The Secret Life Of Nagisa Sen...

By Bobethy5

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Seven years after killing his teacher, Nagisa Shiota has ended up as a teacher at Gokuraka high school in Tok... More

Arc 1- Nagisa Sensei
(1-1) The New Teacher
(1-2) Cleaning
(1-3) Karma Time
(1-4) Research
(1-5) Special Visitor
(1-6) Stalker
(1-7) Rescue and Revelations
(1-8) Confrontation
(1-9) Exams
(1-10) Question Time
Arc 2- Redemption
(2-1) The Aftermath
(2-2) Redemption Begins
(2-3) The Gang
(2-4) Confession
(2-6) Planning
(2-7) The Journey
(2-8) The Mountain
(2-9) Red VS Blue Round 2
(2-10) Bump in the Night
Arc 3- Legacy
(3-1) Terasaka Gang Reassemble
(3-2) Not Again
(3-3) A Girl's Day Out
(3-4) A Scientific Breakthrough
(3-5) A Plan In The Making
(3-6) Date
(3-7) A Pesky Journalist
(3-8) A Day Trip in London
(3-9) Assassination
(3-10) Art Attack
Arc 4- Revenge
(4-1) The Final Straw
(4-2) Invitation
(4-3) The First Confrontation
(4-4) Rest But No Relaxation
(4-5) Allies
(4-6) Rogue
(4-7) A Coming Together of Assassins
(4-8) Infiltration
(4-9) Rescue
(4-10) The Final Showdown
Arc 5- Summer Time
(5-1) Finals Time PT. 1
(5-2) Nagisa's Birthday
(5-3) It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Summer
(5-4) Holiday
(5-5) Set Up
(5-6) Tears
(5-7) A Lost Friend
(5-8) In Memoria
(5-9) The First Wedding
(5-10) The End of Summer

(2-5) Back to Basics

586 27 6
By Bobethy5

Nagisa strolled into his house in a very good mood. Apart from the fact he had learnt that Ren had died, he had discovered that he was the target of a gang. A gang which kidnapped his student, killed another, forcefully enlisted a third and almost kidnapped a fourth. He was happy because he knew what to do. He knew how he could protect his students the best.

As he entered the house, he heard voices coming from the lounge. Karma and Hayami were talking. Nagisa was kind of shocked at their apparent friendship. The two didn't talk much at junior high. In fact, she got annoyed at him often as he would tease her about Chiba, who she may or may not have liked at the time. Now, however, they seemed to get on like old friends.

"How come you two are best friends all of a sudden?" The bluenette asked, dumping his bags on the floor in the lounge, making his presence known. Karma stood up and moved to embrace his smaller boyfriend, pecking him on the cheek as he did.

"We were just reminiscing about the old times. And, Karma was telling me about what you two have been up to since you left Kunukigaoka." Hayami replied, glancing away from the embrace happening in front of her. She hadn't changed that much. She was still embarrassed when it came to emotions.

Nagisa's face fell at that statement.

"How much did you tell her?"

"Don't worry, I left out the kinky stuff."


"What. I know you like me talking like this."

Nagisa moved his head closer to Karma's ear. "In private, yes. In front of a guest, no."

This made Karma smile as he tickled the back of Nagisa's neck. The bluenette sighed as he broke the embrace and took a seat next to Hayami.

"You can look back now Hayami." Karma teased, causing a small huff to be produced by the girl.

"Anyway Karma, you know that kid that went missing a few weeks ago?" Nagisa began. This immediately sparked Hayami's interest who sat up straight.

"Yes, why? Do you know where he is?" The redhead replied.

"Yeah. He's dead." The bluenette said with a frown. As he remembered about this, he felt a feeling he had not felt for a while. Failure. If I let one of my students die, what kind of a teacher would I be? Were the words that raced through his head over and over again in that moment. Karma noticed this immediately.

"It's not your fault he died. How did he die anyway?"

"He pissed off that gang you kidnapped my other student. They killed him."

"See, not your fault."

"Yeah, I suppose. Anyway, that same gang is trying to kill me and has forcefully enlisted one of my students to do so."

At this point, Hayami stood up and turned to face the pair still sat in the sofa.

"Woah, slow down. What happened with this gang kidnapping your student?"

"They abducted one of my students. Me and Karma went to save them. Turned out half the class did too. I then had to explain who Karma was and how I could fight that well." Nagisa replied.

"You should have seen him. He was a real Korosensei." Karma smirked.

"We both know I am nowhere near as good as him."

"It's close though."

"Anyway," Hayami interrupted, "I say we say hello to this gang once more. I would quite like to meet them. Shame Chiba isn't here."

"Ok, nice." Nagisa smiled, "we'll head down to their warehouse later tonight. This is going to be fun."

-------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------

The night was dark and the moon hung in the sky, casting it's faint light over everything. It had lost it's cresent shape in the last seven years, collapsing under its own gravitational pull to become spherical once more. The blast had also moved it closer to earth. The gravitational pull it inflicted on Earth was about the same as it was before the moon blew up. Tidal patterns changed slightly, and werewolves had to change their schedule as there were more full moons, but nothing too drastic had occurred.

Three people stood on top of a roof, staring at a large warehouse. One of them, a blue haired male took out his phone.

"Hey Ritsu, can you scan this building for me?"

"Of course." Silence ensued for a few moments, and then the digital girl spoke again. "There seems to be a large congregation in the centre. A few guards elsewhere. It seems like some meeting in going on."

"What's the plan blueberry?" Karma asked.

"I'm going to play along with what they expect me to do. I want you two to sneak in and listen to what is going in. When I give the signal, join in."

"And the signal is?" Hayami asked.

"You'll know."

Nagisa hopped down from the roof and causally made his way towards the warehouse entrance. There, he found five guards, mostly asleep. One awoke to the sound of his footsteps and jumped up in shock, drawing his knife.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Nagisa Shiota. I believe your friends know the location of my missing student?"

"AHH, we are expecting you. Come this way."

The guard kicked some of the dozing guards, and shouted at them a bit to help bring Nagisa to the central chamber. The bluenette couldn't help but realise how well this operation was put together. It was something a normal gang would bit be able to do. These guys were smart.

He reached the centre of the warehouse and was greeted with a large number of gangsters, surrounding a central podium, on which stood a tall, black haired man. Everyone in the room wore a jacket with a yellow sun embroidered onto the back. These guys were professionals.

"AHH, Nagisa, so nice if you to join us." The leader boomed.

"I have come to enquire about the whereabouts of one of my students. I was told you would know where he is."

"He's dead!" The leader shouted, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Nagisa could feel himself heating up. He managed to maintain control of himself however.

"Now my blue haired friend," the gang leader continued, "my name is Ipanaika, and you will die by the hand of the yellow sun gang!"

Nagisa smirked.

"I'll like to see you try."

Karma and Hayami slipped silently into the building through a conveniently broken window. They moved through the building as quiet as mice, not making a single sound. They encountered a total of three guards on their way. All had been quickly disposed of by Karma. He killed no one, but let's just say they won't be waking up any time soon. Hayami followed behind the redhead, carrying her sniper rifle. She took it everywhere with her, just in case. Her time at the ministry of defence had placed a target on her back. Numerous times had she hunted down an assassin before he did the same to her. This time, however, her rifle would only fire sleep darts instead of actual bullets.

The pair rounded the corner and stumbled upon three figures crouched down in front of them, staring into the corridor ahead. Karma got in position to take out one while Hayami set her sights on another. Karma paused. There was something familiar about this person's figure. Where had he seen her before? He tapped her on the shoulder.

The girl turned around and gasped in shock. Karma covered her mouth quickly and whispered "don't shoot" to Hayami. The ginger woman put down her rifle. That's where he recognised the girl from. She was one of Nagisa's students. The other two turned around, both with a shocked look on their face. He recognised one of the boys from their last attack in this place. He and the girl had been the distraction outside the main door, fighting a small army of gangsters. The third, however, he did not recognize.

"Students? What are you doing here?" The redhead whispered.

"Helping Nagisa-sensei save our friend from this gang." Fujikawa answered.

"And does Nagisa know you're here?'


"Hmph. Now I would scold you, but I'll leave that to Nagisa. We'll be glad for the support. This is my friend Hayami by the way."

This caused the three students to notice a ginger haired woman crouching down behind Karma, holding a long rifle. She gave them a small wave. Nagisa Sensei sure does have some odd friends.

"Now, what are your names?" The redhead asked.

"I'm Tatsuo, the guy who got forcefully enlisted into the gang. These are my friends Michio and Fujikawa." The one boy on the end spoke. Karma nodded and signalled for them to go ahead.

The party of five dropped into the main warehouse room. They could see a large congregation of people in the centre of the room, surrounding a man stood on a pedestal.

"Hayami, stay here. The rest of you, pick positions around the edge of the room. Stay hidden. When Nagisa gives the signal, attack." The redhead said.

"What's the signal?" Fujikawa asked.

"You'll know"

"You don't know do you?"

"No. Let's move out."

The five split, fanning out around the warehouse to cover all angles. Now was just to wait for Nagisa to give the signal.

"I'd like to see you try." They heard Nagisa say, an icy tone to his voice. This caused the gang leader to laugh once more.

"Kill him!" He shouted, pointing and the small, girlish male in front of him. Nagisa smiled. It was not everyday he got to relieve his bloodlust. He was grateful for this moment. To be able to destroy a gang.

Four gangsters approached him. Nagisa simply did nothing. He stood. He stared. His lack of fear worried the four. What was he planning? This caused their wavelengths to become erratic. The bluenette capitalised on this situation, bringing his hands to make a loud clap Infront of him. The four gangsters fell to the floor, becoming a wimpering, drooling mess. The gang was shocked for a short time. They soon recovered however, and approached more.

"Nagisa's gotten better at that clap." Karma whispered. He then sighed and vaulted over his box, racing towards the mass of people who planned to murder his boyfriend. This was the signal. The three students followed suit, jumping out from cover and attacking the gangsters from behind.

The first the gang heard, or saw, of the new attack was their leader crumpling to the ground, clasping his neck. This one thing caused the advance to stop, as everyone turned their attention to the leader. A dart was stuck in his neck. One of Hayami's stun darts.

Two more darts followed, causing another two gang members to collapse. The darts had seemingly come from nowhere. It was as if they simply materialised from the shadows, sent to kill them by some divine force.

Karma took this opportunity to make his presence known. He walked up behind one gangster and slammed his first down the top of their head, nocking them unconscious immediately. The gangsters either side looked around and saw their new attacker.

Karma retreated, extracting a column if men from the congregation. This was as planned. Hopefully the three students would do similar, relieving Nagisa of attackers.

Karma stopped and faced his opponents. He slammed his first into the face of the first, causing him to topple backwards. He kicked the stumbling man in the stomach, nocking him back into a bunch of gangsters, sending them sprawling. The next opponent was a woman. He grabbed her pigtails, dragging her towards him, only to be met with his palm to her face, causing her to flip over and go down as well. Karma enjoyed this. He fought expertly, taking down gangster after gangster.

The same could be said for Michio and Fujikawa, who fought together, chaining moves off of one another, in perfect harmony. Michio grabbed a man, holding his arms out. Fujikawa kicked him in the face with a spinning kick, before turning around to face more of the incoming gangsters. Michio threw the unconscious body of the gangster into a group of his friends, nocking them down like bowling pins. He laughed. The harmony of battle was taking over.

Tatsuo was making his way towards a group headed for Hayami. They had narrowed down her location, and were getting dangerously close. Tatsuo prevented this. He walked up behind one and punched him in the side of the face, causing him to crumple to the ground. He attacked the other, drawing attention away from the ginger woman. She took this moment to shoot down, stunning the rest of the pack that Tatsuo was fighting. She then turned her attention to the rest of the gang.

Nagisa, wait. Where was Nagisa? He had disappeared once the chaos began. The gangsters simply thought he had escaped. That was untill they saw a figure fall from the rafters above, descending on a group of five gangsters. The one in the middle crumpled under the weight of the bluenette. The shockwave caused the surrounding men to be sent flying, in shock. The bluenette stood up and clapped in the face of two more gang members, immobilizing them. The rest of the gang, knowing they were losing, turned tail and fled. Nagisa looked around for the body of the leader. It was nowhere to be seen.

The six people met up in the middle of the room, Hayami jumping down from her perch. They panted loudly, not speaking. It was eventually Tatsuo who broke the silence, walking up to Nagisa and hugging him. He quickly broke the embrace and stepped back, an embarrassed look on his face.

"Um sorry." He whispered "but thank you for dealing with them. I was unsure if I would ever be able to get out of this lifestyle." The boy collapsed onto the ground in tears if joy. Michio and Fujikawa sat beside him, comforting him.

Karma stepped towards his boyfriend and embraced him, giving him a long kiss on the lips. Hayami moved in-between the two lovers and the students, blocking their view.

"You're in public you know right lovebirds?" She laughed. Nagisa and Karma stopped the kiss and stepped apart, embarrassed. After a few moments of silence, Nagisa spoke.

"What were you three thinking coming and helping like this." Nagisa demanded. The students could sense from his tone that he was angry.

"It's my fault Sensei. I asked them to come along." Tatsuo confessed, his face down and his tone sad.

"Well, I can't be too angry. You handled yourselves well out there. Just not a word to your classmates about your presence here. They may get jealous. And definitely don't tell your parents."

The three students breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you think it's safe to return home?" Tatsuo asked. Nagisa pondered this for a few seconds.

"While I don't think the gang will bother you for a while, they may pay you a visit as a one off. Do you have anywhere to stay? At least while we try to find the gang leader, to get you out of this life for good?"

Tatsuo shook his head. Back to sleeping in his school desk it was.

"You can stay with me." Michio said. Tatsuo looked up, surprised.


"Yeah. You're a friend in need and i can help."

"Don't you dislike me for bullying you with Hideo?"

"That was the past. Hideo's a dick and you learnt to step away from him. That's the good thing."

"Thanks. It means a lot."

The six people left the warehouse, splitting different directions and heading home. Nagisa was a little annoyed. If Hayami wasn't here, he would have 'thanked' Karma at home. Still, she was good company. He was very tired anyway.

The three old friends walked through the town towards the Karmagisa residence. They smiled. It was a good day. They had done a lot. Now it was time to get some sleep and enjoy the weekend.

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