Flowers for a killer.

By Ghastler

108K 4.7K 1.9K

AU Naruto x Gaara Gaara realizes he's developed feelings for the ramen crazed wannabe hokage of konoha and n... More

On the mind...
A pleasant surprise...
Softer then silk...
Sweet as sugar...
A new home...
It's a long walk...
An ocean of silk...
A Helping Hand...
Better Days...
I Care Ok?...
His Touch...
Moving Day...
You Can't Deny It...
Honey Tea And Something Sweeter...
No time for regrets...
In the arms of another...
Healing Touch...
Promise - Ch.29
Figure it out - CH.30
Comfort - CH.31
Trust and Dumplings - CH.32
Rain - CH.33
Comfort zone - Ch.34

Love In Understanding - Ch.35

327 17 14
By Ghastler

"Why you?" Naruto repeated the question back to the redhead before him who could only confirm with a silent nod. Unsure of what exactly the other Genin could have meant. "Do you mean why did I ask you out? Or, why did I choose you as a friend? Or?" He began to list the many multitude of reasons he could have 'chosen' the other. But to boil the most of them down, Naruto knew his answer and his reason. Pain.
He understood the pain the other had felt. He knew the loneliness and suffering the one-tailed vessel before him had experienced in his life as a jinchuriki. Sure it wasn't what sparked the Uzumaki's infatuation in the other. But it was a definite help to why he had become so desperate to befriend the unstable redhead after their major battle with one another. A battle that had left them on an equal understanding of just what it meant to be them and that no matter how far they could be from one another, they would have each other.

"I guess.. All of the above?" Gaara mused, peridot hues glued to the slowly simmering pot of broth before them as he thought to himself in the darkest doubts of his mind, just how he could have been deemed 'good enough' for the blond before him. Like sunlight embodied, Naruto seemed to radiate the essence of life and living itself. Yet in assumptions, Gaara felt he could understand some aspects of the other that hadn't come up before. For as much as Naruto may have been his opposite emotionally, In life and experiences- the two were very much alike. Coming from lonesome blood-soaked beginnings, despised and feared by any who so met their gaze. It was a mournful memory that ached at back of the reforming killer's mind. Not months prior would he have still thought to lay waste to anyone in his way. Having grown used to seeing others as no more than some short form of sadistic entertainment. However, As a tanned hand thoughtfully tapped at the table in rhythmic time to the pouring rains- the vessel reminded himself of just why he had chosen to change his path and who had given him the inspiration to do so.

"I guess.. I wanted to be friends with you- Because you understood me. You know exactly what it was like to grow up as a... As us." Naruto started up after a while of thinking. Trying hard to come up with the right ways to say what was truly on his mind. Fingers drumming gently into the laminate oak table that rest between them. "I mean.. Not like it's all too bad. But- It can get a little lonely when you don't have someone who fully understands your pain.. Or the things you had to go through growing up. But you do- and you don't try to brush it off either.. and- I like that. I like that I can talk to you about how I'm feelin' without getting told to suck it up, or that i'm being annoying.." Naruto went on and on, helplessly listing every way he appreciated finally having a friend he could fully confide in with his every emotion. Never having to fear being dismissed or rejected for simply feeling something. Whilst in all this time that he spoke however, the unblinking hues of lavish and shimmering peridots stared at him in silent awe. "But.. It's not entirely why I asked you out though-" He cut through, raising a tanned hand to sheepishly scratch at blond locks.

"I mean.. Sure that all did kinda help with why- But I guess I asked you out cause.. I like you for you and who you've become. You're blunt and to the point, but not entirely rude about it. You're caring but not smothering- and... you listen, to me.." Naruto tried to shrug off his reasoning, feeling embarrassed admitting something like this in a public setting. There was so much more for him to say about it- To mention the other's looks, the soothing slowness in which the vessel seemed to speak in a calming fashion- all through the husk of his voice. How they held similar hobbies and diets- Not to mention the ways they complimented each other through their opposing personalities. He was sure his reasons could have been endless and through every one that he listed in his thoughts alone, he realised just how much more the redhead before him had started to mean to him. "I can talk to you.. I can be me around you." He prattled on. Hands smoothing out over the surface of the table, able to feel the growing warmth from the boiling pot of broth at it's centre. Far too enamoured with the other before him to even think about food at the moment. A sentiment that was easily shared by the Vessel.

It was hard for Gaara to put into words nor thoughts as to just why the Uzumaki had become such a fixation for him. The very ways he carried himself almost breathing inspiration to the once unhinged killer. Fidgeting pale digits, he couldn't help but to stare deep into the patterned wood below. Choking deeply on his thoughts and the odd tingling sensation it left shivering up his spine. The same feeling he had when he had first realised his feelings for the other - Alone in his darkened room, staring at the ceiling with nothing but the comfort of the wind and his demon's incessant talking. Lost in his lonesome thoughts to the visions of a smiling blonde who brought the ideas of meaning and purpose to his existence.
It was the one night after their battle that had ended up changing his life forever- for the better.

"Aren't you worried though?" Gaara cut through, finally able to pull some semblance of control over the coursing river of his emotions and thoughts. Glancing up to the other as food arrived to their table. Taking the chance to busy his hands with something whilst he handed over small plates of meat to his now called boyfriend. "Worried about what?" Naruto chimed in, sensing the other's hesitations and anxiety in the subtle ways his voice broke. A difficult thing to pick up on through the natural rasp of the sand nin's voice, yet something the Uzumaki had already been able to identify since the night they confessed their shared feelings. "What if I.. snap. What if I break again and go back to the way I was... before."

Gaara muttered softly, watching the blonde before him add the raw sliced meats to the simmering broth and copying his actions timidly. Unsure if he was doing it right. "Well... I guess if that happens, I'll just have to fight n' knock heads with ya again 'yanno!" The blonde laughed out. Trying to make light of the worrying question his newfound love had brought up. Letting a seriousness take hold as he placed the plate in his hand down and reached across to take hold of the other. "We'll work it out ya? No one changes over night- but I'll make sure it doesn't happen.. Believe me." Using a tanned thumb, he ran it softly over the porcelain pale knuckles of the red haired vessel. Earning a soft 'hm' in agreeing reply. Happy that he could bring some form of peace to the others cloudy mind. "I'm.. glad." Gaara spoke up softly, shying away from the physical affection in the other's touch. Still not used to the sensation of having another caress him. "I'm glad that I can talk to you too." He admit finally after a short pause. Peridot hues glancing upward to the ceiling as the low audible rolling of thunder sent vibrations through the restaurant. Un-nerving the previously startled nin.

"How often does it storm here in your village?" Gaara changed the subject sharply. Wanting to feel more comfortable in the presence of the one he felt true affections for. Bringing up his bowl of rice as the blonde picked out the already cooked meats from the pot. Serving the both of them as the vessel glanced out the window to the darkened clouds above. Curious as to how a country like this could see so many storms yet his own could have so few. "Probably about once or twice a month? It's not always this bad though. We're just in the rainy season being fall 'n all." Naruto shrugged, not minding the sudden shift in their conversation. "You guys really don't get much rain in Suna do you?" He asked, cocking his head to the side in curiosity as the other replied silently with the shake of his head. "No.. We get a heavy rainstorm once a year which we use to replenish the underground reservoirs and water tanks... But other then that, no. Nothing like.. this." He said simply, enchanted by the still heavy downpour of rain that battered mercilessly at the windows of the restaurant. Wondering just what his village could do with so much water.

"Man... Once a year! I don't think I could survive that." Naruto laughed. Cheeks stuffed full of cooked meats and other items. Causing the redhead to stifle a choked laugh, having been caught far off guard by the other's somewhat foolish look. "I don't think I could survive here where it rains so often." He retorted gently. A small truth to his statement. When soaked, his sand became difficult to lift and wield - leaving him open to the attacks of enemies apart from fully vulnerable to the elements themselves. No matter how deep his newly understood love for the nine-tailed host before him might be, he was sure there would be no way he could give up the arid deserts of his homeland for the lush and well watered fields of the Leaf. But that was something the two could discuss another time. For now, the vessel wanted to enjoy this moment and soak in the strange new experiences the village had to offer him.

Placing palms down flat against the surface they shared between them, the vessel focussed his senses away from the emotions that rocked him like a listing boat. Letting the smooth tactile sensation below his bare hands give momentary comfort whilst the savoury smell of spices and well cooked meats calmed him to a more neutral state of mind. "You doin okay?" Naruto's voice cut in, concerned about the other's sudden silence. However unused to such things in usual people, he knew it was a trait his now boyfriend was known for and one he was coming to slowly understand. "Yes, just.. relaxing." Gaara replied slowly, blinking in the soft lights of the comfortably low lit restaurant. He had a feeling he knew just why the blonde had wanted so badly to come here with him. It was peaceful here, the gentle wordless music and dim lights gave way to a soothing calm - the voices of any around them were low and hushed in respect to the mellow atmosphere. A perfect place for someone so high on their nerves like he was.

Picking up his chopsticks he poked tenderly at the now cold foods that had been offered to him. Picking up something after what felt like an eternity of hesitations and eating. "I like it here." He muttered softly through chewing. Taking on his partner's awful habit of speaking with his mouth full. "Really? I'm glad!! I thought this might be your kinda thing. The food here's really good, but the place is super chilled out." Naruto laughed quietly, resting a whiskered cheek helplessly into the palm of his own hand. It was good to see the other finally settling into something other than an anxious panic. Just like the night the two had kissed. How tender and fearless the redhead had looked when not stressed by anything more than what flavour tea he was drinking.

"Ya know.. I'm glad you said yes." Naruto muttered gently, mindlessly stirring the pot of broth before quickly and sharply correcting himself. "To being friends I mean!" Wanting to make sure the other knew exactly what he was trying to convey through his sporadic thoughts and feelings. "After the exams.. After our fight, I was worried I'd never see you again. But then you came back to help when... Sasuke left. I-I was so happy to see you! Oh, and your siblings too of course, but I'm really happy you didn't mind when I asked you to hang out after.." Reminiscing to the first time they had spent together, it had been somewhat awkward at first. But after a long drawn out conversation about change and new found purposes, as well a few too many home made popsicles- the two had quickly become very close.

Looking up to the redhead, Naruto couldn't help but pause at the unblinking peridots that stared him down through a softly freckled mask of porcelain. Feeling somewhat embarrassed even after the woefully embarrassing but tender moment they had already shared nights prior atop the hokage's building. "I didn't realise you felt like that.." The gentleness of a husk reply came slowly through the quiet. A softened expression upon the vessels usually cold features whilst he pondered just how much he must have meant to the other Genin enough to worry about ever seeing him - even when they were on difficult terms.

Leaning forward to rest his elbows against the tables edge, Gaara pulled at the thin silver chain of his necklace. Feeling the cool metal between his fingertips whilst he toyed away. Deep in thought and wonder at just what things could have been like for the two of them if they had met any sooner. "I'm happy I did too.." He spoke up, cocking his head slightly to the side as the growing rumble of thunder raged on outside - now offering no worries momentarily to the relaxed vessel who was coming to realise just how comfortable he felt in the other jinchuriki's presence. Watching as the blonde continued to eat, he took small mental notes of the things he chose and pushed aside. Noticing the minimal amount of vegetables yet large quantities of beef the other chose to consume. "Do you not like carrots?" He asked simply, pointing out to the other the small growing stack of cooked carrots he left on his plate. Using his own chopsticks to snag a few to eat. "Hah, No- not really. I like green veggies.. like peas, lettuce... uhh.."

"Broccoli?" Gaara continued, amused by his partner's inability to list off the most basic of green coloured vegetation. "Oh yeah! Broccoli! I also like corn!" Naruto mused loudly, being swiftly cut off and hushed by the vessel who corrected him gently. "Corn.. is yellow." - "But the husk isin't!" A sharp but playful reply that bewildered the sand nin into a muffled and suppressed fit of laughter. "What! I'm right aren't I?" Naruto laughed along, raising a brow as he teased the other in a childish manor- loving the way his each and every laugh began with a soft raspy wheeze through every lilted note. Like listening to an old record playing bird songs, it was almost music to the Uzumaki's ears whilst giving him a sense of pride in himself for being able to bring so much laughter to the other's once frigid personality. "I like your laugh.." He sighed, far too enamoured with the other's attempts to hide a child like smile between cupped palms. "Eugh no.." Gaara huffed through soft slow breaths. Calming down from the sudden laughing fit he had as a hand sat tenderly against his chest and the knit fabric of his turtleneck.

"I don't.. I sound like a dying pigeon.." He mocked, rolling his eyes before sitting back in his chair. Looking on to the window next to them as the rain seemed to lighten in it's steady downpour. Giving the sand user a sense of calm in his repressed anxieties. Shukaku's silence in it's slumber adding to his relief as the sudden feeling of something wet touched the back of his hand. Seeing a small piece of cooked beef held delicately between chopsticks and a tanned hand as the blonde offered it to him. "You've barely eaten anything." Naruto brought up. Having been paying more attention to the other than himself. Raising the chopsticks to the other's mouth and holding it there. "Ah.. thank you." Opening his mouth, Gaara took the food that was offered to him. Feeling a familiar comfort like when he was a child with his uncle. Being fed and cared for by someone who cared about him. Picking up his cup, he sipped the now cold tea and flicked his tongue in slight disgust before joining the other to eat properly and in silence. Letting time move by slowly as they spent this moment together.-

When hours had passed by smoothly, with dishes stacked high and the last few sips of tea to be had, the two sat back in their chairs full and content. One more so than the other. "Eugh- I think I ate a bit to much.." Naruto laughed, rubbing his stomach and groaning miserably. His date however, sitting idly with one leg crossed over another and teacup in hand didn't seem the slightest bit bothered nor full. "You did have four deserts.." Gaara chimed in as always, hairless brows pinching together in concern for his boyfriend's wellbeing. "It was very nice though.." He added, a distasteful tsk escaping him when an unwelcome comment chittered within the back of his mind. "What a pig." Shukaku unnecessarily added in. Mocking the other vessel through his own's eyes. 'Don't be rude..' Gaara thought- snapping back in defence of his blissfully unaware partner. "What! It's not my fault you have a weird taste for idiots.."

Sighing softly, Gaara resigned himself from the conversation and chose to ignore the other's rude comments. Finishing off his drink and handing over his card to pay the bill as previously promised. "Somethin' up?" Naruto's voice cut through, curious and intrigued by the sudden mood shift in the vessel. "Nothing. Shushu's being rude.." Gaara sighed. Earning a snorted laugh from the Uzumaki and an enraged growl from the embarrassed demon, far too overly hating the pet like nickname. "Shushu!" Naruto laughed. Thinking of the other's beast as something more along the lines of an old lady's tiny dog rather than some monstrous sand racoon. "That's awesome.. I gotta come up with a nickname for Kurama! Maybe somethin' better than just stink-breath.."

"Stink-breath?" The redhead wondered openly, unsure just what might have happened to earn the poor beast such a name. Getting up from the table, he waited for the other and took one final glimpse outside to the still unending rainstorm that threatened to ruin his evening and armour. Ignoring the demon within that screeched and whined about going back out into the wet. "Home?" Looking back to the bright smile of the leaf's kage obsessed blonde, Gaara nodded in reply to the question. Ready to go back to the place they were slowly making their own. Even if in two weeks time such a place would become still and empty as the two busied themselves. One with a training trip abroad and the other with the return to his homelands.

Placing hand in hand, the two set out from the restaurant. Under the protection of a shared umbrella, a palm moved to wrap around once again to the neon orange arm of his partner for comfort and support through the patterned rumbling of growing distant thunder. Thankful for how much shorter the walk home felt than before. "I don't think i'm ever going to get used to storms.." He muttered, peridot hues scanning the sky with distrust whilst Naruto snickered softly. Squeezing his hand gently and holding tight. "Don't worry about it. Nothin says you gotta." He said softly, his voice barely a whisper against the pouring droplets of rain that showered down around them. Fair blue eyes batting gently as the two huddled close to one another against the frigid autumn cold. Watching as leaves of bright orange, yellows and reds fluttered by in the gentle breezes. Being carried along lazily through the small rivers of water that ran down the cobbled roads of the Blonde's village. "You should really see this place in winter.." Naruto mused softly. Wondering if his now titled boyfriend would enjoy the snow or if he would prefer to hide away where the cold couldn't touch him.

"Is that when you have that white powder on the ground?" Gaara asked in question. He'd never seen snow outside of movies, but through what he assumed of it - It was wet, cold and looked like milled flour. Two of three things he had very little interest in. A slight discomfort against his features as he tried to imagine seeing Konoha in nothing but snow. Freezing and blindingly bright. "Yeah! You dress up in really warm clothes and make small snowballs to throw at friends! I should let you try shaved ice with syrup sometime. It's just like eating snow!"

"Sounds cold, sweet and wet. I already hate it." He snorted softly, rolling his eyes while the other laughed at his expression. A soft 'aww common' begging him to at least try it. "Fine.. but not if it's too sweet." Gaara sighed. Never having been one to have very much of a sweet tooth - all considering his unusually high tolerance for spices. A fine trait of his people and their heritage. Lighting up slightly however as they finally reached the main doors of their shared apartment, he waited for Naruto to close and ring off their umbrella before stepping inside and going back upstairs to the dry, warm and safety of their home. Kicking off his shoes and setting them properly aside upon entering the door. "Tea?" He asked, looking back to the other who simply waved a 'No' to him.
"If I put anything else in my stomach, i'll vomit." Naruto laughed. Rubbing his stomach tenderly and pushing his face into the crook of his elbow before belching quietly. Feeling far too over full even for a simple drink as he through himself carefully down on the couch. Waiting for the other to join him as they sat somewhat awkwardly for a moment. Still unused to being so close to one another. Unsure of what lines had been drawn or not when it came to each other's comfort zones in their relationship.

However, after reminding himself of the nights they've already shared a bed - Naruto could only assume the other would be at-least somewhat comfortable with him sitting closer. Caving to his own curiosity as he slid over slightly and wrapped an arm around the frigid vessel, feeling a slight surprise when his advances weren't rejected. Instead, as cerulean hues viewed the redhead in wonder - he watched as Gaara leaned back into his arm and side. Sitting close and comfortable in the offered warmth of his hyperactive boyfriend. "Ne... Gaara. - Can we talk about something?"

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