Iron Man: My Hero Academia Se...

By Fireheartsage

48.2K 936 747

Takumi Sakai has become the Iron Man of the MHA world thanks to his mentor, the ghost of Tony Stark, doing on... More

Trailer: The story truly begins
Episode 1: The Black Widow
Episode 2: Calm before the next storm
Episode 3: Two weeks left, scout the competition!
Describing Takumi Sakai
Episode 4: Shadow of the Panther part 1
Episode 5: Shadow of the Panther part 2 (new version)
Episode 6: Shadow of the Panther part 3
Episode 7: The UA Sports Festival finally starts
Episode 8: In their own quirky ways
Episode 9: A Strategic Battle
Bonus omake story: Costume Studies Course?!
Episode 10: The Cavalry Battle's Grand Finale
Episode 11: The lunch amongst heroes.
Episode 12: Who are we gonna fight? The calm before the storm
Episode 13: The Astro Protocol
Episode 14: Battle on Challengers
Episode 15: The forest of bodies, something sinister lurks!
Episode 16: Midoriya vs Todoroki
Episode 17: The clash of technology and nature!
Episode 18: Define your own fate! Takumi vs Shoto!!
Episode 19: The Invincible Iron Man vs The Unstoppable Bakugo!
Post Sports Festival Q and A (Bonus "poster" added)
Episode 20: Massacre Man Nitro!
Episode 21: To pay back a debt
Visual edits of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 22: The Invincible's encounter with the Amazing and the Incredible.
Episode 23: Time to pick some names
Episode 24: Madness in the Streets of Hosu City
Episode 25: The men society failed... Clash of the broken
Episode 26: The battle of the broken comes to an end
Episode 28: The Makluan Hunt begins.
Episode 29: Welcome to Murderworld!
Episode 30: The Unworthy Child
One year of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 31: The boy with the Iron Will
Class 1-A threat levels (as thought by me) as of 'The Hunt begins' arc
Episode 32: Technological clash! Iron Man vs Arcade!
Episode 33: The trial of drawn lines
Episode 34: For the path forward, gift from a friend

Episode 27: The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain

841 15 29
By Fireheartsage

Ultron smiled as he had watched various Pro Heroes destroy the various Nomu that Tomura Shigaraki had used to wreak havoc on Hosu City. However, what interested him more was not the battle between the Pro Heroes and the Nomu as he originally thought it would. What had been the highlight of the night for Ultron had been witnessing Iron Man and his classmates clash against the infamous Hero Killer: Stain.
"Looks like the fun is over. The heroes of this world are pretty strong, and the Legacy of Stark is continuing to change and evolve. As much as I would like to end him while he is weakened, there are too many Pros in this city and not enough Ultron bots to stand against them, if their systematic takedown of the Nomu army is anything to go by." Ultron told himself as he witnessed Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri leave from Hosu City.

"It seems the local scum has had its fill too. Now, I guess it is time I use my new knowledge of this world's heroes to enhance my army. After all, you are not the only one who learns all he can of his opponents anymore, Legacy of Stark." Ultron spoke as he imagined the confrontation, he knew would happen in the future... him facing off against this world's Iron Man.

Meanwhile at Hosu General Hospital:
"Looking back now... what we did was incredible." Midoriya spoke as he replayed the fight with Stain in his mind.

"Yeah." Todoroki agreed.

"It's kind of a miracle we are even still alive. Stain was one of the most determined villains I have ever fought." Takumi added.

"And with my leg... if he'd wanted to kill me... He easily could've." Midoriya pointed out as he remembered how he had been paralyzed by Stain's quirk due to a small cut on his leg.

"So THAT'S how he got you. I never did see when he managed to cut you." Takumi admitted,

"The point still hands, he let us live." Todoroki spoke, looking at his injured arm before he looked up at Iida.

"But you, even with him coming at you with all that bloodlust... you still stood up to him. Impressive. I came to save you but ended up needing your help. Sorry." Todoroki told Iida.

"Not at all. It's not like that. I..." Iida started to say before Spider-Man, Gran Torino, and Manual walked in the room.

"Well, looks like our junior heroes are awake!" Spider-Man quipped.

"Spider-Man!" Takumi said.

"Gran Torino." Midoriya spoke.

"Mr. Manual." Iida said.

"MJ knows you are here by the way. She told me to tell you she's going to have a stern talk with you later." Spider-Man warned Takumi, making the boy sigh.

"Should have figured that was coming." Takumi commented.

"And don't think you're out of the woods yet either but... before that you've got a visitor." Gran Torino added, directing the first half of the statement to Midoriya, but the statement about the visitor was directed at everyone.

"Oh really?" Midoriya asked in surprise as his eyes widened.

"This is Mr. Kenji Tsuragamae, Hosu's chief of police." Gran Torino said as the police chief walked in the room. What surprised Takumi was that he was a walking, talking dog.

"Tsuragamae!! Ch-chief of police?!" Midoriya yelled, alarmed.

"Please stay seated, woof." Tsuragamae spoke.

"So, you're the UA students... who put a stop to the Hero Killer, woof." Tsuragamae said as he took a look at the four students.

'The chief is here to see us, but why?' Todoroki thought.

'Woof?!' Takumi and Midoriya both thought as they both were still shocked that the police chief was a dog.

"As for the Hero Killer, himself... he's currently in treatment for his burns, broken bones, and a number of serious injuries, woof." Tsuragamae continued.

There was a short moment of silence, as if the police chief had expected the students to say anything but no one even knew what to say. They were just glad they had even survived their fight with Stain.

"At the dawn of this extraordinary era, the police moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo... so they decided not to use quirks as weapons. The profession 'hero' rose as one that would fill that void, woof. Authorizing the use of such might... of these powers that could so very easily kill... was a heavily criticized decision at first, but it would garner public support. All because your predecessors acted morally and complied with the laws, woof." Tsuragamae explained before he looked at Takumi in particular when he spoke of their predecessors complying with the laws. Takumi wondered if this had also been a subtle jab at his time as a vigilante with no possible hero future.

"But those without permission... those who inflicted harm without explicit instruction from the police and powers that be... even if they were to face someone like the Hero Killer... such action would represent a stunning breach of law, woof. You four, as well as your Pro Hero mentors... Spider-Man, Endeavor, Manual, Gran Torino. The eight of you must be dealt with strictly and impartially." Tsuragamae spoke sternly.

Both Takumi and Todoroki stepped forward at that moment.
"Wait just a second there! / Hold on a minute." Takumi and Todoroki said respectively at the same time.

"Todoroki/Sakai..." Iida and Midoriya spoke respectively.

"If Iida hadn't acted, Native would've been killed. And if Sakai hadn't showed up and saved Native before engaging Stain to save Iida, then Iida would have likely died and then Native not that long after." Todoroki pointed out.

"And even with my Iron Man armor being as strong as it is, if Midoriya and Todoroki hadn't arrived when they did, who knows if I would have been able to take that guy down. There was no other choice but to act, or else people would have died. Are we REALLY putting the law above the lives of actual people?" Takumi added in agreement with Todoroki.

"Everything turned out fine. So just forget about the law this time!" Todoroki boomed.

"Whoa, whoa. Sakai, Todoroki... calm down." Midoriya told them in a panic.

"What's important isn't leaving people to go and die because of some arbitrary mandate that prevents people from doing what's right! It's a hero's JOB to save others... and sure we are still in training... and sure we were going against the law when we got involved but... With great power there must also come great responsibility... when you can do the things, we can... and you don't... and the bad things happen. They happen because of you." Takumi replied, having no intention of backing down.

'Well... I'm getting a sense of deja vú' Spirit Tony replied in Takumi's head as he remembered when his world's Peter Parker had told him the same thing... why he was Spider-Man.

"You've certainly got Spider-Man's spirit, but you still have much to learn, woof. Some education you're getting from your mentors, woof." Tsuragamae replied calmly.

"You mutt..." Todoroki growled as he started to approach the police chief. before Takumi and Gran Torino stopped the boy.

"Look, we may not agree with this whole thing, but let's not COMPLETELY lose our cool." Takumi told his friend, although he was saying it to himself just as much as he was saying it to Todoroki.

"Just finish hearing the guy out." Spider-Man added.

"All of that... is what I'm obligated to tell you as the police chief. But... the real question is whether or not to deal with this issue publicly, woof." Tsuragamae spoke, and suddenly the atmosphere around him completely changed.

"If we let the story out, you'll all be lauded by the public, but you won't be able to avoid punishment. The only possible exception to this would be Takumi Sakai, due to the fact that he is now allowed to operate all over Japan as Iron Man under the supervision of the Friendly Neighborhood Hero Agency, but even then, there would be no guarantee that punishment would be avoided, but I digress, woof. If we keep all this nasty business to ourselves... the hero killer's burns will support the story that Endeavor was the key operative. He'll receive the accolades, woof. Fortunately, the number of eyewitnesses was small enough... that we can hush up this whole matter before it causes problems, woof. But in that case, your decisive action and achievements... will remain unknown to the general public. What do you say?! I'm an understanding man. So, when it comes to a promising group of young people... I'd rather not have to pursue charges over this admittedly massive indiscretion, woof!!" Tsuragamae explained, surprising Takumi that Hosu's chief of police was providing them an out... a way to avoid the law bearing its fangs at them for something that had to be done.

"Either way, OUR negligence is to blame. We have to take responsibility." Manual pointed out to Spider-Man and Gran Torino. Iida walked toward Manual and bowed to the Pro Hero.

"I'm so very sorry." Iida apologized as he bowed before Manual lightly slapped the back of Iida's head.

"Yeah! You caused big trouble for your mentor, so don't do it again!!" Manual replied.

The four kids then turned and bowed to Tsuragamae.
"Thanks for everything." The four teens said in unison, deciding that it would be best if the public didn't know of their fight with Stain, if only so they would not have to have their potential hero careers possibly dashed by trying to do the right thing.

"The world's an unfair place. You'll receive none of the commendations... that you might have otherwise but..." The police chief began before he in turned bowed at the four students.

"... at least... as someone invested in keeping the peace... I can thank you!" Tsuragamae finished his statement.

Takumi voiceover: Personally, I didn't really care who took the credit for defeating Stain. I managed to do what I came to Hosu to do. Not only was a killer stopped but I managed to save a friend that was going down a dark path, and in the end that's what kept me at peace, even though Endeavor would be the one who took all of the credit. This ordeal reminded me of one crucial fact about being a hero... a true hero does the right thing not because they could gain some kind of recognition from it, but because it is simply the right thing to do.

When the next day came, the news broke all over Japan that the Hero Killer had finally been defeated. As life seemingly returned to normal, Midoriya got a call from Uraraka and Takumi went back to using his hologram technology to mess with hypothetical models of the device that would restore Tensei's mobility, at least to that of a normal civilian level of mobility. Then, after a short while, Takumi checked his alternate Instagram account and saw that he had gotten a few messages from Iron Man fan #1.

'Sorry for the late response, things have been pretty hectic.' Takumi texted.

'Can't say I'm surprised. The whole world knows about the strange creature attack and how Endeavor defeated the Hero Killer. Are you ok? Did you get hurt in the attack?' Iron Man fan #1 typed.

'I'm a bit banged up but I'm fine.' Takumi typed, not elaborating. He didn't know who this fan actually was, Spirit Tony trusted them enough to encourage the new online friendship, but he knew he couldn't tell a total stranger that he was actually Takumi Sakai/Iron Man himself, the whole reason he even made this account was to be treated like a normal person online again. Takumi then exited from the Instagram chat and got back to thinking about armor upgrades and the device he was making to restore Tensei's mobility. He was creating alternative parts that had already existed in Tony's world... things that didn't exist in this one... meaning that he would have to be extra careful as he made adjustments to the design of the device. Feeling a bit worn out, Takumi walked to his backpack which he had Spider-Man get for him, and he pulled out a can of Red Bull and he started to drink it.

"SAKAI, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SNEAK DRINKS INTO THE HOSPITAL ROOM!" Iida yelled. Takumi handed it to Todoroki who promptly chilled it for his friend before Todoroki handed it back.

"I need it to think right now. I drink it so that I can think as fast as Max Verstappen can drive." Takumi replied.

"Max who?" Todoroki asked.

"He's a Formula 1 race car driver. He drives for Red Bull Racing." Takumi replied before he drank his Red Bull and started getting back to work before Midoriya walked back in the room, looking somewhat flustered.

"Ah, Iida. Just got off the phone with Uraraka and..." Midoriya started to say when Todoroki cut him off as Takumi felt the air in the room change.

"Did I miss something?" Takumi asked.

"While you were working on your holographic model or whatever, Iida... got his diagnosis." Todoroki explained, getting the attention of both All Might fan boys.

"My left hand... could have permanent damage." Iida revealed surprising Takumi and Midoriya.

"Both of my arms were badly injured, but my left got the worst of it. He severed something called the brachial plexus nerve. But they said that I might regain most of the feeling... and use of my hands and fingers if I receive a nerve transplant. When I found the Hero Killer, my mind went blank. I should have told Manual before doing anything else. I should have listened to the advice Sakai gave me about not letting my mind become corrupted with vengeance. I may hate Stain... but he wasn't wrong. So... until I succeed in becoming a true hero... my left hand will serve as a reminder." Iida told Takumi and Midoriya.

Midoriya then looked at his own right hand, scarred from his battle against Todoroki during the Sports Festival.
"Iida. I... feel the same way. Let's... get stronger. Together." Midoriya spoke with determination in his voice. Takumi smiled.

Todoroki noticed something.
"I'm... sorry..." Todoroki muttered nervously.

"For what?" Takumi and Midoriya asked in unison.

"Whenever I'm involved... it feels like... people's hands get messed up or something... is it a curse?" Todoroki stated seriously.

Takumi didn't know if it was the ridiculousness of the statement or the serious tone in which Todoroki had said it, but he could not help but laugh loudly along with Midoriya and Iida.

"What on Earth are you talking about?" Iida asked as he laughed.

"Looks like even Todoroki knows how to make a joke." Midoriya commented as he laughed.

"No. I'm not joking. Just call me 'The Hand Crusher'." Todoroki replied.

"THE HAND CRUSHER!!" Takumi boomed as he rolled off of his hospital bed and landed on the ground, still laughing along with Midoriya and Iida.

Suddenly Mary Jane walked into the hospital room and Takumi's feelings went to one of dread. She gave him a stern look like one that his mom had given him at various moments in his life when he royally screwed up. Takumi instantly stood up and gulped nervously.
"Takumi Sakai... I had told my husband to keep you away from the Hero Killer since you are WAY too young to risk it all on someone like him, but NO... you just had to go and fight the guy anyway." Mary Jane spoke.

"Mrs. Parker,  ma'am, I promise you it was for a good reason. You see my friend was getting attacked and..." Takumi started to quickly explain before MJ put a hand on Takumi's shoulder.

"You did what you needed to do. That said... it was stupid, reckless, and illegal! But I can't help but be proud of you all the same. You are a lot like Peter, and I can tell you will do him proud. You will be an amazing hero one day, just... don't get yourself killed before you can, got it, kid?" Mary Jane asked. Takumi smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks, Mrs. Parker." Takumi replied. Mary Jane smiled as well as she messed with his hair a bit.

"And it's MJ. You're family now. No need to be so formal." Mary Jane said before she walked away, to bring the teen and his friends some food. Takumi then drank some more Red Bull from his can.

"WHO IN THE WORLD WAS THAT?!" Midoriya and Iida asked in awe.

"Spider-Man's wife. I haven't really gotten to know her that well yet but she's pretty cool." Takumi replied.

'I'm starting to understand why Mineta gets jealous of Sakai... how does he know so many attractive women? TENYA IIDA, NO. SHE'S OLDER THAN YOU!' DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE EVILS OF JEALOUSY!' Iida thought as Takumi voiced the opinion in the room.

"Let's face it... we are all thinking that Spider-Man is one lucky son of a gun, aren't we?" Takumi stated.

"Not even going to try and deny it." Midoriya replied awkwardly.

Takumi then got back to work on his holographic model of the mobility device he, Mei, and Daisuke were making for Tensei, drinking some more Red Bull whenever he felt like he needed to think through something.

"Mandarin, it seems that the public believe that the Hero Killer was a part of the League of Villains that had previously attacked UA. It seems like more hardened criminals are going to be joining the League for the chance to further Stain's agenda. Should we move to eliminate Tomura Shigaraki before he becomes a threat to the Tong?" A Tong spy asked Zhang, who was considering his options before he shook his head.

"Shigaraki is no threat to my mission to get revenge on the man who murdered my family. Nor is he a threat to the master. If anything, someone like Tomura Shigaraki and the rouge Ultron are the perfect distractions to keep Iron Man out of my business as the Mandarin, meanwhile Takumi Sakai, his civilian self, will prove useful in getting me the Makluan Rings. As long as nothing the League of Villains do conflict with my own plans, then we will leave them be." Zhang replied calmly.

"Understood, my master." The Tong spy responded.

Meanwhile with Takumi:
Takumi's phone buzzed as his main Instagram account had gotten a notification. As Takumi went into his main account, he once again took in how many people had followed him after he revealed himself to be Iron Man at the Sports Festival. He noticed that the notification was telling him that he had gotten a direct message from someone. With a sigh, Takumi hoped it wasn't from some desperate teenage girl begging him to date her, which had been happening frequently since the reveal.
'How desperate can some people be to ask a total stranger to date them for 15 minutes of fame?' Takumi thought in annoyance.

However, much to his relief, the DM had been from Ali, who sent him a link and said in her message, YOU GOT A THEME SONG!
"Hey guys... apparently I have a theme song now." Takumi told his friends.

"You have a theme song?! Put it on." Midoriya said. Takumi hit the link, which sent him to a YouTube video.

(Iron Man: Armored Adventures theme plays)

The reactions of various members of Class 1-A:
Bakugo growled in anger at the thought of Sakai getting a theme song before him.
"MORE THAN A HERO?! WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!" Bakugo yelled in pure rage.

Kyoka Jirou smiled as she had listened to the track. She HAD been planning on teasing her friend relentlessly if the song turned out to be terrible but instead, she had found herself impressed by the vocals and guitar work. She ended up putting it on her playlist, thinking of the friend that had unintentionally given her a hero name.

"SAKAI HAS A THEME SONG ALREADY?! DAMN IT! HE'LL ATTRACT EVEN MORE HOT CHICKS THAN BEFORE! WHERE'S MY PORTION OF THE LUCK?!" Mineta yelled loudly as he already imagined his classmate surrounded by the likes of Ali, Momo, the Black Widow, Mina, and more. His jealousy made him yell in sheer rage.

Momo Yaoyurozu found herself quite annoyed with how her internship was going. She had expected to learn more of the duties of a hero protecting the people, not what heroes can do with their free time when they get a large enough following. She had recently filmed a commercial with Uwabami, although Uwabami DID try to make up for things by taking her and her fellow interning classmate, Itsuka Kendo out on patrol. They ended up being swarmed by Uwabami's fans, and the Pro told her students that if they work hard, they will gain their own fanbases as well. Now in her hotel room, with Kendo's being next door, Momo soon heard a knock on her door. Momo opened it to find Kendo with her phone.
"Hey, remember when Uwabami talked about hard work one day gaining us fans?" Kendo asked Momo, who nodded.

"It seems your classmate has plenty of them already!" Kendo informed Momo as she played the new theme song of Iron Man. Momo smiled at hearing how the lyrics praises her classmate. In the short time she knew him, it was clear that he was one of the most brilliant people she had ever met. As she listened to the song, she realized she didn't know very much about her new academic rival. What drove him to be 'more than a hero' as the song had said? Momo had a new personal mission outside of her studies... she would figure out the unknown enigma that was Takumi Sakai. How did he keep succeeding in an area that should, according to the world, be impossible for him to succeed in? How does he keep on winning? And most of all... how could she learn from him to become a more confident person?

"So... Sakai got a theme song now? He truly is nonstop drive and ambition and the people have responded to it." Tokoyami noted as he listened to the song.

"Umm... Uraraka... when people normally do air guitar solos they don't actually float in the air!" Gunhead told his student as Uraraka accidentally ended up floating when she heard her new friend's theme as she was doing an air guitar solo. Uraraka chuckled as she landed on the ground.

"It's not every day you find out your classmate has his first theme song." Uraraka pointed out.

Meanwhile back at Hosu General:
"It is a very fitting song for you." Iida said after the song ended.

"Yeah. You are becoming more than any normal hero. You are becoming a symbol of change for those who need it." Todoroki responded. Midoriya smiled and nodded in agreement.

'Sakai... let's both keep working hard to become symbols for the people.' Midoriya thought, inspired by his classmate... the world's first quirkless hero student.

End of Episode 27

Takumi: Here's the preview!!

Zhang: The Tong has found the Makluan Temple where your ring came from! If they activate the ring while it is not within the walls of the temple, the ring will destroy itself and those who are around it!!

Takumi: Looks like we have no time to wait! We have to get to that Temple... WAIT isn't it in America?!

Spider-Man: Don't worry about that kid. I'm calling in a favor... we'll get there in no time!

Takumi: Next time, The Maklaun Hunt begins! Go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!!!

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