Daddy Devil

By TLWren

12.4K 401 34

According to the media, Damien Caldwell lives the perfect playboy life. Being the CEO of a multi-million doll... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 11

355 14 0
By TLWren



I am knee-deep in paperwork by the time Leah showed up for work. I watched her as she walked between the open desks of the other staff members. She greets them all by name, waving to some as she walked by and stopping to chat with some of the others. I watch her as she talks. Gesturing with her hands as she spoke, the corner of her mouth turned up to form a lopsided smile. The movement doesn't reach her eyes and I know it's not a real smile. Something is going on with her, she is off. I try to think of anything it could be. I wonder if it has anything to do with that housemate, I rolled my eyes as I think about him. There's something about that man that makes my skin crawl, I just can't put my finger on it. I will find out what he is about. Sooner or later I will find something.

I noticed Leah walking towards her desk to get herself settled in, waving at me as she does. I lift my hand to wave back at her, when I saw her pulling her sleeve down on her right arm. She winced like she was in pain and I couldn't help the anger that started to boil up. My hands curled into fists and my lips tightened together, the usually plump muscles thinned out. I wanted to know if she was okay, but at the same time didn't want to intrude on her private life.

I let her settle in before I got up and walked out to her.

"Morning Leah. How was your evening last night after you clocked off? Did you manage to go eat?" I cleared my throat, not really caring about the food she possibly ate. I justed want to know if her 'roommate' is more than her roommate.

"Oh, hi Mr Caldwell." She giggled at me and I could tell her heart wasn't in it. "Um, no. We didn't get to stop for food. Mike needed to get home and since he didn't let me take the bus I didn't want to nag him." She shrugged like it wasn't a big deal. As I nod along, I am actually pretending that I'm not thinking of ways to hurt this guy, she kept talking, but I honestly can't concentrate on anything. "Ah, Damien?" Leah whispered in front of my face, breaking me from my thoughts. I shook my head and answered her. "Yeah? Sorry, got lost in my head there for a sec. What do you need?" She stood up and I watched as her pencil skirt slid back down her porcelain thighs. Touching the same skin I have imagined gliding my own hands up and making her call me Daddy as she grabs handfuls of my hair and guides me to the one place she wants, no, NEEDS me to be. Pulling my head between her legs, letting me taste her sweetness right here at her desk. A hand wraps around my arm and I feel myself getting pulled away and out of my head at the same time. Pulling me away from my daydream is Leah, striding towards my office looking cranky. She slams the door open so hard she nearly shatters the glass walls that are my office. Everyone stops what they are doing and looks at us as she drags me through it and slams it behind me. Why!? What happened?

Leah turns and looks at me, the look on her face telling me exactly what mood she is in. She storms her way up to me so we are chest to chest, or more like her chest to my waist. Poking her finger into my pec she whisper yelled, "Stop! Stop it, Damien." Confusion was written all over my face. "Stop what, Ms Williams?" Her name rolled off my tongue like it is the one word I am meant to speak for the rest of my life. "Stop that, Mr Caldwell. Stop the way you are looking at me." She is starting to get frantic, talking fast and pacing in front of me. I can tell she is nervous, but why? I mean, she couldn't know what I was thinking about before... Could she? I stop her, grabbing both her biceps and she inhales, like she is in pain. Leah looked up at me, her eyes wide open in shock, like I have just discovered her big secret. I let go of her and watch as she looked through the office windows at all the staff who are still watching us. I see how upset Leah is now, so making the decision I close the blinds in my office. I sit Leah on the couch as I sit down next to her. "What is going on, Leah?" This beautiful woman looked up at me with sad eyes as she just shakes her head. Stumbling over her words, she tries to talk, not looking me in the eyes as she did. "I... Um.... I.... Can't say it." I don't want to push it but I feel like this, whatever this is, is serious and she needs help. I go to grab her hand and for the first time, I noticed the red marks around her wrists. I slide her sleeve up a little and she goes still, kind of. She starts shaking, whole body shakes. I try to keep my tone even, but it's hard when your mind is racing with scenarios of why she has these marks. "Leah? Why do you have these marks?" I look at her, pleading with her. "Leah. Please. Tell me. Why do you have these marks? If it was consensual then say so and you can be on your way, but if this is something you didn't want and someone did it to you anyway? Well, I can't make any promises there." Tears start falling down Leah's cheeks as she fell into my body, pulling me in as tight as she could, needing to feel safe and protected like I obviously made her feel.

Feeling her sob uncontrollably, her whole body shook with the emotions, I lay her head in my lap, getting her comfortable. Just letting her do what she needs to do, letting her get it out. We are in silence, the only sound in the room was the sound of her crying. I hope she has someone in her life she can trust with whatever is going on, but I'm going to make sure she knows she can trust me. I need to help this woman.

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