The Secret Life Of Nagisa Sen...

By Bobethy5

27.7K 1K 259

Seven years after killing his teacher, Nagisa Shiota has ended up as a teacher at Gokuraka high school in Tok... More

Arc 1- Nagisa Sensei
(1-1) The New Teacher
(1-2) Cleaning
(1-3) Karma Time
(1-4) Research
(1-5) Special Visitor
(1-6) Stalker
(1-7) Rescue and Revelations
(1-8) Confrontation
(1-9) Exams
(1-10) Question Time
Arc 2- Redemption
(2-1) The Aftermath
(2-2) Redemption Begins
(2-3) The Gang
(2-4) Confession
(2-5) Back to Basics
(2-6) Planning
(2-7) The Journey
(2-8) The Mountain
(2-9) Red VS Blue Round 2
(2-10) Bump in the Night
Arc 3- Legacy
(3-1) Terasaka Gang Reassemble
(3-2) Not Again
(3-3) A Girl's Day Out
(3-4) A Scientific Breakthrough
(3-5) A Plan In The Making
(3-6) Date
(3-8) A Day Trip in London
(3-9) Assassination
(3-10) Art Attack
Arc 4- Revenge
(4-1) The Final Straw
(4-2) Invitation
(4-3) The First Confrontation
(4-4) Rest But No Relaxation
(4-5) Allies
(4-6) Rogue
(4-7) A Coming Together of Assassins
(4-8) Infiltration
(4-9) Rescue
(4-10) The Final Showdown
Arc 5- Summer Time
(5-1) Finals Time PT. 1
(5-2) Nagisa's Birthday
(5-3) It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Summer
(5-4) Holiday
(5-5) Set Up
(5-6) Tears
(5-7) A Lost Friend
(5-8) In Memoria
(5-9) The First Wedding
(5-10) The End of Summer

(3-7) A Pesky Journalist

170 5 1
By Bobethy5

Chiba looked glum as he made his way to his and Hayami's appartement. The day had bore no contracts for his company, just like the past month. He had just got a new investor as well. He had returned from the trip earlier that day and had to drop things off at his office before returning home.

Chiba sighed. He began brainstorming ideas as to how to increase his publicity. He needed some kind of advertising. Maybe he could ask Yada as she worked in that sector. No, she was out of the country. Maybe when she gets back?

Out of nowhere, a thought pushed it's way into the forefront of his mind, causing a smile to spread across his face. The thought was of Hayami, and the fact it was the weekend. That meant no work and two whole days alone with his wonderful girlfriend. He hadn't seen her in about a week now. He was looking forward to seeing her once again.

Still smiling over ten minutes later, Chiba reached the floor his appartement was on and unlocked the door.

"Rinka, I'm home." He shouted.

Suddenly, he felt something heavy drop into his shoulders, pushing him down to the floor. He cried out in both surprise and pain, causing the thing that had fallen on top of him to snigger.

The thing was on his back. He reached back and grabbed a person's shoulders, pulling them forwards, over his head. The person fell forwards and lay Infront of him, slightly shocked. Chiba rose and made his way over to the figure on the floor. He crouched down  next to it to discover it's identity. It was Hayami.

Hayami rolled over so that she could see Chiba and lunged up from the ground up to him, engaging him in a kiss. Chiba was for ed backwards against the wall as Hayami pushed, delivering the good old kiss of death. Once she had finished and Chiba was adequately immobilised, she removed her lips from his, leaving him panting and collapsing to the floor.

"You- he- you got me there Rinka." He panted. Rinka smiled.

Once Chiba had recovered, he pulled Rinka into an embrace. They hugged for a long time, not speaking, not making any sound. They just enjoyed holding each other.

"Welcome home Ryu." Rinka whispered into his ear.

"Sorry for the hold up, did you miss me?" Ryu whispered back.

"Nah, I got to see Nagisa and Karma."

"Lucky. Are they still going strong?"

"Just as strong as we are."

"So that means very? Right?"


"Right?" Chiba was becoming worried. They were still hugging. Surely she can't be breaking up with him right?

Hayami broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Of course they are going strong, just as we are. You're so cute when you worry." Hayami said with a grin on her face.

"Shut up!" Chiba said.

"Aww, you embarrassed?"

"You're impossible."


They broke the embrace and stood there, staring at each other for a solid half a minute. Eventually, Chiba said "I need to go have a shower."

"Mind if I join you?" Hayami responded, causing Chiba to blush.

"You are so up front Hayami. But yes, you can."

And this is where we politely skip ahead in time and leave these two love birds to it.

The next day, Hayami was out at the convenience store picking up some shopping while Chiba was making breakfast for them both back at home.

As she made her way out of the store, bags in hand, she noticed a shady man stood in a nearby alleyway. He wore a black suit with black sunglasses hiding his eyes. He was staring straight at her.

Oh please, we resigned from the military of defence three months ago. Karasuma surely doesn't want us to do another job.

Reluctantly, she walked over to him.

"Agent Hayami." The man began, in a raspy voice, "we have another contract for you."

"I left the ministry three months ago. No. I will not take it."

"If you do, we will provide free advertising for your boyfriends company."

Hayami paused. She cared about Chiba so much, hence why she left the ministry to help his business in the first place. If it took rejoining it to help him again, she would do so gladly.

"Fine, but tell Karasuma that it's only this once."

"As expected. Now, there is a journalist poking his nose into ministry secrets, for example, the whole thing about the octopus."

Hayami winced at the mention of Korosensei. She had to focus on something else or she would begin to cry.

"We need you to kill this journalist. He will visit the Dragon Bar at nine o clock tonight. He always does. Snipe him. Here is the address for the appartement where you will shoot him from."  He handed Hayami a small slip of paper. "Good look agent Hayami."

The man turned away from the ginger woman and walked away, disappearing from sight round the corner.

Hayami sighed as she made her way home.

"Ryu," she called out as she walked through the door.

"Yes Rinka? Breakfast is ready."

"I know you are not going to like this, but we have another contract."

Chiba frowned and faced away from her.

"Why did you accept?" He asked, partial anger in his tone.

"They would give us free advertising. It's only one more kill Ryu." She said. Chiba paused, thinking about this. He felt Rinka wrap her arms around him, pulling him into an embrace.

"Pwease Ryu?" She whispered in his ear.

Chiba sighed.

"Fine. Just this once. It will benefit the business after all. But, that is the only reason why I am doing this. I don't want us to get sucked back into that life again."

"We won't Ryu, we won't."

Rinka then explained to Chiba what the contract was, almost causing him to cry when Korosensei was referred to. He didn't like what they had to do, but the reward and the reason for this man's death outweighed his dislike of the event.

That evening, agent Hayami and agent Chiba were sat in an appartement building, pointing snipers at a crowd of people outside a bar. Hayami had received a description of the target from the agent who gave her the contract. Now they just needed to wait untill someone matching that description showed up.

Suddenly, Chiba saw something out of the corner of his eye. He saw a glint if light in an otherwise empty appartement across the street. He flicked his sniper up, searching for what caused the glint.

"Hayami, there is someone in an appartement across the street filming us."

A look of confusion spread across Hayami's face.

"Ok. I'll stay here. You go pay our friend a visit."

Hayami handed Chiba an earpiece so they could communicate when in different places. Chiba nodded and left the appartement.

Rinka returned her aim to the crowd of people, keeping an eye out for the journalist. Eventually, she found him.

Black, very short hair. Black eyes. Medium height. Staring at every woman he saw. Wait. She knew that guy. It was...


Wait. If the target was Okajima, then why was he looking into what happened with Korosensei. He was there. Also, he was a paparazzi not a journalist. Also, why was someone filming this. Then it clicked in her brain. This was all a set up.

"Chiba!" She shouted down the earpiece.

"Yes?" Came the reply.

"Where are you?"

"Just on the same floor as our friend, why?"

"It's a set up. The target is Okajima. I'm going to get him to a safe place. Make sure you take out the guy filming this."

"Ok. On it."

Chiba wasn't very surprised. He knew something fishy was going on ever since he had spotted that person watching them. But why ask them to kill Okajima? Did they want to ruin their reputation?

It didn't matter. Chiba had arrived at the apartment where the man was.

He threw himself against the door, forcing it open. Silence. He could hear no one.

Slowly, Chiba drew his knife and made his way into the living area of the appartement which contained several large windows giving a view of the street below. A man was stood in the middle of the room

"Ryuunosuke Chiba. It's a pleasure." The figure said.

"And you are?"

"Don't you recognise me?" The figure took a few steps forwards so that the moonlight would shine directly into his face. It was Gastro, the assassin who they faced in Okinawa. The one him and Hayami brought down together.

"I do. What do you want?"

"For you to come quietly, or die." Gastro pulled a pistol out from his belt and stuck it into his mouth, tasting the metal. "Yep, it's ready." He snarled.

Chiba grimaced. He didn't know what to do.

He threw his knife.

The knife flew through the air and pierced Gastro's wrist, causing him to drop the gun. Chiba darted forwards, crashing into the assassin and forcing him away. He was now  able to pick up the gun and use it against its owner. He shot two bullets, both narrowly missing Gastro's head and piercing holes in the glass windows. Gastro let out a deep laugh.

"You have gone rusty Chiba." Gastro laughed.

"You sure?" Chiba asked as he rammed into Gastro once again, pushing him up against the glass window. Due to the fact it was already weakened, the window shattered, causing Gastro to fall. Chiba looked around for the camera and thew that out of the window afterwards. As he looked down, Gastro could not be seen. It was as if he had just disappeared. He hadn't hit the floor and was possibly still alive.

"Shit." Chiba said as he left the building.

Hayami entered the bar Okajima was in and walked up behind him.

"Okajima, you are going to die, follow me." She whispered in his ear. This caused Okajima to jump as he turned around to face her.

"What the fuck? Oh, hello pretty."

Hayami slapped him across the face and pulled him by the shirt out if the bar.

"Ooh, you're getting frisky." He said, receiving another slap from Okajima.

"Wait, Hayami?" He said.

"Yep. You have a target in your back and I'm not sure why. Follow me. I'm taking you to a safe place."

"Okay" Okajima said, confused.

"Oh, and I have a boyfriend so don't try anything."

"Me? Never."


Half an hour later, Chiba, Hayami and Okajima arrived back at the Chibahaya appartement and collapsed on the sofa.

"Did you deal with our friend?"

"Yeah, the camera was destroyed. He survived I think."

"Who was it?"

"Do you remember that gunslinger from Okinawa?"


"It was him."

"That means the rest of the gang must be out there somewhere."

They had no idea that Grip was dead at the hands of Okuda and Smog was currently lying unconscious in a hallway. They did however have the right idea that Okajima needed protection. There was indeed a target on his back.

Somewhere in Japan, a man hung up from a phone call and swore loudly. Every other kidnap that night had been a success. How could he have failed.

Well, one person got away earlier but another assassin was on her tail. He had now however failed the first part of his plan.

It didn't matter though. He would try again and again until it worked. He would not fail.

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