"It's Just A Dream" || Ranboo...

By LinoIsHeree_

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Ranboo struggles with a lot of things, (TW list), but doesn't realise he actually needs help until Tubbo fina... More

"I can't remember"
"It's ok, I can help you"
A Wholesome Morning Walk
Angsty Start with a Wholesome Ending
Nightmares and Secrets
Talking to Techno
Talking to Tommy
A Failed Prank
Tommy's Birthday (a little different than expected)
"It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok"
Getting Help From Phil
"See, I'm Ok"
Instant Panic
The Nether, The Lava, The Edge

Exactly What 'He' Needed (end)

48 2 6
By LinoIsHeree_

Ranboo jumped and quickly sat up, it had happened again, he was panicking. Suddenly, he heard Dreams laugh start to echo in his head. He held his head tightly in his hands as tears instantly started flowing from his eyes. "No no no please stop please" he said, his voice shaky, "please stop please stop please" he begged more. His breathing was heavy and fast whilst he shook quite a bit. *Do I want help?* he thought, *this is embarrassing, I'm such an idiot, how do I get this all to end*. He then remembered what had happened yesterday and where he was, he was at Tommys house in his bed. *Do I get Tommy? I mean hopefully he will understand what's going on since I have already told him everything* he thought more, soon deciding that he did need someone.

"Tommy" he said clearly before repeating his name a bit louder, soon hearing the door open. "Are you ok?" Tommy said, quickly closing the door before going up to him, "it happened again huh" he said, noticing Ranboo was pulling his hair slightly as his hands shook violently. "I-it won't stop" Ranboo cried. "Ok, it's ok, do you know anything that helps?" Tommy asked, Ranboo shook his head no. "Ok, it's alright, open your eyes and look at me, having your eyes closed doesn't help at all" he said as he sat down in front of him before they both made eye contact. "It's alright, let go of your hair" Tommy said as he slowly pulled Ranboos hands away from his head, feeling him grab tightly onto his hands instead. "S-sorry" Ranboo apologised but he didn't let go, he couldn't, he felt stunned. "It's alright, if you need to hold my hands then you can it's fine" Tommy reassured him. "Do you want me to call Tubbo and see-" "No no please, I-I can't have him w-worry about me anymore" Ranboo pleaded.

"But do you need him?" Tommy asked. Ranboo hesitated, he knew he did but he felt like he was hurting Tubbo by giving him more worries, he shook his head. "Ranboo" he suddenly heard as he gasped and looked back at Tommy. "What's wrong?" Tommy asked. "H-he's back, I-I can hear him" Ranboo said before remembering what Dream had said, *"if you don't kill yourself today then I'll do it for you tomorrow"* or at least it was something like that. "D-Dream said yesterday that if I d-didn't kill myself then and there that h-he would do it today" he cried, clear fright in his voice. "You're not dying today don't worry, I'll protect you if things start to get out of control ok? I promise" Tommy reassured him as he nodded. Ranboo suddenly felt faint, "you made a mistake" he heard Dreams voice hiss at him. "I-I feel" he said before pausing, "faint". "That's not good" Tommy said, watching as Ranboo started to fall forwards onto him before he grabbed his shoulders and held him up. They suddenly made eye contact except something stuck out to Tommy, Ranboos eyes were a clear purple.

"Shit- STOP FIGHTING THIS YOU ASSHOLE AND LET ME KILL YOU COWARD!" Dream yelled. Ranboo was focussing hard in his mind to try and gain control back and it was working but very slowly. "I'm losing it, STOP!" Dream yelled more until suddenly, he only saw the prison walls again, meaning Ranboo was back in control.

Ranboo slowly woke up, instantly screaming loudly as he lost balance. "Wow-" "CATCH HIM!" He heard 2 voices say before he felt himself get pulled into a tight hug. He then fell to the ground, the air was hot and everything felt weird. He grabbed at his head as he screamed into someone's shoulder. "It's ok it's ok, it's Tubbo and Tommy, we're both here, we've got you it's ok" Tubbo said calmly as he held Ranboo tightly whilst slowly rubbing his back and holding the back of his head, "it's alright" he repeated. "IT HAPPENED AGAIN IT KEEPS HAPPENING" Ranboo suddenly yelled, making the pain in his head even worse. "It's alright, we can help" Tommy said as he slowly rubbed Ranboos back. "Y-you can't help" Ranboo said shakily, clearly fed up with everything as he suddenly screamed again from the pain. He tried to ignored the massive amount of pain in his head as he pushed Tubbo away and tried to crawl towards the edge before collapsing, he felt weak, his whole body felt completely drained.

"Just let me go" he cried loudly, "LET ME FREE" he yelled, punching the ground hard with the side of his fist before he sat up. Tommy and Tubbo watched it all, not knowing how to help. "Ranboo-" "Don't try and help, you can't help so don't try" Ranboo hissed shakily, cutting Tubbo off without looking at him. "My stomach hurts from hunger, I-I'm clearly weak, I've got scars everywhere, I-I've got scars on my hideous face, they're all over my disgusting arm and I feel horrible, I-I don't want to sleep, I feel drained of everything and I'm sorry but I-I can't do this anymore" Ranboo cried as he looked over the edge of the block. "I-I can't do this anymore" he whispered before he started crawling towards the edge, suddenly feeling multiple hands pull him back, yelling his name and telling him not to but he wanted to, he needed to.

"Ranboo LOOK AT ME" Tubbo suddenly yelled as tears streamed down his face. Ranboo looked at him before his facial expression changed completely from anger to worry. Tubbo was holding up his hand, showing Ranboo his ring, "w-we're family, Ranboo" he cried, "please, y-you can't do this to me". "I-" was all Ranboo could say before he looked away, "what have I done" he whispered before he felt warm hands cup his face, forcing him to make eye contact with Tubbo. "You have done absolutely nothing wrong, it's ok" Tubbo said, clear tears in his eyes, "it's ok" he said before pulling Ranboo into a tight hug. "You're ok" he cried. Ranboo burst out crying, he was filled with guilt, anger and regret. He hid his face in Tubbos shoulder, wanting it all to end. "It's alright, don't blame yourself for any of this ok, you're ok" Tubbo reassured him as he slowly calmed down himself.

"Ranboo you're a strong person, you just don't realise it" Tommy said, "after this, I'll leave you both alone so you can gather your thoughts together and figure it all out". "T-thank you so much Tommy" Tubbo said, looking at Tommy with tears in his eyes. "It's alright, I can assure you now that you'll both be completely fine" Tommy said with a small smile. Tubbo suddenly pulled him into the hug before whispering into his ear, "thank you so so much for telling me about him and taking care of him when he needed it" he whispered quietly, making sure Ranboo didn't hear. "It's no problem at all, just remember that if you need anyone that isn't Ranboo then I'll always be here" Tommy whispered back. "I'll always be here for you too" Tubbo whispered with a smile before going back to comforting Ranboo.

"I-I'm so so sorry" Ranboo cried. "It's alright, you're ok, you haven't done anything wrong I promise, it's all going to be ok, I'm right here, me and Tommy are right here for you" Tubbo said, "yeah" Tommy joined in. "B-but why, I thought" Ranboo said before stopping. "What?" Tubbo said calmly. "I-I thought I wasn't loved, w-wasn't cared for" Ranboo said, "h-he told me that". "Who's he?" Tubbo asked. "Dream" Tommy said, clear anger in his voice. Ranboo nodded. "That fucking son of a bitch I swear to god he needs to shut the fuck up" Tommy said through gritted teeth. "Tommy" Tubbo said, giving him the 'you're fine but please calm down' look. Tommy nodded, whispering a quiet, "sorry".

"Are you ok?" Tubbo asked Ranboo, not hearing or feeling him reply. "It's alright, you're cared for and you're loved I promise, I love you so so much you have no idea, so does Tommy but obviously in a different way" Tubbo reassured him. "Yeah" Tommy laughed. Ranboo didn't respond as he cried silently into Tubbo's shoulder. "I-I'm sorry for hurting and worrying you" he cried quietly. "You have never hurt me, you've never hurt anyone ever I promise" Tubbo explained calmly, "and with the worrying, I worry about you all the time, I have said this before that if I never worried about you then I wouldn't be a good husband at all". "B-but" Ranboo stuttered shakily. "It's alright, speak if you need to" Tubbo said. "I-I don't know" Ranboo cried more. "Ok, wanna go back to the mansion?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo didn't respond as he slowly looked at edge of the bridge, Tommy noticed. "That isn't an option" he said. "I know" Ranboo whispered, clear hurt in his voice.

"Come on, let's go back to the mansion and talk there" Tubbo said. He then tried to pull away from the hug before feeling Ranboo hug him tighter. "S-sorry sorry" Ranboo whispered. "It's alright, you're ok I've got you don't worry, you're not dying today I promise, I've got you, you're alright" Tubbo reassured him, "hold my hand instead, when we get back we can hug all you want I promise". Ranboo nodded but he couldn't move, "I-I can't let go" he stuttered quietly. "It's ok, you're scared that's why, that's ok, I'll always be right here it's alright, try and relax your body, I've got you" Tubbo said, holding him loosely so he could relax more. "Try and slow your breathing, it'll help relax everything" he said, feeling Ranboo nod.

Ranboo slowly became more comfortable. "Guys" Tommy said, he sounded worried. "What?" Tubbo said confusedly before looking to where Tommy was looking. He watched as a massive ghast floated around the corner. "Oh for fuck sake, not the time" Tubbo sighed before turning his focus back to Ranboo, "we gotta go, hold my hand and squeeze it as tightly as you need ok" he said, feeling Ranboo nod as they both slowly separated from the hug and quickly held hands. "Good job, can you stand?" Tubbo asked. "Guys it's getting closer hurry up!" Tommy said in a panicked way. "Tommy shut up!" Tubbo suddenly yelled before calming back down. "I-I guess" Ranboo stuttered before noticing what they were both panicking about, "o-oh" he stuttered. "Yeah, it's fine, slowly stand up and lean on me if you need to ok" Tubbo said, hinting to Tommy to help Ranboo stand up if he needed it, Tommy nodded with a slightly stunned face due to Tubbo yelling at him.

Ranboo slowly stood up, feeling incredibly dizzy and he stumbled before quickly feeling hands hold him up. "Are you ok?" "It's alright" he heard. "M-mhm" he hummed, gripping Tubbos hand tightly. "Ok, come on, before we get killed by the ghast" Tommy said, walking so Ranboo was in the middle of them both.

"We're almost there" Tubbo said as they all soon walked into the mansion and over to the kitchen to sit down. Tubbo sat next to Ranboo whilst Tommy sat opposite them both. "I'll leave you guys alone now so you can kind of figure things out" Tommy said, standing back up. "Thank you for everything and I'm sorry for yelling at you back at the nether, it was a complete accident" Tubbo quickly said. "It's fine don't worry about it, if you guys need me then text or call me" Tommy said before whispering something into Ranboos ear, "try and tell him everything, like what you told me yesterday" he said before waving and leaving. "What did he say?" Tubbo asked. "Nothing" Ranboo said, shaking his head. "Ok then, how are you feeling?" Tubbo asked. "I-" Ranboo said before stopping, "I-I don't know". "Do you actually want to die or do you just want Dream to shut up?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo had never thought of that, well he had, he was an
over-thinker after all, but he had never thought about that specifically, "I-I don't know" he answered.

"Ok" Tubbo said, "your hands are shaking" he pointed out. "S-sorry" Ranboo said quietly, trying to hide his hands in his blazer before feeling Tubbo hold them. "It's alright, you're ok now" Tubbo said with a small smile as Ranboo nodded, he started breaking down again, Tubbo instantly noticed. "It's alright" he said before pulling Ranboo into a tight hug, "it's all ok now" he said, dragging out the 'all'. "I-it was a mistake I know, I-I'm sorry" Ranboo cried. "Ranboo look at me" Tubbo said, pulling away from the hug before gently grabbing Ranboos shoulders. "You have done nothing wrong, do not blame yourself for any of this, you're alright, you're completely innocent in all of this don't worry" he said, watching as Ranboo broke down even more from the reassurance. "You're completely fine, you can relax now, you can breathe, just as long as you know you're not alone and that I'm always, always here for you then we'll both be ok" Tubbo smiled.

"W-why aren't you mad at me?" Ranboo asked shakily. "I will never ever be mad at you for everything, especially if it's something like this because this just shows that you might need some help from someone and no one should get mad over that" Tubbo reassured him, "ok? You're completely fine now, I'm right here, you're not alone, you can trust me, you can tell me anything and everything if that's what you need". "T-thank you and I'm sorry f-for all of this, I'm just-" "a person who needs help, that's it, obviously that's not all you are but still. And you don't have to keep apologising, you have nothing to apologise for" Tubbo said, cutting him off. Ranboo was silent, he needed to apologise again but Tubbo had told him not to, *am I annoying him by apologising too much?* he thought. "You're fine, you're ok, I'm not mad or anything like that" Tubbo continued, "it's all alright, now what do you wanna do? We could go visit Michael or we could go on a walk or we can have a chill day and lay in bed all day? Your choice completely" he smiled at Ranboo, making sure he knew he had choices.

"C-can we" Ranboo stopped himself, *I'm being selfish by deciding* he thought. "It's ok, go ahead you're alright" Tubbo continued to reassure him with a comforting smile. "S-sorry, can we stay here all d-day?" Ranboo asked shakily. "Of cause we can" Tubbo smiled, "is there anything specific that you wanna do?" He asked. "C-can we" he said again before stopping, "n-nevermind, it sounds cringe" he said. "It's fine go ahead, cringe or not" Tubbo smiled yet again. "Can we l-lay in bed and
t-talk there?" He asked nervously. "Of cause we can, do you want anything before we do?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo shook his head. "Have you eaten today?". Ranboo didn't answer, he hated that question. "Just something small, then we can go upstairs" Tubbo said, standing up before feeling a tug, making him look back at Ranboo. "S-sorry" Ranboo stuttered as he quickly let go of his hand. "It's alright, don't worry, I'm just going over here, not far at all" Tubbo said as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed something before sitting back down next to Ranboo and handing it to him.

"D-do I have to" he stuttered with a sniffle, accidentally grabbing back onto Tubbos hand. "Sadly yes, it'll slowly get easier though I promise" Tubbo smiled. Ranboo looked at the food, giving it a disgusted look before having a bit, not agreeing with it at all as he put it back down. "1 more bit, then we can go" Tubbo promised. "Fine" Ranboo sighed, eating another bit before putting it back down. "That's good, you did good, something is always better than nothing" Tubbo smiled before standing up with Ranboo following after him. "Come on" he said as they both started walking to their bedroom. "Here, get comfy" Tubbo said, getting a hoodie with joggers for Ranboo before getting one of Ranboo's hoodies and joggers out for himself. They both quickly got changed before laying down in bed. Their eyes met, Ranboo felt safe again. "Do you wanna talk about anything?" Tubbo asked as their hand's joined again. Ranboo shook his head no. "You sure?" Tubbo asked, watching as he shook his head again.

"Ok, just promise me you won't bottle things up" Tubbo said, Ranboo nodded as a tear rolled down his face before Tubbo quickly wiped it away with his thumb. "Want a hug?" He asked, opening his arms. Ranboo quickly dived into his arms, feeling entirely safe again as he sighed. "It's alright, you've got this ok, you need to promise me that you're not gonna give up" Tubbo said, a hint of worry in his voice, Ranboo heard it. "I-I promise, I'm sorry" he apologised again. "It's alright, you're ok" Tubbo said comfortingly as he held Ranboo closely, trying to make him feel as safe as possible. "You'll always be safe with me, you'll be ok".

Hello whoever decided to read this book to the end, (you're a legend tysm <3), I hope you enjoyed and sorry for the weird kind of ending, thought it was an ok place to end since I have been running out of ideas for this anyway.

If anyone has any suggestions on what books I should write next then please type them in the comment section to this paragraph because I enjoy writing a lot just struggle with the ideas of what to write so that would be helpful thank you :) <3

I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE CARED FOR AND one day you will be held like how Tubbo holds Ranboo I promise, you'll find that security and safety you need/want <3

If anyone needs to vent then please do it in this comment section, thank you :) (I'll reply if you want me to).

That's it for now tho, sorry for the long arse outro to this thing XD HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT and eat to make Tubbo happy :D Also drink! I always forget about that part lol.


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