A Ghost's Wish [MxM]

By Hopestrife

545K 36.2K 10K

[COMPLETED] Oliver Kardos was the General of Bierze and Guardian of the Realms. He had dedicated his life to... More

1. A Ghost
2. A Ghost's Request
3. A Ghost's Parade
4. Anima Wish
5. A Wish
6. A Ghost Returns
7. An Insulting Proposal
8. A Ghost Becomes a Trainee
9. An Informant
10. A Ghost, a Priest, and a Thief Walk Into Bar
11. An Old Foe
13. A Ghost Wrapped in Mystery
14. An Expected Invitation
15. A Spar
16. A Ball
17. A Break Up
18. A Confrontation in the Gardens
19. A Farewell
20. A Brawl
21. A Threat
22. A Battle
23. A Welcome Home
24. A Rescue
25. A Dream
26. A King
27. A Guest
28. A Prisoner
29. A Breakdown
30. A Vision
31. Moonlight
32. A Nest
33. A Roar
34. A Wyvern
35. A Dragon King
36. A Request to Leave
37. A Threat
38. A Conference
39. A Motive
40. A Night [M]
41. A Brand
42. A Summons
43. A Skirmish
44. Guarded
45. Choices
46. A Visitor
47. A Golden Cage
48. An Old Friend
49. An Heir
50. A Rucrean King
51. Reunited
52. A Traitor
53. Terms of Surrender
54. A Guardian
55. Desire [M]
56. An Attack
57. A Monster
58. A Messanger
59. Four Generals
60. An Explosion
61. A Stampede
62. War
63. An End
64. A Ghost's Wish [End]

12. An Alibi

8.6K 556 73
By Hopestrife

They were pulled into a sitting room, and a maid had poured them tea before she left. Gallio was checking on some of the superficial wounds on Oliver's body and started using his magic to heal some of the cuts.

Oliver gave him a perplexed look.  "Holy power?"

"Not everyone gets such special treatment.  Consider yourself lucky." Gallio said with a grin.

Oliver was silent and placed his hand over his heart.  "I know much about fighting but very little about magic."  

Savvi tilted his head a little. "I thought magic sealed a long time ago."

Gallio was surprised by Oliver's words. "It's old history.  Once the world was filled with abundant magic, but a disaster occurred, and all the active magic in the world was sealed away.  Magic can never be stripped from the land.  It just..."

He didn't know how to finish. However, Oliver spoke up, his voice a little distant. "It returned to its infancy."  

Gallio nodded.  "The world is still rebuilding its natural magic, so we are nowhere near the level of our ancestors, but someone like me was able to use holy power. Oddly, my magic became stronger a little over a month ago. Everyone's power did. Now we can do things like this with ease."

Savvi was bouncing a little in his seat.  "What if someone found that seal and unsealed it?"

Oliver tensed for a moment, thinking of the dragon's words. His wish brought him back but changed the world, including magic.

Imran slapped the back of his head. "It would be disastrous if all that magic suddenly flooded into our land again." He shuddered a little. "Besides, the disaster occurred because of an old and terrible enemy of the land.  They would treat it as an invitation to raid our homes if they suddenly see magic of that magnitude appear."

"Kirith," Oliver whispered as he recalled the story of the Anima Wish that Piers told him before he died.

Imran placed his tea on his plate with a trembling clatter. "How did you know that name?"

"Through dangerous means," Oliver said vaguely.

Imran understood that this meant that he nearly died hearing this news, so he didn't press further. "Enough of these dark subjects.  What can I help with."

Oliver's brow creased helplessly as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I seem to have gotten into an annoying predicament."

Imran sat back stiffly. "Did you kill someone unjustly?"

Oliver shook his head. "Nothing like that. I stepped into a trap, and it's a bit troublesome now."

"You purposely stepped in a trap?"

Oliver nodded. "I wanted to confirm my current enemy."

"Was the risk at least fruitful in the end?"

Oliver smiled happily. "It was. However, it wasn't unexpected. They were bound to move against me; I just didn't expect them to act so quickly. Unfortunately, their haste derailed my initial plans."

"And what do you need?"

"Someone to claim I was here for dinner and stayed the night," Oliver said sheepishly. "Of course, this story must be told to the Royal Guards."

Imran laughed heartily and slapped his hand on the armrest. "Such a little thing?"

He called out for his aide, who bowed to the group. "Prepare a room for Oliver and the little Priest."

Gallio huffed. "It's Gallio." He murmured.

Imran looked at him with surprise. "Commodus? Heavens, our house has two important guests then. I feel honored."

Gallio tried to ignore the shocked expression on Savvi's face when his family name was revealed. "I still don't know what's happening, though. What mess did we get caught up in?"

Imran nodded and gave Oliver a somber look. "Do you think you can share the situation with us?"

Oliver looked down at his tea and contemplated his answer. "Someone is hellbent on destroying my reputation."

Savvi snorted. "Reputation? Just call them out and fight them. Why make it complicated?"

Oliver shook his head at the statement. "In Abrorg, your status in your tribe is based on your strategic thinking and stealth. Your divinity and medical skills in Osmela determine your position in the church. In Rucrea, your strength is what's respected... But in Bierze, the thing that is revered the most is a man's reputation. The moment it is tarnished, you are defeated."

"But you're the future Royal Consort. Who the hell would want to pit themselves against you?" Gallio asked.

Oliver picked up his tea cup with a slight curl of his lips. "What better way to break up an engagement than to catch the fiance in a desolate place like The Apex?"

Imran's face hardened, and turned to Gallio and Savvi. "And what were you two doing there?"

Gallio shrunk down. "I pissed off some noble when he visited the church. He told me to go there for some rare herbs for my potions."

Savvi looked like he was wronged. "Oliver led me there."

"You followed me there," Oliver argued with a glare.

Imran snorted. "Followed? How could Savvi follow anyone when he stinks of lemon?"

"What? I don't!" He sniffed and paled. "How?"

Oliver gave a low chuckle. "It's on the coin pouch you stole."

Imran laughed as he picked up the coin pouch from Savvi's waist and sniffed it.  He was enjoying the night that was filled with surprises. "Smart! I never thought about using a scent as a tracer."

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck. "He surprised me because I couldn't sense him before, so I used a cheap move."

"Damn right, that was cheap! I thought we were friends!" Savvi puffed his cheeks.

"We were strangers when you pickpocketed right in front of me."

"Were those goons your friends?" Savvi asked.

"No. They were accomplices in tonight's fiasco." He shrugged. "They are probably learning about how easily disposable they are."

Gallio tapped his chin. "But who was behind it? Who would want to tear apart your engagement?"

"The list is quite extensive... but a special opponent orchestrated this." When seeing their lingering confusion, he chuckled. "Did you not see who was leading the raid?"

They both shook their heads.

"Tomin Lamariel," Oliver answered.

Imran dropped his teacup, letting it spill on the floor. "Do you know what that means, Oliver?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

"Tomin Lamariel is the commander of the Royal Guards, and only two people can control him; my fiance and my future father-in-law."

Gallio jumped up. "The fucking Belelots did this?"

Oliver sipped his tea. "Naturally."

Oliver's calm attitude was perplexing for the group. He admitted that his future husband was plotting against him, but he wasn't bothered by it. Instead, he seemed only to want to confirm it out of curiosity. 

Gallio and Savvi felt some regret for their newfound friend. They didn't want him to dwell on the matter and chose to change the subject.

The four stayed up late into the night, and Oliver reluctantly accepted a chess match against Imran.  Oliver and Imran spent more time in pensive silence, seriously deliberating every move of their ivory and ebony pieces. Usually, Imran and Oliver would win a game of strategy easily if they were challenging a different person.  But the two greatest strategists from two different generates faced each other, so each move was methodical and prolonged.

Half of their pieces were gone by the time the sun rose. Savvi and Gallio had fallen asleep on the couch, but Oliver was wide awake and treated the game with unyielding focus. His clothes were disheveled, and his jacket and tie were discarded. His shirt had the top few buttons undone with his sleeves rolled to his elbows. His demeanor had changed a little, becoming more casual. His speech was rougher as if he was sitting around a campfire with his soldiers. Imran was a man of the battlefield, and his aura allowed Oliver to relax.

Oliver clicked his tongue, lazily brushed through his long silver hair, and tied it back up. He bent over and picked up a chess piece but paused when one of Imran's men ran inside. He bowed to both of them. "My Lords, the Royal Guards have just arrived at the Kardos manor."

Oliver yawned and stretched his waist. "I suppose it is time for me to head back and face them."

He buttoned up his shirt and straightened his clothes. He held out a hand to thank Imran, but Imran shook his head. "We're not just going to send you off."

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Uncle, I can just tell them to send you a note for confirmation of my alibi. There is no need to trouble yourself and accompany me."

"You trust those bastards not to harm you?"

Oliver looked nonchalant. "At worst, they will imprison me for a few days."

Imran patted his shoulders and smiled. "We're going with you. Besides, I like making those little guards squirm."

They woke up Gallio and Savvi and cleaned themselves up so they could look refreshed when they clashed with the Royal Guards.

Imran made them ride in the carriage bearing their family crest to show that they were nobility of Abrorg. The carriage alone drew much attention their way.

As they reached the Kardos manor, they felt the heavy tension in the air. Several Kardos soldiers were blocking a small troop of Royal Guards. The bright reds of the Bierze Royal Guard clashed with the clean whites and silver colors of the Kardos men.

Oliver's uncle, Antony, stood in front of the troops with his arms crossed. His face was flushed red with anger as he was arguing with Tomin. Neither group realized that the Tuah carriage had pulled up.

Oliver stepped out of the carriage and waited for Imran, Savvi, and Gallio to exit.

"Normally, my home is much more welcoming than this," Oliver said apologetically.

However, the young men were grinning. They both enjoyed trouble.

Their small group was walking towards the soldiers, but a young man with dark silver hair stormed towards them. Oliver's blood chilled as he noticed the figure, he stopped in his tracks, and his body tensed.

"Ewen. You're back." Oliver said stiffly.

Ewen plastered a concerned look on his face. "Brother, where have you been? Tell me it's not true?"

Oliver controlled his disdain.  "What's not true?" He asked with a monotone voice.

Ewen sighed deeply and covered his heart dramatically with his hands. "Are you not embarrassed by your deeds, Oliver?"

His voice was louder this time, drawing the attention of the Royal Guards.

Oliver noticed the guards' movement at the corner of his eyes and scoffed lightly. "You'll have to be more specific than that, little brother."

Ewen barely concealed a glare. "How could you do this to our name? You dared to go to a corrupted place like The Apex?"

Antony shook when he heard Ewen blatantly paint Oliver as guilty. "Ewen" He yelled, his voice making many tremble.

Unlike the others, Oliver felt warmth hearing Antony's voice. He released a quiet chuckle, which was just as silencing as Antony's command.

"The Apex? Isn't that a den of criminals? Be careful with your jokes, Ewen. Not many are as tolerant as I am when you insult them." When Oliver was greeted with silence, he hardened his expression. "Or have you already painted your brother as guilty?"

"Stop your nonsense, Lord Oliver. We have witnesses of you entering that place last night!" Tomin roared.

Oliver turned towards him. "It's a pleasure to see you again, little guard."

Tomin glared at him. "Address me as Commander!"

Oliver walked up to him, touched the silken sleeve of Tomin, and made a disgusted noise. "A man wearing silks under his golden armor wants to be addressed with a military title? That's an adorable dream, guard."

Tomin shook with anger. "We have come to arrest you, do not resist."

Oliver wanted to laugh. The Lamariels had an obsession with arresting him. "On what grounds?"

"You will comply," Tomin said as he clutched his sword handle and pulled it out from his sheath. 

Oliver smirked. "Do you know it means when you draw your sword on a Kardos without reason, right?"

"I have a reason."

Oliver's aura changed to become heavy and oppressive. Tomin's sword quivered in his hand.

The tense atmosphere was shaken when Avery's young voice cried out with an excited, "Oli!" 

Oliver cursed inwardly as his youngest brother rushed towards him, unaware of the dangers.  Oliver quickly adjusted his aura so he would not affect the small child. 

Unfortunately, Tomin was still afflicted and was on edge. He saw a figure running up to him, and he panicked. He drew his sword back and started to strike toward Avery.

Oliver felt his blood run cold when he saw Tomin's actions. If Tomin swung down, Avery would be cut in two. Moving off of pure fear and adrenaline, Oliver lunged for Avery and roughly tackled him to the ground. But the sword blade kept falling, and the tip sliced down Oliver's back.

Antony was slightly slower than Oliver, giving his nephew a surprised look. He fought his curiosity and turned a dark look toward Tomin. He pulled out his sword. "Drop your weapon, Lamariel bastard, or you will lose your life."

Tomin stumbled back, and his sword clattered on the ground.

Oliver ignored the confrontation behind him. Instead, he looked over Avery, ensuring he wasn't hurt. Avery was crying from the hard fall. 

 "What happened?" Avery asked under his tears.

"Your big brother is clumsy and fell," Oliver said lightly, but a layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead. "Can you take Ewen to mom for me? He's been at school this whole time, so I think all of these soldiers will make him uncomfortable."

Avery beamed because he was being asked to take care of his brother. No one had given him a task before. He gave a sloppy salute. "Ok big brother! I'll take care of him."

Oliver returned the salute. "Thank you, little soldier."

Avery giggled happily and pulled Ewen away from the courtyard. Once they were out of view, Oliver slowly stood up, and the reason he sent Avery away became apparent.  A large puddle of blood pooled under Oliver's feet. Gallio cursed and made his way to Oliver, quickly checking over his wounds.

"Oliver, your wounds are deep. I need to treat them right away." Gallio explained.

Oliver took a deep breath to stabilize himself and attempted to ignore the pain. "Guard Lamariel, I am not guilty of what you accuse me of. Not only do I not have the desire to go to The Apex, but I also have never received an invitation to that place."

"How did you know you needed an invitation?" Tomin asked darkly.

"Yesterday, when I was at the tailor, the Sloan brothers approached me. They invited me to go with them to The Apex because they commandeered an invitation. However, I parted ways with them." Oliver explained slowly. "I already had an appointment last night."

"With who? Can they testify this to our King?"

"Sure, if you want," Gallio said with a shrug. "Your King can send the summons to the church and address it to Gallio Commodus of Osmela."

"And Savvi Tuah of Abrorg." Savvi cut in with a glare. He had also approached Oliver and held an arm out to help him stand. Oliver patted his shoulder and refused his aid. 

Tomin trembled when he heard the powerful surnames but comforted himself with the fact that they were only children. "I will still take Lord Oliver until we can confirm your stories. Right now, your words do not suffice."

"What about my words?" Imran stepped forward with a dark look. "Or do you truly have no respect for the Tuah name?"

Gallio clicked his tongue. "He probably doesn't, considering he doesn't show an ounce of respect to the Pope's heir."

Tomin nearly lost fainted when he heard this. "You?"

Gallio rolled his eyes. "My father will be interested in learning about this interaction."

"Guard Lamariel, I was with my friends and Uncle Imran all last night," Oliver explained.

"Oliver is a formidable chess opponent. We fought all night but still never finished our game." Imran corroborated as he gave Antony a quick nod.

Antony approached and examined Oliver's back, not allowing Imran's words to sink in at this moment. He felt a shiver up his spine because the wound was terrible. Oliver should be in immense pain, but he spoke nothing about it. Only his pale face and the sheen on his forehead betrayed him.

"Tomin Lamariel," Antony said with a hoarse voice. "You have no further reason to be here unless you plan on detaining the representatives of both Abrorg and Osmela."

"But he was at—"

"Three important figures, one from the goddamn church, has testified to his alibi. All you have are claims from some fools who only saw a hooded figure enter with the Sloan brothers. No one even heard him speak. You expect the Kardoses to accept this as evidence?" Antony lifted his sword, ready to fight him.

Tomin clenched his jaw. "We will look into this further." He called for his soldiers, and they all left the grounds.

Oliver shivered a little and swayed, but Antony quickly caught him. He turned towards Gallio. "You can treat him?"

Gallio nodded. "Quickly take me to a place where I can work?"

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