Adrift ~Book 1 || β€’PJMβ€’ (Rewr...

By Ravendipity

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|| π’π‚πˆπ„ππ‚π„ π…πˆπ‚π“πˆπŽπ 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐔 || Park Jimin was never noticed by his peers. Lonely and afraid... More

The Girl On Ganymede
A Tale of Two
The Red Planet
The Battleship
Attack on Bangtan
Exit Strategies
Jimin's "Date"
Jeon Jungkook
The Boyfriend
Kim Seokjin
Jimin's Angel
Passion and Desire
Kim Taehyung
The Tragedy
Ache and Loss
Jimin's Decision
Make Outs and... War?
Mr. L/N
Min Yoongi
The First Fight
The Silent Treatment
A New Ally?
Unwanted Visitors
A Daring Escape
All Good Things... (Part 1)
All Good Things... (Part 2)


91 9 24
By Ravendipity


Ah yes the iconic chapter that will forever be referenced in the rest of this incredibly long story.


Jimin's promotion is probably the best thing that's ever happened to the crew. Everyone needed a break - a reason to celebrate. Baekhyun somehow convinced the entire crew to meet in the dining hall and have a few drinks... and it may have turned into a lot of drinks. The alcohol isn't really the good stuff, but it's still alcohol, so no one's complaining. You're on the run from your father, carrying vital information about alien life, and on your way to possibly get an explanation that could change your lives forever. If now isn't the time for a drink...

There's music playing, the lights are dim and Jimin showed off his engineering abilities even more by changing the bulbs to emit multiple colors. The lights fade between the colors of the rainbow. The middle of the floor got cleared to make room for the dance floor: now it's a full blown dance party. You lean against the counter, sipping on your champagne as you watch Seulgi and Hoseok going crazy. Namjoon and Baekhyun are doing the same thing, and you're living for it. Seeing Namjoon borderline drunk is something you never thought you needed to see, but you're grateful you're lucky enough to witness it.

Jungkook is smiling to himself off to the side, not drinking alcohol out of fear of his enhancements. Jimin, on the other hand, is at the center of it all. He drank the most, and it honestly makes you laugh. You're drinking your fair share, but no where near the same amount Jimin had. When he's drunk he's... well, he's not exactly the same shy Jimin you know.

"Y/NNNN," he says, smiling and staring right at you. You can barely hear him over the loud music, but you raise a brow at him anyway. "Dance with me, you won't regret it," he says with a wink. You can feel Jungkook's amused gaze on you, but you ignore it. You sigh, throwing back what's left in your glass and placing it on the counter before waltzing over to Jimin.

He keeps coming closer, the two of you doing random moves while everyone laughs and talks around you. "How many bottles, Jimin?" you ask.

He giggles. "Not enough." You roll your eyes but can't stop your smile as he continues to do his little dance moves. Based on how he moves his body, you can tell that he's a good dancer. Well, not totally in drunk Jimin form, but sober Jimin can probably hit some good moves.

You have your back to him now, slowly moving while he does the same behind you. He brings his lips close to your ears. You can practically feel him smile. "Engineers are pretty talented, did you know that?" he whispers.

You snicker and glance up at the fading lights he designed. "Yeah, I can see that." 

You feel his small smirk as his hands find your waist, bringing your body closer to his. You gasp, which he groans to. He's drunk... he's drunk... he's drunk. Don't give in, Y/N, don't give in.

He traces his finger up your thigh, licking his lower lip as he stares into your eyes. "We're also pretty good with our fingers."

"J-Jimin wha-"

He shushes you, closing his eyes and swaying along with the beat. "Dance with me," he says. You finally give in. Even if he's drunk, and you're on your way there, might as well enjoy tonight right? You let your thoughts go and instead lean back into Jimin's touch. He hums in satisfaction. "Good girl." It's almost enough to make you moan in response, but you resist the urge. You turn yourself around and face him, his eyes opening and taking you in.

You wrap your arms around his neck and pull yourself closer, your fingers gently tapping against his neck. "You're very drunk Jiminie, don't you think you should go to bed before it's too late?"

He smiles at the nickname, then shakes his head. "I think I should have more." You roll your eyes but smile. He laughs. "Come onnn, this could be the last time we drink for a long time."

"Last time we get wasted I think you mean."

He shrugs. "Same thing."

"No, I'm pretty sure there's a big difference."

"Ah, are you sure?" You hum. "I've been doing it wrong this whole time, huh?" You widely smile and nod, giggling to yourself.

As the music continues to blast, you find your fingers stroking themselves through Jimin's hair. "I never asked you... if you had to rank everyone here by attractiveness, how would you rank them?" Jimin asks, although he seems slightly dazed. Regardless, you smile and shrug.

"I'd put Baekhyun, Namjoon, and Hoseok tied for fourth. Jungkook for third, Seulgi for second, and me for first."

Jimin's lips slowly spread into a smile. "Where am I?"

You shake your head teasingly. "I don't know, I haven't figured that out yet."

He looks down at your lips, then back up into your eyes before leaning his head closer. His lips come close to yours, but because you're having too much fun teasing drunk Jimin, you pull away at the last second and giggle. "That's just mean," he says in a mutter, staring into your eyes, lust glowing in his expression. You notice his serious look but don't give in.

"Hm, wonder where I get it from." You trail off, biting your lower lip. He seems so entranced by you. Now's your chance to really irk him. "Jungkoooook come dance with us," you say, peeping over at the poor boy. He only seems confused, his cheeks slightly glowing. "We could always use another partner," you add, beckoning him forward. He sighs, then, after a moment's hesitation, he walks over. "Jiminie's druuunk," you tease, poking the accused boy's cheek.

He flinches. "I'm not that drunk."

Jungkook scrunches his nose up. "I can smell the alcohol in your breath from here. Jesus Y/N, how is your nose surviving when you're standing that close to him?"

"My sense of smell was never the strongest. How do you think I survived two years of being close with you?" Jimin bursts out laughing while Jungkook looks mortified. You giggle, giving him a look of amusement. He smiles back, but quickly checks to see if he smells bad, which only makes you and Jimin laugh harder.

Your laughter drew everyone's attention, and soon enough, everyone is dancing with you and Jimin. Namjoon is the closest, pausing every once in a while to take a drink from his glass that he brought onto the dance floor for some reason. "Kim Namjoon, Captain of the biggest bunch of assholes in the universe. How's it feel?" you ask the Captain as he sways back and forth.

"That's what this is for," he replies, motioning to the liquid he keeps putting in his body. The crew chortles, dancing under the fading lights.

This goes on for several more minutes before Seulgi almost completely conks out in the middle of one of her elaborate dance routines. She walks over to one of the tables and plops down, deciding to drink instead. One by one, everyone joins her. However, Jimin doesn't want to budge.

You laugh when he rests his head on your shoulder, your arms still wrapped around him. "Come on, let's go talk to the others," you say, but he shakes his head.

"Let's get out of here." You feel his lips on your neck, placing sloppy kisses there. You move your hands to his shoulders, wanting to push him off, but you can't bring yourself to. He's drunk, this is wrong and you know it, but you can't help but melt into his touch. His lips work wonders on your neck while you stay still. Then you feel everyone's gaze fall on the two of you. After a second, you gain the willpower to gently push him back.

"Jimin, we'll have plenty of time later, but for now, we should take a break," you say. Although he's still looking at you with more lust than you've ever seen in your life, he does back off. So, you grab his hand and bring him over to the table, resisting the urge to touch your now-wet neck to see if it's sore. Oh well. If he left any marks, you'll know in the morning.

"Oh wow, the lovebirds decided to finally join us," Baekhyun says, raising his brows suggestively.

You bite back a groan while Jimin smirks, speaking for the two of you. "Baekhyun is just jealous, he wants a man like me," Jimin says.

"Who doesn't want a man like you?" you quietly reply, but it's loud enough that the group hears it and lets out an 'oooo' noise in-sync. What is this, kindergarten? Actually, don't answer that.

"Namjoon, always so uptight and following the rules... tell us, have you ever had a girlfriend?" Seulgi asks, which makes you snicker. 'Girls will be girls' as she once said.

"One, a long time ago, before I ever joined the Hep. After joining I never had a need for one. Always worrying about the next shipment, next stop. Life was pretty basic."

"And now?" you ask.

The Captain softly smiles. "I couldn't ask for a better crew to surround me." Everyone lets out an 'awe'.

"Looks like even drunk the Captain is a big softie," Jimin says in a teasing, high-pitched tone, nudging his superior with his shoulder.

"And drunk Jimin is a hoe, what a surprise," Seulgi replies, giving the Engineer a smirk.

To the crew's surprise: Jimin smirks back. "Y/N has that affect on me, I don't need alcohol for that."

Everyone's eyes fall on you, but you sit there dumbfounded. "I- um- wha- how do I even reply to that?" The crew chuckles at your words, Jimin nuzzling up against your side. You can't complain really. You have an attractive engineer who just got promoted to the highest rank possible in his class nuzzling up to your side. Who would complain about that?

"I still think we should get out of here," Jimin whispers quietly enough that only you can hear it.

"Okay drunk boy, I think it's time for you to go to bed," you say, nudging him with your shoulder. He whines and complains, but eventually seems tired enough to comply. "I'll be right back," you say to the others. They look unconvinced. You scoff but don't reply to their questioning glances.

You somehow get Jimin to stand, and soon enough, you're out of the room and heading towards the main ladder. After a minute, you find it. "You know, I'm still fully capable of making my own decisions," Jimin says with a groan as you stop in front of the ladder.

"I'm very aware, that's why you were promoted." You turn to him and give him a soft smile. "Even if you don't remember this, I'm proud of you. Everyone is." He takes a few moments to process your words, then returns your smile.

You lean forward and quickly kiss his nose. He scrunches it up right after you pull away. "You missed," he says with a pout, crossing his arms over his chest. You roll your eyes but can't suppress your amusement. This Engineer really acts like a child sometimes.

You lean back in and kiss his cheek, but this only makes him pout more. "Here," he says, whining and pointing to his lips with his index finger. You blink and gulp. He won't remember it, right? You don't have to fully kiss him, it can be a quick peck. Wait, no, that would be taking advantage of him. Although he did say he can make his own decisions... hey stop it Y/N, he's drunk!

Regardless of your thoughts, you lean forward and do what you said you shouldn't. You give him a quick peck on the lips, pulling back as fast as possible and burning up. He seems amazed you did it, even turning pink for a moment, then, he smirks. "That's it?" he asks, licking his lips. Now it's your turn to be shocked. Your back hits the ladder as he approaches you, his body's warmth engulfing you.

"Y-You're drunk Jimin," you say in a squeak, but it's silenced when he places his lips back on yours.

Your entire body freezing, your physical and mental protests completely sidelined in favor of feeling Jimin's lips on yours. He won't remember it, and you're going to drink a lot more to ensure that you don't either, but in this moment, all you want is him. You melt into his touch, his soft lips pressed against yours, no sounds audible between the two of you. He has his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling. You follow in his footsteps. You let your eyes shut, your lips memorizing the way his sit on yours. They're so soft and delicate, as if he doesn't want to hurt you, but at the same time you can tell he has such a strong desire for you. It's safe to say the feeling is mutual.

After standing there, not moving, your lips quietly placed over each other's for a few seconds, he pulls back and stares into your eyes. You return his stare, wanting him so badly. You want to grab the back of his head and pull him back in. Unlike him, you're not drunk enough to do that. "G-Goodnight Jimin," you say, about to leave when he stops you.

He smirks, leaning forward so his lips are next to your right ear. "Come with me, I'll show you just how good engineers are with our fingers." Your hands moisten with sweat, you squeezing your thighs together at the thoughts flashing through your mind. His fingers move up and down your thighs, his breath still hitting your ear. "I know you want me," he whispers, placing his lips on your neck and leaving sloppy kisses there. You softly moan, his fingers still squeezing your thigh, working their way up. He's not wrong. You want him. Desperately... but, he's drunk.

"W-Wait," you say, but when his fingers graze over your upper thigh, your breath gets caught in your throat.

He chuckles against your neck. "Open them." 

You obey, letting your thighs drift apart. He sucks on your neck, nibbling on the skin and finding all of your sweet spots. Your breathing is jagged, your head leaning towards him, trying to get him to go lower. You know he's going to leave at least one mark. It's about now that you wish you had another glass of champagne. Maybe a shot of vodka. Anything.

His fingers play with the waistband of your pants before going inside them, and you close your eyes in anticipation. His breath hits your neck as he locates your panties. His fingers move to your clothed entrance, rubbing back and forth. You arch your back and let out a rather-loud moan. 

"Come with me," he whispers, his fingers teasing you, moving in slow circles. 

You can feel him smirk when he gives your neck another kiss. You feel so hot, so needy. You even sway your hips, trying to grind on his fingers. He moans in approval, teasing your entrance. Jimin slips his finger past the fabric, touching your bare self and making your heart jolt. The teasing is way too fucking much. He even rubs your moisture, you gripping on anything you can. 

"Look at how wet you are for me, princess," he mutters, which forces you to bite your lip to prevent a moan from coming out. "Please," he says, bringing his lips back up to your ear. "Let me fuck you."

His words alone make you moan, but even in your dazed state, your nose picks up on the alcohol in his breath. Despite how badly you want him, whether it be in his room or against the ladder, you manage to gain some self control. 

"We can't, Jimin... not like this," you say, opening your eyes and trying to get your air back. You're practically panting.

He pulls away and stares into your eyes before slowly sucking on the fingers that touched you. There's hunger in his expression; he needs you. You gulp, your legs weak at his bold actions. You want to grant his request so badly. 

"When you change your mind, you know where to find me," he whispers. 

With a huff, you go to nod, but before you can finish, he leans forward and kisses you again. It only lasts for two seconds, but it's enough to convince you to go get another glass and say fuck it. You want him. As soon as he starts to climb up the ladder, you turn away, your fingers tracing your lips while you approach the dining hall. You don't want to do something you'll regret. However, something tells you neither you nor Jimin will regret anything.

When you enter the dining hall, everyone's eyes fall on you, then widen in amazement. Seulgi stands and storms over to you, grabbing your chin and tilting your head up to inspect your neck. "Y/N whatever your middle name is L/N, do you have a hickey?" she asks with a gasp, patting your neck.

You cower away. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

She smirks, then snickers. "If you wanted to take the rest of the night off, I'm sure none of us will judge."

Your mouth nearly falls to the ground, but you manage to keep your composure. "No no, I'm okay, I promise. We just got a little..."

"Sidetracked?" Namjoon finishes, raising a brow from where he sits. Who knew Namjoon liked to play Cupid. He has a knowing smile on his face that only makes you more embarrassed.

"Hey I don't know why you're all staring at me like that. I mean have you seen Jimin? Like - actually opened your eyes and looked at him?"

Baekhyun hums. "Ohhh yeah, that man is pretty hot." Everyone pauses and turns to look at Baekhyun, who's smirking and looking down at the table. At the crew's silence, he looks up and panics. "What? We were all thinking it!"

"I know I was," you mutter, which Seulgi giggles to.

"Dear Y/N, in my opinion, one girl to another... you should go..." She lowers her tone. "Claim your man."

You pretend you're not flustered beyond belief, holding back an urge to whack her for that comment. "He's drunk, that would probably result in a morning of confusion and regret."

She gives your shoulder a nudge. "Orrr it results in a morning of a new couple being announced to the crew."

"As if."

"I think it's possible," Hoseok says.

You glance between him and Seulgi. "Maybe you need to have some fun tonight, not me," you say, waggling your brows. Both her and Hoseok avert their gazes. Ha. They're such fucking losers.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about," Seulgi says.

You chuckle. "One day we'll get there. One day."

Namjoon stands, letting out a loud yawn. "I think - no, I know that I need to go to bed before I give myself the worst hangover in human history."

"Joon, I hate to tell you this, but that's going to happen no matter what time you go to bed," you reply, which he sighs to.

"Yeaaah, yeah... you're probably right. Still worth a try though, right?"

You give him a look of amusement before nodding. The Captain goes to leave, nearly breaking the door on his way out. You shake your head. "Does he break things often?"

Seulgi snickers. "Probably."

"Oh definitely," Jungkook says, finally gaining the courage to take a drink. "Back when I first met him, he couldn't even hold a wrench without shaking or getting scared that he would drop it. Even when he gained his confidence he dropped - and broke - everything he touched. I used to call him the 'God of Destruction'. Yeah, he didn't like that one much," Jungkook says, reliving the memory in his head.

You softly smile. "Thank you for sharing that because I think we all need to gang up and call him that for the rest of our little journey."

The crew laughs as you walk over to the counter to pour yourself more champagne, downing it as fast as possible. To your surprise, Jungkook approaches you as the laughter dials down. "You okay?" he asks, raising a brow as he sips from his wine glass.

You shrug. "I'll live. Just trying to ensure that I won't remember tonight. You think we have anything stronger?" He gives you a concerned look, then sighs and goes for the top cupboard. He opens it, and inside is a bunch of hard liquors. The sight alone almost makes you squeal. "You knew this was here?" you ask, which the boy hums to as he takes down the closest one. Fireball.

"I helped Baekhyun set up, remember? Oh boy, you can't even remember that, maybe giving this to you isn't a good idea."

Your eyes go dark, although you still have amusement in your expression. "Jungkook I know all your weaknesses, don't make me go after your neck."

"Oh God take the bottle, anything but the neck!" he says, totally over the top. Classic Jungkook. You go to grab the bottle, but as you're about to pull it away from Jungkook's grasp, he holds it in place. You meet his eyes. "One shot. That's it. I would feel terrible if you died on my watch."

You give him a smug smile. "How charming. Some prince you are, Mr. Jeon." He lets go, and you grab one of the many shot glasses laid out and pour the liquid inside.

"Ooo give me one too!" Hoseok says, bouncing up behind you. You snicker and obey, pouring enough for the remainders of the crew.

The rest of the crew comes over and grabs a shot, even Jungkook to your surprise. "You sure?" you ask him, although you're finding it increasingly difficult to focus. He hesitates, then nods.

"I don't want to be scared of living. Let's do it."

"One... two... three!" you say, and after the number 'three' leaves your lips, everyone throws back their shots. The liquid burns your throat to the point where you start coughing. Your vision even goes hazy, but you survive. "Oh my God that was awful... remind me never to do that again."

Jungkook grins. "Dully noted. Maybe these enhancements give me a higher tolerance."

You swivel your head around to look at him. "Did you even feel that?" He shakes his head innocently, which makes you groan once more. "Alright, I'm out. I need my beauty sleep."

"You don't need beauty sleep, you're naturally gorgeous," Seulgi says with a slight slur. Even in your now not-so-healthy state, you smile and thank her before quickly exiting the room.

It's probably a bad idea to try going up a ladder while you're drunk, but you manage to just barely do it anyway. You fell three times, but luckily nothing is damaged as far as you know. You get to the floor with the quarters and head over to Jimin's room, gulping before entering. Why bother knocking? However, what surprises you is that he's already asleep.

The poor boy left the lights on, his body sprawled out across his bed with some soft snores audible. You sweetly smile, leaning against the doorframe before making your decision. You don't bother to turn off the lights before shimming out of your sneakers, plopping down next to him. His body faces you, and you brush a strand of hair out of his face. He looks so gorgeous. Even now, while sleeping. You lean forward and press your lips against his forehead briefly, cherishing every moment you have with this boy. You close your eyes and snuggle into his pillows, breathing in his scent. You have to memorize everything about him. After all, you never know when this mission will end. When your father will come. The worst part is: there's a high chance that after you finish your journey... you'll never see him again.

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