Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 48: Roomies

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By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


You were walking behind Kaiba down a long hallway. Mokuba was running up ahead even though Kaiba told him to slow down or he would fall. Mokuba ran anyway despite almost stumbling a few times. He managed to catch himself those few times. They led to a door that you and Kaiba finally stood in front of where Mokuba was eagerly waiting for the two of you to hurry up and get to the door already. Swaying side to side with impatience. "This is your room (Y/n)!!" Mokuba told you with a bright smile on his face with his hands gesturing to the door. Kaiba opened the door wide, stepping aside for you to walk in to see the room. You looked at them before you made your way inside of the room. Your entire face dropped from pure shock "YOU CALL THIS A ROOM?!" Your voice echoed in this penthouse-like apartment you were getting to stay in. This could have been an entire house alone considering it was two floors with the living room taking most of the lower floor as well as the kitchen. There was a library upstairs with more bedrooms than you needed to use up there on the 2nd floor. You were only a single person who didn't need this much space to stay in. The place was well furnished already which made this place not truly feel yours as you felt more like a guest being in this place than being in your own place.

'Just how did I get myself into this extravagant housing?' You thought to yourself while looking around more. The Kaiba brothers lingered by the entrance while you were exploring like a small child of this new environment. Leaving Knight Timaeus's cape on the couch.


You were sitting in the ship with Tea and Mokuba on one side while the others were on the other side of the helicopter. "I was just telling Joey about how you conjured up a machine gun." Tristan pointed his thumb over to Joey who was leaning back in his seat with a pout on his face. Arms crossed, having a little fit. Joey growled "I wanted to see (Y/n) pull out a cool move like that! Damn Dartz would take me out when cool things would happen!" Joey complained about not being there to see the cool stuff that went down when he was out of commission. Tea giggled seeing Joey being himself again after talking about Jane's sacrifice to them. Hearing some laughter set her aching heart at ease. "It was thanks to (Y/n) that we all got out alright. With the help of some losers." Kaiba referred to Joey and Yami as well as Yugi being those so-called losers he was talking about. They gave him a side look of annoyance from his money tight insults. Kaiba ignored their eyes on him and remained focused on you. "And because you helped my brother and I get our company back, we came to an agreement to have you stay with us!" Mokuba announced with a proud smile across his youthful face. Yugi's friends and you all exclaim "HUH?!" in unison from being shocked by this news. This must have been discussed privately between Kaiba and Mokua since the others who were with Kaiba and Mokuba the entire helicopter ride to find you and Yami were equally as surprised about this as you both were.

Yami clears his throat and looks at you "You know you don't have to take up on his offer. You are more than welcome to stay with any of us." he quickly made this announcement without consulting with the others about it first because they all stared at the clearly jealous Yami for his blunt decision that was dragging them down with. Yugi appeared in between you and Yami in spirit. Looking down at the pharaoh "Pharaoh! You should have thought through what you said! We don't have the space for her to stay at the Game Shop! I don't want her to sleep on a couch! Joey could take her in but you forget about his dad not being the greatest guy in the world. Then there is Tristan who has siblings to take care of so he is not an option either. Tea's place is too small for two people! (Y/n) is best to stay with the Kaiba and Mokuba!" Yugi was trying to drop logical sense on Yami who was glancing at Yugi then back at you at the same time. He was listening but Yugi felt like it was too late to try to get through to the old king. You clung to the cape and cleared your own throat. "If you still don't trust me then you could have just said that straight up yourself Ya - Yugi." You grumbled through your toothy fake smile from being a little ticked off from him not trusting you to stay with Mokuba and Kaiba. Joey and Tristan looked at each other and both sensed trouble was starting to stirr between the two of you. 'Count on Kaiba for making things difficult for the couple.' Tea rubbed her temples while thinking about Kaiba making things brawl between you two.

"That's not what I meant by what I said. I do trust you. It's just –" Yami glanced at Kaiba then back at you. Kaiba sends a glare at Yami "Oh wow. You don't trust me with her?" Kaiba sneered at Yami who clears his throat "I trust you during duels." Kaiba narrows his glare "That wasn't what I said Yugi." Kaiba quickly retorts at Yami's childish actions of wanting to keep you basically all to himself. You stand up "Yugi" Your tone was a little cold when you said his name, well, Yugi's because of Kaiba and Mokuba being here, that made Yami go stiff. His mad-wife senses were tingling and sure enough you were. Yami stood up with his head down and he followed you to a secluded part of the helicopter while Tristan and Joey were being stupid "Oooooh Yugi's/Yug's in troublllle." They teased which made Mokuba laugh to the side. Tea rolled her eyes and threw her shoe at the two idiots. Tristan got hit in the head with it after Joey used him as a shield for that purpose. Tristan elbowed his stomach and then tossed Tea her shoe back with an annoyed look on his face. Tea put her shoe back on with a huff from having to deal with these boys. Kaiba was not phased by their actions. He was looking over to you and Yami being in a corner to discuss with each other privately.

Yugi's spirit was standing beside Yami "You are in for a chew out now." Yugi mumbled and Yami gave him a side glance before taking his entire focus on you. You saw the lavender orb being near Yami but ignored it because you were mostly focused on Yami. "I'm sorry." Yami apologized before you were going to go off on him. He rested his forehead on your shoulder "I just want you to be close to me at all times after Dartz . . . After he . . ." Yami sighs and takes his head off your shoulder to look you in the eye "I shouldn't be telling you to not stay with him. After all, I live within the millennium puzzle and Yugi without having to worry about finding a place to live unlike you. You came back here and left everything behind to just be here . . . A huge decision I know was not easy to make . . . I have no right to tell you where to stay and with whom . . . I am sorry . . ." Yami sighs again with his eyes full of worry again. A look in his eyes you were finding it harder and harder to keep from being there. Especially when they are always towards you and because of you. Always making this handsome man worry for your sake. You softly sigh 'Damn him for being understanding even when he is being childish . . .' You thought to yourself while finding it cute how he looked like a puppy being sad when they are being ridiculed for doing something bad that they knew they shouldn't have.

You went closer to him, startling Yami for being a little scared of what you were going to do, and you leaned close to his ear. Yugi was trying to peek over to see what was going on. He couldn't get near because you were in the way. Only being able to see Yami's face. You smirk with your knee pressed against a certain place of Yami's "I accept your apology but," You made your knee rub gently against it "I thought that if I got a place of my own from Kaiba then maybe we can have more quality alone time. If you catch my drift pharaoh." You whisper into his ear, nibbling it before moving away with a smile on your face. Yugi saw Yami's face being a burning bright red. Yami was too speechless to even conjure up any form of words. Steam was starting to come out of his head and ears. You turn from Yami to Kaiba with a proud smile on your face "It's decided that I will be staying with you and Mokuba!" You chirped while heading back to your seat. Mokuba jumped in joy in his seat "Yay! It's going to be fun I promise!" Mokuba assured you while Kaiba was looking at you, then glancing over the malfunctioned Yami who was trying to reboot his brain.

"Ph-Pharaoh?! Are you alright?! You look like you are short circuited! Pharaoh! Say something!" Yugi's spirit was frantically roaming around Yami. Worried little wart trying to get Yami to say something from being frozen in place. Yami crouched down with his hands covering his steaming hot face. His back towards Yugi and everyone "I-I just need a moment to compose myself." Yami was trying to hide not just his face but a certain special friend from being seen from everyone else. Trying to calm himself down from your teasing.


'Hehe. He isn't the only one who can tease.' You snickered to yourself as you thought back about the events that led to this unexpecting rooming. Mokuba had walked up to stand beside you as you were daydreaming while looking at the bookshelves in the library. Mokuba tapped your arm that startled you, snapping you back into reality. You were stuck wearing a black turtleneck sweater and jeans. Mostly to hide certain love marks from a certain devilish husband made on you on the beach. You got to change into these because Kaiba had made the call up ahead to get you some clothes to change and even got a card for the friend group to take them back home. Mostly to get them out of his site. You look down to Mokuba with a smile "This place is a little too much." You lightly laugh from being both overwhelmed and nervous. This was a lot to take in. "I say it's too little. I could have done more." Kaiba said, looking around, as he was walking up to the two of you 'How can he say that like it is nothing?! It's only been a few hours since we got back so how the heck did he assemble all of this so quick?! Must be nice being this freaking rich.' Kaiba looked at you as if he knew what you were thinking without having to say it out loud to him. Probably was used to this kind of look and thoughts from other people. He was a businessman after all.

Kaiba had his hands in his pockets. "There is an intercom for you in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, and back in the entrance. Those are there for you to see and hear who is asking for you at the front gate as well as in front of your bedroom and if I need to call you into my office. That is also used for you to ask for anything from my staff. You are to be treated as one of us — A Kaiba. Any of my staff treat you otherwise I will fire them on the spot and make them homeless with a single phone call." He told you with such no sign of sympathy besides being stone cold serious about ruining anyone's lives without any mercy. Kaiba had that kind of tremendous power over the people he worked with and those that didn't. Pretty scary the more you think about it. You were hoping for the staff's sake that they were nice because you didn't want anyone to lose their poor job. "Um, I don't think it is necessary for you to have to go that f . . ." You stopped talking because Kaiba was staring you down because he found what you were saying absolutely ridiculous. He didn't even need to say it. Him looking at you was enough to say it for him. A kind of power only a intimidating rich man like Kaiba can uphold towards someone who literally had a weapon that can kill him with a swing swing or bullet.

"Of course we have to! You saved the world and our company! You gave up a lot for us so you deserve everything we can give you. Let us spoil you (Y/n)." Mokuba insisted that you get all of these lavishing things they were throwing at you. You were looking at the two brothers that were giving you all this. You haven't really given a chance to think of everything that way. You did give up a lot though you didn't expect so much like this in return. Anything would have been fine. There was a hint of guilt for getting all of this when you felt deep down that someone else should be deserving of all this but that person was no longer here to be by your side to enjoy these things with you.

Jane was gone.

Jane wasn't coming back.

No matter how much you thought about her or wanted her to be right beside you right now.

Mokuba saw that you were spacing out again and before he was going to say something about it, he felt a hand be placed on his head. Kaiba's hand. He didn't even have to look up to make sure if it was him. Kaiba had his entire focus on you. "Mokuba, get some sleep. It's been a long day for all of us. Plus, I need to talk alone with (Y/n)." Kaiba's tone was serious but his intentions behind his tone were not meant to be harsh like he would usually be with everyone. This one was with care behind it. Mokuba can tell the difference with it since he used that tone often with him and the other harsher and colder ones with his employees and business partners that are always trying to take Kaiba Corp from under their noses. Always. Everyday. Even his change in tone didn't phase you. You were too in a daze to even notice. Mokuba was concerned, yet he nodded in silence to his older brother. They exchange the same glances before Mokuba leaves the room to his own room to rest for the night. Leaving you alone with Kaiba.

Kaiba clears his throat, making you come back from your daze, you look around to see Mokuba was no longer in the room. You were about to ask Kaiba but he turned his back to you. You decided to keep that question to yourself once he turned away from you. Kaiba was making his way to the door "Come with me, (Y/n)." The way he told you made it sound and feel like you didn't exactly have a choice in this matter. You also were a little too afraid to deny going after he had given you this place to stay. You reluctantly followed him out of the bedroom and behind him the rest of the way out of the building.


You got in the car with Kaiba in the driver seat. No Roland or any guard with him. They were back in headquarters with Mokuba and there wasn't any use for guards when you were around to deal with any real threats. You were sitting back in the car and looked out the car window to stare at your own reflection against the glass. You haven't had enough time to look at yourself after everything that went down. Not wanting your reflection to be stolen from you again to be used against you for evil just like back in Dartz's lair. You looked like absolute shit at this point. Your eyes were puffy, pale from sickness and feeling like shit, and dark circles were starting to form under your eyes. A total mess from everything. Kaiba didn't start the car for a few minutes because he was looking at you. You were too busy spacing out again to notice the car was not even moving. Again. Kaiba finally started the car to drive out of the underground garage to out into the quiet night of Domino City. Not many people were around because it was literally 5 AM at this point. The time it took to get back from searching for you and Yami along with dropping everyone off took up a lot of time.

Kaiba stopped at the back of a store that was oddly open early. You didn't question him or even look over to see what the building you were parked by was. Kaiba unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door "I will be right back. Stay put." He told you before he got out of the car. Closing the door behind him. Locking it with his keys. You sat back in your seat with silence with your eyes forward to the dark road. Your ears heard the doors unlock and Kaiba came to your side but for the back seat. Putting something in the back that you didn't have the energy to turn back to see what it was. He quickly closed the door and came back around to be in the driver's seat. Buckling up and taking off again. You wanted to ask where the two of you were going at this hour that could have waited until both of you were well rested enough to go to. This silence you shared with each other was oddly comfortable to you. Not having to say anything and sit in silence while still understanding one another was something you never thought would happen with someone. Definitely not with the infamous Seto Kaiba.

You saw that you were driving back to headquarters, back in the parking lot once again. Kaiba got out of the car and opened your car doors side while you took off your seat belt. He was leaning over the car doorway and looked down at you "I know this is going to sound weird but," He stepped back and had his arm in a linking arm position for you to link your arm with his "I am going to need you to trust me." You were of course confused although you didn't feel any sort of danger or bad feeling about whatever he was planning. You simply nodded and got out of the car and linked your arms with his "Close your eyes too." He added. You were more curious as to why you needed to close your eyes but you reluctantly did so anyway. You sigh through your nose and close your eyes. Hoping that you didn't go limp and sleep on your way to wherever you were going. You walked only a few steps for Kaiba to open the back door again to grab something because you could hear shuffling. Kaiba closed the door and guided you back inside the garage's elevator then down another hallway and up another elevator. Heading up to a floor and the sound of him using a keycard and opening a door. Kaiba was guiding you carefully through all of this up until this point where he was now guiding you slowly inside.

Kaiba and you stopped, you felt his arm unlink with yours to step aside.

"You can open your eyes now (Y/n)." Kaiba told you.

Once you open your eyes the bright gleaming light of the sun rising was piercing through this place. You had your hand over your eyes that hurt and was also warm and comforting. Your eyes adjust to the brightness of this room that you were left in awe of seeing. The sunlight lit up the room that was not a room. It was an indoor greenhouse. An extravagant one with a white table inside to have a little tea party for guests. There were many little gardens for certain flowers and a small fountain in front of this statue where a cat with an all too familiar horus eye charm collar was sitting proudly with its head held up high. "I made this place shortly after Jane and you left us. To commemorate you both for my brother and I. I never got the statue of you in order just yet but it seems I do not need to because you are here. I did get the engravings on the paque today with its new changes for Jane." You were staring at Jane's cat statue with tears forming in your eyes. The sun perfectly captured the adorable statue that had engravement writings on a plaque underneath her paws. This was her doomed cat form but it was Jane nonetheless. Kaiba didn't know her human looking duel monster form before the two of you were warped back to the future. This made sense for him to make only her car form.

This was Jane's resting grounds.

Kaiba approached you with a bouquet of jasmine flowers. Holding them out to you "This garden and memorial belongs to you. You can come here anytime you want. Either to relax or to have a place to be sad. This place will always open for you." Your trembling hands reached out to take the bouquet of flowers out of Kaiba's hands. Surprised he knew about Jane's favorite flowers. Kaiba stepped aside for you to walk slowly up to the statue to lay down the flowers in front of Jane's essential grave. Place the flowers gently in front of her paws. There was enough room to rest the bouquet there. You stepped back a few steps to look down at the plaque underneath. The plaque read: "Here lies the great Maiden Jane. A brave hero for the world and a long time friend of many. She will be remembered for her great sacrifices and will never be forgotten for them. Forever rest in beautiful peace." It was black granite stone with white engraving lettering. You stared at the words to read them over and over again. Kaiba was watching you take this place from where he stood. Your body was shaking and he could see the little teardrops you were letting out fall on the floor. Kaiba went over to you out of an internal past instinct to comfort you.

Only for you to turn around and give this grumpy man a hug. A hug he was not expecting. Your arms were wrapped around his neck which made it hard for him to breathe although Kaiba didn't couldn't find the heart in him to tell you to let go for him to breathe. You were sobbing in this man's arms with a broken smile on your face "Thank you Kaiba . . . This means more than I can express . . . Thank you . . ." Kaiba can hear your little hiccups in between your sobbing thanks. He raised his arms to hesitantly wrap them around you in an embrace ". . . Call me Seto." He softly told you before he closed his eyes to hold you in this deep embrace ". . . Okay." You whimper. You were crying both happy and sad tears in Kaiba's arms. Kaiba didn't let go of you for a very long time. Never pushed you away either. Didn't try to stop you from your endless crying. Only when you were ready to let go that he let you go.

The two of you left Jane's garden to head back to your bedroom floor, Kaiba escorted you to your room. "Get some sleep." Kaiba told you when you opened the door "I will. Get some sleep yourself." Your lips tugged a sweet smile upon your tired face "Night, Seto." You said before walking in. "Morning, (Y/n)." Kaiba corrected you on the time of day which made your cheek redden from being called out but also corrected. You pout and close the door. Kaiba stood there unphased. He looked down to his arms he held out in front of him and a smile grew on his cold face that became a gentle one. Staring at his arms that once held you. His face didn't last for long because it changed when his phone rang from his pocket. That gentle face with a once in a lifetime smile changed drastically in seconds once that phone rang. He lowered his arms with his cold exterior returning onto his face. Kaiba walked away from your door to make his way down the hall with his hand quickly grabbing his phone, answering the call once he made it inside the elevator. The elevator closed and took Kaiba down somewhere.


You woke up to a blaring intercom blasting by your bed that made you jump out of bed. You groan tiredly when you get yourself up to your feet. Rubbing your left eye and making your way over to the intercom. You yawn "Ugh" You pressed the intercom to respond "Yes?" You let go of the button to hear what the hell was going on. You glance over to the electronic clock on the intercom that reads 3:12 PM. You smile at the thought of Kari being on your ass for waking up in the middle of the day again. You always had a terrible sleep schedule that she nagged you to fix. You never did or ever will. Not with the craziness you were having to deal with in this supernatural world you were now a part of. (A/n: Me right now, minus the supernatural lol). You were still in the clothes you were in this morning. Too tired to change. Also too lazy to either. You were planning to shower once you woke up from a good rest though that plan flew out the window with this call. "Well, Mrs. (L/n), a woman claiming she knows you is at our gates. She has been there for 30 minutes and is threatening to tear the gates down with a motorcycle that she also proclaims is yours." A silent video footage of the front gates showed a blonde woman arguing with the camera. A woman you automatically smiled seeing appears on your intercom's camera.

"Mai." You said the woman's name with so much happiness behind your tone. You pressed the button "Let her in Roland. Escort her to my room, I need to freshen up." You gave Roland his orders and you dash to your dresser to pull out a pink tank top with black sweatpants as well as a pair of underwear and a bra. Both were grey. You went to your bathroom to take the quickest shower of your life. You brushed your teeth and blow dried your hair at the same time. Difficult to manage though you somehow pulled through. You made sure you looked decent and not like total shit. You slap your cheeks gently to wake yourself up more because the shower made you start to feel a little sleepy. A sleepiness you did not have time to feel right now.

You rushed out of your bathroom. Halfway down your stairs when you heard the knock on your door "(Y/n)? It's Mai. Can I come in?" Mai asked from behind the door. "Yes! Come in!" You shout then stopped dead in your tracks 'FUCKING YAMI!!!!!' You mentally cursed and ran back up the steps to your bedroom to grab a black hoodie to wear. You were still riddled with Yami's little marks across your body that you almost forgot to keep covered up. You adored Yami and his show of affection although during times like these made things very difficult. You were standing in front of a body length mirror to make sure you looked decent. Focused on yourself and turned around to a grinning Mai "We both come back from a near death experience and one of us got a little freaky out of it." Mai teased you while leaning on your bedroom door frame.

She saw it all.

All the little hickies and love bites around your neck.

You saw no point in hiding them with her already seeing them. You take off your hoodie and toss it on your bed with your blushing cheeks. Mai saw how many you had just on your neck and collarbone alone. She was trying so hard to contain her giggles. "We have so much to discuss, Hon. I am going to go first and then you because I have a feeling you have a loooong story to tell me." Mai had a hand over her lips to try to hide her smile from finding all of this amusing. You walk past her with a smile even though you were embarrassed for being caught with such things like a teenager, you were just too happy to see her to even care.

"Let's talk over breakfast and ice coffee." You gestured to her to follow. Despite it being 3PM you still wanted breakfast. Mostly because you need coffee to make you feel more energized. Mai quickly followed you "You had me at iced coffee, Hon!" She giggles while tagging along behind you to the kitchen of this huge ass apartment.


I am going to have a few fun chapters because let's be honest, you/readers need it lol.

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