Passion In The Game

By AlexxRazzay

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Anthony and Rayna have been happy for a while. However, things start to stir up when things go a little haywi... More

In Due Time
Just A Gift
Author's Note *IMPORTANT*
Prized Possession
Temptation's A Bitch
Right Here
Next Question
Author's Note
Too Beautiful
Author's Note
History Pt. 1
History Pt. 2
History Pt. 3
History Pt. 4
History Pt. 5
History Pt. 6
Hurt Feelings
Be At Peace
All That Remains
Making Plans
What The Queen Wants
Getting Involved
The Last Hurrah
This Is It
Everything I Have To Offer
Taking Off The Training Wheels
Happy Home
They're Adults
Not In The Plan
Come Home
Baby Talk
Trial and Error
Drifting Apart
Something New
Enchanted In Seattle
Get Rid Of Her
The Ultimatum
It's Been A While
Decisions, Decisions
Leave Quietly
The Alternate Story

The Matrimony

69 5 1
By AlexxRazzay

"Can you stop?" Terry yelled pushing Anthony away from him.

Anthony was bouncing around, playfully punching Terry in his arm. He'd slapped Anthony's hands only for him to continue.

"Damn, I can't wait until Rayna comes to get your ass outta here!" Terry said irritated.

"We don't have much longer, man." Anthony said excitedly.

"Good. I hate you as a roommate. You could've waited to move, you know." Terry said.

"I could have, but it's part of the surprise for Rayna." Anthony said sitting on the bar stool.

Anthony told Rayna to pack a few things and stay with Alexis. She had no idea that Anthony was having all of their things moved out and sold. Whatever he didn't want sold he had kept in storage and while they were on their honeymoon Terry and Alexis would be in charge of their things being moved in and arranged in a fashionable manner. The house was a few days from being finished. Anthony was so excited. Rayna was in for a big surprise.

Anthony was flying both of their families and friends to Seattle for the ceremony.

His goal right now was to make Rayna the happiest woman in the world. Anthony had won the SuperBowl. For once, his career was on the back burner for his beloved Rayna.

"So, you've done everything you've needed to do?" Terry said.

"I planned out everything. All Rayna had to do was tell me what she wanted. Of course, Alexis is decorating and in charge of what ever Rayna didn't want to fool with." Anthony said.

"How do you know this whole thing will go off without a hitch?" Terry said.

"I don't know and I don't care." Anthony said. "I just want to make Rayna my wife. That's all I want. I have everything I want...but her all to myself."

Anthony was going to do his best to serve Rayna, like a husband should. They made it four years and now they were going to make it to forever.

"I think you should wear this one." Alexis said handing Rayna another lingerie set.

"No, I don't like the color." she said putting it aside.

Alexis rolled her eyes and kept going through the shopping bag. "What's Anthony's favorite color? Maybe, you should something like that."

"Gold." Rayna said flipping through her magazine.

"Ok that's a serious no. I think you should wear something up under your outfit. You don't want to make him wait with you changing."

"And why not?" Rayna said.

"You've waited for four years. Come the wedding night, I don't think you two will wait five minutes. Might even start as soon as the reception is over." Alexis said sitting down on the bed wit her.

"Girl, no." Rayna said.

"You said Anthony was the experienced one right? He's been keeping that beast locked away for a long time. I already know once the time is right. He's going to strip you, stare at your body and when you're both ready he is going to be the king of the jungle and tear you apart!" Alexis explained while tickling Rayna.

"Girl, stop." she said pushing her hand away.

"Oh and not mention his mouth." Alexis said flicking her tongue.

"He might then he might not." Rayna said shrugging.

"Girl, he will. 100 dollars he does the alphabet. 200 if he spells his name on that pussy." Alexis said.

"That's a bet." Rayna said shaking her hand.

"But passed all the nasty, are you excited?" Alexis said.

"Girl, I can't believe I'm going to be Mrs. Steele in a week." Rayna said. "This is everything I've ever dreamed of. I mean this is so unreal. After I've whined and complained, I just..." She couldn't find the words for her happiness.

"I know, girl. You've been wanting this for a while." Alexis said.

"Now, my question is when are you going to get married?" Rayna said poking her.

"Oh girl, no! I'm not doing that." Alexis said.

"Why?!" Rayna yelled.

"I'm not about to be locked down! I have too much to do before I shack up with anybody." Alexis said.

"You're going to change your mind." Rayna teased.

"Bullshit." Alexis said.

Terry poured himself and Anthony something to drink. "So you got everything all figured out?"

"Yeah. I've made all the plans I've needed to make." Anthony said taking his glass.

"Have you planned for a baby, too?" Terry said.

"No but, I hope Rayna will be ok with having a kid within our first year." Anthony said taking a sip.

Terry shook his head. "You know you can't plan for everything. No matter how much you think you can, you really can't."

"I know. I just want things to go as perfect as they can be." Anthony said.

"And they will. You and Rayna will get married and ride off into the sunset." Terry said.

"And thank you for being my best man." Anthony said patting his back.

"Who else were you going to get?" Terry laughed. "Wait, Rayna's family is coming right?"

"Yeah. Everyone is going to be here." Anthony said.

"Even Tyra?" Terry asked, curiously.

Things still haven't been the same since Ben's funeral. Rayna seemed to have cut off Tyra. Their relationship was like a mirror. It didn't matter if they fixed; they would still the cracks in the reflections. Rayna didn't think about Tyra. To her, someone like that shouldn't be thought about. She would forever be hung up on the fact that her mother would forever be evil in her eyes.

"Yeah, Tyra's coming." Rayna said.

Alexis had asked the same question Terry did. "Are you guys know?"

Rayna shrugged. "She's here to watch the wedding and head straight back to Texas. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't have time for her mouth much less her."

"Do you think you guys will..." Alexis was cut off by Rayna turning to her with ice in her eyes.

"No." she said bluntly. "Next subject."

"Yeah, Rayna's touchy on the situation. I'll ask her and she gives a straight forward answer. One time I asked her if she'd want to take a trip there after the Superbowl. She blew it off and changed the subject like I hadn't asked the question." Anthony said taking a sip of his drink.

"Do you think the whole relationship is done between her and Tyra?" Terry said.

"I don't know. I just don't want Rayna to come tell me that Tyra or anyone for that matter has put her in a bad mood so close to our wedding day." Anthony said.

"Aight man." Terry said.

"Speaking of marriage. Do I get to be your best man anytime soon?" Anthony said.

"No. I like my freedom. I can go where I please, see who I please, do what I please. I'm not settling down for anyone." Terry said.

"Yes, you will. I know you." Anthony said pushing him.

"Clearly, not well enough." Terry scoffed.

"You'll find that one girl that will blow your mind..." Anthony started.

"My dick you mean?" Terry teased.

Anthony punched him in his shoulder. "You'll realize you can't live without her and boom. You're married."

"No. I'm not you. I'm not going to buy a new house or pull surprises out of my ass for some girl." Terry said laughing.

"So what? You think I've done this just because?" Anthony said feeling offended.

"No. I'm just saying I can't do what you do. That whole love thing ain't for me." Terry said.

"There's somebody for everybody, Terry. You might want to get with the program and find your match." Anthony teased.

"Whatever." Terry said finishing his drink.

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