Unhinged Magic // BOOK ONE

By eeveeylno

238 15 4

in a life where there's magic; magic you can either do good things with or harness the everloving evil of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

9 1 0
By eeveeylno

"So you're saying there is a way to kill you?"

"But- I'm already dead! Dumbass!" Selen looked at Ambrose in confusion, but also in amusement. "There is a way to kill you. Stop hiding it." Ambrose threatened as she stepped out of the boat. Kaden looked at Blue, and Blue held a type of firework launcher and nodded in agreement. As they lit the flame, the firework was sent into the sky, exploding into their city's logo as a signal they needed help. In a few minutes, several different citys members came flying in on swords and katanas, and some by a boat.

"Selen, you said that when you harnessed this corrupted magic, you would use it for good! And look at what you've done now!" Kaden yelled at Selen. Selen had stopped moving, and stayed there in a shock. "I- that isn't what I said! I—" She tried to come up with something to get her out of this situation. People charged and used magic on her, but she just stood there, taking it. 

It hurt Kaden and Blue to watch her get killed like this, it was mostly Kaden, though. She was being trampled by people, showing no mercy to her at all. She had caused tons of deaths over a year just with her controlling the dead corpses.

"I swear to you all! When I get offered a vessel from a ritual to bring me back, I swear im coming for- all of you! I'll kill all of you!" And just like that, she disappeared into thin air. The only thing that was heard was the sound of the fire of the city burning and crackling. Not even crickets or frogs chirping. Kaden looked at where Selen was. The only thing remaining was the katana, her red Ruby necklace, and her blood-stained cloak.  Kaden got out of the boat and lakes towards the items that lay on the ground. He sighed. He picked up all three, and brought them back to the boat.

As things calmed down, the other people had left, and it was only them three; and the remains of Selen, as they sat on the boat, hoping to find another city to join in, or create. "I...." Kaden looked at the cloak. He wanted to cry. "Ambrose, do you still want this katana?" Kaden asked her. All she did was shake her head. Kaden wrapped the cloak around himself and Blue, then clasped the Ruby necklace around his neck. "I didn't expect I would help everyone kill her.." Kaden mumbled, as his voice kept breaking into a sob.

"Why are you sad about her death? Shes finally dead. There wont be any more random deaths in forests-" Ambrose slightly celebrated. All Blue did was glare at Ambrose, signaling it wasn't the time to say something like that. "But, didn't you hear what she said?" Ambrose asked them both. "It'll be the same as last time, she's going to come back. I think we all know she will. It wont be pretty at all." Ambrose said, sternly. "Goodnight." Kaden said, he didn't want to talk about her anymore. "Yeah. Same." Blue agreed.

528 words
sorry if its a bit short, im running out of ideas 🙁

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