Yukino when she said this, her heart almost broke into dual emotions of happiness and sadness.

"Is this how you plan to immobilize me?"

Suddenly Jiemma's voice says this. The wool gets blasted in all direction as he completes. A strong smell of burnt fibres surround that place.

"Dont make me laugh."

"ARIES, COMBO ONE!" Karen says looking at Aries as she helped Yukino sit down beside Lucy. Lucy was still in the same posture.

Aries looked back with confusion. "W-we- what? How can we use it?"

"What is she asking?" Yukino whispers.

"Mistress Karen devised two spells of her own, just like Lucy-Sama. Combo one and combo two." Aries says nervously. "The Combo two is a spell resembling a hexagonal ball... made with threads of condensed magic power from three of her zodiac spirits and hers."

"HURRY UP HERE!" Karen yells.

"And combo two-" Aries says running towards Karen. "Is more crude. It uses the... raw magic power and converts it into an piercing attack, almost impossible to dodge."

"That's amazing..." Yukino whispers.

Aries didn't reply to this. She silently joined Karen and asked her, "Are you sure? Scorpio and Virgo.. are-"

"What are they? A little injured?" Karen says with a cold voice. "Doesn't matter, th-"

"I destroyed the bodies of those spirits you entrusted to hold me back." Jiemma says in between. "After taking all my explosions, I don't think any of those 4 will be able to regenerate any time soon."

The stench of burnt wool faded.

Karen glanced at him. Only she and he were the ones, isolated in this battlefield. There is no backup... she has to do it.

"I will summon them either way." Karen says taking out the keys of Virgo and Scorpio. "I am mas-"

Aries, however, quickly grabs the hand of Karen. Karen gives her a glance out of annoyance and rage. But that anger silences as Aries said nervously, "I thought... you changed... master...-"

"I am going to tell you-" Jiemma says suddenly, as a glittery dust covers Karen and Aries. "-what happens when you are too full of yourself."

"..." Karen moved her slightly, observing this attack.

With that, the countless dust particles blasted. Yukino yells out of concern as this happens.

Hundreds and thousands of small explosions, swirling around Karen and Aries on the fingertip of Jiemma. When it was over, another smoke cloud covered the area for a little while.

Aries felt a heavy weight on herself an instance before this explosion. But as her vision cleared, she saw what she never even dreamt about.

Karen... shielded her.

"That b-bastard..." Karen curses standing up from above Aries. Her body was burnt, her clothes ripped. The red cape which she had been wearing until now was no more, revealing her burnt body.

"Why...-" Aries whispers with disbelief. Unlike Karen, she wasn't injured at all.

"Stand up." Karen says while panting. Her eyes were focused on Jiemma. "Combo One."

"Y-yes." Aries says jumping up.

Jiemma grits his teeth. This look in her eyes... despite being heavily outclassed and taking that attack head on. He was sure that her muscles must have tore from inside because of that impact. "But still... how can... this women feel so superior?"

"Mistress... How are we going to-?" Aries asks joining her right hand with Karen's left.

"Just you and me." Karen says. "Let's go."

"...but we can't." Aries says. "We two don't have enough-"

"We have enough magic power."

Suddenly a voice says. The one who says this grabs the right hand of Karen. "There are three of us after all."

"...Leo." Karen says hesitantly.

It indeed was Leo who grabbed her hand. He opened his gate on his own, and arrived when the situation required him most.

"Leo-?" Aries says with surprise.

"...Yo, Aries." Leo says waving his hand.

Aries opens her mouth to speak, but it suddenly closes as a yell fills the surroundings. A yell out of rage of Jiemma. "WHY DO I GET RILED UP SO MUCH BY MERELY LOOKING AT YOUR FACE?!!"

Karen smirks and says, "He's lost it."

"Indeed." Leo says slowly. He takes a pause and then asks, "So, is this the same combo that we used to do in my days serving as your spirit?"

"Yes." Karen says. "It's the same."

Loke then looks at Karen, head to toe. "...can you do it!"


"That requires an outlet..." Loke says. "I am guessing that it is my task. But what about the magic energy of celetial spirits? Virgo and Scorpio are in a bad shape."

"What about using the help of Aquarius-Sama?!" Yukino asks the spirit.

One of Yukio's hand was waving to gain attention of Karen, while the other hand was on the shoulder of Lucy.

"No good." Aquarius says, closing her eyes. "I did hear about that spell. Apparently, only those with close ties to each other can participate. She was Leo's previous owner, so he should be fine. But it's not the same for me."

"...guess we will just have to compromise." Karen says with a chuckle.

"You... know the consequences, don't you?" Leo asks glancing at her.

"Of course." Karen says slowly. "But if only I can buy time to Lucy to..."

Leo's eyes widen for a second. But he suppresses his shock and nods. "Alright."

"Here it goes." Karen says. Both hands suddenly glow golden. The hands with which Loke and Aries had grabbed Karen's hands started to glow too.

"Yukino... was it?" Aquarius says to Yukino. She takes a brief glance at Lucy and then adds, "We must back them up."

Yukino looks at Lucy. Her eyes were still closed. But right now, she was chanting something.

"Don't worry about her." Aquarius smirks. "She is almost done."

Karen's eyes, too, glow golden. A magic circle forms under the trio. Their hair start to levitate as the concentration of magic defies the laws of gravity. Brilliant light escapes from the magic circle.

"Not..." Aries says, chocking in between. The hand with which Karen had gripped Aries tones down. "...enough..."

Karen glances at Aries and closes her eyes. In her mind, she had just one thought. "This scenario... the consequences... yes... I was prepared... I was prepared for it. I am the one responsible for those two novice wizards behind me... I will do it."

"REDUCE TO DUST!" Jiemma yells pulling his hand back. His palm glows purple as a magic circle forms on it.

A combination of magic and curse. Both boosted by the emotion of resentment and anger.

It was probably the first time Jiemma decided to attack with a pure intent to kill.

From the magic circle emerges a ball. Dark purple colored and condensed ball. The negative energy it gave out was felt by everyone around it.

"HURRY, KAREN!" Loke yells spreading his legs in a stance, and pointing his right fist towards Jiemma. His other hand still held Karen.

Some golden lines originating from Karen's hands, crawl up to her shoulder. Karen flinched as the lines started to sink in her skin. Veins popped up in it's tracks.

Aries gripped her hand tighter. Her magical energy was almost all sucked out. It was quite obvious that this attack won't even leave bones behind.

But the same could be said for Jiemma. The first one to strike wins.

In a painful voice, Karen said, "JUST FEW MORE SECONDS!"

"THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS!" Jiemma yells punching his palm in the direction of Karen. His aim was accurate... but he wasn't given the moment to aim.

The ground burst into a fountain of water. Jiemma, being the center of this lost his concentration, and the magic circle disappeared.

He was thrown in the sky.

"What the-?" Jiemma says, and then glances at Lucy. In front of her... yes... of course... that mermaid. That damned mermaid. She did it.

And just as he glanced back at Karen, he witnessed an attack just inches away from his face.

A laser. Thick ray of... light...? Dodging in midair was impractical. So, he threw his hands in front of his face, to defend from that attack.

But... that attack was too powerful. Like a swift arrow, it pierced his skin, traveling through his arms. Jiemma's eyes widen as this laser made holes in both his arms, and almost successfully blowed out his brain.

But with inhumane reflexes, Jiemma pulled his head away, dodging it by a hair.

The pain of getting skin and bones pierced was late to come. He didn't even got the time to land, when this attack was followed by another.

Few red light beams appear below the area Jiemma was.

This attack was different. This was Lucy's...

"Twinkling, shooting, falling... Let the stars descend before us..." Lucy completes, raising her heavy and trembling hands. "Gott... FRIED!"

This was the last thing Jiemma saw before being consumed by a towering pillar of red light. His body... it felt so pressurized. This sensation of his skin being peeled off numbed his mind.

How can... a spell... be this powerful?

With one of his eye, he glanced at Lucy. So weak... almost on her last legs. So inferior... they why? Why is he the one getting defeated?

Few seconds later, the light faded away. The environment that had illuminated with red light turned back to dark once again.

On the ground lied the immobile body of Jiemma, devoid of life.

Lucy, was standing on her knees. Once she sees Jiemma fall unconscious, she takes a sigh out of relief and falls back. But Aquarius and Yukino catches her before her head hit the ground.

"Jeez..." Aquarius sighs, "Using the celestial magic of both these wizards... combining it with yours and casting a trinity spell alone. You were seriously reckless here."

"Hehe... I was low on magic." Lucy says with a flustered giggle. She looks towards Yukino and then adds, "I can't go empty on my reserves right now... so I needed magic power anyways to not summon someone by mistake... so... Gottfried was the best option I had. If it wasn't for Yukino and K-"

Suddenly, Lucy's eyes freeze as they stop at Karen. Her body... those golden lines had left a lingering mark of burn all over her. Faint smoke was rising from her opened mouth and nose, almost as if her innards were on fire.

Aries was lying beside her, unconscious. Loke was still in his senses, and was clenching his hand. He was sweating out of pain. His hand was disintegrating...

"what-?" Lucy whispers slowly, not being able to yell. Yukino stood up silently and gazed at Karen and the spirits.

And as if this wasn't enough, something else happened. A magic circle formed under Karen.

In a really cracked voice, Jiemma said, "At least... I will take this wench down with me..."

And this was the last thing he spoke. Not because he managed to suicide and kill Karen.

But because he was murdered before the magic circle could blast.

He was murdered using a revolver. A shot to head.

Karen's revolver.

And the one who shot him was no other than Yukino.

Lucy stiffly turned towards Yukino.

Suddenly Yukino's hand shook and the gun fell off from her hands. She slowly covered her mouth and whispered with tears in her eyes, "Why... did you have to turn evil... master?"

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