"It's Just A Dream" || Ranboo...

By LinoIsHeree_

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Ranboo struggles with a lot of things, (TW list), but doesn't realise he actually needs help until Tubbo fina... More

"I can't remember"
"It's ok, I can help you"
A Wholesome Morning Walk
Angsty Start with a Wholesome Ending
Talking to Techno
Talking to Tommy
A Failed Prank
Tommy's Birthday (a little different than expected)
"It's gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok"
Getting Help From Phil
"See, I'm Ok"
Instant Panic
The Nether, The Lava, The Edge
Exactly What 'He' Needed (end)

Nightmares and Secrets

46 3 1
By LinoIsHeree_

Tubbo was woken by something shaking, he slowly looked around before noticing Ranboo still laying on his chest except he was grabbing onto him tightly and was shaking quite a bit. "Boo" Tubbo whispered, nothing. "Ranboo" he said a bit louder. Ranboo then shot up, now sitting up in bed as he grabbed his head and started whispering. "I-I can't do this I can't I-I'm not in control w-what's going on I can't-" he whispered to himself before he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Ranboo!" Tubbo said, finally grabbing Ranboos attention as Ranboo very quickly looked at him with a gasp. He then quickly hugged Tubbo, clearly very frightened. "It's ok it's ok, I'm right here, see, I'm here now it's ok, you're alright" Tubbo said calmly as he slowly rubbed his back. "I-I'm sorry I'm sorry I-" "Ranboo stop, stop" Tubbo said, cutting Ranboo off.

"You're completely ok, you haven't done anything wrong I promise, you were having a nightmare" he continued. Ranboo cried into Tubbo's shoulder, shaking quite a bit and his breathing was rapid. "I want you to focus on my voice and try to calm down ok?" Tubbo said, feeling Ranboo nod as he held onto Tubbo tightly. "You're ok, you're safe, there is nothing that can hurt you in any way I promise, all I ask from you is for you to calm down and tell me if you need help with anything ok" Tubbo said calmly. Ranboo nodded but he couldn't calm down, he couldn't breathe and couldn't stop shaking. "Sit up for a second" Tubbo said as he helped Ranboo sit up before cupping his face in his hands. "You don't need to be scared or worried anymore, you can relax, I've got you ok" Tubbo smiled.

Ranboo couldn't help it as he dived at Tubbo, holding onto him tightly. "I've got you" Tubbo whispered. "Focus on my breathing and try to copy" he said. Ranboo nodded, turning his full focus to Tubbo, listening to his breathing as he closed his eyes and slowly copied. "You're doing good" Tubbo reassured him. Ranboo nodded as he continued but he was losing focus, Tubbo noticed. "It's ok, in and out slowly" Tubbo said as he started breathing slightly louder so it was easier for Ranboo to copy. It took about 10 minutes for Ranboo to finally calm down. "There, it's ok" Tubbo said calmly. "I-I'm sorry" Ranboo stuttered. "It's ok I promise, you have nothing to apologise for" Tubbo said. "B-but I do, I-I shouldn't be like this, I have never been l-like this to you, I-it's not good" Ranboo stuttered as he sat back. "Boo it's completely fine that you're like this, I don't mind at all, as long as you're not suffering in silence then I don't care how much you cry to me, do it every day every hour every minute I don't care, just as long as you don't bottle everything up" Tubbo explained.

"B-but I can't even get out what I n-need to say" Ranboo cried. "And that's ok, you might just need time, it took a while for me to talk about my problems to you and Tom" Tubbo said with a small smile. "H-how long did it take?" Ranboo asked, a tear running down his face. "Quite a few months" Tubbo replied, wiping the tear away with his thumb. "I-I can't wait that long" Ranboo whispered to himself but Tubbo heard. "It might not be a few months for you, it might be a couple of weeks or days, it might even be tomorrow" Tubbo said with a comforting smile. "My point is that I will always be here to talk about whatever you need to talk about, I will always be here for you Boo" he continued. "The same for you" Ranboo smiled weakly. Tubbo smiled back, "is there anything you wanna talk about right now?" He asked. "I-I don't know" Ranboo stuttered as he started thinking, he couldn't remember anything, it was all confusing. "I-I can't remember anything" he said with a voice crack.

"That's ok, I'm here to help with that unless you wrote it down in your book?" Tubbo said. "W-where is my book?" Ranboo asked worriedly. "Don't worry it's over here" Tubbo said, going back over to the same drawer and getting the book before walking back over and sitting back down. He then gave Ranboo the book as Ranboo started reading. "I-I haven't wrote anything in it, why haven't I wrote anything" he said worriedly. "You probably forgot to write, it's ok though, what do you want to remember?" Tubbo asked. Ranboo thought for a second, "who can I still t-trust?" He asked. "I can list the people you can trust if you want?". "C-can you write them down please" Ranboo said, holding the book out with the pen already inside the book. "Yeah sure" Tubbo smiled, taking the book before he started writing. "People I can trust for sure: Tubbo (always), Tommy, Phil and Techno" Ranboo read once receiving the book back.

He then remembered something as he started writing it down. "Voice in my head, Dreams voice, try to ignore but if you can't then do what he says otherwise someone might get hurt". "What are you writing if you don't mind me asking" Tubbo asked. *Should I tell him?* Ranboo thought, *f it, he already knows too much*. "I-I have a voice" he started, "in my head". "What voice?" Tubbo asked. "I-it's Dream's voice" Ranboo stuttered nervously. "Shut up" Dream suddenly whispered to him. "What does he say?" Tubbo asked, watching as Ranboo froze before shaking his head and closing his eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked, placing his hand on Ranboos knee. Ranboo flinched as he quickly opened his eyes, "he's talking to me" he whispered. "It's ok, try to stay calm, I'm right here don't worry" Tubbo reassured him as he held his hand.

Ranboo closed his eyes again in fright as he slowly held onto Tubbos hand tighter. "Shut up Ranboo, tell Tubbo NOTHING!" Dream yelled. Tubbo watched as Ranboo flinched and held his hand tighter. "P-please" he whispered. "Ranboo" Tubbo said, watching as Ranboo quickly looked at him. "I-I'm sorry I-I can't tell you anything, h-he won't let me" Ranboo started to cry again as a tear ran down his face. "That's completely ok don't worry, I'm still right here if you need me ok" Tubbo said, wiping the tear away with his thumb again. Ranboo nodded, "t-thank you" he said quietly. "What for?" Tubbo said confusedly. "N-not leaving me" Ranboo cried. "Ranboo I am never ever going to leave you, ever. I love you too much to do that" Tubbo said, holding Ranboos hand whilst he cupped his face in his other hand, slowly stroking Ranboos face with his thumb.

"H-he's gone" Ranboo sighed in relief. "See, it's all ok now" Tubbo smiled, "if you hear him again at any time then you must tell me because I can help you" he continued, "you're not alone". Ranboo nodded as he started breaking down again. "It's ok" Tubbo whispered as he pulled him into another hug. "You're completely ok now I promise" he said calmly, "breathe". Ranboo took a few shaky deep breaths before he was some what calm again. "See, everything's ok" Tubbo smiled. "S-sorry" Ranboo whispered as tears rushed down his face. "It's ok I promise" Tubbo whispered back, "everything's completely fine now".

Have ran out of ideas for this chapter sorry...

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