Last Love | ✓

By pieceofcupcake

150K 4.3K 486

❝It was all for you.❞ Caroline, having a hard time trying to accept the fact that a certain blonde-haired, e... More

01 | to bonnie's place
02 | tyler calls
03 | elena's reaction
04 | the truth
05 | new orleans
06 | the mansion
07 | the originals
08 | goodnight
09 | a new day
10 | the dopplegänger
11 | let's play
12 | dying
13 | leaving
14 | the ride
15 | mystic falls
16 | the sacrifice
17 | the furious
18 | un-love
19 | the family
20 | somewhere
21 | the proof
22 | the party
23 | the witch
24 | feeling safe
25 | the life
26 | before
27 | new beginning
28 | uninvited
29 | the unexpected
30 | angry-love
31 | yours
32 | fresh start
33 | fishy
34 | the ball
35 | the rain
36 | unsupernatural
37 | madness
38 | the adventure
39 | taken
41 | thunder
42 | the past
43 | the exploring
44 | manners
45 | protect
bonus chapter

40 | home

585 22 0
By pieceofcupcake

40 | home

"He has the stones," I said to Stefan. He widened his eyes and turned behind for the nth time to see if anyone is following us. I sighed and laid my eyes on the glass and looked at the sceneries of France as they pass by.

Eventhough the sceneries were beautiful, all I could think about was Klaus.


But, I also had a nagging feeling at the back of my mind reminding me that the great escape was too easy. Like it was as easy as eating.

I shrugged out of the thoughts and turned to Stefan.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"I have no idea." He replied casually.

"I am hungry." I said and he turned around, raising his eyebrow at me and immediately understood what kind of hunger I meant.

"Stop the car," He told the chubby ginger-haired man, who had freckles all over his face and a short beard on his chinny chin chin.

He nodded and stopped the car.

We got out and I don't know where Stefan got his money from but he paid the driver and we started walking along the corridor.

"I know a witch in France, maybe, he can help us," Stefan said.

"We won't be needing that," I said and saw the familiar blonde haired original that I became very fond of.

An immediate smile broke on her face once her eyes met mine and hugged me with all her might vampire-speeding to me, not caring that there are people walking here and there too, not that they seemed to notice anything.

"Klaus is a wreck," she whispered and then let me go as I gave her a sweet smile.

She looked at Stefan and gave him a tight hug and short and sweet kiss too. Stefan smiled lovingly at her and kissed her forehead.

"How did you find us?" Stefan asked, his fingers finding his ways in her fingers.

"Kol and Bonnie." She replied and started walking forward.

"We have been trying to find you guys for days and —"

"Days?" I cut her off.

"Yes, you guys have been missing for two weeks. Well, a week and a half actually." She said.

"What?"I exclaimed. Stefan widened his eyes at what Rebecca said, letting the news sink in as well.

I have been out for a week and a half and I woke up today. What did they give me?

"We have to get out of here fast," She replied. "Before any vampire of his sees us." She added and started walking faster.

Stefan and I practically ran to catch up with her. Well, not Stefan. But, me.

We started speed-walking along the pavement and after walking and running for about ten minutes, we finally reached a blue sleek looking car and hopped into it.

Rebecca sped off.

Stefan was sitting beside her and I sat at the back.

"There are bloodbags behind. Suit yourself," She said and I immediately turned around and grabbed a bag, drinking the red liquid from it and feel the familiar rush of adrenaline passing through me. I became a little more energetic from before. But, took a second blood bag just to feel more energetic.

I passed Stefan some of them and he drank it greedily too.

Rebecca was telling him about how the plane crashed and how it was all planned by Marcel. Marcel could only take me and Stefan because we were knocked out solid. The others sustained injuries but got into safety.

She also mentioned about how Klaus went mad when he found out that Marcel took me. That he was ordering everyone to find me and how he turned into the Original hybrid everyone feared.

I sighed and felt even more worried. It must have killed him. My poor Klaus. I am coming, Klaus.

After a few more minutes of driving, we stopped in front of a mansion and I immediately got out of the car.

Ignoring the fact that the Originals have a mansion in every country, I vampire sped towards the entrance and opened the door.

I could sense him closer.

My undead heart started beating against my rib cage like a high-school marching band. I self consciously started running my fingers through my messy and tangled hair. I ran through the unfamiliar hallways and reached the end of the hallway and stood  infront of a white wooden door.

Somehow, I had a strong feeling that this was the door to the room where Klaus was.

I went to open the door handle when suddenly the door burst open and I was pulled inside to a hard wall that felt way too familiar. A smell that seemed to calm my senses and a feeling of love as the familiar hands of his encircled around me as he tightly grabbed me, afraid to let me go.

"I am so sorry," He said.

His voice calmed me down. But his breath reeked of alcohol and I looked up to see his eyes. The eyes of blue that I love so much. The only eyes that could make me feel so safe. His hands cupped my face and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling.

"I love you and now I am here. With you. That is all that matters," I said and grabbed his arm away from my cheek and held it, dragging him towards the bathroom.

"Let me wash you and get my Klaus back," I said and he gave me a sad smile.

My cheeks ached at the amount of smiling that I have done for the past two minutes. But, I smiled nevertheless.

I am home.


SORRY. I AM SO SORRY. I know. I know. It has been long.


Anyway, Caroline is back! Yippee.

Aren't they so cute??? *fangirls*

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