Hackett's Quarry Forever! | D...

By slayingvoiceover

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Nearly a month has passed since the horrific events at Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp took place. Due to their... More

•Chapter 1 - Home Sweet Home•
•Chapter 2 - Innocence•
•Chapter 3 - Closing Distance•
•Chapter 4 - Reunion•
•Chapter 5 - Just You and I•
•Chapter 6 - Calling All The Counsellors•
•Chapter 7 - Boyfriend•
•Chapter 8 - Number•
•Chapter 9 - Moving In, Moving On•
•Chapter 10 - The Plan•
•Chapter 12 - Party Crashers•
•Chapter 13 - Lucky Break•
•Chapter 14 - Little Hope•
•Chapter 15 - Keep Moving•
•Chapter 16 - Never Return•
•Chapter 17 - Acceptance•
•Chapter 18 - Love Square•
•Chapter 19 - Sunrise•
•Chapter 20 - Restful Return•
•Chapter 21 - Movie Mayhem•
•Chapter 22 - I Spy•
•Chapter 23 - Mine (Smut)•
•Chapter 24 - Clear Up•
•Chapter 25 - Swimming Class•
•Chapter 26 - Conflicted•
•Chapter 27 - Asked and Answered•
•Chapter 28 - Truth or Dare 2•
•Chapter 29 - Perfect Match•

•Chapter 11 - The Arrival•

1.8K 85 90
By slayingvoiceover

September twenty-first. The day has officially arrived and the boys are getting ready for Kaitlyn's arrival. Ignoring the pit welling in his stomach is difficult for Ryan but he tries to remind himself that everyone will be on edge and over-analytical tonight. He is mostly nervous about the fact that the curse may not actually be broken since there was no actual way to tell unless they went there themselves. He tries to convince himself that Laura ended it in front of his eyes that night but the screams and cries of the witch remained long after. There is no way she is going to leave those woods and he knows it.

Trying to shake the thoughts, he watches Dylan as he buttons up a pretty baby pink shirt with small swirl designs at the collar and the hems. He smiles fondly as he notices him trying to pat down each little wrinkle he sees, most likely also lost in thought about the night ahead. He seems so innocent and determined as if the wrinkles in his shirt are the biggest problem he is facing and all Ryan wants to do is wrap his arms around him and hold him.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Dylan asks cheekily as he eyes him staring behind him from the mirror. Ryan jumps and shakes his head with a snicker. "Well, go on, what's up?" He persists chuckling as he turns to face him giving his shirt one last pat down.

"Just looking at you is all." He insists with his arms raised in surrender.

"I don't believe you, mister daydreamer. What's going on in that little brain?" He probes as he takes a few steps closer to hold his wrist comfortingly.

"Just kinda worried for later. I hate how unpredictable it is, you know?" He reveals with a deep sighs he wraps his arm around Dylan's waist and pulls him closer.

"Yeah, I feel that. It's super creepy not knowing what's out there waiting for us. We got each other though and we're wiser now, I guess?" He replies through an unsure smile in hopes to cheer him up.

"Yeah. Promise me you'll let me know if anything feels off, okay?" He pleads with worry in his tone as he holds him tighter.

"I promise." He accepts sincerely pressing a kiss to his forehead.

It isn't long before Kaitlyn is pulling up outside and the boys are rushing to get their shoes on whilst she berates them about being on time through text. In a panic, they check if they have everything and practically sprint out of the room. Offering quick hugs and goodbyes to Sarah and Dylan's mom, they wish them well as they hurry out of the house.

"We better not be late because of you dimwits!" Kaitlyn warns harshly as he she pulls off and practically slams on the peddle.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't find my shoe anywhere!" Dylan cries to which Ryan tries to contain his laughter.

"No excuses!" She scolds with a scoff.

"What, did you want me to leave with one foot bare?!" He retorts in disbelief as he eyes Ryan to back him up who simply releases his laughter. "Unbelievable." He mutters shaking his head as he falls back into the seat.

"Anyways, ground rules?" Kaitlyn questions as she looks at them through the mirror.

"As if we have the choice." Dylan sighs in defeat.

"Good answer." She smirks before raising her brows. "Okay, so; if you see anything fucking weird or you see someone has been gone for more than like ten minutes, you tell someone. Try not to go off alone, we don't wanna separate. Basically, have fun, let loose, but stay weary." She instructs with a commanding tone as the boys listen. "We clear?" She asks eyeing them quickly.

"All clear." Ryan mutters as he gazes outside the window as Kaitlyn sighs and rolls her eyes.

"I just wanna make sure we're safe, okay? We can't risk anything happening again." She explains softening her tone.

Dylan nods in response as he turns to Ryan who notices him in the corner of his eye. He grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers, squeezing it gently. Ryan smiles weakly and offers a squeeze back as he releases a deep breath.


The drive feels as though its lasted years and Dylan feels like his rear end was about to fall off from numbness. Shifting uncomfortably in his seat he watches outside the window as the sign for the Cliffside Lounge and Harbinger Motel soon comes into view. His anxiety causes him to swallow his saliva every few seconds, staring at Ryan who is also seemingly shaky as he stares out of the window intensely. Kaitlyn has a determined expression on her face but Dylan knows deep down it was all her facade.

"Well boys, we're almost there. Hope you're ready." She announces only making them feel feel more nervous.

Ryan cannot help but think about the woods they passed where Silas was put to rest by Laura. He feels a strange energy around him, one he is unable to describe. He tries to shake it off by blaming it on his imagination but it feels too prominent to simply come from his mind.

"Hey, guys?" He calls as they eye him quickly. "Do you feel like the hairs on your arms and neck are standing up and like something weird is totally surrounding you right now?" He asks through slight panic.

"Uhm, yeah kinda." Dylan replies shakily touching the back of his neck as he tries to swallow the pesky lump in his throat.

"Just be vigilant, I'm sure it's only that witch letting us know she's still here." Kaitlyn assures realistically darting her eyes around with caution as the boys hum nervously in agreement.

The road grows bumpier and the trees thicker as they traverse deeper into North Kill territory. The cliff emerging in the distance from the foliage indicates that they are nearing the lounge and a mixture of excitement and dread circles within them.

It isn't long before the lounge and a row of parked cars is entering their view. The lounge is fairly small and built from pine, supported by thick wooden beams and surrounded by patterned fences of the same kind. Two huge windows formed a triangle at the top of the lounge, leading towards the roof whilst the lower half rested upon a foundation with smaller patterned windows surrounding the walls.

"Looks like they renovated this place fairly recently." Ryan suggests judging from the modernised appearance of the clearly old rustic building he remembers.

"Yeah, kinda weird. It looked so dull and old-timey last time we went there a few months back." Kaitlyn agrees in suspicion as she pulls into a parking space.

Dylan rolls down his window and sticks his head out spotting Emma standing on the porch wearing a huge smile and waving frantically with both arms. Ryan and Kaitlyn soon spot her and wave back. She hurries down the steps and runs towards their car, opening the door for Kaitlyn to climb out as she removes the key from the ignition.

"Hey party people!" She greets loudly with a squeal making the others chuckle as she hugs them one by one. "Oh my god, it's so good to see you guys! Everyone is inside already so we'd better get our butts moving!" She informs cheerfully as she wraps an arm around Kaitlyn's shoulders and hurries off ahead with her.

"Are you alright?" Ryan asks Dylan calmly as his expression is clearly troubled.

"I'll be fine, just my silly old head." He assures halfheartedly as he musters a fake laugh which Ryan obviously isn't buying.

"Look, just tell me if you need to take a breather or something. Come on, let's go." He insists holding his hand out for Dylan to grab who thankfully takes it offering a tight squeeze of gratitude.

As they make their way inside they are soon met with an abundance of excitement and yelling. Their heads snap towards the noise and an excited Jacob and Nick are storming their way over to them. Dylan and Ryan smile warmly with fond snickers and head in their direction before being met with a leaping Jacob crashing into them almost knocking them off their feet. He wraps his arms around them both and pulls them into his chest roughly for a tight hug, Nick giggling excitedly from behind.

"It's so good to see you boys!" He exclaims bashfully as he shakes them. "Hey, Ryan. No hard feelings, right?" He asks as he pulls away.

"No hard feelings, man." He agrees with a chuckle earning a loud 'ayyyy!' from him.

"Oh my god, Nick, it's so good to see you healthy again." Dylan smiles as he averts his gaze to him, Ryan humming in agreement. Nick blushes in response before stepping closer and holding his arms out welcomingly for Dylan to accept. He gladly takes him in and holds him tightly with a few comforting pats to his back.

"Hey guys!" They hear a lighter voice approaching as they look in its direction to be met with a cheerful Abigail prancing towards them.

"Abi!" Dylan greets loudly with a grin hurrying towards her.

"Hey, Ab!" Ryan follows cheerfully.

Soon Kaitlyn and Emma are also making their way towards them and they all take a moment to just smile a laugh gratefully.

"Group hug!" Jacob yells earning an abundance of laughter as he holds his arms out, everyone soon following and engulfing each other in a warm tight huddle.

"I can't believe the band is back at last!" Emma cheers as her eyes travel across everyone.

"Come, come. Let's sit at that big table over there and we can talk about everything!" Jacob suggests sprinting towards it excitedly.

It almost didn't feel real to Dylan seeing everyone so happy again like they were during the Summer.

Maybe to let go of the past, they'd all need to face it.

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