I am Yu

By Radical_Honesty

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After witnessing the fall of society and the death of his entire family a young hero with a great burden deci... More

I am Yu
This is Yu
Hellish Training and an offer
One For All
Unexpected Encounter
First Impressions
Night and Day
Leaders and Teams
Phase 2
Finishing Touches
The chosen ones
Confidence and Arrogance
Love and Punishment
A promise to keep
Internal Strife
Confession and Conflict
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A Mother's Truth.
Best Day Ever.
Recreation and Responsibility
Best laid plans
Dance Battle !!
Time to pick some Names
A Visitor.
Fight on Heroes !!
Let it flow ! School festival !
Struggling with Power
Dark dealings
All Good Things
The Climax
A new beginning
Montage time !!
Fun and Sun
The Assault
Unbridled Fury
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 1
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 3
Fame and Misfortune.
A Solemn Duty
Risk Management
True Heroes
Potential Unleashed
The Final Step
A Brighter Future

Tribute to the Fallen

229 4 6
By Radical_Honesty

(Yu pov)

I returned to the Beacon after my little encounter with Cinder and her servants and saw Miss Goodwitch and Qrow boarding a Bullhead and i smiled knowing that all was going according to plan, I then made my way to the Amity Arena to watch the doubles portion of the tournament.


I walked into the section of the stadium that was reserved for Beacon students and was waved at by Yang and Blake so i went to sit next to them while giving them both a sweet kiss on the cheeks.

Yu : So how's everything going ?

Yang : Really good actually, And you got here just in time as Jaune and Pyrrha are up next.

Blake : Yes but given how powerful they are i don't think we should expect anything to exciting.

I patted her on the head and smiled earning a smile from her but i thought that i would share some of my wisdom with her.

Yu : Well just remember to never count someone out, No matter how you perceive them as they may surprise you.

Blake seemed to see the wisdom in this and nodded as i turn to look past Yang to speak to Weiss.

Yu : Weiss i have been meaning to ask you, How are things going with Winter ?

Weiss just crossed her arms across her chest looking really pleased with herself and closed her eye's with a proud smile on her face.

Weiss : Winter is coming along great she is exhibiting excellent control of her quirk, But what did you expect with me as her instructor.

Yu : I don't know, Maybe some humility.

Yang,Ruby and Blake giggled behind their hands as Weiss shot and icy glare my way.

Yu : It's not bad to have pride Weiss, But make sure you balance it with wisdom.

Weiss looked thoughtfully at the sky for a moment and then turned to me again and took on a more neutral facial expression.

Weiss : I understand, After all i have only just begun to really experiment with my summons, And have a long way to go before i master them.

I gave her a thumbs up and she seemed to become happier again.

Ruby : I know you can do it Weiss, After all with me as your best friend we can get through anything.

I was over joyed with her next act towards her friend and realized she truly had come a long way from that spoiled little princess that she was at the start of the year.

Yang chuckled and looked to be very pleased with the both of them. We suddenly heard the announcement that the next match was starting.

Port : Now if you will direct your attention to the arena we have from Beacon Miss Pyrrha Nikos and Mr Jaune Arc.

I watched as our two friends walked out on to the field and waved at the crowd slightly before drawing their weapons and standing ready.

Oobleck : And from Atlas Academy we have Miss Penny Polendina and Miss Ciel Soleil

Ruby cheered for both teams and i couldn't help but wonder why Penny's teammate seemed to be completely unarmed as i could see no signs of a weapon anywhere on her person.

Yu : Isn't that your friend Ruby ?

Ruby : Yes, Penny is great and she's super strong too.

Yu : What about her teammate ?, She doesn't look like she even has a weapon.

Ruby : I don't know her, She's probably going to leave everything to Penny.

The stage selection had finished and Port announced the battle to commence, Jaune and Pyrrha immediately retreated and took up a position near some rocks and started unleashing shot's and energy slashes at their opponents.

Penny deployed some kind of floating swords and deflected all the rounds and dispersed the slashes while her partner just stood there looking at her watch, I noticed Jaune whisper something to Pyrrha and she nodded and then Jaune put his sword away and jumped over the rock and ran at Penny using Full Cowl.

Penny responded by sending her swords at Jaune only for them to freeze in the air, I looked back at Pyrrha who had her arms extended with some kind of black outline around her hand. Pyrrha was no doubt using her Polarity semblance and stopping the metal weapons in the air, Jaune was right in front of Penny when he unleashed his fist right at her.


(A/N like this )

Penny and her partner went flying and their Auras were depleted but even if that was not the case they were now lying outside the ring on the ground, Ciel looked to be unconscious but Penny just stood up like she was completely fine which i did think was odd.

Port : And we have a double elimination by Jaune Arc which was 'smashing' if i do say so myself.


Yang was doing her best to not burst out laughing and but was losing the battle as she dropped out of her seat and started to hold her side as she was laughing so hard, We all just rolled our eye's at her antics and just then Ruby dashed off to go and see Penny. 

I decided to follow Ruby and see if Penny and her friend were alright, After all taking a hit from One for All at that range was very serious in fact if they didn't have aura they might have been killed.

I saw Ruby and Penny having a discussion when Ironwood came over and demanded to know what went wrong.

Ironwood : Explain yourself Penny, What happened ?

Penny looked to be nervous and started to mess around with the hem of her shirt while Ironwood glared at her and her teammate, Clearly he had not been expecting this loss but he should have seeing as Penny's partner did nothing but watch the fight.

Penny : I'm sorry Sir but the force behind that hit was too much for our auras and we were unable to remain standing, And given the Semblance of Ms. Nikos which was able to disable my weapons there was no way to win.

He scowled at her and for a moment i thought he was going to actually hit her but he turned and saw me and just walked away but not before getting in one final word to the two girls.

Ironwood : Worthless.

Ruby immediately went to see if her friend was okay and i watched as Penny looked upset and for a minute i thought she was going to start crying so i decided to go over and try and make her feel better.

Yu : That was well done Ms Polendina

She turned to me but held a downcast look on her face, In addition her teammate just shook her head and walked away and at that moment my dislike for Ironwood went up considerably.

Penny : But i lost.

Yu : So what ? Everyone stumbles from time to time, But you can only be truly defeated if you stop trying.

Penny : It's different for me than other students.

Yu : It was just a bad match up.

Ruby : Yeah Penny you are great it's just that Jaune and Pyrrha are two of the strongest in the school.

Penny looked to be a little more positive but her scroll rang and she then left us to report to the General, Ruby looked sad so i put my hand on her head and ruffled her hair.

Ruby : Hey !

Yu : Don't worry Ruby she'll get past this, Because she seems like a strong willed girl to me.

Ruby smiled and nodded i got her a snack and we went back to our seats to await the next match.


I was looking on as Yang and Weiss were fending off some kind of sonic attack from an Atlas student who i think was named Flynt Coal who was using a trumpet as a weapon, In addition he was able to clone himself with his semblance which was really cool and depending on the requirements for usage could be effective in a number of situations.

The fight quickly took a turn after Yang looked up at me that's when i saw Yang start to lose her cool when faced with a Faunus student named Neon so i used Good Ear to listen in.

Neon : Hey why do you keep looking up there at that guy ? Is he your boyfriend ?

Yang : Yeah so what of it ?

Neon : Well i guess there's no accounting for taste after all he probably only hooked up with you because you have big boob's

Yu : Oh dear

Blake and Ruby looked at me as i had my hand over my face.

Ruby : What's wrong Yu ?

Yu : (sigh) Well let's just say that that girl just pulled the pin and a rather large grenade.

We turned our attention to the fight to see that Weiss was combining her Glyph's with her quirk and slamming Flynt with ice pillars from all side's, then she hit him with a surprise from beneath knocking him into the air and depleting his Aura.

Oobleck : Unfortunately Mr Coals aura has been depleted and as such he is out.


We looked to Yang and she was enraged as she was blasting the area around Neon to pieces, It was a bit of a problem for Neon as she was on skates and the terrain was becoming very uneven. But she still would not shut up.

Neon : Your boyfriend is probably just a pervert, Who's only interested in your body.


She unleashed a huge blast that ripped up a ton of debris and like a fool Neon tried to dodge through it but Yang was blasting shrapnel at her the whole time slowly draining her aura. And then Neon tripped while heading right for Yang. She recovered her balance but it was too late as she looked up she was met with Yang's hands about an inch from her face.

(A/N Just one giant explosion)

And just like that it was over Neon was sent sailing across the arena and skidded to a stop in front of Weiss.

Weiss : Yeah, You really shouldn't have talked smack about her boyfriend.

She then passed out and Yang and Weiss were announced as the victors, After the match i changed into my outfit for the next performance then we met up outside.

Yu : Have you calmed down now love ?

I pulled her into a hug to help her de-stress.

Yang : Yes for the most part, But when she started insulting you i just saw red.

Yu : It's understandable but words only have power it you let them get to you.

Yang : She said you were only with me because of my body.

I pulled her closer and hugged her tightly as she seemed really affected by this.

Yu : I'm with you and Blake because i love you dearly, Physical appearance is not what matters. It's your heart that counts and you've got a good one.

She had tears in her eye's and smiled and nodded as we made our way to the stage for our show.

I stood on the stage in my black body suit that i had made for occasions just like this where i may need to change my appearance often as this suit imitates the clothing of whoever i take the form of which is perfect for this moment.

Yu : Thank you all for coming to see us today and without further a do let's do this, This one is for some of the greatest Heroes i have ever known.

(A/N Go and check out Rustage and the other channels of these Youtubers they are great)

As i used Stereo to provide the music i started to assume the different forms of my lost family and people were looking on with surprised faces especially when i got to people like uncle Shoji as i made a mouth on each of his dupli-arms that were all saying the lyrics.

The most interesting response i got from the crowd was when i did uncle Kiri's section as multiple women started to blush and some hid their face's.

At the end everyone was startled when i let off a huge explosion skyward but it quickly turned into whistles and cheer's from the audience.

I quickly left the stage and changed into my regular suit and returned to start the next song and Weiss came up to join me for this one.

Yu : This is for two special ladies

I winked at Yang and Blake and they stared on as the song started.

Yang looked at me with eye's that certainly sent a message that i was getting very little sleep tonight as she would have her way with me and Blake was smiling with her hands over her heart and some small tears rolling down her cheeks, I figured that i got my message across to them that i would fight for them no matter what.

Yu : And now for the last number of the day, This is one that never fails to get me fired up.

(A/N Please check out this Youtube channel as he does English covers of some really great anime songs)

The crowd went wild and i took a bow and left the stage and left the area with Team RWBY and JNPR after getting some pat's on the back and friendly words from the people who came to watch the show.

On the way back to the Dorm i looked towards the landing pads and saw Ironwood escorting Roman into an Atlas bullhead, He looked to me for a moment and i nodded, As i did so he flicked his eye's to his left where i saw a girl with black hair and pigtails carrying a black umbrella who i also nodded to.

It seemed like everything was in place for the surprise i had planned but i had little time to ponder it as Yang grabbed my hand and began dragging me to the dorms.

'I'm going to need plenty of coffee tomorrow'

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