The Itsy Bitsy Spider

By scottystaco

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Takes place after Civil War and Homecoming. What happens if 2 "ghosts" and a former Stark employee takes reve... More

Trailer & Release Date!
Chapter 1: Notes with Roses
Chapter 2: Misfortunate Events
Chapter 3: Feeling Hallow
Chapter 4: Mystery in the Darkness
Chapter 5: Death to the Future
Chapter 6: Past, Ghosts, Mysteries
Chapter 7: Blood in the Darkness
Chapter 8: Screams from the Mercy
Chapter 9: Getting the Band Back Together
Chapter 10: Chasing The Lead
Chapter 12: The Missing Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 13: The Parkers Hidden Bunker
Chapter 14: Secrets Kept Hidden
Chapter 15: Lets Go Find A Leprechaun
Chapter 16: Safe At Home
Chapter 17: Rules and Talks
Chapter 18: Dead at Dreams
Chapter 19: Questions of Studies and Trust
Chapter 20: Clinging to the Daytime
Chapter 21: Chaotic Elements
Chapter 22: Christmas Eve
Chapter 23: Jolly O' Presents
Chapter 24: Surprise
Chapter 25: What is Real and What is Fake
Chapter 26: Endless Nights
Chapter 27: First Day Back
Chapter 28: What Are Friends For
Chapter 29: Sherlock Holmes- Friends in Love
Chapter 30: Our Mystery Friend
Chapter 31: They Know
Chapter 32: The Haunted Tower
Chapter 33: He's Back
Chapter 34: Protectiveness and Love
Chapter 35: Haunted By Them
Chapter 36: Freaky Week
Chapter 37: Illusions
Chapter 38: Fun Day Besides Almost Burning The Tower Down
Chapter 39: Family Is Always There For You
Chapter 40: Time Is Ticking
Chapter 41: Final Showdown
Chapter 42: Aftermath

Chapter 11: A Message Of Faith

56 2 1
By scottystaco


"Who the hell is he and why the fuck is he here?" Tony outright asks with fury.

"Tony calm down. Everyone this is Carlo Delmar, Mjs father. Speaking of which...we have something to tell you" May hesitantly tries to break the news.

"I already know. I told her to be careful looking with you guys to find Peter but damn, this is much worse. Murph ran ahead of me and we came across this on Crimsel Road" Delmar holds up the envelope for everyone to see.

"Is there a note in it?" Pepper asks.

"Worse, another photo" Delmar sighs, taking it out for everyone to see.

In the photo, it shows all four kids. Peter is passed out wet, bloody, bruised and still in his suit and has his head rested on Mjs lap. Mj, Flash and Ned all look mad but are staying in silent, probably have no clue what to say or do but there is a faint determination in all of their eyes.

"When do you think these villains got them?" Delmar asks.

"Sometime after school. They were searching for Peter before coming to the tower to tell us they had news about the third villain. His name is the Green Goblin and we think we have everything covered from knowledge and the internet. We suspect it's Norman Osborn" Rhodey explains.

"When the hell did you know about Peter getting kidnapped?" Tony wonders.

"Since a note and photo was delivered to my house. It didn't say anything so I opened it up and had Michelle explain everything to me. After, I called May" Delmar claims.

"It's not a big deal that he knows. He's been helping the search when he isn't working" May informs.

"Boss, Gwen Stacy is waking up" Friday announces.

"Isn't that Captain Stacy's daughter who works with Osborn?" Delmar questions.

"Sure is. We tranquilized her since she was lying to us about where Norman is. She's our lead to finding him" Yelena smirks.

"I'll go interrogate her. I know you all want to but I have the best experience" Nat claims before walking away.

"I have second best and her bestie has third, Clint Barton" Yelena adds. "I would suspect I'm better than him but Natasha was arguing with me so..." Yelena stops talking as she sees that nobody really cares. "I could make macaroni if you're hungry?"

"No I'm ok, thank you" Delmar denies.

"Suit yourself" Yelena scoffs.

"Rhodes, Belova and I are going to go to this Crimsel Road and see if we can find anything else. Keep us updated about the interrogation and tell Happy to send Delmar home when everything is done and I'm not back yet" Tony instructs. "Inform Lang, his amigos and the Barton's about the situation."


Nat slips into the chair that is set up in front of Gwen at the other side. Gwen looks infuriated but that can be understandable. Nat just stares at her, not saying anything and it's pissing Gwen off more.

Nat already has things noted down about Gwen. She relies on her dad to much to save her so she's probably just like another daddy's little girl type, typical. She's also really close to Osborn so he must be doing something to make her keep her mouth shut...maybe paying for her college or something since she is 22 years old. 

"Are you just going to stare at me all day or let me go?" Gwen finally speaks up.

"I'll do neither of those things so I won't take your considerations unless you plan on answering some questions truthfully" Nat hints out that she could let her go if she does what she's told.

"I told you, I don't know anything!" Gwen screams.

"It's very sweet you think you could lie to a assassin" Nat hisses out making Gwen show signs of fear. Nat smirks, she's breaking her quicker than Norman probably expected from her. "Now I suggest you tell us where Spider-Man and Norman Osborn is or...things could get real dirty from here."

Nat traces her knife along the table edges. She hadn't even realized she took it out but she's very glad she did. The fear in Gwen's face makes her want to laugh but she isn't going to hurt Gwen...or at least not yet.

"I don't know anything" Gwen spits back but her fear is creeping inside her voice, betraying her very quickly.

"What is Norman paying you with? College tuitions, money to pay rent, having a job for a rich and manipulating scientist? Maybe your dad is coming down with a sickness or injury you gotta pay off or another family member or friend to help out?" Nat starts listing all bunch of things but Gwen doesn't let her eyes or body language betray which fact. "You know Spider-Man's identity don't know?"

She stares down at Gwen as she still doesn't say anything but the little answer in her eyes tells her everything.

"So you know that you helped Norman Osborn...the Green Goblin, kidnap a what? Fifteen year old boy and you didn't tell anyone? Just because your father is captain doesn't mean you aren't going to get locked up. Awww you poor thing probably didn't register that in your dumb little brain. Not only did you allow that but tortuous experiments too? Woah, even more of a sentence in jail and then what? Kidnapped three other innocent fifteen year olds? Looking so strong for a life sentence in jail that even your daddy can't help you with" Nat taunts.

She can see Gwen breaking even more in the slightest ways but her body and eye movements. She had hit the spot.


"Hit the spot, didn't I?" Nat smirks.

Gwen draws back, feeling a bit embarrassed. She knew she shouldn't have let her guard down, should've been braver and stronger like Norman had expected but miserably failed at it.

"You're a son of a bitch" Gwen spats.

"Sure am" Nat agrees flawlessly. "Now, where is Osborn and Spidey?"


They're all watching the interrogation unfold, even Delmar because he was persistent in knowing where his daughter is which is relatable and understandable. Nat is doing an excellent job breaking through Gwen but so far, not really getting any information. 

It's only the beginning but still, everyone's impatient and just wants to find the teens. Ned and Flashs parents had already reported them missing to the police and Neds mom even called May which she of course answered too but it was a hard and upsetting conversation.

"She's pretty damn good. Too bad Gwen ain't telling us much" Delmar sighs.

"She will" Steve assures.

"It doesn't seem like it'll take too long. She's already breaking" Bucky agrees.

"If Natasha can't do it, no one can do it" Happy claims.

"We'll find her, we'll find all of them. Peter won't let them touch her or Ned and even Flash and I'm sure you heard tons about him" May assures.

"Yeah...that also worries me. He already looks like dead meat cause I know he's going to protect them" Delmar slowly says which everyone cannot help but agree too.

He's right, Peter will put himself over others no matter the circumstances. Even Bucky, Sam and Steve who barely knows him seems to agree because of his Spider-Man stories on the news and then seeing him at the airport. He sounded so young and innocent but they were blind to realize how young he actually was and wasn't even in his twenties like they expected.

"We'll probably have to bring in Ned and Flashs parents in at some point. Tell them that they're with Spider-Man and we are getting close to finding them" Steve points out.

"We'll do it tomorrow. It's better to get it over with then wait and worry them that there aren't any leads" Pepper agrees.

"Will I also be there?" Delmar wonders.

"Yes considering your daughter went missing and was with them at the time, yes" Sam answers.

"What about Neds mom? Won't she ask about Peter again?" Bucky wonders.

"We can't keep lying about him being sick" May sighs.

"We can just say he was with them. That he had felt better and recovered from being sick and went out with them. We should also file police reports to keep the cover story" Delmar plans.

"It looks like Nat is finishing up so let's get it done with and call the police" May settles.


"Have you guys found anything?" Tony wonders, getting impatient.

They had checked the entire Crimsel Road but hadn't found anything that could've lead to them getting kidnapped.

"No" Rhodey claims.

"Yes" Yelena answers after a few seconds.

"What did you find?" Tony asks as him and Rhodey are racing over.

"Mjs necklace but for some reason it's over here in the alleyway and not on the sidewalk" Yelena states, looking at is strangely.

"Could've been the wind" Rhodey shrugs.

"Or the goblin not having enough time to get rid of the evidence and throwing it off to the side and then forgetting about it when he left the note for Delmar" Yelena thinks the strategy out loud. 

"Are we sure it's even hers?" Tony questions.

"I've seen her wear this so yes, it's hers" Yelena nods.

"Let's bring it back to the tower and see if Nat got anything out of Gwen and for Delmar to confirm the necklace" Rhodey settles their next move which they agree on.


"She's breaking. She's already panicking and thinking of strategies but that's all going to go down the bin the next time I interrogate her. Make sure you feed her and stuff though, can't let the guest feel too uncomfortable" Nat winks as she continues to walk away from the interrogation room.

Everyone looks at each other confused but follows after her back into the comms.

"Oh! Delmar and I both made calls to the police about Mj and Peter going missing. We decided we can't keep him being a secret for too long and just said he was with them. Since video footages are down, it wouldn't be too big of a deal and we can just say he skipped school just for precautions but he felt alright to hang out with his friends afterwards to help look for Spider-Man" May informs her.

"Good cover up story. There may be some holes but that's easy to fix. Look, I think Gwen was about to go on the run before we grabbed her to go help Norman do his sick and twisted things wherever the hell they are so she definitely knows where they are. We'll get it out of her and if we have to go the hard way, so be it" Nat shrugs innocently just as Yelena, Tony and Rhodey walk into the room.

"I found Mjs necklace. I've seen her where it before" Yelena claims, handing the necklace to Delmar for approval it's hers.

"Yep, it's hers. Any leads from it?" Delmar wonders.

"That they had been in fact kidnapped on Crimsel Road. I think he used that bomb thing with the green smoke and Mjs necklace fell off or something for him to not have time to get rid of the evidence so he threw it aside. Guessing by it still there, he forgot to get rid of the evidence when dropping the envelope off and by leaving that envelope, it looked like he was watching you and Murph noticed so he tried chasing after him but he obviously got away as he had also planted the envelope leaving Murph to find it and inform you" Yelena explains.

"How did you know Murphs name? I didn't tell you?" Delmar questions.

"I'm a spy, what can I say" Yelena smirks.

"I don't think he's going to kidnap anyone else. I think he has everyone he needs. Bringing Mj, Ned and Flash in, it''ll make Peter more likely to comply then before" Nat mutters the last part. "He'll probably try to scare us off but that's it."

"We're also having Delmar, Neds mom and Flashs parents come here tomorrow so we can let them know that their kids are going to be alright and that we have some leads we cannot disclose" Steve informs.

"Are we sure that's the best idea?" Rhodey questions.

"Neds mom had already called May, no doubt she'll call again and it's better so they don't worry as much. They'll feel better to know their kids are in the avengers hands" Pepper claims.

"It's set then. Fri, inform Neds mom and Flashs parents to come to the tower tomorrow at...ten? Yea, ten sounds good Fri" Tony settles.


Peter wakes up, gasping for breath.

He calms down his breathing as he tries to focus on his eyes adjusting.

He notices three chairs in front of him but freezes when he spots whose sitting in them.

Ned...Mj...and Flash, all locked up and unconscious.

Peter tries to move but he finds himself locked up too.

The last thing he remembers is green gas entering their cell and they're here.

He tries to look around but finds it hopeless from it being too dark.

Too dark and eerie the room is. His senses slightly buzzing at the base of his neck.

He honestly doesn't know how long it is until Mj, Ned and Flash finally wake up in the same panicked state but calms down a bit to see that no one got harmed. 

"Someone's coming" Peter informs them right as the metal door opens and a light switch gets flipped on, blinding the four of them but Peter the most due to his senses.

"It's time for the next test!" Norman laughs as him, Doc Ock and Mysterio all walk in.

His senses are starting to scream.

He spots Doc Ock holding something when he recognizes it as a video camera. He feels himself freeze but tries to not let it show. The doc quickly places it down and turns it on because now the light is red instead of off.

"They didn't do anything! They have nothing to do with any of this so let them go!" Peter demands.


Norman had slapped him across the face before screaming to shut up. His goblin mask peering down at Peter letting Peter see his reflection in his eyes.

"Where are we?" Mj speaks up, demanding for the answer.

"Well aren't you curious" Norman sneers, walking over to her.


"QUIET DOWN OR ELSE THEY WILL GET IT!!" Norman threatens, drawing out a knife and holding it up to Mjs face.

Peter automatically quiets down, not daring to say anything else. None of them for the fact is daring to say anything else.

"Good. You know...I'm rethinking my choice. I think we should send this out to the entire world. Let them see how pathetic the little Spider-Man truly is" the goblin threatens. "He can't even protect his own girlfriend and two friends! How can he protect the city if he can't protect the people he loves?! I mean ha! He couldn't even protect his aunt and the father figure he adores so much!"

"SHUT UP!! YOU LYING BASTARD THEY'RE ALIVE!!" Peter shouts, making Norman turn around and point the knife at him. 

"And how would you know? You saw the footage. Your aunt being shot up like your poor little old uncle and Tony Stark having been invaded in his own tower" the goblin snarls.

"Because you're a filthy and pathetic little liar" Peter snaps back.

"Tase him Otto" Norman demands.

Otto steps away from behind the camera and walks over to Peter. Mj, Ned and Flash are screaming at him too stop but it's too late.

Peter had felt the electric run through his veins for the millionth time he's been here. He can't hold back a scream, no matter how hard he tries. 

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Peter screams.

The tasing finally stops about what felt like thousands of minutes. Tears are trickling down Peters eyes while his friends are looking at him with sincere apology that they can't help to stop them from hurting him no matter how much they yell.


"Like they can find us" Norman snickers as he gestures for Mysterio to step into frame but also making Otto stay in frame as well. "If you don't answer our questions, it can either be pain or...seeing the inevitable." 

"Just don't hurt them, only me" Peter demands again.

"Well we still need to test your powers my boy! Can't have you all looney up. You need to stay awake to see us cut right into your body and take out your blood" the goblin smiles wide even when his face is hidden. "And stop trying to break out of your cuffs, they're vibranium. First question right off the bat! How do each and every one of your powers work?"

"I don't know, they work whenever" Peter lies which only makes Norman slice the knife into his skin and allow Peter to let out a hiss.

"Should I go for your friends now? How would they like the knife digging into their skins" Norman threatens.

"Don't touch them" Peter repeats for the hundredth time but Norman ignores him.

He goes over to them and stands in between Ned and Mj. It makes Peter start to thrash in his chair, trying to break out of his restraints even though he knows it's pointless.

"Who should I hurt first? Your childhood best friend or your girlfriend?" Norman wonders.

"Me! Hurt me!" Peter protests.

"Hmmm what about your spidey sense? I'd love to know more about that before containing the power" Norman smirks.

"HURT ME GOD DAMMIT!!" Peter yells right before he feels another tase consume his body.

"STOP THAT!!" Flash yells.

"STOP HURTING HIM!!" Mj screams.

"STOP IT!!" Ned shouts.

The tase stops, Peters breaths coming out in rapid speed.

"Send him under" Norman spits out.

Peter starts to freak out while Mj, Ned and Flash look confused but...nothing happens.

Peter looks around confused, his senses are tingling. Why did Norman say to send him under if Mysterio wasn't going to?

"So care to answer any questions?" Norman continues.

"No" Peter replies.

That's when Norman pulls out a gun.

Peters eyes goes wide. He starts to walk over to Flash and point the gun right at his head.

"PLEASE NO!!" Peter screams but it's too late.


Peter flinches but never takes his eyes off of Flashs corpse, blood sprawling out of his head. He sees Ned and Mj start to freak out with tears rolling down their screaming faces, knowing that they're next.

"I love you loser" Mj cries out. 

"PLEASE!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!! PLE-" Peter gets cut off by another bang.

The bullet going through Mjs head just like it had to Flash, leaving her bloody and lifeless. Him and Ned screams super loud and Ned starts to move like crazy in his chair. Norman grabs his head and holds him at gun point just like he had to Mj and Flash.

"Please" Peter begs.

"Tell us the secrets to your powers and to the avengers" Norman warns.

"It's ok dude. You're the bestest friend I could've asked for" Ned manages to get out right before anything...


Peters throat is going hoarse as another loud scream rips through his lungs. Tears are pooling down his face and he can't manage to slow down his rapid heart.

He can hear Normans laugh start to echo.

The blood trickling down his ears on the side of his face.

He can't bare to look at his friends corpses but also can't look away.

It's his fault.

But that's when everything starts to fade.

Peter looks around, confused. He thinks his imagination is playing tricks. His head is tingling from crying and his throat super dry. His tears are taking up most of his vision but he can see clearly the people who just got shot are in front of him with tears all trailing down their faces.

Norman's laughter grows even louder and Otto and Mysterio joins in. Peter feels his cheeks grow red but he doesn't care.

"M-Mj? Ned? Fla-Flash?" Peter stammers out.

"We're right here Peter. Wh-what did you see?" Mj asks through tears. They had all watch Peter scream, cry and thrash around but they had no clue why. They were all worried and thought they had drugged him or something but never saw a needle get sticked into him.

"N-nothing" Peter lies.

"Awww how cute!" Mysterio chuckles.

"Any last words to say to your precious avengers?" Norman asks.

"Stay underneath, don't go up to your tower to do sciency things" Peter sends a message right before Norman waves into the camera and turns it off.


It's October 1st on Thursday and the parents all had finally arrived. They were shock to say the least but came to the tower despite it and now Delmar, May, Neds mom Marissa Leeds and Flashs parents Rosie and Harrison Thompson, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are all in the meeting room to inform Ned and Flashs parents about what they know.

"We're helping in the search of finding your kids" Tony starts.

"Isn't Peter sick? Did he go missing too?" Marissa quickly asks.

"He felt better but stayed home from school and then went to hangout with the kids" May lies.

"Oh my goodness. We have to find them" Marissa states.

"And we will. We already have leads. We are confident that they had been kidnapped by the same villains who kidnapped Spider-Man. We know that because we saw familiar patterns and we will get them home safe to you" Nat assures.

"How do you know someone else may not have kidnapped them and what clues? We were told the security cameras got cut off and the police have none!" Harrison argues.

"We aren't working with the police. We are working with the new Shield and have our own ways. We can't disclose much but we found evidence of their disappearing and it's the same way how Spider-Man disappeared" Nat explains.

"So what out of thin air?! How did you even know where they exactly disappeared from?!" Rosie protests.

"Please calm down. We get that you're angry and trust us, we are too but it won't end well with a screaming match" Nat takes charge.

"Like we said we cannot disclose much but we are getting close" Tony repeats.

"This is unbelievable" Harrison scoffs.

"I'm sorry but we are the best people who can find your kid so if you stop fighting us about it, it will be very well appreciated. I bet you two haven't even gone out to look for your son and are just relying on other people to do so!" Tony snaps.

Harrison is about to yell back but Nat quickly intervenes.

"Stop arguing! We didn't call you all here to fight! We just wanted to inform you that we are helping to look for your kids. Shield and us are on this case" Nat interrupts.

"Didn't Shield get I don't know, broke up as well?" Rosie questions.

"We are with what is the rest of Shield after having Ross getting taken out including his agents. We have director Fury and his best agents out there helping us" Nat exclaims.

"How come they kidnapped our kids in the first place?" Rosie presses another question.

"We aren't sure but we will get them out of there unharmed" Nat answers.

"Boss, you had received a video and it's not pleasant. I am tracking it now" Friday announces.

"So anymore questions because we have to get back to business and I'm sure you all have work" Tony wraps things up.

"If that video has our kid in it, why can't we see it?" Harrison wonders.

"Like my AI had said, it isn't pleasant so it must be graphic and something you shouldn't see" Tony waves it off.

"If they're hurting our son we would like to know! I think we should very well see the video!" Harrison practically yells.

"I had scanned the video and there is nobody hurting your son Eugene or even Mj, Ned and Peter but Spider-Man is in need of medical assistance. I am still tracking the video along with the phone number I'm still tracking" Friday shares the information.

"Oh look! They're not hurt so now you may leave since we need to focus on getting your kids back. We will be in contact once we found them and bring them here to get them checked up by our best doctors before sending them home" Tony concludes.

"Thank you for coming" Nat thanks even though she didn't really mean it.

Once Marissa, Rosie and Harrison leaves, Delmar stands up.

"I got to go to work anyways but please tell keep me updated" Delmar asks.

"We will and if Neds mom asks, I'll keep her updated as well" May nods.

"Thank you. I hope you find them soon" Delmar thanks before leaving.

"Fri, call the avengers in here. We got a video to watch" Tony sighs.


Everyone's in the meeting room, waiting to see the video. The screen has already been pulled up so they could watch but nobody had turned it on yet.

Everyone had been arguing to stay and watch. Even May though it's going to be a hard thing to watch and Tony knows it won't be good.

Everyone is honestly already on edge. Especially May, Tony and Nat who had heard Friday say that Peter needs medical assistance and that the video is not a good thing to watch but they have too. It can lead to where they are.

Tony takes a deep breath before looking around. No one looks ready but they do look determine to watch.

"Play the video" Tony instructs and Friday does what she is told, playing the video on the screen to show Green Goblin standing over Peter who is strapped down on a chair across from Mj, Ned and Flash who are in a similar place.

"They didn't do anything! They have nothing to do with any of this so let them go!" Peter demands once the video plays.


Norman had slapped him across the face before screaming to shut up. His goblin mask peering down and everyone looks at the screen in horror but trying to retain their emotions.

"Where are we?" Mj speaks up, demanding for the answer.

"Well aren't you curious" Norman sneers, walking over to her.


"QUIET DOWN OR ELSE THEY WILL GET IT!!" Norman threatens, drawing out a knife and holding it up to Mjs face.

Peter automatically quiets down and practically everyone feels themselves choke up. This shouldn't be happening. The kids should've been home safe and sound. Peter should've been home safe and sound.

"Good. You know...I'm rethinking my choice. I think we should send this out to the entire world. Let them see how pathetic the little Spider-Man is" the goblin threatens. "He can't even protect his own girl friend and two friends! How can he protect the city if he can't protect the people he loves?! I mean ha! He couldn't even protect his aunt and the father figure he adores so much!"

"SHUT UP!! YOU LYING BASTARD THEY'RE ALIVE!!" Peter shouts, making Norman turn around and point the knife at him.

Everyone looks at the screen angry. In no right does he have the right to expose Peters identity but luckily, he just sent it to Tony.

"And how would you know? You saw the footage? Your aunt being shot up like your poor little old uncle and Tony Stark having been invaded in his own tower" the goblin snarls.

"YOU BITCH!!" Tony shouts even though it's pointless. All he is, is shouting at a video that already happened.

"Because you're a filthy and pathetic little liar" Peter snaps back.

"Tase him Otto" Norman demands.

Otto steps in frame and walks over to Peter. Mj, Ned and Flash are screaming at him to stop but it's too late.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Peter screams.

May, Pepper and Tony feels tears staring to stream down their faces. Nat tries to hold in her tears but a few slip by that she doesn't even bother to wipe away, keeping her focused fully on the video. Rhodey is practically in the same position, having a few tears slip by but he doesn't mind. Yelena, Steve, Bucky and Sam never knew Peter like everybody else but they feel awful. They feel themselves growing upset and angry but at the moment, they can't do anything but watch.

The tasing finally stops about what felt like thousands of minutes. Tears are trickling down Peters eyes while his friends are looking at him with sincere apology that they can't help them stop them from hurting him no matter how much they yell.


"Like they can find us" Norman snickers as he gestures for Mysterio to step into frame but also making Otto stay in frame as well. "If you don't answer our questions, it can either be pain or...seeing the inedible."

"Just don't hurt them, only me" Peter demands again.

"Self sacrificing idiot" Tony mumbles even though he doesn't fully mean it. Everyone who knows him knows that he's always self sacrificing but that makes up of who he is. It just doesn't help in these situations because he's already badly injured and probably starving and thirsty.

"Well we still need to test your powers by boy! Can't have you all looney up. You need to stay awake to see us cut right into your body and take out your blood" the goblin states. "And stop trying to break out of your cuffs, they're vibranium. First question right off the bat! How do each and every one of your powers work?"

"I don't know, they work whenever" Peter lies which only makes Norman slice the knife into his skin and allow Peter to let out a hiss.

"Should I go for your friends now? How would they like the knife digging into their skins" Norman threatens.

"Don't touch them" Peter repeats for the hundredth time but Norman ignores him.

He goes over to them and stands in between Ned and Mj. It makes Peter start to thrash in his chair and trying to break out of his restraints.

"Who should I hurt first? Your childhood best friend or your girl friend?" Norman wonders.

"Me! Hurt me!" Peter protests.

"Hmmm what about your spidey sense? I'd love to know more about that before containing the power" Norman smirks.

"HURT ME GOD DAMMIT!!" Peter yells right before Otto sticks the taser back on Peter.

No one looks away. They can't. The image and screams will haunt them forever but it's going to for sure haunt Peter more. Tears are pouring faster down some of their faces but they can't do anything but continue watching to see if there are any clues.

"STOP!!" Flash yells.

"STOP HURTING HIM!!" Mj screams.

"STOP IT!!" Ned shouts.

The tase stops, Peters breathes coming out in rapid speed.

"Send him under" Norman spits out.

Peter starts to freak out while Mj, Ned and Flash look confused.

Everyone's confused.

Nothing happens.

What the hell does Osborn mean to send him under?

Peter looks around confused as well.

"So care to answer any questions?" Norman continues.

"No" Peter replies.

Peters eyes goes wide.

Everyone looks at the screen super confused. What is Peter panicking about?

"PLEASE NO!!" Peter screams.

Peter flinches.

They don't hear or see anything. All they see is Peter crying, screaming and flinching but no one knows why. 

"Please" Peter begs.

Peters throat is going hoarse as another loud scream rips through his lungs. Tears are pooling down his face.

Normans laugh start to echo.

But what the hell is he laughing about? Nothing is happening!

The blood trickling down his ears on the side of his face.

Peter looks around, confused. His friends all have tears all trailing down their faces.

Norman's laughter grows even louder and Otto and Mysterio joins in.

Peter cheeks go a bit red.

"M-Mj? Ned? Fla-Flash?" Peter stammers out.

"We're right here Peter. Wh-what did you see?" Mj asks through tears.

What did he see? 

Then it dawned to Nat, Yelena and Bucky.

They had all watch Peter scream, cry and thrash around but they had no clue why. They were all worried and thought they had drugged him or something but never saw a needle get sticked into him.

"Illusions" they all say in union.

Everyone looks at them confused but doesn't get a word in before Peter speaks.

"N-nothing" Peter lies.

"Awww how cute!" Mysterio chuckles.

"Any last words to say to your precious avengers?" Norman asks.

"Stay underneath, don't go up to your tower to do sciency things" Peter sends a message right before Norman waves into the camera and turns it off.

The video ends there, leaving the screen black. Everyone is wiping their tears but their tear tracks are still known.

"They're underneath. The base is underneath!" Tony shouts as he gets what Peter had tried to tell him. "And he means Norman Osborn when talking about science! The kids a genius!"

"Wait, what do you mean illusions?" Steve questions.

"It seemed like they actually put him under an illusion but not with drugs since they didn't stick a needle" Bucky explains.

"Maybe with invisible drones" Yelena suggests.

"That's crazy" Sam rolls his eyes.

"This whole thing is crazy. Having invisible drones to make Peter see things that aren't there isn't that far off" Nat sticks up for her sister as Yelena sticks her tongue out at Sam.

"Wait back to the underneath thing, do you guys have any clue as to where exactly he's talking about?" May questions.

"Did the Parkers have any secret underground lairs that Norman could've got from them?" Pepper wonders.

"I wouldn't know. They were secretive people when it came to their jobs" May sighs.

"Fri? Do Richard and Mary Parker have any secret underground lairs or Norman Osborn?" Tony asks.

"Not that I could find a record of" Friday dismisses. "Though I am still tracking the video. The private number had given me a bunch of discreet codes that I am looking into right now."

"Tell us when you crack it" Rhodey chimes in.

"Will do" Friday obeys.

"And update Hap and everyone else about this will you?" Tony asks.

"I have been sending updating messages to them every time you had found something and I even sent them the video but gave them a brief warning" Friday shares.

"He must know that they're underground because he can hear maybe people above but if they're so far under, they can't hear them and because of his enhanced hearing" Nat mumbles.

"Could be a subway?" May suggests.

"Or an old undercover Hydra base?" Bucky hesitantly says aloud. "They don't have to be associate with them but found an old base and just took it?"

"Or like an ant farm" Yelena shrugs.

"Or underground tunnels" Pepper voices her opinion.

"Or even sewers, you never know" Rhodey thinks of.

"Then we'll start looking under ground" Tony states.


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