Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 17: Mission Impossible
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 32: Save Your Tears

437 24 1
By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


Everyone was pushed out of the room and they were standing in the abyss plain again.

Kari looked at Jane with utter disbelief "You seriously went through with it . . ." Kari went over to Jane to make her face her "Oh you're crying?! Really now!? You have no right to cry Jane the Traitor!" Kari and Yuma were both one in the same as they were both getting ready to hit the woman. The two of them were pulled back by none other than you. "(Y/n)!? What are you doing?!" Shark exclaimed as you went over to Jane with your head hung low before you punched her across the face yourself. Jane wasn't even surprised you punched her. A single punch from you was a show of mercy, Jane knew that. She would have wanted you to punch her more for her betrayal but you refrained from doing so.

"If she wanted to tell me what she did, she could have told me straight up but instead she showed me what led to her decision and for that I respect." You looked at Jane with tears in your eyes. Full of all these mixed emotions "I understand now what led you down that path and I know that this doesn't make you the real villain." Your voice was breaking when you were trying to talk. You went and pulled Jane into your arms. Jane tried to pull away from your arms, shaking her head, the more she tried to pull away the tighter you held onto her "NO! I WAS A VILLAIN!! IT WAS MY FAULT!! I WAS SELFISH!!! I RUINED EVERYTHING FOR A LOVE THAT COULD NEVER BE AND I DIDN'T LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO TRIED TO WARN ME!! I WAS STUPID! I'M A MONSTER!!!" Jane was sobbing through telling the truth she only could see from what those memories she had. She couldn't see anything you were seeing, let alone understand how you were not so outraged for her betrayal that made you suffer so much in the end. "THERE WAS NO WAY YOU COULD HAVE KNOWN ANY OF THAT WOULD HAPPEN TO US!! NO ONE COULD HAVE!! YOU EVEN TOLD US YOURSELF THAT YOU BELIEVED WE WOULD BE ABLE TO COUNTER THE EVIL THAT BEFELL US!!" You paused before you continued "You were toyed with by greater evil." Jane could feel your tears continuously drop on her shoulders. "That evil from that thief, Bakura, you were always terrified. I could feel your fear because our souls are part of one another. My body would always shake in fright but it was you who was scared the entire time. I never blamed you for leaving me in the past when it all happened, right? I am not even balming you now because it wasn't your fault! His greatest crime was toying with you who only wanted to be loved! He was the true villain for using you with that!" You buried your face in her neck. "I am sorry that I could not love you in that way in the past and I am even more sorry that I cannot love you like that now but I love you as a friend. A friend that I don't blame for any of this . . . So please . . . Stop blaming yourself for something that wasn't your fault . . ." You couldn't imagine how long Jane must have continuously thought that all of this was her fault for thousands and thousands of years. No one could hear her. No one could see her. Jane was alone with this guilt that has weighed over her for so long.

Your heart was breaking thinking about it. Knowing you were the only one to be able to have her be finally seen but never got to experience the joy of seeing you again without her memory being wiped. Having to suffer this guilt all over again after she just settled with it after years. Having to help you while having no clue of who she was or what she was. Forced to find this out along your journey and always disappearing to deal with it on her own. Jane lost her home. Jane lost her second home. Jane lost her knight friends and her human friends. She had no one. Jane was never able to face you until this night to have the complete courage to tell the truth. A terrible and sad truth. You clung onto her tighter " . . . You've suffered enough Jane . . ." You couldn't say anything more. Your voice gave out and only sounds leaving you were endless sobs. Jane went limp in your embrace. She could not believe what she was hearing from you. You were apologizing when you had no right to even do so. This act of kindness was not deserved by a monster like Jane. Yet you gave it to her. "You don't have to love me. I am okay with that now after thinking it over and over for 3,000 years. I just want you to be happy now, that's all I want." Jane whimpered as she finally wrapped her arms around you to hug you tightly. Jane wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. She couldn't bear having you suffer like that again. Jane was willing to let you go completely this time. She was for sure of it this time around.

The two of you cried in each other's arms for a long time. No one tried to interfere. No one tried to put in their opinion. They left the two of you to have your moment together. Once you both let go of one another. Jane wiped away her tears, taking a deep breath, and exhaled a shaky exhale. "Is there a way back to the past?" You suddenly ask. Rio gasps softly "What are you saying (Y/n)?" She watched with the others as you turned yourself to be facing both Jane and your friends "They are in danger again from Dartz who is creating the Duel Monsters Take Over Mystery in our history books where many duel monsters came to live and roamed the earth for weeks but vanished without knowing the cause of it or how it even started in the first place. You saw what Dartz was capable of. I know they were able to defeat them without me before but the other guardian knights were even contacting me through dreams to find the 4th knight and help them to save the past." Kari stood beside Yuma. Thinking back on when you were asleep longer than Jane even though your souls were tied together but also the time you passed out in her car after shopping for your dress for the ball.

Kari thought you were just tired but she now knows it is why sometimes you felt off. Something was weighing on you that Kari couldn't figure out and she was the person who could figure just about anything out. "That would mean you would be leaving us behind . . ." Haruto stepped up to you with a sad face. He didn't like the idea of you leaving them. Again. He was only a child who didn't understand but understood at the same time because of the memories of Jane he witnessed with the others. Kite went to his brother's side, placing a hand on his little brother's head, He looked at you. He saw the way you were looking at everyone. You were determined to go back. You were fully serious about it. "(Y/n) has to go back, Haruto." Haruto looked up to his older brother who had a small smile on his face. "You have been thinking about this for a while now and to be honest I knew you were going to want to go back for some time now." Kite paused. He had a sad gleam in his silver eyes that were staring at you. "Ever since you have been back, I noticed you were always having your mind somewhere else. Always looked like you were wanting to be wherever you were thinking about. I figured it was about the past because you left it unfinished but" Kite gazed over at Jane "Now I know, you were home sick. You want to go back to your real home." Haruto silently gasped and faced forward, facing you.

Yuma took his attention to Kite then to you "You did tell us to make this night a precious memory because you had to make the time you spent in the past one." Tori walked up to be beside Yuma with her hand holding his. Yuma intertwined his with hers which made her smile. He didn't even seem phased by her holding his hand. She didn't mind that he didn't. He could react later. Tori smiled softly "We don't want to make the past, your home, a memory. We want you to live in it." You were feeling the urge to cry again. You watched as the others gathered around with tears starting to prickle their own eyes. Caswell held up the hard drive you gave him "You gave him a life to be here with us and I believe it was to leave a part of you here with us. So we'll always have a part of you always with us." He started to choke up from his own little speech with tears finally escaping his eyes. Cathay put a hand on his shoulder while she too was also starting to cry. "You gave us a glorious night to remember you. You gave us many before this and for that we will always be grateful." Rio tried to wipe her tears with her hands while saying that.

Shark went to Yuma and wrapped his arm around his neck "You don't have to worry about this rascal. I will keep him in check while you are gone." He smirked while Yuma huffed with a small pout. Tori giggled. Bronk pointed to himself with his thumb "I will keep an eye on him too. It's Yuma so he needs many to look after his dumb ass." Yuma shot a playful glare over to Bronk. You went to Bronk and flicked his forehead "Language, Bronk." You whimpered with a forced smile. Trying to remain strong to not full on have a meltdown in front of them. These kids cared about you so much. "I really don't want you to go (Y/n) . . ." Yuma balled his free hand in a fist. He was shaking his head when you walked up to him "We just got you back a-and I am not ready to let you go back yet." He whimpers out once you are in front of him. Tori let go of his hand, motioning for Shark to let Yuma go, and the two of them stepped off to the side with Cathy and Bronk. "Yuma, she has to go home. You know that. She cannot stay no matter how much you want her to. Think about how she feels, do you think this decision was easy to make? Kite said so earlier, she thought about this clearly for a long time . . ." Astral popped up beside Yuma, looking down at his sad friend. Yuma had his left arm to hide his tears "I know Astral . . . I know . . ." You pulled Yuma into your arms which he quickly wrapped his arms tightly around you and sobbed into your torso. He cried and cried. His crying started to trigger everyone around him to start balling out in their own set of tears.

You finally started to cry with Yuma and the others went over and joined in on the hug that became a massive group hug. Kari stayed behind to let the kids hug you. She had a hand over her eyes, silently crying herself. "Don't you dare forget us ya hear!" Bronk said through a broken tone. You managed to laugh through the lump that started to develop in your throat which started to hurt but you laughed anyway. Hearing him say that eased but also caused some pain in your heart. Knowing this will be the last time you will see them. Jane didn't say it would but you had a feeling this time was going to be the last time you were going to be here in the future with them. They let go of you and it was just you and Kari left. Kari was still hiding her face behind her hands. You took her hands off her face with a smile "Do you have to go?" Kari said barely above a whisper. You nod. Kari was just like her brother with her also not wanting you to go. Two of a kind but don't want to admit it that they are which you found always so adorable about their sibling dynamic. "You taught me to not leave a case open or cold when there was always something to further investigate in them. I need to go and finish this Kari." You held one of her hands since she was using the other one to try to wipe her tears but failed miserably. Her tears just kept coming. You placed a hand over your heart "I want to go back to help them." Kari saw how serious you were about going back. She can see it in your eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that she knew you were going to go back no matter how much she tried to convince you. That was just how you are. Determined to always help when there was something you could do about it.

"Promise me you'll kick that Dartz guys ass okay?" Kari lightly laughed through her sobs. "Promise" You giggled. There was a sudden bright light that shimmered brightly in between you two. It was a comforting golden glow which started to fill you with warmth but also a sudden surge of strength. Appearing between the two of you was the millennium dagger. It was still in two broken pieces but they pulled themselves to their end pieces and started to glow super bright. Too bright for anyone to be able to see because of its now blinding light. It was a quick flash of its powerful light that revealed your millennium dagger being whole again. Kari let go of your hand to let you take hold of the millennium dagger into your hands. "I-It's whole again." You stammered out of disbelief that it was in your hands again. It felt like it was gone for years from your possession. Having a great attachment to the dagger that you have learned has brought many people in your lives together both in the future and in the past where you were truly from. "I thought I would never see it again." You held the dagger close to your heart. Jane approached the two of you "That is because you no longer feel any doubt inside your heart." You turned to Jane. Confused from what she was telling you.

"You mean . . . I couldn't summon my dagger all this time because it sensed I was having doubt?" It was the only thing that made sense since you were having major doubts about going back to the past and being of any use here in the future. You were doubtful in the past but that was based on strength so you still had it with you. Though when it broke and you were sent back to the future, you had major doubts about ever being able to summon it at all this entire time because it broke. Making the dagger take your major doubts personally since it has a mind of its own but is also connected to you too so it sensed your major doubts. Now returning to your hand to be used by you once again without doubt in your heart for the journey that awaits you. Jane nodded to your question and that was also the answer you already knew. "Yes, your millennium dagger's ability is to be a shield and weapon to protect but the true power of it comes from you." Jane smiled as she pointed to your dagger which you had over your heart. "The dagger's power is to be able to break through anything. Your great power, like the pharaoh who has his own, is to mend things that are broken with things and most of all people. It does not mean you fix people but help them through the broken parts of them. By simply being there for them. With things, you help fix what needs to be restored to the best of your capability. No matter the risk. That is your power." You thought back to the times you have used your dagger. Every time you were able to help people with the daggers power to protect them but also the power you had. The power you didn't know you even had.

You were able to mend Tea's broken heart, you were able to help Noah to move on from his past to be moving forward with the future, you helped Yuma through his guilt for thinking this entire thing was his fault for sending you to the past with no way home, and you became friends with Mai who was said by Joey to be a difficult person to become friends with but you managed to be friends with her without a problem and were able to see the side of her she doesn't share with many others. You always managed to get everyone out of difficult situations because you knew you were capable of doing that. No matter how risky it was, you went through with it without a second thought. Without the dagger you did those things. Even with the dagger, you made those choices yourself to do all those things. It was all you.

You took your dagger to hold it in front of you to look at it. Seeing your reflection in the golden dagger that has come in handy for you throughout this experience. The dagger that was together again after being able to mend the broken soul of Yami Marik and the real Marik but also your own soul and Jane's. Cathay turned to Jane "How is she going to be able to get back to the past?" Jane met her eye but she went over to you and she held out her hand. You took your attention off the dagger to her hand, without hesitation, you held her hand. Once you held her hand the entire abyss place became a bright place. A sunset in the far distance while the place was a flowery field. In the middle of the field was a rather large door. A beautiful and radiant door. It was decorated with the finest jewels of multitude of colors upon the stone door. In the middle of the door was something carved into a shape of some sort of dagger. Almost like your millennium daggers shape. There was no door handle to open it, only that single hollow dagger shaped hole in the door. (A/N: Aha! Did you think I forgot about the door from Chapter 2? No I haven't ~).This place had a soothing cool breeze that brushed through the group gently. "This place feels so peaceful." Yuma took a deep breath with a smile on his face. Feeling his sadness of you leaving to calm down with this place's atmosphere. "This is my lady's soul room. It was never seen because I held her back with doubt in my own soul. Now I am not full of doubt either thanks to her." Jane smiled as she gave a small squeeze to your hand.

Jane pointed to the door with no handle that captivated everyone's attention from its beauty. You on the other hand started to recall what Yami told you about a door in his own soul room with details that describe exactly how this door was. "Is this connected to Yami's soul room by any chance?" Jane blinked and turned to you "It is, how did you know?" You smiled when you looked at her "He told me about this door he saw in his soul room back in the Battle City Tournament. Saying he couldn't get in and thought my dagger was the key to opening it." You held your dagger up with the door far in the background of your vision as your attention was on your dagger. "From our souls being binded together, it was going to be impossible to go back through here because your soul room was not awoken because of my doubts as well as your own." Jane took in a deep breath and smiled at the door. "The pharaohs and your souls have a powerful bond to one another that exceeds mine and yours. You will be able to pass through this door to be able to go back to the past. Only a one way trip with no turning back." You only had to walk through the door to be able to go through his millennium puzzle to be able to meet with everyone again in the past. This sounded too simple and easy. You knew there was going to be something more to this which was why you turned to Jane to hear the consequences to this because there always were consequences whenever you had something difficult to face before moving forward with anything.

"However, you will be in a continuous time loop with me being binded to your soul. The spell I used was to reincarnate you but since half of our soul is together – only one of us needs to pass on. One of us needs to strike the other and that soul will be whole and live." Yuma looked horrified as he stared at the back of Jane. He stumbled a bit over to Jane "You are not going to live to the end of this are you Jane . . ." Jane glanced over her shoulder to look at Yuma with a soft smile on her sad fair face. "It's why you were holding back this entire time . . . Why you held back telling (Y/n) about the entire truth . . ." Kari was now standing beside her little brother with her hand on his shoulder. "I have lived far too long and I can willingly give up my soul to her now. But I want to finish off Dartz with her first. To complete my mission of sending her back to the past with the man she loves and finishing the long awaited battle I couldn't finish all this time. This will also let you finally start to remember your other memories with your soul finally being whole." You looked at Jane whose face no longer was sad. It was calm just like the breeze. You can already feel that Jane was going to do this regardless if you tried to stop her. "It's okay my lady . . . I wouldn't have it any other way . . . I was already at peace with being by your side again. Having you live on will bring me greater peace so there is no need to be sad." Jane tried to comfort you and gave your trembling hands a squeeze. Her smile grew even softer, wiping your tears that started to fall from your eyes yet again.

You bit the inside of your cheek with your dagger now at your side. Clutching it tightly in your hand. There were always terrible consequences when it came to your fate. You wished there were not this many. You were already giving up the future to go back to the past but now you are going to have to let go of your past's past best friend. It was never ending with this. Does your fate always have to be this cruel with the people you care about?

You slowly nod to Jane with a sad small smile and the two of you went to approach the door. You place your dagger in the hollow hole in the door which soon glows gold. Nothing could be seen on the other side except this golden glow. It was open. All Jane and you needed to do was just step through it. You faced the door but turned yourself halfway to face everyone once more. They were right behind you to see the two of you off. "You all will return to where you were before coming here. Thank you all for being there for my lady." Kari met Jane's eyes, she felt guilty for always thinking bad things about Jane even though she had the right to think that way. Knowing Jane knew how this was all going to go and how it was all going to end must have been terrifying which was why Kari felt guilty. "Thank you for being there for (Y/n) in the past and even further in the past . . . I am sorry for yelling at you earlier." Jane shakes her head to Kari's apology. "You had every right to be angry with me. There is no need to apologize." Kari couldn't think of anything else to say after she said that to her.

Yuma took out your duel disk he had in his back pocket and your duel gazer too. "I took this with me. I had a feeling you were going to need it tonight . . . My feeling was right . . ." Yuma put up that unforgettable goofy toothy grin smile he always has on his face ". . . Make sure you make good use of it against that Dartz guy, okay (Y/n)?" Yuma handed you your duel disk you took into your hand. You nod to him. He stepped back to be beside his sister again.

"We love you (Y/n)." Kari choked up and you smiled warmly at her words.

"I know." You giggled with tears threatening to show themselves again for like the 5th time.

Jane and you turned to face the open door of your soul room that connected to the past. Connected to Yami's soul.

You both stepped through the golden door to reunite with everyone back in the past.

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