Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

بواسطة _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... المزيد

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 34: Hope

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بواسطة _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.

"»»——❀✿❀——««" = Flashback breaker



You and Jane stumbled onto the top of a building. You didn't have an exact soft landing, both of you landed hard on the hard roof of a random building. "Just never fails where I end up falling on my ass." You mumbled as you got help from Jane to stand back on your feet. Jane and you looked over the city "We're really back here huh . . ." Jane stared at you when you said that. In a reminiscence way while looking down at the people walking by, carrying on with their lives. Not being too affected from the chaos going around the world with Duel Monsters roaming the earth like they did 10,000 years ago. 'I gave up my life in the future to come back to the past . . . My friends in the future gave me up to let me be here to save the past . . . To be home . . . I really am grateful for them . . . I hope - no - I know they will be fine without me. I at least got to tell them goodbye before I left to the past this time . . .' You were lost in your thoughts but came out of them when you held your duel disk. You had put your dagger in the back of your dress. Feeling the light breeze of brushing against your much exposed back due to the dress you were wearing. 'They believe in me being able to conquer my fate here. I won't let them down. I may not have their cards with me or them but I know they're going to always be with me.' You hugged your duel disk against your chest. The duel disk and duel gazer that Yuma last gave to you before you departed away. Things were going to be difficult going on from here but difficult or not you still had to push through.

You take your focus off of the innocent civilians to face Jane who was slowly starting to flash between visibility to being visible "My lady, you need to hurry and summon me as the 4th guardian. Or else I will be back to my cat form! Hurry!" You activated your duel gazer and duel disk soon after Jane said that. Your deck gave a white glow when you placed your hand over it. You drew the card that was on top and it was a blank card but it had a green description box without anything written on it. You held it out to Jane "Come Forth! Maiden Jane: The Golden Knight!" You shouted and Jane was sucked into the card after you called it out. When you glanced back at the card, it was no longer blank. It had a golden knight image upon the card now. You deactivated your duel disk and held the card that glowed a beautiful light green before Jane was standing right in front of you again but her armor shattered to have her be in the same dress from the ball. "You can now summon me as a Duel Monster card. I am now able to stay in this form and help guide you against Dartz, my lady." Jane was relieved she was not in that cat form again. She missed having thumbs again. Being able to stand truly beside you as herself. Especially to help you now that you both were back in the past to finish off Dartz.

"What is the situation we are actually dealing with here?" You needed to know what was going to happen. Jane was the biggest lead you were going to have here since she saw all of this happen before and everything was saved in the end. The only addition to this that risked that from being possible was really your part being added into this new upcoming future you would be a part of being. Changing the battle outcome to anything with you being here. "Lets sit, this is going to be a difficult explanation for what's going on for now." You both sat on the edge of the roof. It was a little risky but you both had abilities to protect yourselves if either of you should fall. Jane began to explain about what has happened so far with the pharaoh and your friends here in the past. Yugi's soul being taken, Whose souls will be next to be taken, Mai being a part of Dartz's henchman for personal reasons, Talking about 3 specific other henchmen that were also involved in this, Dr. Hawkins and Rebecca importance of this operation, how the Kaiba brothers were involved in Dartz mess, the Legendary Knights involvement that connects to chosen duelists: Yami, Kaiba, and Joey, the duel against Dartz, and what the Great Leviathan Dragon is capable of.

By the time she finished her explanation night had fallen but the sky became a rainbow neon light sky. Fake shooting stars were shooting everywhere across many directions. The two of you stood up "That's the signal for us to go Jane. You said they should be in this city around this time. Let's get a move on." You took off your heels "I am definitely not running in these." You threw them to the side. Leaping off the building with Jane following behind you. You used your shield to protect you from being harmed. You grabbed a dueling belt to put your deck and phone in the other pocket pouch. It was abandoned by a duelist who ran off from something. Stealing was wrong but you didn't have any time to waste worrying about stealing. You needed it. You saw what the duelist was running from – Orichalcos soldiers. They were roaming the streets and the two of you went to protect civilians. Sending them to a safe zone that you remembered from history. It was where many took cover from monsters that were roaming around the earth during this historic event. This went on for almost an hour and a half of fighting these guys right before you ran into Yami and everyone again.


Rebecca saw Yami's reaction. Turning to you who stood in a beautiful dress with your sword at your hand that quickly manifested into a small golden dagger. You placed it into the back of your dress which showed a lot of your back. 'She looks just like the statue grandpa found with that prophecy with his research team . . .' She remembered the photo and then clicked the photo together. Connecting it to the reason why everyone was suddenly crying when they saw it. It was because it was you. 'Her sword that changed back to a simple dagger . . . A millennium dagger . . . The 8th millennium item . . . The one that can change into any weapon that she desires . . . She took out those monsters without any problem . . . Is it really her . . . Is this woman really . . . (Y/n)?' Rebecca stared at you from behind while the others ran past her to you. Charging over to you with a group hug. You had a sweet smile across your face as you were cramped into this hug.

"We thought you died!" Mokuba cried out.

"How are you alive?!" Tea exclaimed through her sobs.

"When did you get here!?" Tristan shouts with his tears gushing out like a tidal wave.

"Who cares Tristan! (Y/n) is back!" Duke snapped at Tristan as he was in relief you were back in their time of need.

You giggled and tried to hug them all "I wasn't technically dead. I was taken back to the future, that's all. As to how I got back there and here, well, that's a whole other story we can talk about later." You really didn't want to explain the whole fiasco just yet. You wanted to stay with them for a little longer. You didn't cry but you embraced their own tears they shed over you. Such happy tears you didn't think you would find as comfort though those tears let you know they were thinking about you just as much as how you were always thinking about them when you all were apart. They finally let you go and stepped back.

Once they let you go you saw Yami already running over to you and pulled you into a strong embrace. "Is this real? Am I dreaming?" He held you close to his chest, holding you so tight it was impossible to escape from his grasp. You wrapped your arms around him. Now having tears in your own eyes. "I don't want to wake up if this is just a dream." Yami whispers against the nape of your neck. You blush from the feeling of his lips close to your skin. Took you a bit by surprise though that went away quickly. "No you're not Yami." You managed to pull away and cup his face into your hands "How else would I be able to finally tell you that I love you if I was just a dream?" Yami's tears fell down his handsome face with a warm smile creeping up also on his face. "Say it again." He pleads. "I love you, my dearest pharaoh." You said what he wanted to hear. "One more time." He pleads again. You giggled at his childish demands "I love you, you dork." You gave into his demands and pulled him into a deep kiss before he could tell you to say it another time over the many other times he would have asked you to tell him that. Both closed your eyes as soon as your lips met. He held you by the waist and let himself melt into the sweet kiss he finally got to share with you after being apart for what felt like an eternity to him. Yami pressed more into the kiss, adding tenderness and a hint of lust from his end. Your heart ascended into many fluttering butterflies across your chest that was feeling hot from this mere kiss. His lips on yours was a wave of peace and calmness you cannot begin to compare to any other moments in your life where everything felt tranquil and quiet. A beautiful silence for this lovely exchange between the two of you.

(A/N: Finally after like 11 Chapters you're reunited, sorry not sorry XD)

"Ahem" Kaiba clears his throat to the two of you. Letting you both know that you two need to wrap up your little moment with one another. Yami smiled in the kiss and both of you pulled away at long last. He slipped his hand into yours when he turned back to Kaiba. Kaiba had his arms crossed across his chest "Forgive me for asking, you do look beautiful by the way, but is there a reason you are wearing a dress?" Out of all the questions Kaiba could have asked, it had to be this one. You light heartedly laugh a little "Well, that is also a part of the long story to save for another time." You simply answered for now. "It is going to have to be saved for another time because Mokuba and I are leaving. Your gang of nerds want to go after the mutt Wheeler. I am going to go straight to Paradius Headquarters and get my company back." He gestured to Mokuba to come to him for them to get a move on. Mokuba looked over to you then his older brother. He knew staying here would make his brother worry but he also wants to help his brother get back their home they worked so hard to get from their step-father. Then again, he wants nothing more than to stay with you. You just got back with them and he didn't want to leave so quickly. The choice was inevitable and he had his head hung low when he was starting to make his way to Kaiba. You held your arm out to make Mokuba stand behind you "It's pointless if you go. We will run into each other again and still make it to Dartz's headquarters Kaiba." You state to Kaiba who wanted to call your words a bluff to just make him have to stay behind to find one of your dumb friends.

You had your duel disk from the future out and you took your attention off of Kaiba to the golden knight along with the two dragons by her side. "I relinquish you from your summon, Maiden Jane." You had taken a card off your future duel disk. The card was with the green hem bottom like the dragon cards but instead of a dragon it was a golden knight upon the card. Their faces were not shown but their cards shimmered with the moonlight in the night sky. You placed that card back in the deck and deactivated your duel disk. The golden armor of the knight shattered and appeared Jane underneath it. In her human form. Still in the dress she wore at the ball with you. Kaiba turned to Jane "Jane?" Mokuba questioned even his own guess when he met her eyes. His cheeks were slightly flushed by her beauty. Last time he saw her she was a black cat.

Jane nods and turns to look at Critias and Timaeus that looked down at Jane "It's been a long time . . . I can finally be seen by you two again . . ." Jane placed her hands on both the dragons who gave a small growl by her touch. A growl of acknowledging her presence. Comforted by her being with them again. "Okay I am now officially lost." Tea thought out loud as she was glad to see you but more complicated things with your arrival also came along with you. She was confused on why Jane was a human and what she meant from what she said. "Who cares, she's hot!" Duke and Tristan sighed happily. Tea whacked both of their heads "In your dreams boys." Tea huffed from their hormonal attitudes towards Jane. Jane watched the two dragons disappear to be back in both Yami's and Kaiba's hands. Making Jane turn herself around to face the group and walk up to them. "I don't believe that (Y/n)." Kaiba stomped his way over to Mokuba to take him with him. Even if it is by force, it was for his safety sake. "The headquarters is a mile away from here. By the time we find Joey he will have already dueled Valon. He would win that duel but lose the next Duel against Mai due to severe exhaustion. She will be at the headquarters soon after, awakened and free from the control of Dartz, to challenge Dartz but she has to duel Rafael to get to him first. She lost and lost her soul from dueling Rafael. We all meet at the headquarters and will find the pharaoh dueling against Rafael. I can go on." Jane went off on the details of upcoming events that will soon play out in the past.

"Jane knows the outcome of all of this. She has experienced it all. Everything up till my future." Kaiba looked at you then Jane who was standing on the other side of you. "That's impossible! She would have to be over like 13,000 years old." Mokuba exclaimed as he stared in disbelief at Jane. "She was used as a monster card. So you are not human after all. You were really a duel monster this whole time." Kaiba narrows his eyes at Jane. Jane nods, still not liking the word "monster" used on her after going through her past with you and the future gang, having a hand over her heart. "I am more than just a duel monster. I am one of the Legendary Knights of the Monster Domain. I am Maiden Jane. Just like Fang of Critias, The Eye of Timaeus, and The Claw of Hermos dragons." Everyone seemed to be lost from what she said. Yami pieced it together "So you are saying that these dragons aren't dragons but actually people like you are Jane?" Jane knew the pharaoh would be the first one to catch on. Kaiba was still not buying it. Taking out his dragon card and looking down at it. "These dragons are truly knights?" Kaiba was skeptical about these dragons possibly being knights. "That card Pegasus made you find. It's the key to revealing their true forms." Jane points to Yami's deck. Yami went through it and only had a blank card from Pegasus. "Is it really that card?" He questioned the blank card being the salvation they needed. The card that could help end all of this.

"Trust me. It is." You smiled at Yami. Yami glanced at you and with your smile, it was all he needed. He put the card back in his deck and deactivated his duel disk. You take your phone from your dueling belts pouch to pull up a holographic map with a tracker lighting up in a certain spot that was close by. "I figured Mai would be using my duel runner, my bike, to get around. She is here with Joey. I can guarantee it." You point to the spot and then toss your phone over to Duke. He almost dropped it but still managed to prevent that from happening. "You could have warned me (Y/n)!" Duke grumbles while heading over to the driver's side of the truck. "Heh. You're right, sorry Duke." You apologized. You turn back to everyone "We need to get a move on. There is no time to lose. All questions and explanations can be done on the way. Let's move it people! You too Kaiba!" You ushered for everyone to haul their asses into the trailer. Kaiba was going to make Mokuba not go but you gave Kaiba a look. Kaiba groaned, rolling his eyes, and sighed "Fine. Whatever. I'll go." He stomps to the trailer with everyone. You were about to go with everyone when Yami tugged you to stay back with him. You turned to him and he just stared at you "You are saving us again (Y/n) and I am grateful but I have a feeling that you did a lot to just be here to do so . . . What did you have to do to be here with us (Y/n) . . ?" Yami was glad you were back with him. Though, he had a feeling there was something you had to do in order to be here. He didn't want to be right if he thought it was what he was thinking it could have been.

Jane came in between the two of you and started to push the two of you to get inside the trailer "We have no time for you love birds. We got to get a move on, you were the one that even said it my lady. Goodness you two will always be so difficult to manage." Jane shakes her head with a sigh. Having to make you two be pushed by her like this reminded her back when she had to do this a couple of times in ancient Egypt past when the two of you were young. Always having to break up your notorious and pointless argument in order to move on with yall's day. Days she truly missed with the two of you.


"Thank you for saving me." Rebecca thanked you with a little blush from embarrassment on her cheeks. "You're welcome Rebecca." You smiled at her. Rebecca silently gasps when you say her name. Knowing her name without even her or anyone mentioning her name for you to have known. "How did you know my name?" Rebecca was star struck with you which you didn't entirely feel worthy of being idolized. You were just doing what anyone would have done in that situation. "My friend Jane told me about you and things that are going to occur. I did say she witnessed all of this earlier." You answered simply. Rebecca slowly nods. Your answer makes sense but was skeptical at the same time.

"Did you know you are a part of a prophecy?" Rebecca brought up as you were sitting in a booth with the pharaoh. Tea and Rebecca were sitting across from you. Jane was sitting with Mokuba and Kaiba on the couch. "A prophecy?" You blinked and glanced over to Jane who was also confused. Both of you figured it must be something new because the two of you were here now so something was bound to change. This was to be expected. 'Oh now she is interested in (Y/n)' Mokuba glares at Rebecca behind her back since Rebecca was talking smack before you arrived. Accusing you of not being real. Dr. Hawkins walked over to the diner table and placed the photograph with you as a statue and he also handed one over to Jane as well. " It states: "The destruction will begin and be restored by the great deity before you. This grand goddess of passing time shall reign supreme with great powers standing beside her. Having light conquer the darkness that is soon to come. This prophecy shall prevail throughout time to slay the great powerful beast when it is awakened.", I discovered this in the undersea ruins where I found Atlantis. Rebecca was smiling in excitement seeing you look at the photo. You were surprised this prophecy was about you but you noticed the other statue that was broken, both you and Jane made eye contact. Both of you knew it was Jane. It had to be Jane, it was the only thing that made sense.

'Great powers standing beside her . . . What could that mean . . .' You wondered while placing the photograph down and pointed to the broken staff. Letting Yami's hand go in the process. "I need to summon this staff. That will be able to defeat the great beast but I have no clue how to summon it. Even through Jane's memories – I still have no clue how my past self was able to summon it." You stared down at the photograph. You looked confident and intimidating in your statue. A powerful woman capable of doing great things yet you seem to still not be able to hold those things from your past self. Your other self knew how to do it and you had no clue how she was able to do it. Heck, she was 17 and you were 20 years old. She had more power than you had at the moment. That's what you thought she had at least. "What do you mean you were able to see it through Jane's memories? Have you seen the staff before?" Yami asked questions that you wished you could make a simple answer. "It's too long of a story to tell you all now." Jane said as she gave the photograph back to the professor. The truck came to a halt but it was a normal stop than like last time where it was a hard one.

Yami wanted to know that very moment. He didn't want to press on about it out of fear he may drive you to anger. The pharaoh didn't want to upset you after arriving here after going through your own troubles to get here. Yami just hoped there would be enough time for you to explain during these treacherous hours of the world being at stake. "We're here." Jane said and everyone got outside of the trailer to run over to the soulless bodies of Valon and Joey. You went to Joey and you wiped away some minor blood from small cuts he received from dueling two powerful duels in a row. A small smile was on his unconscious face. "He let her win" You gently brushed some of his hair out of his face. "How can you tell?" Tristan asked when he went by your side to pick Joey up. "The smile on his face. By the look of his condition I say Valon got to him first and played the seal card. Dueling Mai soon after, exhausted from that last battle which evidently led him to being too exhausted to continue on. Mai got her humanity back. She didn't leave his body simple on the floor. Mai took her time to rest his body in this specific spot. She wouldn't have if she didn't have her humanity back." You note the small details in this little scene with little to show. Once you pointed out those small minor details it started to make much sense with how things seemed to have played out with Joey. Tristan picked Joey up with him on his back, piggy back style.

Jane points to skid marks from your duel runners tires "They lead to the headquarters up ahead." Yami followed the trail and he was fed up with Dartz stealing innocent souls. Souls of his dear friends. "If we arrived sooner . . ." Tea was starting to tear up but you placed a hand on her shoulder "We can still get his soul back Tea. Everyone's souls will be returned. I promise." You swore to Tea and gently wiped a tear from her cheek with a confident smile on your face. Rebecca watched from behind with her grandfather how you were acting through all of this. "She really does put everyone at ease with her presence. Truly a spectacular thing to witness." Dr. Hawkins smiled humbly at you with a hand on Rebecca's head. She could sense the change in the atmosphere within the group. The tension of sadness and regret wasn't there anymore. Rebecca could feel the sense of reassurance and even hope that lifted the air. Overcoming the intense air that seemed to lurk over everyone the entire time. 'How does she do it? She is just acting like a normal person. So how can she make everyone feel no fear without even trying? Could it be her dagger that gives her this ability or is it . . . Is it simply her own power that makes everyone like this?' Rebecca was lost in her thoughts about how you were able to make everyone calm and focused without lifting a finger or using your dagger to do this. Not that your dagger could because it was a weapon after all.

Kaiba trailed his cold blue eyes on the tracks which did indeed lead towards Paradius Headquarters. "If Mai is heading to the headquarters then what Jane said was true." he mutters to himself. He was about to start running to the building but he went to get Mokuba while the pharaoh ran past him to do exactly what Kaiba was thinking. He was booking it to the headquarters to confront Dartz himself. "My lady! Pharaoh!" Jane called out to you and Yami. You were chasing after Yami to not have him be alone. Jane started to run with the Kaiba brothers after the two of you. "Oh come on! Do we seriously have to run more!? I am tired of running!" Tristan yells while upset that he has to run after you all while carrying Joey. His poor legs were burning and screaming for him to rest yet there was no time for him to rest them. Tea was frantically looking at her friends then back to Rebecca, Valon, Dr. Hawkins, and Duke. She gave a crooked smile "You guys got this right? Good! Okay! Gotta go!" Tea shouted out to the three of them and ran after everyone who was heading into headquarters. "WHAT?! SERIOUSLY!?" He growled and yelled into the sky with you all leaving them behind to deal with Valon's empty shell body.


You yanked the entrance door open but when you yanked the door open it was also when the elevator door closed with Yami in it. You hit the elevator door "Dammit." You cursed under your breath and slammed the elevator button to make another trip for you to get in. "And he has the audacity to be mad at me when I do things by myself." You huffed to yourself. Putting away your duel disk in your dueling belt's pouch along with your deck in its deck holder. Hearing yourself say this reminded you of your past self's relationship with him in the Ancient past. Those things were starting to interlope with your relationship with him now in the past. You felt your foot bump into something and you looked down to see what it was. "Mai!" You gasp and crouch down to Mai's side. You knew what Jane told you about her soul being taken here. "This isn't how I wanted to reunite with you Mai . . . I am sorry for not being here in time to save you but I am glad it was Joey who got you back to your senses . . . We will bring you both back. I will figure out the staff's summoning secret somehow." You stood back up after you did your best to carry her into the elevator once it came down and opened. The elevator door was about to close when Jane jumped into the elevator in the knick of time. "Jane!" You were glad to see she caught up with you. Jane helped you with Mai but she used her head to hit you behind your head lightly. You pout. "Don't run off, my lady! Tell me first! Geez!" Jane sighs. You couldn't help but giggle "Right. Sorry. My bad, Heh." Jane smiled at you. Both of you heard the 'ding' from the elevator hitting the roof top floor you both needed to head to. The two of you walked out of the elevator. Jane nudged you to let go of Mai so she could go over to the sideline to place Mai safely there while you went over to Yami.

Yami was in a duel against a built blonde man. You knew it was Rafael based on the information Jane provided for you. "I summon the Seal of Orichalcos!" Rafael yelled. Yami inhaled sharply and heard the elevator with you two and immediately turned around. "(Y/n)! Stay back!" Yami called out as Rafael used the Seal of Orichalcos in the duel between Yami and him. You watched as this horrific green star seal covered their field. Showing a force field that made no one in or out of the seal enter or leave it. 'This symbol was on those soldiers' foreheads. So this is the Seal of Orichalcos.' You thought when you stopped in your tracks to not get any closer to the seal from Yami's warning.

"You were an evil king and I am going to prove it!" Rafael said when he drew his next card. Yami was conflicted on Rafael, referring to him as an evil king who ruled Egypt. Having a small belief still in himself being a possibility of being an evil king. From his previous rage that got Yugi's soul taken and his constant input of putting his friends in danger. "You're wrong!" You snapped at Rafael. Rafael finally took notice of you. He was frozen on the spot when he saw you. "He was never an evil king! He was nothing but a wise king that gave his own existence to save the world from evil! He cared for his people!" Rafael saw the cold glare you gave to him for bad mouthing Yami. Rafael was speechless 'Those eyes . . . Just like the ones Lord Dartz described . . . Her beauty even captures the moonlight glow so fondly upon her . . . Is this woman Lady (Y/n)? The pharaoh's wife? The woman Lord Dartz fears?' he thought to himself while the others finally got to the roof. Tristan put Joey down beside Mai to watch the duel with everyone else. You drew your eyes away over to Yami "Don't listen to him! He is just trying to get into your head! I know you're not evil!" You placed a hand over your heart "I know in my heart you're not. You have always been endlessly kind and still try your best to help people who lose their way in the darkness to find light again. An evil king would never care for those things but you do Yami! It's one of the things I love about you." You watched Yami have a warm smile creep up on his handsome face. "What else do you love about me, hm?" His smile turned into a sly one. "Oh my fucking gods. Focus!" You blushed madly from his sly smile but his teasing while in the middle of a life or death duel. You shake your head and feel Jane's hand on your shoulder to make you relax from his teasing.

Yami laughs when he sees you get flustered from him as he draws his next card. He was no longer feeling self-doubt about himself. The feeling of darkness and anger was swept away by your interference between Rafael and him. Yami had his confidence again. Your deck glowed and the light went from your deck to Yami's. The two of you looked at each other wondering what that was. "I will help him in this duel." Jane announced which shocked the both of you. You turn to her "I promised you that I will help both you and the pharaoh. I doubt he will need me in this duel though." You smiled at Jane and looked at Yami who gave you both a firm nod. "Eyes off my wife." Yami hissed at Rafael who finally turned his attention back onto the pharaoh. Continuing the duel once again. Jane and you knew the outcome of this duel, Yami was going to win. The two of you only could watch this duel commence and neither of you could interfere nor could anyone else that went over to the two of you girls to witness this duel with you.

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