Finding Nemo

By Amenoty

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A devoted fangirl to an anonymous and elusive online sensation tries to find out her idol's true identity. Li... More

Writer's Notes
Late Update Notice
Deaf Piece of Sh*t
Writer's Note


145 13 3
By Amenoty

"Good morning class. We need a representative for the chess competitions during the sports festival. Does anybody here know how to play chess?" our homeroom teacher asked and a deafening silence followed.

Ofcourse, who would ever volunteer themselves as a representative. As teenagers in high school, nobody wanted to be labeled as attention whores or teacher's pets. Even more so for a chess competition. Those are for nerds or geeks. I definitely, am trying to evade that label. I've even hidden the fact that I was valedictorian in elementary when I switched schools.

Everybody started bowing their heads down and averting the teacher's gazes.

"Alright. Nobody wants to volunteer. Let's see." the teacher said then he began tracing the attendance records with his index finger.

"Morgan. You're that morgan's little brother. You! At the back, trying to take a nap. Look at me." this teacher yelled. Sh*t.

"I can see the resemblance. Your brother was the chess champion. Among other things. That settles it. You'll be the volunteer." he says.

"But- I- sir!" I stood and tried to refuse.

However, he continued to say "You're a family of smarts. Your brother was a pretty famous alumnus. Being a student leader, athlete and all. Neil Morgan, huh? You must be the valedictorian he kept boasting about. Your brother was so proud of you."

The teacher left and I had no other choice now. I'm gonna have a talk with big brother after school. Argh. Now everybody probably thinks I'm a geek.

Just great.

I do know how to play chess. My brother always asks for a practice partner. He's the type to excel in anything.

But I'd always lose to my brother. How can I compete to win, then? I'm not too confident. Whatever. Let's just wing it.


I was the school's chess champion for 2 years straight. Now, why the hell am I suddenly biting my nails in agony trying to beat the sh*t out of this annoying brat.

You really are a menace, Neil Morgan!

He looks relaxed while he clasps his hands and cross his legs to inhale a breather. Then, we suddenly met eyes as he looked up to gaze at me.

Why the hell did he suddenly smirk and cover his mouth like that?! He always does that to me! Like his mind is conspiring some kind of insult at me. I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Are you laughing at me? Huh? The game's not over yet!" I scoffed and started pointing at the board and pieces to continue nagging, "Why are you taking so long to make your move! Just move anything already! This isn't the national chess championships, d*rn it! Why are you taking it so seriously?!"

"Relax. I'm just casually playing. Why are you yelling at me?" he chuckled.

Then, like he suddenly had an inner realization, he stroked his chin and said, "You don't want to lose? Why are you taking this so seriously?"

Then he stood up, gestured to slap his butt and asked, "Is your mom going to hit you with the broomstick if you lose?" then immediately started laughing out loud. The spectators were also grinning along his playful and naughty movements.

Oh sh*t. Yeah. That's one of the reasons.
My eyes began to swell a little.
But I sniffed it in and looked away immediately.

My parents are very strict. They expect too much from me since I'm an only child. They don't hit me anymore in this age. Ofcourse, I'm a teenager already. But they're still creative with punishment. Getting grounded. Extra housework. And constant nagging. I hope I'll get a sibling soon. So I won't have to bear this much pressure on my shoulders anymore. Despite this, I still love them. Because family is family. I know they only want what's best for me.

Neil finally sighed and sat down.

I know I'm already moves away from his checkmate but what is this? He suddenly pulled his Queen out?

This is my chance! What kind of idiot makes this kind of mistake?! Ha! Lucky!

After a few moves, something felt odd. It's like my moves feel too calculated. Like it all felt too easy.

Then, I finally realized it when Neil made this very obvious move. Why would anyone move their King into a checkmate position? Is he doing this on purpose?

"Oh man. I lost. That's mate already. Argh! I didn't see that coming. That's too bad." he groans and scratched his head in stress.

I just kept quiet. I am feeling suspicious of Neil now. So I just looked at him eagerly.

Our eyes met.

I quickly turned away.
Wha- What's that about?

"Congratulations. You won't be spanked in the butt tonight." Neil teases and chuckles as he holds out his palms to me.

My pride isn't too happy with the outcome and flow of the game we had. Something didn't feel right so I just scoffed and turned away without even shaking his hand.

"Thank you for the game, Neil. You're a good sport, Neil. Jeez. You could at least say those. What an arrogant snob!" I hear Neil's murmurs and I just found myself giggling to it.

That's cute.
I mean, funny.
Ehem. He was funny.
Like a clown.
A vicious one.


Oh! A new video from Nemo!
Let's watch it.

He really did it. A slap guitar cover of Bubbly. He made it a little upbeat and fun. I'm so happy. I'm feeling butterflies in my tummy!

Wait. I just noticed this now. In one of his backgrounds, there's a chess board. Let's ask him about it.

DANNI: Hi again, sir! I hope I'm not bothering you. I noticed you have a chess board in your desk. Do you play chess too, Mr. Nemo?

NEMO: A little. When I was younger. I once had fun playing it in high school.

DANNI: Oh my! Me too! Not to brag but I was actually the chess champion for all years in high school! I hope I'd get to play with you Mr. Nemo!

NEMO: Lol stop calling me mister. We're the same age. I think I don't want to play with you. Chess champions hate losing. Because you'd get scolded by your parents if you lose.

Huh? How does he know all that? It's all true though. Our age. And me, getting scolded. That was before. But not anymore. I'm independent now. Maybe he had the same experience?

DANNI: You bet! Thanks for the cover request you granted for me! I loved it! So so much! I always love your guitar covers.

NEMO: No problem. It's a pleasure for a fan like you. Thank you for your support. Do you play the guitar too?

DANNI: I did. But not anymore.

NEMO: Why? That's too bad.

DANNI: Well. I just somehow lost interest for a while. For some reason. Then I just forgot to practice more. Too busy? Hehe. Thanks again, Nemo ❤


A talent show in high school, huh?

I wasn't really eager on these kinds of activities. I'm the go to school then go home kind of student. I'm not into after school and extra curricular activities, although my classmates would always ask me out to play computer games or sports to hang out. I often decline. Mostly because I'm having a lot of fun on my own at home. Watching TV. Reading. And many more.

Wow. I guess, I really am a bit of a geek.
Oh well. Whatever.

However, my curiosity was suddenly piqued when I saw an unexpected presence on stage.

Upon seeing Danni walking fearfully towards the stage, my mouth just popped a huge smile.

I didn't know she'd take courage and play in front of a crowd like this. It's good though. She can play and sing well. But why is she looking all miserable and timid on stage like that?

Danni just stood there.
She's been introduced for three times already.
But she's just stuck in place while biting on her nails.

Is she having stage fright now?

This isn't the Danni I usually know. Where's the feisty and fearless girl that always bickers with me? It's making me feel uncomfortable.


My anxiety is also somehow raising. I just moved on my own and ran to the backstage. I saw her gay bestfriend and tapped him to ask, "What's happening with her?"

"I don't know! It was a bad idea to force her into this. I'm so sorry Danni. Should I just pull her off the stage?" he answered in a worried tone as he walks back and forth in place.

She was forced to participate?
Now, she's probably super nervous.
I see what's happened here.
You're always such an airhead, Danni.
If you really didn't want to, you should've just bailed. Sigh.

I looked around and I saw another guitar player backstage. I quickly grabbed and asked to borrow it. Then I connected it on the sound system.

Whew. Here goes nothing.
Let's just do whatever.
Oh yeah. I'll just play Bubbly.
She knows that.

I plucked the intro then glanced if she started to move already. She seemed to have gained consciousness from her trance like stature. We met eyes. I quickly gave her an ordering gesture and mouthed to signal, "Sing and play, you idiot!"

I was playing to prolong the intro as much as I can with plucks and playful instrumentals but d*mn! This can only be entertaining for so long.

"Danni!" I might've yelled a little there.

But with that, she started playing and singing. Whew. Finally.

However, she kept facing me.
She's facing sideways the crowd.
So I pointed for her to look at the crowd with my two fingers repeatedly signaling from my eyes to the people.

She's still unrelentingly looking at me. Oh man. Come on! I could only scratch my head in frustration.

[But what am I gonna say? Neil you made me feel this way. I just... Hm.]

Huh? What?
Did she say my name?
It was too fast.
Maybe I heard wrong.
As if.

But there. Freaking finally. She now turned to look at the crowd. Man, I was exhausted. I should go and freshen up.

"Hey dude. Was that you? I didn't know you could play the guitar. That intro was sick! Why don't you continue playing?" a classmate from backstage wrapped his arms at me while I attempt to walk away.

"Oh. Thanks. Well." I can barely speak because I was so tired from what happened. Why do I always bother myself like this?

"You helped that Danni girl. Are you two dating?" he teased.

I scoffed. Because is he kidding? That girl will never like me. We are natural born enemies. And that's it. That's just it. I already know for sure.

"No! Are you joking?! I'll never date her! I hate Danni! And guitar sucks too." I brushed him off and removed his arms from mine. Maybe I was a little too aggressive there. I was just super annoyed for some reason.


He's right.
Guitar sucks.
I hate you too, Neil.

(to be continued)

Writer's Note:

Here's a video of my character inspiration, if you're interested. The youtuber who never shows his face and creates guitar covers. He's quite good!

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