Discovering Mack

By prettiestoflies

5.6K 458 34

"Not screwing as in ongoing. It was a one time... or two time thing," I cringe at how slutty that makes me so... More

Nice To Meet You
1| One
2| Two
3| Three
4| Four
5| Five
6| Six
7| Seven
8| Eight
9| Nine
10| Ten
11| Eleven
12| Twelve
13| Thirteen
14| Fourteen
15| Fifteen
16| Sixteen
17| Seventeen
18| Eighteen
19| Nineteen
20| Twenty
21| Twenty-One
23| Twenty-Three
24| Twenty-Four
25| Twenty-Five
26| Twenty-Six
27| Twenty-Seven
28| Twenty-Eight
29| Twenty-Nine
Bonus | I love you

22| Twenty-Two

147 13 2
By prettiestoflies

Double update! Make sure you read chapter twenty- one first!

I'm nervous. School girl going on her first date with the guy she's had a crush on forever type nervous. It's ridiculous really, because it's just Tristan. Alright, there's no just Tristan. So what if I've realised my feelings have changed, things between us haven't actually changed.

Ok that's a lie too. There has been some flirting going on all week and lots of nice gestures. Apparently Saturday night and that moment by the fire changed things for both of us, only neither of us has said it out loud or actually done that much about it.

Tristan has sent a good morning text every day this week, so that's new. He has met us with coffee before work everyday too, not necessarily new, usually whichever of us was arriving first would grab the coffee. However this week, Tristan seems to have made a point to be first and waiting each day.

For the most part, things have been normal. Except when I would find my eyes drifting to Tristan, where I would then just daydream all these fake scenarios about a life with him until a phone ringing or an email notification would snap me out of it. A few times I felt his eyes follow me if I left my desk, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit to putting a little extra sway in my step hoping he kept watching.

That brings me to now. Imogen has just finished with my hair and make up, and she should honestly be doing this for a living! I feel amazing and I look great.

As Scarlett suggested, my hair is in a high pony, only we curled my hair, then brushed them through creating luscious waves to give texture and volume. She left a few strands of hair around my face to soften the look.

My make up isn't heavy, as per my request. For my eyes though, she gave me a natural smokey eye using browns and a gold shimmer, making green eyes really pop. Last, is the dress, silver shoes, teardrop drop earrings and no other jewellery so the dress takes centre stage.

With one final twirl in the mirror, I double check that I have everything I need in my clutch, including the card for the happy couple, and make my way down the hallway to where Tristan is waiting.

The moment is oddly reminiscent of a high school formal, or if this were America, how I imagine stepping out to meet your prom date would feel.

Tristan is standing in the lounge in a navy fitted suit with a white shirt, a narrow navy tie and tan coloured dress shoes. He wears a shirt every day, but the whole look together and extra attention paid to the way his hair is slicked back and he is delicious. He turns when I enter and his jaw drops as I do a twirl for him.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"Mack, you are stunning," he replies somewhat breathlessly. "Fucking beautiful" he mutters under his breath.

"Thank you. Imogen helped, so big thanks to her!" I say, giving credit where it's due.

"Nonsense," Imogen says from beside Scarlett. "I only highlighted your assets, you're already beautiful."

I smile gratefully at her, while Scarlett suggests we get a photo for Instagram before we leave and then ushers us out the door. It really does feel like a school formal rather than someone else's engagement party!


Our Uber pulled up to the front of the address we gave him in South Melbourne. As with many venues in Melbourne, they look unassuming from the front, like derelict old warehouses. Once you step through the doors though, it was like entering an alternate universe.

Tristan places his hand on the bare small of my back as we walk towards the door. I try to hide the shiver his intimate touch sends through my body, and blame the goosebumps on the cold autumn air instead. Before we can open the door we are stopped in our tracks by another car pulling up with my best friend sticking her head out the window yelling to us.

"Mack!! Tristan!!" Mel beckons for us to wait for her. We halt and turn to watch Mel climb out the backseat of the car, followed by Jamie, his girlfriend Halle and from the front another friend from our old group, Caleb.

"You my friend, are fucking stunning!" Mel exclaims, twirling me around so she can take in all of my outfit. I hug her and as I do she whispers in my ear about how much Tristan will be adjusting his pants all night. I pushed her away with a grin I can't hide, telling her to shut up.

After introducing Tristan to everyone, we make our way inside as a group. As I suspected, inside didn't feel like an old warehouse, and had been transformed to a beautiful venue.

The black beams across the ceiling had florals draped across them, with tasteful neon lights lighting up the venue just the right amount. There were long tables set with centrepieces to match the ceiling and no assigned seating. The tables surrounded a dance floor where a DJ had been set up, but for now was playing acoustic love songs.

By one wall was the biggest grazing table I'd ever seen next to an open bar, and just the sight of it had my stomach grumbling and reminding me I hadn't eaten since lunch.

The stunning bride to be was centre of attention, greeting everyone who entered, her groom not too far away. We did our duties, leaving the card with cash on the gift table, and saying hello.

"Mack, I'm so glad you could make it," Hayley, the bride to be said as we exchanged a kiss on the cheek. I could hear the words she didn't say though- because of everything with Noah.

Hayley and I became friends when she started hooking up with her now fiancé, Dylan. Dylan and Noah were mates and played footy together. During our last year of high school Hayley, Mel and I became close. We drifted apart over the last year, because thanks to Noah, I had become isolated from most of my old friends.

Slowly, over the last few months some have reached out after they heard how it all went down. Some chose sides, others played the middle ground. I don't mind either way really. Hayley and Dylan have invited near on two hundred people tonight, that's how I still made the cut despite our distance.

"Happy to be here. Congratulations girl, you look amazing, absolutely glowing," I tell her, but she hardly listens as Tristan catches her attention over my shoulder.

"Who is this?"

"Tristan, this is Hayley," I introduce, catching Dylan's attention. "Hayley, Tristan and this is Dylan."

After the introductions are all done and the rest of the group we walked in with have said their hellos, we all make our way to the end of one long table, collecting a plate of food from the grazing table and a drink on the way.

When over an hour has passed with no signs of Noah showing up, I started to think maybe we were home free and he wouldn't come. I felt myself starting to relax and I stopped looking around the room constantly, allowing myself to laugh and chat freely. Alcohol helped. I really wish I wasn't this nervous about seeing him again, but here we are.

Halle was telling us all about their recent trip to Bali, when she thought they were going to die stranded in the river while white water rafting. Their boat got stuck on a stray rock and started collecting water. She was animatedly re-enacting the expressions on the Balinese faces when the entrance of two people caught my attention behind her.

I was no longer listening and judging by the change in atmosphere at the table, others had also noticed their entrance. Mel grabbed my hand from beside me at the same time as Tristan dragged his chair closer and put a protective around me.

Noah looked good, well better than the last time I saw him. He looked healthier and had finally cut his hair, but I could tell he still wasn't the old Noah, with dark bags under his eyes and his skin not as clear as it used to be.

She was about as I expected. The total opposite of me. Bleach blonde hair with dark roots peaking through, too orange fake tan, more make up than anyone needs to wear, and in my likely bias opinion, not that pretty. She wore a tight black dress that hugged her pregnant belly elegantly enough.

But actually seeing her in person- seeing how pregnant she was and the way he walked her in holding her hand- was a stab in the chest I wasn't prepared for. He rarely held my hand.

Images of the future that I had imagined with Noah flashed before my eyes. Hearing about and just knowing this was the new reality was a lot easier than actually seeing it in front of me.

"Well one things for sure, Noah went from batting way above to... well, that," Mel commented from beside me.

"Literally, Mack you're a 10 on a bad day, 15 in that dress tonight and she's like a 5 while dressed up," Halle added.

"Guys, be nice. I appreciate the support, but she isn't that bad. I'm sure it's not comfortable being that pregnant," I tell them and Tristan snorts from beside me.

"Mack, you don't have to be nice to her. She isn't over here to hear it and he cheated on you with her," Tristan says.

"I know, but we don't have to lower ourselves."

"Mack I love you, but you're way too nice," Mel says.

Yeah, so nice and forgiving that I managed to get cheated on.

I watch as Hayley and Dylan greet Noah and his new girlfriend. It's a polite enough exchange, but I know Hayley, and I can tell when her smile is fake. That makes me feel better. I know that's petty as fuck, but so what if I don't want anyone to like her. Though, maybe if I get a chance to talk to her I'll thank her for saving me from a life with Noah. As hard as it is to watch, I am grateful for everything and everyone I've got now, especially the man who's hand is nestled comfortably on my hip.

I'm surprised when they lock eyes on our group at the table and make their way over. I really thought Noah would avoid us.

"Oh good lord, here we go," I mutter, taking a large swig of my pink gin.

"You've got this," Tristan whispers to me as he plants a soft kiss on my head, lingering longer than he usually would. I lean further into him as Noah approaches, his eyes narrowed, and aimed directly at Tristan. Now I know why he lingered and the petty bitch in me is here for it.

Jamie gets up and intercepts Noah before things get heated, obviously catching the stare down. They briefly talk, then the three of them close the short distance to the table together.

"Ladies," Noah greets, gesturing to the Mel, Halle and finally myself. "And?" He questions, gesturing to Tristan.

"Tristan," he answers his question, but doesn't elaborate.

It's tense. Everyone seems to be holding their breath and waiting to see what happens next.

Noah nods, then turns his attention to me. "Mackenzie, you look great," he states smugly.

"She's always looked great, you just took advantage of her," Mel mutters from beside me and I squeeze her hand that I'm still clutching, silently begging her to not make a scene.

"Hi Noah," I say, eyes glancing to the girl by his side who he is yet to introduce to anyone. I can't help but glance at her belly now that they are much closer. Noah notices, of course.

"Oh right, this is my fiancé, Caitlin."

"Fiancé?" I can't help but blurt out as I see Halle's eyes bulge, Jamie coughs up the drink he just took a swig of and Mel scoffs loudly. Tristan's grip on my hip tightens.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Mel says first.

"I think I need to go to the bathroom. Tris, can you maybe get me another drink. Mel, come with?" I say quickly and my faithful friends scramble to their feet with me, understanding how I need to walk away right now. Halle also gets up and follows Mel and I too.

I'm silent while the girls can't hide their shock and disgust in Noah and the fact that he just announced their engagement to us. I mean, we've been broken up for a whole three months! They've not even been together that long and now they are engaged! What the actual fuck.

"You guys go back, I just need a moment alone. Can you tell Tristan to just meet me at the table please."

I have to assure them multiple times over that I'm fine, and eventually, rather reluctantly, both girls leave me be. I focus on my breathing, taking a deep breath in through the nose, and exhale out my mouth. Feeling my heart rate calming down, I take a look in the full length mirror conveniently placed in this ladies bathroom. I look great, I know I do. Act confident, feel confident. Don't even let Noah know that he has gotten to you.

With my head held high, I exit the bathroom determined to enjoy my night.

"Mack, can we talk?" Noah corners me like he was waiting for me and the opportunity to catch me alone.

I turn to see him standing against the wall, hands in his pocket and having the nerve to look sheepish. My eyes narrowed, I roll my shoulders back and stand up straight.

"I don't think this is the right place for us to talk Noah," I stand my ground.

"It's not like we'll get another chance. I just wanted to apologise."

I know he is right about not having another chance, only I don't care. He doesn't deserve a chance.

"Apologise? I couldn't care less what you have to say Noah. Perhaps instead of cornering me in a hallway outside a bathroom you should go back to your pregnant fiancé!" I spit, unable to keep the venom and utter disgust out of my tone.

"You sound jealous Mackenzie. It's not like your here alone. Didn't take you long to move on either," he sneers.

"I'm not jealous Noah, I'm disgusted. Everyone here knows that you knocked her up while we were still together, yet you parade her in here and introduce her as your fiancé. You clearly have no respect for me or even her, you probably should have saved face and stayed home."

"That's rich. Are you not doing the same thing parading around with your new boy toy?"

"What I do, and who I do is none of your business. Tristan has been better to me as a friend than you ever were as a boyfriend."

"A friend? He doesn't look at you like a friend Mack."

"What do you even care? You're literally engaged! We were together for five years and you never even spoke about marriage. You've been with her for what five months and you're going to marry her?"

Noah cringes when I say five months and the final stab from him hits my guts. He doesn't even need to say it.

"It's been longer than five months," I state more to myself than to him. "How long was it Noah?"

I don't even know why I ask or why I care. He already hurt me, so it shouldn't matter. Yet I still want to know.

"It's not important anymore is it?" Noah asks.

"You're right it's not. Five months or five years, you're still an ass hole who never deserved me. Good luck to Caitlin being tied to you for the rest of her life. I hope she can handle being constantly disappointed."

I don't let him speak to me anymore, turning on my heel and leaving the dark hallway. Tristan eyes me, concern dancing across his face when I return. I give him a reassuring smile as he mouths 'are you ok?'. I nod, picking up my fresh drink and gulping it down in a few quick mouthfuls. From the corner of my eye, I can see Caitlin watching me, then Noah joining the table next to her.

"Let's dance!" I state, pulling Tristan's hand and dragging him to the dance floor.

The music has changed from the acoustic love songs when we arrived. The DJ is working now, mixing current hits with the classic party songs. The dance floor is filling up as we sing and dance our hearts out, only taking a break for the official parts of the night where speeches are made and cake is cut.

Mel, Jamie and Halle and even Caleb join us as song after song plays, and I get lost in the music and fun of dancing. We dance the Macarena, the time warp and the nutbush. We sing our little hearts out to Bohemian Rhapsody and the Grease mega mix, and The Spice Girls gets everyone moving.

Eventually, the DJ changes it up. Hayley and Dylan take centre dance floor as You and Me, by Lifehouse slows everyone down. Couples take their places on the dance floor. Beside us Halle and Jamie get wrapped up in each other's arms. Mel and Caleb embrace awkwardly, and Tristan pulls me toward him. I snake my arms around his neck, he takes advantage of the low, open back on my dress and places his hands on my bare skin.

It's nice to slow down, even nicer to be in his arms. It's downright excruciating feeling his hands on me. I've felt a lot of emotions tonight. I've had a lot of fun, but so far, this right here is my favourite part of all.

"Have you enjoyed yourself?" I ask Tristan as we spin around to the beat of the music.

"Yeah, I have. What about you? You doing ok? That was a bit of a shock earlier," he asks.

"It's fine. He tried to speak to me, but I put him in his place. I'm not even worried about him right now. I'm here. With you."

"I wish he was a little less worried about you. If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now," Tristan chuckles awkwardly.

"Let him be jealous," I tell Tristan, placing my hand on his face forcing him to pull his eyes away from Noah and instead look at me. "Like I said, I'm here, with you. There's no where else I want to be right now,"

I can see Tristan's eyes scanning my face, his eyes dart down to my lips, then back up to my eyes. I'm not sure what he is trying to find, but I do know that in this moment, there is only us.

"Mack," he whispers and I give a small nod in acknowledgment. "Can I kiss you?"

I don't answer with words, instead I close the distance between us. Our lips crash together and I swear it's one of those moments all the romance books and movies talk about. Time stands still, everything around us dissipates. There's just Tristan and I.

His lips are softer than I imagined, the kiss better than I ever anticipated or dreamt about and when his tongue requests entry to mouth, I grant it hungrily.

All too soon the slow song ends, the beat around us picks up, and we part for air. People are dancing around us, but all I can see is Tristan. He leans his forehead on mine as we catch our breaths, the biggest smile I've ever seen from him decorating his pretty lips.

"I've been wanting to do that for weeks," he admits. "You're all I think about."

"Did it measure up to what you expected?"

"It was better, so, so much better."

For the rest of the evening we danced and stole kisses like teenagers doing this for the first time. We didn't discuss what any of it meant, rather just enjoyed the moment. That's a conversation for another day. Eventually the venue cleared out and the house lights came on. Noah left without a goodbye and we were the last ones still dancing, Tristan's arms my new favourite place to be.

Well I hope that lived up to what you hoped. I've had these moments at this party dancing in my mind for months!

Thanks for reading <3

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