Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

Por _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... Más

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan

447 22 2
Por _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

It was so hard to write this while listening to "Might+U" from MHA Hero Rising Movie ;-;


You ran back inside with the boys and Jane until you were in a soul tablet room. "Uh, guys, and girls, some of these souls are gone." Joey's words made everyone look around. Indeed, true to his word, the souls that were there were gone. Just stone tablets. You walked over to the snake heads of the temple where you first saw this place in your dream walk with Knight Timaeus. Where you first met him and Dartz. Dartz kept you from seeing something when you went to this place in your dream walk. When you approached the snake heads you saw the 3 Egyptian God Cards. You grabbed the cards and went back to Yugi "Here. Believe these are yours." Yugi looked at the cards in your hands and he held out Jane's card to you "and this card belongs to you." Yugi and you lightly laugh at each other's little exchange. Both of you took your cards back from one another. Yugi took out two cards "Here. You both will be needing these." Yugi handed back Critias and Hermos cards back to Kaiba and Joey.

"We got to go through this portal. It's what he used to take (Y/n) so it's obvious we have to go through here that will lead to wherever he is to confront him." Kaiba points to the portal that was still there even after they left. It was where Dartz last stood from Yami's and Kaiba's duel. "Oh sure Kaiba, let's go into the creepy portal that is screaming major red flags to not go in." Joey gestured his hand to the portal with a little annoyed face at Kaiba for calling the shots. Kaiba squint glares at Joey "You know I found you more tolerable when you were asleep. You never opened your dumb mouth." Jane came in between Joey and Kaiba. Preventing Joey from stepping up to Kaiba to clobber him with his fist that was balled up and ready to go to punch Kaiba's pretty rich boy face. 'They really are like Knight Critias and Knight Hermos.' Jane sighs in her head, trying to fend Kaiba and Joey off from each other. Trying to not have them kill each other before they got the chance to settle scores with Dartz. "The pharaoh agrees with Kaiba. He says this is where we went through to fight Dartz off before in your memories Jane. Right?" Yugi stepped up to help Jane by pushing Joey back, gently, to make him stop. Joey blinks "The what and the who now?" Joey was getting more and more confused the more he was left out of the loop. Yugi and Joey both had their eyes on Jane.

Jane takes a deep breath before she has to explain the entire thing about everything. Joey was a little angry though he saw that Yugi's spirit, the pharaoh, didn't take over and you were not angry. Joey didn't hold anything against Jane if the two who were most affected from this have forgiven her. Mostly because that was all that mattered to him. As long as you and Yami were fine with Jane then he will be too. Joey will still have Jane as his friend. Yugi was feeling the same way, especially for Yami. "Oooooooh! So you're the 4th guardian Dark Magician Girl mentioned to Yug'. She also mentioned about that Staff of Light too. Saying (Y/n) needed to summon it or something like that to defeat Dartz. Isn't that right Yug?" Joey had a light bulb moment. Looking down at Yugi, he nodded. Yugi was in deep thoughts. His mind was being filled with memories of the past few hours and days he wasn't with Yami. Mostly of what Yami had gone through those days which Yami was letting him see. Yugi was still trying to process some of it himself. So many crazy things happened when he was gone.

Jane looked at you when she mentioned the staff "We don't know if things will be the same like it was in the past with us here now my lady. During the duel against Dartz this time, there was a brief change in the duels events unlike how it was in the past before. It was because I partook in that duel with the pharaoh. Right now we are both here and things might change once we step through. We need to be cautious, my lady." You took out your dagger from the back of your dress to hold in your hand. Grasping the hilt tightly "Tell us how you need to summon it and how you know before we go in, my lady." Jane asked which made your hold the dagger in both of your hands. You looked at with sadness behind your gaze "I saw it in a memory of my past I saw after I destroyed the fake mirror version of me." You lift your gaze over to Yugi and point your dagger to the millennium puzzle "I was never meant to summon it myself. The Staff of Light is needed to be summoned by both Ya - I mean - Yugi and me. Our millennium items were meant to be used together and combining our items' strength we will be able to summon the staff. The night I sealed Dartz away, the pharaoh's father – Pharaoh Aknamkanon, sent me the last of his power in his sick state to allow me to seal him away. He was sick and weak so I was only able to seal Dartz with the power he lent . . . It's how I knew he . . ." You paused and turned to Jane. You expected her to be shocked or a little mad for this news.

You didn't expect to see Jane smile softly "It is something he would do and I guess I had always known he had something to do with it because of his passing that night . . ." You lowered your dagger from Yugi's millennium puzzle to be resting at your side. "I am sorry my past self didn't tell you. I don't even know if I even told the pharaoh either." Jane put a hand on your shoulder with her smile not fading off her face "I am pretty sure that he will forgive you now because you can tell him about his fathers heroic actions. You have that chance now." Jane took her hand off your shoulder to turn to Yugi "This means if you both have to be careful. Again, the staff summoning is a last resort. Got it?" Yugi put a hand on his millennium puzzle which glowed as a result. Fading after a moment of touch. Yami was in Yugi's place with a determined expression on his face, that always is on his face, and gave a firm nod to Jane. Yami traced his eyes over to you and when his eyes landed on you "She's right, (Y/n)." Yami still had his gentle gaze with a warm smile on his face. You swear you wanted to cry right there. Being glad he didn't blame you or was angry for his fathers passing. 'You're endlessly kind Yami . . . You just believe me without doubt . . . Believing and having your full faith in me . . . Just like your father knew you would have . . . Pharaoh Aknamkanon, I hope you are smiling down at your son. Give him strength in this fight.' You smiled back at Yami. Keeping your thoughts close to your heart. Holding onto them to give yourself strength for the final fight against Dartz. You stood beside Jane, Jane turned to face the portal, both of you took a deep breath. You put your dagger in the back of your dress again. Going to face this man for a third time, Jane a fourth time. Having the boys behind the two of you. "Let's go." You were the first to walk into the portal with Jane and the boys were right behind you when they walked in.


On the other side of the portal you were all transported to a new area. You didn't recognize any of this place. It was the outside of the castle. You only knew the inside layout. This was the outside layout you could not investigate because it was underwater before and now it was out and above the water depths beneath this place. When you looked around the place it was as desolate as it was on the inside. Cold and empty, minus the ocean water puddles that were around due to this hell rising from the sea. "Place seems like it used to be the castle's garden." Joey thought out loud while taking a look around the place himself. Walking ahead of you with Kaiba to try to find Dartz. Jane was not far behind them. Yami activated his duel disk when he walked up to your side. Taking your hand to keep you behind with him. He held your hand with the arm that did not have his duel disk "I know you are used to being on the front line but stay behind us for this . . . Please . . ." He whispers to you. You lift your head to look up at Yami. Only meeting his worried amethyst eyes. You can tell he was wanting you to stay out of fighting as much as possible. Yami saw your cheek, seeing the cut, his mind was riddled with concerning thoughts. What did Dartz do to you when he was not by your side? How much did he do to you? How did you get away from Dartz? Can you forgive him for having this happen to you? Yami wanted to check every fiber of your body to see if there were any more cuts or bruises or something worse that Dartz might have done to you. He saw a light smudge of blood on your lip that didn't appear to be hurt or have any sort of cut on your own lips. Yami recalled the disgusting things Dartz taunted him with during the duel, remembering the cut on Dartz's lips that he pointed out himself. "Lady (Y/n)'s lips were sweet like candy pharaoh", Dartz's words were plaguing his mind.

You slipped your fingers to grasp his hand within yours to lift his hand to your lips. Giving a small peck to his hand while looking at him. Smiling softly to him "Okay." You softly agreed to him. Yami finally smiled from your small little hand kiss. Yami pecked your forehead which made you smile upon receiving the peck. The two of you let go of each other's hands when you regrouped with everyone else. Jane looked over her shoulder to see you and Yami barely catching up with them. Yami gestured to Jane with his eyes to have her accompany you. Jane went to your side soon after. Yami walked ahead with Joey and Kaiba. "Oi! The greenlight! Must mean he's over there!" Joey pointed to the green light and started to run ahead after he activated his duel disk "Dammit Wheeler! Hold on!" Kaiba shouts after him, activating his duel disk while chasing the dirty blonde teenager. Yami ran beside Kaiba after his friend. You and Jane were not too far behind them on the run to a stone gazebo that was connected by four long pathways. "Aha! There's the bastard that caused all this damn trouble! Let me at him!" Joey sprinted into the gazebo without taking any serious measures of his safety or if it was a trap. Joey charged in and he punched what he thought was Dartz sitting on a chair but he punched only a crystalized version of Dartz. It crumbled at his feet. "Damn coward was just a crystal?! Where the heck is he?!" Joey scanned around to try to find Dartz. Thinking he was somewhere around this crystallized version of him. Just had a gut feeling that Dartz was close by in general.

Kaiba softly pants when he finally makes it up to Joey with Yami. "Hey doofus. I would have told you that it was not him if you just stayed and listened." Kaiba flicked his forehead after he said that to Joey. Joey winced when he did and was about to punch him until Dartz's laughter boomed the entire area "Dartz." Yami hissed his name through his teeth in disgust. His laughter was menacing. This laugh of his was just fucking annoying at this point. "Dartz gave up his soul didn't he?" You guessed. Mostly because Yami was still standing in front of you and from what Jane told you what happened in the past, Dartz sacrificed his own soul to be the final soul the Great Leviathan needed. "Right you are Lady (Y/n)." Dartz answered through the whispers of the wind. The wind is getting stronger from the storm brewing drastically because of the awakening of the deadly creature that lies below. "He's communicating with us telepathically." Jane muttered before letting out a yelp. The entire place was shaking as the green beam out light dissipated into little shards and went off somewhere out of everyone's sight. What came slithering around the ancient civilization was a dark serpent dragon creature. It was humongous and it was wrapped around Atlantis while hovering over the place. Its glowing yellow eyes were digging their way into everyone's skin from its intimidating stare alone. A loud and agonizing scream came out of the great beast's mouth. You covered your ears "Fuck! That thing is deafening!" You wince from its cries. The roar alone was making your body feel weak. You ended up kneeling on one knee. You had one eye shut and the other open to look at the thing. "My lady! Are you alright?!" Jane tried to shout over the dragon's roar. Joey and Yami turned around from hearing Jane ask about your wellbeing. They saw how you were growing pale. "Ah Lady (Y/n)'s energy is refreshing!" Dartz exhales in ecstasy and Kaiba gasps seeing something on the Great Leviathan's head "There he is!" He pointed to Dartz's body that was merged with the creature. His skin was a dark green and his eyes were glowing yellow just like the beast. A wide grin was across his corrupted face.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO (Y/N) DARTZ?!" Yami screamed at Dartz when the beast's roar ceased. You pant softly and take your hands off your ears to clutch the clothing over your chest with one hand. Feeling light sweat run down from your forehead down your face. Having your other hand try to reach for your dagger from the back of your dress. Having your head hung low to try to breathe which was starting to randomly become difficult. Dartz chuckles "She wore Orichalcos stone earrings. She was not under my complete control and she may have broken free of them but they did provide something much great from her. HER WILLPOWER IS FEEDING THE GREAT LEVIATHAN!!! THE MORE POWER SHE USES THE MORE POWERFUL MY CREATURE BECOMES!!!" You froze from trying to reach your dagger. You exhale a shaky breath and raise your head up to the dragon. Joey turned back to you "That means if she uses the staff or tries to help us she will slowly perish while he only gets stronger." Joey clenched his fist tightly. This meant that you also were a threat to win the fight. Your willpower was strong and the group knew that. Your willingness to fight was too strong. 'It's been a hot minute since I have been up on the surface but I have a bad feeling about this. I don't believe what he is saying either. I feel like there is something he's hiding. I just, ugh, need to get back up to tell them.' You had a plan in mind to overthrow Dartz. Yami slowly turns back to face you with his face looking at you full of guilt " . . . I'm sorry (Y/n) . . ." He looked away from you to Jane with a nod. Jane crouched down to take your duel disk off your arm even though you were struggling to give it to her "No! I have a - Jane let go!" You argued through trying to pull back your duel disk from Jane's hands.

Jane bit the inside of her cheek and she just grabbed you to carry you over her shoulder. You were squirming in her arms "YAMI?! WAIT!!! YOU GUYS!!!! JANE!! PUT ME DOWN!!! YAMI!!" Yami had his back turned to you with his shaky fist to face Dartz. You were trying to fight Jane the entire time when she was carrying you to the portal where you entered from. Jane put you down and before you could slip past her she grabbed your forearms to make you stay put in front of her. Her grip was strong and it did hurt but it was because of you continuously trying to break free from her hold. "I'll protect the pharaoh I promise, my lady." Jane said as she had taken your duel disk when she shoved you back through the portal. The portal that disappeared once she pushed you threw. No way back for you to come back through and no way for them to go back for now. Jane pushed you with all her might to make you go back. Jane clenched her teeth as the guilt of pushing you out pained her to have to do it. Jane wanted nothing more than to have you fight with her but if it meant for you to die trying to, she would force you to stay out of it at any costs. 'You already have been through enough pain . . . It's for the best for you to stay with the others . . .' Jane slipped on your duel disk and she activated her card on the duel disk. Her golden armor appeared on her and your duel disk infused with it so it allowed her to be able to still use the duel disk. Jane ran back to be with the others.

"The portal closed, another one will open after this. Just in case, Kaiba, have your bodyguard Roland to have a chopper ready for when we jump. If we need to jump." Jane told them when she walked up to them. She turned to Yami who was feeling horrible for having to abandon you from this fight. He didn't want Dartz to hurt you anymore than he already has without him by our side. This was the only thing he could do in order to protect you from getting hurt again. He was going to protect you this time. Jane pats Yami's back without saying anything to each other. The two of them hated having to drag you out of this. It was the only way. Kaiba contacted Roland to get a chopper ready close to this place. To be an optional escape route. After he sent a message his radio piece randomly malfunctioned. Joey glared at Dartz for having to make you a pawn for power to destroy the world. They all raised their duel disk to be ready to go against anything Dartz was going to throw at them. Yami swallowed the lump in his throat to focus on defeating Dartz.

"I summon my Dark Magician! Along with my Summoned Skull! And My Kuriboh!" Yami shouts out as he places the cards he called out on his duel disk. His monsters appear in front of him in their lining order.

Joey drew his cards and smiled at the sight of what he pulled from his deck "I am kickin it with my Flame Swordsman! My Jinzo! And good 'ol Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Joey called out with his monsters lined up beside Yami's monsters. Red-Eyes gave a little roar when he was summoned, being happy to be on the field.

"Tch" Kaiba clicks his tongue at Joey "I can't believe I have to pair my dragons with your weak Red-Eyes." Kaiba sighs and places his cards down on his duel disk "I am bringing out the bigger guns! My Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Gadget Soldier! And my Vorse Raider!" His monsters came up in front of him. He turned to Jane "How are you going to make it work with a duel disk and fighting this thing if you are in play?" He questioned Jane of how she was going to fight and duel at the same time. The idea alone was risky. Jane shrugs "Go with the flow?" She said unsurely. Jane just hoped your duel disk was not in shambles after this. She drew cards from your deck and she was surprised when the deck glowed a bit.

Jane looked at the cards that left her hand to place themselves on your duel disk. The monsters appeared across Jane prepared to fight. "Kite's Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon . . . Tori's Evigishki Merrowgeist . . . Yuma's Gagaga Magician Girl . . ." Jane said with disbelief of their cards being in your deck. The spirits of Kite, Tori, and Yuma stood in front of their signature monsters. Turning back to Jane with confident smiles on their faces "You didn't think you were going to be alone in this did you?" Yuma formed a goofy smile on his face. "We are right beside you Jane!" Tori placed a hand over her heart. Kite crossed his arms across his chest "We couldn't let (Y/n) leave without having a token of us with her. We slipped our cards in her deck when she hugged us right before she left. All of us." Kite told Jane how their cards were in her deck. "Oh my gods it is the king of games in the flesh! Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler too?!" Yuma was starting to fanboy in front of Yami "Ugh! If I wasn't in this spirit form I would finally get his autograph that I have been nagging (Y/n) to get for me from the king of games!" Yuma pouted and was nudged from Tori's spirit. Kite shakes his head to Yuma. The 3 of them gave a thumbs up to Jane "We believe in you guys." They said in unison before their spirits faded away. Jane was left speechless underneath her armor.

'How long has that Yuma boy been wanting Yugi's autograph?' Yami wondered and only got that out of the entire conversation. "So those were (Y/n)'s friends from the future huh?" Joey asked Jane while looking at their monsters but also at the spot they were last seen. Jane nods. "At least I know I will get famous." Joey rubs his finger under his nose, feeling superior knowing he is well known through history. Also being a popular name since his dream for the future is to be a professional duelist. At least he got to know his dream came true. Kaiba looked at the monsters on Jane's side "Hmph. I guess Kite's dragon is cool but my Blue-Eyes Ultimate dragon will always be superior." Kaiba was trying not to show he was interested in these duel monsters from the future. Jane was a little surprised that Kaiba remembered Kite's name from her memories.

Yami raised up Timaeus's card, Joey raised up Hermos's card, and Kaiba raised up his Critias's card "WE CALL UPON THE LEGENDARY DRAGONS TO COME FORTH!!!" Their dragons came in the sky and Yami place Timaeus's card on his duel disk and pulled out the spell card "I used Legend of Heart to have them here in their true form!!" The Legendary Knights came down to be in the front lines. Jane went over to stand in front of her fellow knights with her sword at the ready "We meet again my fellow knights." Jane greeted them with her helmet's face shield up to flash them a smile.They synced up with their swords drawn out and positioned themselves to be ready to charge. All had smiles on their faces being by their captains' side on the battlefield. Jane was going to lead this fight with the other monsters the boys summoned. Jane raised her sword and took a deep breath and put down her face shield.'I won't let this fight be the same as it was 13,000 years ago. I will defeat you Dartz.' Jane gripped her sword 'No matter what.' Jane took a step forward "ATTACK WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!!!" Jane leaped off the floor with the Legendary Knights following behind her. The monsters they summoned stayed behind to aim their attacks at The Great Leviathan. The boys had to stay behind too and watch her go to the fight.

Yami was anxious of having Jane be on the front lines of this fight. Especially since with her fighting there was a greater risk. He knew there was no way to convince her to fall back on this fight she has been waiting to fight for thousands of years. He had no right to stop her. Yami held up a card "I sent my spell card to Maiden Jane's Sword of Fate! ATTACK WITH THE FORCE OF TEN THOUSAND KNIGHTS!!!" Yami wanted Jane to have all the power she needed to win this fight. All their monsters attacks reach the Great Leviathan while the knights collide it with their powerful sword attacks. Jane dragged her sword down the dragon's long neck with a battle cry. The other legendary knights jumped back to their chosen duelists side while she was leaving heavy impacts of multiple attacks as she descended down. Once she made it far enough, she jumped back to be by everyone's side. A huge bright blast was made from their attacks.

The blast's light died down and revealed The Great Leviathan was still alive. There were a few scratches on the beasts which was a good sign since it was weakened a bit. However, it was only a bit. The dragon was still alive and that meant it was still allowed to attack them. It powered up a blast from its mouth to then shoot directly its large blast of red light straight at them. "No you don't!" Jane had a hand on her sword that glowed a brilliant white light "PATHWAYS SLASH!!!" Jane screamed out with a giant double slash of white light to push back the attack back at the Great Leviathan. Dartz was sent back although the beast was still kicking. Dartz growled from the attacks. Jane's shoulder was rising and falling from her panting from fending off a heavy blow. "Are you alright Jane!?" Joey called out to her, getting a nod from her, Joey was worried nonetheless. "DID YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THOSE ATTACKS WERE ENOUGH?! LOOK AROUND YOU AGAIN!!" Dartz screamed out. Jane turned around with a gasp to see your future friends' monsters and the boys' monsters started to crack and crumble away. "You're kidding me. Even blocking this freaks' attacks still destroys our monsters?!" Kaiba was furious at their monsters getting destroyed one by one. They had to shield their eyes from the gusty winds from their monsters being destroyed.

Dartz laughed as each monster disappeared from their sides. Only people that were still standing were the legendary knights. Jane turned back to Dartz before looking up to see the colorful rays of light "They have come!" Knight Critias said with full of hope. It was the gateway of Monster Domain world where multiple duel monsters were sent down to help fend off the beast with Dark Magician Girl leading the brocade. The Great Leviathan roared from their attacks but shot off green glowing scales that were shooting down. The others started to draw cards to defend themselves. Yami drew a card to use for Timaeus but he was shot with the green scale first "TIMAEUS!!!" Yami screamed after Timaeus perished from the field. Jane inhaled sharply to see her friend disappear. Jane barely managed to dodge a scale that costs her helmet to fall off from her head from quickly dodging a scale. Her helmet was hit when it fell off of her. Jane was trying to draw cards when she saw Knight Critias charge at Jane and Knight Hermos to push them out of the way before getting hit himself "CRITIAS!?!" Kaiba and Jane cried out to him when he disappeared. Things were starting to change drastically because Jane remembered the boys being able to summon more monsters when the other duel monsters descended into the human world to buy them time to summon more.

That didn't happen.

Things were starting to take a turn for the worst.

Knight Hermos was left standing with Jane which didn't last too long since scales were aiming at the boys and Knight Hermos managed to get in front of Kaiba and Joey in time to take the hit instead. Jane's face went pale seeing her fellow knights fall from Dartz swiftly one by one. Jane rushed over to grab Yami to toss him into the arms of Joey and Kaiba before a scale shot down in between them and sent out a massive blast that blew the boys far back. Yami quickly got back on his feet and didn't see Jane anywhere in sight and the floor where she stood was crumbling down into pieces. Falling down into the bottomless sea, waves crashed rapidly against one another. Joey and Kaiba got back up to stand with Yami to see the horrifying sight of Jane being gone. Joey started to tear up and glared at Dartz "YOU FUCKING BASTAAARD!!!!" Joey screamed out to Dartz who was grinning at the sight of them grieving. The boys were taken in by this weird black liquid that yanked them all forward and to the dragon. Joey was cursing the Great Leviathan out while punching the thing which made him get sucked in further from this thing. Until it swallowed him completely inside of the body. "Wheeler!!" Kaiba reached out to Joey but his arms were pulled back from the thing. Keeping Kaiba strapped in an uncomfortable position.

"Finally, I get to have your powerful souls for the Great Leviathan without having Lady (Y/n) interrupting. She would have been a big problem had I not made you send her away." Dartz made Yami and Kaiba inhale sharply from shock. "You made me send (Y/n) away . . . I foolishly thought I was protecting her from harm . . . When in reality I did exactly what you wanted . . . Keep her away from you to fulfill your grand plan . . ." Yami spoke slowly as he was processing how he was tricked by Dartz yet again. Foolishly believing he was being able to protect you this time but he was only protecting Dartz. Not you. Yami played right into his hands. "Her feeling sick was not a part of my lie. That was on her own. She had moved from below the sea to up in the air which took a toll on her body but it made it so much easier to convince you all to make her go back. Lady (Y/n) did try to warn you all, yet, none of you listened. Maybe if you all had then you all may have survived. Oh well. Time to become sacrifices to the Great Leviathan!" Dartz laughs once again at their efforts being in vain. Kaiba struggles to reach for his K.C. pendant on his jacket to press it to call for his men but it was busted "Damn it! It's busted! I can't call for any help! I can't call for (Y/n)!" He didn't realize his body was being consumed so quickly. Yami managed to reach an arm out to Kaiba and they held hands trying to help each other from sinking any further. Kaiba's hands slipped after holding on for a minute and he was quickly swallowed up.

"KAIBA!!" Yami clenched his teeth with a balled up fist. 'If I hadn't sent (Y/n) back none of this would have been happening. If I just heard what she had to say . . .' His entire body was consumed. His neck and slowly his face was getting overrun with the black liquid. Yami looked up at The Great Leviathan's eyes 'I failed our promise Jane . . . I couldn't defeat the Great Leviathan . . . He's too strong . . . I even failed (Y/n) . . . I am sorry . . . To you both . . .' The odd liquid took over his face. Blinding him. Yami could feel his hand still being stuck out from the wind of the gruesome storm still going on outside. Yami closed his eyes with him accepting his fate. He shot his eyes open when he felt something grab hold of his hand. He gasps when he is dragged out of the beast's body. Gasping for air when he was pulled out completely. Glancing over to the person who was holding his hand "JANE!?!" Yami exclaimed with joy but his face fell to worry and his heart stopped.

The right half of Jane's armor was shattered away, gone. That side of her body was badly injured with her under armor shirt disheveled with multiple tears. Bleeding profusely from the tears of her shirt. Her right side of her face was with major cuts. Blood was slipping out of that side of her mouth and her right eye was pure white. Jane was now blind in her right eye that had a few tears of blood coming down from it. The only thing that didn't look damaged on her was yoru duel disk she wore on her left side. Jane had her sword deeply dug into the beast in order to have enough support to have dragged Yami out. Jane pulled Yami close to only crash hard back to the pavement of where they were earlier. Jane used herself to soften the blow to make sure Yami wasn't hurt. Yami quickly got off Jane and he offered to help her but she stumbled her way back onto her feet. Their attention went over to Dartz and the Great Leviathan that was already opening its mouth to blast the two of them.

Yami was staring up at Dartz with a glare and he held his duel disk as if it was a shield. About to draw a card to defend the both of them until he stopped when Jane swayed her way to stand in front of Yami. Holding her sword in her left hand. Yami saw her sword which was broken in half yet she still held it up to defend and protect him "I told my lady . . . That I . . . I would protect . . . Y-You while she was gone . . . I . . . Promised her . . ." Jane spoke slowly and in a weak tone. Clutching her swords handle tightly. ". . . Jane . . ." Yami distracted from looking at Jane that he didn't notice the second major blast from The Great Leviathan finally launching straight for them. 

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