Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)

467 25 2
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

QUICK DISCLAIMER: I am going to sum up what she showed you and your future friends. Just to make things easier and not have you re-read what you already read/know. I also am not gonna have Jane narrate those things either, just the new ones, just having the summaries be having her say the memories again but you'll be getting their reactions and plus more! Same things as Chapters 28 – 31 with POV's!


Jane made the memories fast forward through multiple times being shown. This all led up the moment Jane found you again at your apartment in the future. "Wow so that's the future (Y/n) came from . . . It's so advanced . . ." Tea was captivated by the city and even from the trash robots.

The city I found her living in was called Heartland City.

Mokuba found the name of the city familiar "That was the password for the virus she had when we were trapped in Noah's world . . ." Mokuba mumbled. Seeing how you missed your future when you were here in the past which was your original home. "If she was from our time then how come she is waaay further in the future? And didn't the spell not work?" Tristan brought up good questions which Jane had answers to.

That is because what happened when the Egyptian Gods interfered with the spell, the soul exchange was disrupted. It split our souls in half so hald of her soul is in me and half of mine is in hers. It wouldn't be able to work if the other soul was human but as you all know . . . I am not human. It was possible for her to still live as I live but there is a catch with this soul bind. It will continuously loop her back in between the future and past if our souls continue to bind because of the curse placed on me from the Egyptian gods since I was doomed to be walking the earth until the end of time.

The upside of this is that my lady was able to be reincarnated, just was sent further into time than being in the same time as the pharaoh. That was also due to the interference of the spell since it was complete but the spell did what I just said earlier.

Yami saw how you were sent back to his time period. Arguing with poor cat Jane when the two of you encountered each other in the past.

This charm bracelet I used to bring you all here is where my memories were suppressed by the 3 Egyptian Gods. Having a precautionary measure against my actions of the past – they made me forget all my memories when I ran into my lady again. Forcing me to remember them once the 3 Egyptian gods were summoned again throughout the Battle City Tournament.

"They made you remember all those terrible things . . ." Tea glanced at Jane who stared at your memory self arguing a little with her little cat form.

Yes. They did that to add more torture to my crimes.

It was when the two of you met Mai then rode on your duel runner to eventually run into Tea and Yami. You and Yami were looking at each other with the look close enough to act as love at first sight but held a much more complicated reason to their sudden attraction to one another. Yami saw Jane's eyes saddened at the sight of Yami and you meeting each other in front of the museum after so long.

. . . No matter how many times the two of you were reborn . . . Reincarnated . . . You two will always find each other again and rekindle your love over and over again . . . Surpassing even the fabric of spacetime . . . It doesn't matter how long it would have taken . . . I know not even my own love could compare to what the two of you had that was and is so strong . . .

"Jane . . ." Yami whispers as Jane moved the first night in your hotel where you were crying. Missing your future, afraid of compromising the past with your own existence, and mostly because you were alone in all of this. Jane the cat was trying to reassure you it will all be okay while Astral made his first appearance in this memory. Everyone got to see Astral since it was Jane's memory that she was able to see Astral completely. Watching the two of them make you remain strong to hack into Kaiba's Battle City Tournament to get closer to everyone. "That sneaky little –" Yami glared at Kaiba before he could even finish talking his shit about you when he was in the room. Kaiba clicked his tongue and didn't dare finish what he was going to say.

My lady did what she needed to do for her own sake in this time period. I was a useless guide with no recollection of my own memories or who I was truly. I could only be of some use during some of the situations we went through. Also your stuff is so easy to crack. You seriously need to upgrade your security system.

Kaiba squints his eyes at Jane who showed the journey of yours with the group. All the way to the point where it ended up showing the aftermath of the duel against Yami Marik. Showing cat Jane waking up in a house on an unfamiliar bed of someone's bedroom.

I didn't know this room or where my lady was. I was still trying to remember what happened after the duel with Marik. When I saw the same young boy who called out to my lady the day we were sent back to the past.

It showed a goofy middle school kid with violet and magenta pink weird hair, possessing a set of magenta eyes that sparked with glee when he saw cat Jane awake. He was just walking into the room and he quickly ran over to cat Jane.

"Oh thank god you are awake!" This young boy carried me in his arms. Acting like he knew me but I had no clue who he was. He had a goofy big smile on his face, full of kindness and joy. Similar to how Joey smiles. "You have no idea how scared we were when we found you with (Y/n)! She was holding onto you for dear life when we found her! We thought you were a goner!" He held me close to his chest. I just accepted his sudden embrace. "You're Yuma right?!" I assumed since she always compared Joey to this Yuma boy she was dear friends with in the future. "What happened to my lady!? Do you know where she is?! " I pestered the poor boy with questions. The kid then had the audacity to drop me just like how my lady dropped me when we first met. "Holy crap you can talk!?" He was surprised that I could speak. I forgot that it was not normal for cats to speak but also I was more shocked that he was able to even see me at all. My lady only allowed people she cared for to see me. It confirmed my suspicions that he knew my lady on a personal level.

"Yeah. I am Yuma, Yuma Tsukumo. I am a friend of (Y/n)." He quickly went to pick me back up "Sorry. I didn't expect you to talk." He apologized with a sincere smile. Astral appeared beside him "I don't see why you are surprised, Yuma. I am a being of an alien race and can talk. But you are more surprised by a cat talking than me." Astral observes Yuma with curiosity, Astral turns to me "It has been a while Jane. It is good to see you awake and well." I was a little confused when he said it had been a while when we were just in a duel against Marik. I had even more questions to ask. Yuma growls and he glares over to Astral "TV shows always show aliens that have supreme intelligence and can always talk. Cats talking isn't something often seen everyday you know! You didn't even tell me once that Jane was a cat! I thought she was some ghost or alien like you this entire time!" Yuma snaps at Astral. Astral took a moment to think over the last set of conversations he had with Yuma "Oh. I guess I did forget to mention that. Oh well." Astral shrugs "OH WELL?!" Yuma exclaimed and sighs out of frustration. "Observation 112: Humans do not have talking animals on their planet but believe in aliens." Astral thought out loud which made Yuma groan in annoyance as he tried to whack Astral to go away but it was a hopeless effort. His hands only went through Astral's body.

Tea and Tristan look at Yuma and could see why you would compare him and Joey together. They were both short tempered and a little dumb but thats what made them lovable. "I thought her friend Yuma was the same age as her. I didn't know he was just a kid." Yami said to his friends who also were a little surprised that this kid was the one with quite powerful cards. Cards that helped you pull through with the duel against Yami Marik. "This kid has powerful cards? Psh, I was expecting a challenge." Kaiba was disappointed that the wielder of number cards was just a dumb kid. He didn't feel he was much of a challenge just by the sight of him.

Yuma sat me down on his desk to talk "Anyways. My older sister, Kari, and I saw you two on the news. The two of you were unconscious in the middle of a highway! We had to go to multiple hospitals to try to find you and (Y/n) because they didn't report which specific hospital you guys were at. Kari was about to fight a nurse from having to go to so many hospitals to just trying to find (Y/n). If I get injured in a duel again, I don't think any hospitals will accept me after my sister's actions." He shuddered at the memory of Kari trying to fight nurses after nurses for trying to find my lady.

"She sounds scary." I joke.

"She is." Yuma took my joke quite literally.

Yuma and I jumped from the sound of the door opening to see a woman around my lady's age. She had an annoyed look on her face that was looking at Yuma. "Yuma, I have told you a thousand times to keep your voice down when you are talking to your imaginary friend while I am working!" she yelled at Yuma for being loud. Yuma gulps "Kari is like Beetlejuice, we said her name too many times Jane." He mumbled to me, I rolled my eyes at Yuma, turning my focus to her "You must be Kari. Do you know what happened to my lady?" the woman stared at me. Too stunned to even speak. Great. I cannot get either sibling to tell me where she was or if she was even okay. I sigh "Yes. I can talk. Moving on! Can someone just tell me if my lady is fine or where she is?!" Yuma turned his attention to me then to his sister. Kari walked over to us and looked at me "Do you know how long you have been asleep for?" I shake my head. Kari turned to her brother with a sigh "Of course he didn't tell you. He is a bit slow, sorry about him." Yuma sent a small glare over to Kari. Kari ignored his glare at her.

"Right now she is at the central hospital. Unfortunately (Y/n) has been in a coma for, going to be, over a month. You are first to wake up from your deep slumber." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. We were asleep for a long while. I was concerned about how much time had passed within the past since I knew what was going to happen right after that tournament. I was hoping not much time has passed for me to be able to have enough time to tell my lady the truth. I had all my memories back to me at this moment. "Yuma only told me a little about what happened from his imaginary friend Astral. What caused (Y/n) and you to jump back here? What really happened to the two of you?" I started to explain to her what happened during the battle and the convergence between ZEXAL morph and her. I was trying to avoid telling the truth because I was not ready to tell everyone without telling my lady first.

Because I didn't tell them first, it made the story a little confusing but Yuma bought it. "Well, you can stay with us for now. Until (Y/n) wakes up." Yuma let me stay at their house for the time being. However, unlike Yuma, Kari on the other hand did not buy my story at all.

Kari's face was calm but in her eyes, there was suspicion on cat Jane. The memory showed cat Jane creeping around a corner where Kari was setting the table with an old woman.

"Grandma I know Jane was (Y/n)'s friend and partner when she went to the past but something is not right about her. I feel it in my journalist gut. I know there is more to the story than she is letting on." Kari placed the last of the plates for her, Yuma, and grandma Mrs. Haru. Mrs. Haru shakes her head to Kari "Kari, Jane is a guest. It is rude to rule her as someone suspicious. She is someone (Y/n) was trying to protect with her own life when she came back here. The least we can do while we wait for our (Y/n) to wake up is let her stay here. It is not like she can harm any of us anyways. What is gonna do as a cute kitty cat?" the old lady giggled while Kari was still not convinced. Kari opened her mouth to say more but Mrs. Haru shook her index finger for her to not say any more of the matter. "YUMA!! DINNER!!" Mrs. Haru shouted and I made sure to run away back upstairs before I got noticed by them or Yuma.

The memory shifts to the hospital where they were visiting you but you were still asleep. Four middle school girls and four middle school boys along with a younger kid were in the hospital room. Jane pointed to Rio.

These kids are also friends of my lady. That one is Rio and the one next to her is her twin brother Shark. That is Cathy, she is obsessed with cats and was trying the entire time I was there to take me home. Next to her is Caswell and beside him is Bronk. The girls over there are Tori and Anna. Those two are brothers like Kaiba and Mokuba; The oldest is Kite and the youngest is named Haruto.

Jane introduced them to everyone and Kaiba could feel this turn in his stomach 'Did the world bless (Y/n) with having many children friends because she lost her own . . . No. Stop thinking too much into this malarkey.' Kaiba shakes his head and tries to remain focused.

My lady did not wake up when I woke up. Even with our soul bind, It seems something was keeping her in a deep sleep. Something I could not feel. A force was not allowing me to know of her whereabouts but I only found out later why I was not allowed to feel where she was when she was in this current state.

The memories started to show the hospital for another visit where Shark was yelling at Yuma to hurry because you finally woke up. They all got to witness the reunion of you with your young friends and then they introduced Noah to everyone. Jane the cat was able to see him through the duel disk monitor that showed what you were seeing through your duel disk gazer lens. "She saved Noah from the blast?! Why didn't she say anything?!" Mokuba exclaimed while Kaiba was shocked as Mokuba was of their half brother being safe and in a new program.

Indeed she did save him with a hard drive she used to transfer his virtual self into. Taking him with her when she left. My lady didn't say anything because it was Noah's choice to not have either of you know that he still existed. He wanted both of you to move on to pursue your own futures and not be haunted anymore by the past or your step-father. It was his own choice, my lady asked him herself. Noah was a sweet soul, he only wanted the best for the both of you. He was able to let us know the time that has passed while my lady and I were gone from the past.

Mokuba smiled at the memory virtual Noah who was happier in the future with his new friend Caswell who was equally excited to talk to someone of equal intellect. "That punk got to see the future tech before me." Kaiba grumbles, finding it unfair a little that he didn't get to explore the future technology before his own half sibling. Wanting to harness it for future ideas for Kaiba Corp. Tea rolled her eyes at Kaiba. Typical reaction from the egotistical entrepreneur. Mokuba was glad to see Noah was able to find a place where he can explore more possibilities and also was truly free. Also that he was alright in general. Thanks to you for saving his virtual self. "They all really care for (Y/n) so much." Tea enjoyed how you were more relaxed with them than you were able to with them in the past. Knowing it was only to protect the future but she was hoping that now that you are here that you would open up to them more about yourself than you couldn't have before. Although Tristan and Yami did notice that something was weighing over your mind during this reunion, you were constantly spacing out and looking at your hand.

I know my lady thought we all wouldn't have noticed but she always was spacing out. Looking at her hand, trying to summon the millennium dagger, with no luck. She was always thinking about everyone in the past and how she never got to finish learning more about the dagger and the history of the owner which as you know now was her past self as Lady (Y/n). I was not the only one who noticed this but many of her friends had also. Not that it was hard to tell in the first place. It was practically written across her face.

"Oh right, her dagger broke when she left us." Tristan almost forgot that your daggers blade broke. Seeing how you were without it meant you were going to revert back to your normal life before any of them or the past was involved. "Then how did her dagger come back into one piece? She was using it when she met with us." Mokuba points out to your hand with nothing in it. "Could it be that she cannot use it in her time?" Yami guessed. Jane shakes her head to Yami's good guess.

No pharaoh, she is able to use it in the future. It is because of her doubt that she had to summon it. Without knowing how she even got to the past in the first place, she lost all self-confidence into summoning the dagger. Her insecurities and self-doubt of her abilities of not having done anything or learn much of anything from being in the past corrupted her mind and soul. My lady thought she was brought back to the future for a reason and the dagger broke for a reason. Thinking that the reason was for her to return to her normal life and she was no longer needed in the past. Knowing that everyone would be okay since the future was still intact and it will be fine with or without her. She made herself believe with her entire mind and soul that the dagger itself took it literally. In turn, not allowing her to summon the dagger.

It was not only my ladys doubts that prevented her from summoning it but my own as well. Since our souls are binded together, it also was a part of the reason why she couldn't summon it. Through the doubts of my own for telling her the truth of our past and my betrayal. The strong fear of her not looking at me the same way as before.

Will she make herself and everyone she cares for not be able to see or hear me anymore?

Would she have still smiled sweetly at me even though I was a shitty person?

Can she still look at me with that endless kindness and warmhearted gleam in her eyes after I tell her?

Could she ever forgive me for the things I have done for my own selfish deeds?

Would I still be allowed to stay by her side even after she finds out?

Did I deserve to be still seen or heard or even be by her side after?

These thoughts scared me to death. I knew I was going to have to tell her soon but the right time to find it was difficult to find.

The memory showed the karaoke night and how every one of your future friends were enjoying the time they were spending with you being awake and being back. When Tori shouts that the girls and you had to go shopping for the city's ball, they all saw the look on your face. A mixture of excitement but also sadness. "She was supposed to go shopping with us . . ." Tea was tearing up a little. She never got to go shopping with Mai or Serenity or got the chance to shop with you. Serenity and her went to grieve in their own ways and once the tournament was officially over — Mai left the tournament without looking back at them once. Tea regrets that moment when Mai left without a word. Knowing her soul was taken by Dartz for you and dealing with her grieving in a darker and unhealthy way made her feel so much guilt. Guilt over not being there for her in your place when she needed friends desperately the most.

Jane's memory went over to being the bedroom where you and her were laying down. With you calling Jane out that she was hiding something.

I knew Kari must have talked to my lady about having her suspicions of me. I do not blame her for having them. I was just hoping it wouldn't have been so soon but then I knew there was no time to keep waiting. I had made her wait too long for answers I could have given her so much sooner but only was able to now. I just wanted to spend one last special moment with her before I told her everything. I asked her for 2 things. One of them was to say the truth after the ball because I just wanted her to have a magical night before I would ruin it. My second request, I wanted to tell her at the right time of the ball.

Timelapse was fast on the memory of you shopping with the girls after the cute embarrassing moment between Yuma and Tori. To the time of the ball with you and Jane parking the car and you coming out in the dress you were wearing when you were reunited with everyone in the past. "Wait, that's the dress (Y/n) was in . . . Are you saying she came back to us soon after this?" Kaiba glanced at Jane who nodded in response. Letting the memory play out of you entering the ball but it then showed cat Jane sneaking back to the car with the keys. The bright moon was just about to be full. Cat Jan unlocked the trunk of the car to take out a dress and she quickly went into an open convenience store right by. Dragging the dress with her to the bathroom. She went into a stall and she poofed into being in a mortal-like form.

I was only able to change into this form during full moons. Tonight just happened to be a full moon. A night where I got to do my second request of her. Being able to dance the night away just one last time before I told her everything. I changed into the dress you see me in now. Leaving the store after I grab some jewelry I hid away also in the trunk I left open when I went away to the store to change. I forgot to close the trunk but luckily no one tried to steal anything or take the car. Everyone in the city was too caught up in the ball. I made my way in and there she was. Staring at Kari who was on her date with Hiro, a guy from their work that has been into Kari for a while, and I knew right there.

That she was going to want to go to the past again even if she lied to me saying she was fine right where she was . . . I knew she missed everyone the moment she woke up . . . I knew she missed you, pharaoh, the most of all . . . I knew right there at that moment that . . . I cannot be the one holding her back here in the future where she not only did not belong in, timewise, but I could not continue to keep her here because of my own fears and doubts of telling her the truth . . . I need to tell her the truth like I promised but also help send her back here in the past . . .

Yami saw how you and Jane danced after memory Jane approached you to dance with her across the ballroom floor. 'I never got a chance to tell her how gorgeous she looked in her dress . . . I will tell her when she is back in my arms . . .' He thought to himself. Thinking of something suddenly else when he heard Jane talk about her being able to send you back to the past. "How did you send her back to the past?" Yami asked while the memory was showing you and your future friends and Jane were having fun at the ball. Jane turned to Yami.

Through you.

"Through me?" Yami questions Jane. Jane points to his millennium puzzle.

I told you before that your bond with my lady is stronger than our soul bind. Your love defies spacetime and logic, making a way to always find each other regardless in the future or in the past. With the help of both of your millennium items, this was made possible.

Her memory showed the rooftop of everyone of the future hearing Jane was going to show them the memories she had just showed them. The memory cuts itself off to being in the dark and desolate empty soul room. "That's the door that sent us here. " Mokuba asks while pointing to the door while "Wasn't that a part of (Y/n)'s Soul Room?" Tristan and the others were standing in the middle of this memory with the future friends of yours in their memory forms appearing soon after. The room was not like the one they saw. This one was quiet and empty. Still and calm. No sunlight, flowers, or the peace and tranquility they were getting from your Soul Room they saw before. Even though it was calm and still, there was something else lurking within. Something that made the room feel a little nervous being in as if the room was affecting those in it to feel this nervousness itself.

This is her soul room . . . I was affecting her soul room with my own fears and guilt and doubts from over the years I was wandering aimlessly throughout time. The place was not the peaceful and tranquil place as you saw when you came here before. It was like this because of me . . . I was invading like a virus in her soul room from my own emotions because she wasn't awakened for a very long time . . .

Jane looked at everyone from the future, they had just come out from the memory journey she had just taken everyone in the past on. Seeing all their reactions including the ones with her now still makes her feel miserable inside.

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