Hell on Remnant(Ghost Rider x...

Autorstwa GabeTheFallen

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Time for a new journey for The Ghost Rider. This time Remnant is the target, Duncan wishes to visit some old... Więcej

Welcome to Remnant
Old and New Faces
One Hell of a Teacher
A Crazy Night
Blast From The Past
The Dance on The Windy Night
A Lost Soul
A New Form?
Chain of Events
Incoming Troubles
Inside Out
The Fall of Beacon
Moving Forward
Dark Times
Incoming War
Ozpin's Sins
Behind the Shadows
Old Town Road
Ludicrous Speed
Welcome to Atlas
Gear Up
Girls Night Out
Boys Night Out
Problems Arising
Inner Conflict
Fight or Flight
War At Our Door
Roses and Demons
Roar of the Tigress
Dies Irae
No More Gods
Carry On

Huntsmen VS Blackheart

519 15 6
Autorstwa GabeTheFallen

3rd POV:

Within the Atlas tower, Ironwood was standing at his desk, his good arm severely damaged, the capture of Watts was a succes, but it cost Ironwood an arm to pull it off.

The Ace Ops have just entered the office, they quickly stand attention when they saw Ironwood.

Clover: "The civilians have been evacuated, and the Grimm have ceased their attacks, sir."

Ironwood: "Good, but, hmm... the Grimm ceasing their attacks seems..."

Qrow: "Unlikely? Yep, something must've happened."

Ironwood was startled a little by Qrow's and Raven's entrance. The Ace Ops still not agreeing with the idea of the leader of an group of bandits roaming about, but they chose to stay silent, they knew that Raven's under someone's watch.

Raven: "Still, we can't take this moment of peace for grante-"

Raven's sentence was cut off by a fiery portal opening in the middle of the room, and from the portal, Oscar appeared with Summer in his arms, much to everyone's shock.

But Qrow and Raven were the ones that were trying to see if this is a dream, or an illusion.

Qrow aproached Summer.

Qrow: "H-how..."

Raven: "Is she really...?"

Oscar then gave control to Ozpin.

Ozpin: "She is alive, i asure you, Duncan managed to save her from whatever Salem has done to her."

Qrow only fell to his kness, unable to comprehend reality, with watery eyes he looked at Summer's unconcious figure.

Raven put her hand on Qrow's shoulder, giving him an small smile.

Qrow: "R-raven... S-summer... she is alive... right?"

Raven: "That she is. Now, you said that she was with Salem all this time?"

Ozpin then laid her down on a couch inside the office they were in.

Ozpin: "Yes, a new Grimm appeared recently, and within that Grimm was Summer."

Ironwood quickly rose up from his seat and uproached Ozpin.

Ironwood: "And what of Duncan? Where is he at the moment?"

Ozpin: "Dealing with Salem, she must be already dead by now. The moment Duncan learned that the Grimm he was fighting was Summer... any shred of mercy left his body."

Qrow: "Heh, then i guess i owe that guy a drink."

Raven: "Just one? Make it two."

Ozpin: "Hehe, sure, when this is ov-"

Ozpin's sentence was quickly cut off by a pillar of dark energy in the middle of Mantle followed by a mushroom cloud.

Even from Atlas they could see that green flames started to spread around Mantle.

Leaving Summer to be taken to the infirmary, Raven, Qrow, The Ace Ops, and Oscar, who regained control, started to make their way towards Mantle.

In Mantle, everyone gathered at the edge of the city.

Nora, Weiss, Penny, Ruby and Pyrrha just returned from another evacuation point, pretty happy about the fact that neither Grimm or demons seemed to appear, not finding this suspicious at all.

Weiss: "Hey, have any of you seen Blake?"

Penny: "No, i thought she was with you guys."

Ruby just noticed Yang, Ren and Jaune coming towards them on their bikes. But what made Ruby have a questionint look was how angry Yang looked.

Nora: "Uhhh, guys what's with the wierd atmosphere?"

Ren: "It's a.... it's a long story.", he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Jaune: "Hopefully we get some sort explination in time.", he lowered his head.

Pyrrha then took Jaune's hand into her own, all the while having an concerned look.

But Yang was in her own world, still processing the events that just transpired. Still accepting what Blake has become.

Ruby: "Uhhh, Yang...? You alright?"

Ruby slowly aproached her sister with a worried gaze.

Yang: "... i trusted her... i-i lov-"



The laugh caught everyone off guard, taking out their weapons, they tried to locate where the laugh was coming from, but to no avail.

They wanted to move, but couldn't, a sudden feeling of dread invaded their minds, alomst alien for them.

Looking around, every alley, top of a building, every window of a house, nothing, but the laugh seemed to fade into nothingess.


Looking down a road, silence was followed by sound of footsteps. And from the shadows a figure took form...

Blackheart: "Looking for someone?", he smirked.

The arrival of Blackheart quickly put everyone on edge, they were already briefed on what kind of monster he was.

Blackheart: "I must aplaud you for surviving this long, guess you have some sort of guardian angel watching over you... not for long though."

Donning their weapons, the hunstmen took their positions, this was the worst case scenario for them, they were not ready to deal with Blackheart, not in the least.

Blackheart's gaze landed on Yang, he then faked an hurt epxression, clearly mocking Yang.

Blackheart: "And you must be Yang, heard quite a lot about you."

Yang visibly flinched, but tried not to be intimidated, the fact that Blackheart just strolled in here filled with confidence was unerving.

Yang: "Yeah! So what?!"

Blackheart: "Word of advice, anyone even remotely close to the Redgrave siblings die eventualy, and i'm the one doing the killing, just want to draw a clear picture here... by the way, how's Blake?"

The flashbang of words made the huntsmen and huntresses share confused looks.

Ruby: "...what... what do you mean by that?"

Blackheart: "About what?", he asked faking innocence.

Yang: "About Blake you bastard!"

Blackheart: "Ohhhhh! That? I thought you saw her new make over. She wanted power so i gave her, but in exchange of something quite important."

Yang: "Y-you... DID THIS TO HER?!??!"

Yang charged in blind rage, Blackheart only smirked in exchange.

Blackheart effortlessly caught Yang's fist with his hand. Blackheart then grabbed Yang by the neck before punching her in the gut, as he let go of Yang, she fell on het knees clenching her stomach, blood could be seen dripping from her mouth.

Yang glared at Blackheart, only to be met with a boot to the chest, sending her flying into a nearby building.

Suddenly gunshots were heard, Ruby had her sniper out, but the bullets didn't even scratch Blackheart. He was then frozen from the waist down, Weiss used her Glyphs alongside her Ice Dust to keep him in place.

Ren and Nora then started to circle around him, Ren shooting from a long range, while Nora using her grenade launcher.

Penny rose up quickly in the air, her back opened up, revealing countless of swords, the swords started to make a circular motion which in return released a laser beam.

Pyrrha quickly turned her spear into her gun mode.

Shortly they stopped attacking, seeing only a cloud of dust where Blackheart supposed to be.

Jaune: "Did... did we get him?"

Blackheart shortly walked out of the cloud of dust, unharmed and laughing.

Weiss: "Here's your answer Jaune."

Blackheart: "An A for effort and stupidity. Did you really think that it would be so easy?"

Pyrrha tried to attack Blackheart behind his back, but without missing a beat he quickly turned around and caught her by the neck, taking her own spear, Blackheart was ready to stab Pyrrha through the chest.

But Nora arrived just in time, jumping high in the air, she was about to slamm her giant hammer into Blackheart, but he then used Pyrrha as a blunt object and slammed her into Nora making them crash into the ground.

Ren then rushed towards Blackheart while keeping his guns trained on him, shooting while running, then switching his guns into blade mode, Blackheart with little to no effort dodged any attack, then he caught one of Ren't attack, Blackheart used the leverage he had to punch Ren in the stomach a few times. The amount of pain felt by Ren was the equivalent of being hit by a few trains. Ren almost fell unconcious, but the pain was too great to let him. Blackheart then grabbed Ren by the back of his shirt and threw him aside.

Hearing a warcry, Blackheart saw Jaune rushing towards him, ready to strike him down, but Blackheart blocked Jaune's sword with his index finger, not even a second later, blood splatttered on the ground, the blood was dripping from Jaune's chest.

Blackheart: "You know i could've cut you in half, but... what's the fun in a quick death? Don't you agree?"

Soon a black glyph apperead beneath Blackheart, followed by many more yellow glyphs appearing mid-air. Blackheart raised an eyebrow before throwing the bloodied Jaune aside like a ragdoll.

Whatever Weiss tried to do, it didn't work, Blackheart caught her before she could do anything. Taking a good look at Weiss, Blackheart scowled angrily.

Blackheart: "That white hair... those eyes... i would say you look too much like him, which pisses me off!"

Blackheart then slammed Weiss into the ground, he then took Weiss's  rappier and stabbed her into ther thigh making her scream. Blackheart then started to press his foot on her spine.

Ruby tried using her semblance to distract Blackheart, any form of distraction could've worked, but it was useless, Blackheart kicked Ruby aside like she was nothing.

But Pyrrha tried once more in close quarter, seeing that bullets don't even work. Seeing the incoming attack Blackheart swiftly parried Pyrrha's attack before kicking her into a wall. Blackheart then took Pyrrha's spear and threw it, impaling Pyrrha through her shoulder into a wall.

But thanks to Pyrrha, Ren managed to take Weiss away and put her at a safe distance.

Penny then flew towards Blackheart, aiming her sword straight at his chest,  but sadly for Penny, Blackheart was getting annoyed by this little skirmish.

As Penny got close enough, Blackheart caught her by the hands and started to pull to the sides, trying to tear Penny in half.

Ruby seeing this couldn't handle it anymore, her silver started shining brightly, which didn't go unoticed by Blackheart, who dropped Penny aside.

The light of Ruby's Silver Eyes seemed to glow brighter and brighter until...



Blackheart in one swift motion, sliced off Ruby's eyes, rendering her blind.

Ruby was trashing around, trying to stop what remained of her eyes to bleed, screams of agony filling the air.

Blackheart: "Are those the so called Silver Eyes? So annoying!"


Yang enraged, used her gauntlets to give herself a boost, jumping towards Blackheart at max speed. But Blackheart only chuckled, as Yang was about to swing her arm, Blackheart caught her by the forearm and tore her arm right off, while throwing her to the side.

Yang fell to the ground, rolling down, she eventually stopped, only for the pain of her right arm missing finally to kick in, making her let out a blood curling scream.

Blackheart was about to make another move, only for a raven and a crow to appear into the scenery, which swiftly turned into Raven and Qrow, and hooo boy they didn't look happy at all.

Both Raven and Qrow swinged their swords, Blackheart caught their blades barehanded, he then rotated his body throwing Raven and Qrow aside.

Qrow managed to land on his feet, glancing at Ruby, he saw her clenching her head in pain, blood dripping from her eyes. No one was doing any better, Yang was still screaming in pain, holding on whatever was left of her arm. Ren was unconcious alongside Nora, Pyrrha was still impaled through her shoulder into a wall, Jaune was bleeding from his chest, Weiss could barely walk and Penny was almost down for the count.

Qrow: "Bastard! You are gonn-"

Qrow didn't even had time to finish ad Raven literally flew towards Blackheart, a certain fire could be seen within Raven's eyes.

As Raven swinged her sword downwards, Blackheart caught the blade between the palm of his hands.

Raven: "You are gonna die a slow and painful death!", she growled through gritted teeth.

Blackheart: "Oh please. The one capable to fight me is quite far away, don't expect too much."

Raven hearing this gained an confused look, but then it dawned on her. Taking advantage by Raven's sudden distraught state, Blackheart kicked her in the gut, sending her flying and hitting the ground.

Raven tried to lift herself up, but at that moment, she jolted in pain, falling on her knee, using her sword to keep her balance, bringing her hand to the mouth, she started to cough violently. In the palm of her hand, blood could be seen. She quickly grimaced.

Raven: 'Just what kind of monster is he? All of this, just from one kick?'

But soon Raven's train of thought was interrupted by the Ace Ops, who just arrived.

Harriet: "You are having problems with this guy? Really? Piece of cake!", she cracked her knuckles.

Raven: 'Idiot!'

Harriet simply took a running position, static could be seen gathering around her body, then she dashed towards Blackheart, who just smiled darkly.

Blackheart simply dodged just as Harriet was about to land a blow, each attack was either parried or dodged effortlesly.

Just as Blackheart raised his arm, an fishing line was coiled around his arm, which he raised an eyebrow.

Blackheart: "Really...?", he scoffed.

Having enough of this charrade, Blackheart yanked the fishing line, who was connected to Clover's fishing rode, making him fly.

As Clover was about to get close enough to Blackheart, Qrow, seeing that Blackheart's attention was somewhere else, tried to make his move. But sadly, Blackheart only backhanded Qrow, making him drop his weapon. Blackheart caught Qrow's sword, and impaled Clover through the chest. Blackheart opened his mouth wide open and started to devour Clover's soul.

Harriet who's eyes widened in horror, charged towards Blackheart, with a look filled with rage, she wanted to make Blackheart pay. As Harriet got close enough to land an attack, Blackheart used Clover's corpse as a shield, making the sword only go deeper in his body.

Behind Blackheart, someone was about to swing their sledgehammer into him, and it wasn't Nora, no, it was Elm. But things don't go as planned, because Blackheart leaned to the side, making Elm hit Harriet in exchange.

Blackheart whistled seeing how far Harriet was sent flying.

Blackheart swiftly turned around, about to drive his fist through, Elm stomach, but Raven grabbed her by the collar and pulled her away.

Suddenly Blackheart saw two more figures floating down towards him.

Blackheart: "Let me guess, Amber right and you must be... another white haired annoyance, ugh!"

Amber, the Fall Maiden, and Winter, who was tasked to protect the previous Winter Maiden, both of them had a certain glow within their eyes.

This seemed like a standoff, but Blackheart could only yawn having three of the four Maidens before him.

No one made a move, making Blackheart grow impatient, he gaze at each and one of the people in here, minus those who are out for the count.

Suddenly a small blizzard started to form around Blackheart, almost obscuring his vision. Amber and Raven flyed towards the unncaring demon.

Jumping backwards, Blackheart was suddenly enveloped by a pair of glowing hands, courtesy of Vine, who didn't look happy. Marrow seeing this, tried to use his Semblance, keyword tried. Blackheart still able to move, grasped tightly the glowing arms that tried to restrict his movements, and flunged Vine towards him. Blackheart then grabbed Vine by the head, in the quick motion he squashed Vine's head like a watermelon.

The sky started to darken, a storm was forming, shortly small lighting bolts were aimed at Blackhheart, who dodged each one of them. Suddenly Blackheart dashed foreward taking many by surprise, he was met with a wall of ice, which shattered on impact. Blackheart was shortly met by Raven's blade, he started parrying each strike with precision. Suddenly spikes made of ice were flung towards Blackheart, which in return with a wave of his arm, he sent a shockwave shattering the spikes.

Amber and Winter nodded to eachother, deciding to aid Raven in their close quarter combat. Amber donned her staff, while Winter kept her sword in her right hand, and on her left a small sword.

Blackheart kicked Raven away, only to block from each side and attack from Amber and Winter.

Winter used her new found powers and trapped Blackheart in ice, but that was shortly lived, as he easily escaped. But Amber had her staff aimed at Blackheart, which released a few fireballs.

Blackheart: "Really? Fire and Ice? Word of advice, you are no Queen of Frost and you are no master of flames. Surprise!"

Blackheart charged towards Amber and Winter, sadly Winter was his target, which received a strong punch to the gut, receiving unimaginable pain, making even their aura useless. Blackheart then sweeped Winter's legs and elbowed her into the gut again, making her back hit the ground.

Blackheart then weaved, avoiding an attack from Amber. Grabbing her staff, making her stay in place, Blackheart kneed Amber in the gut. Hunching foreward and falling to her knees, Amber's body started trembling at the amount of pain she received just from that hit alone.

Suddenly an earthquake appeared, making the huntsmen and huntresses that could barely stand on their feet lose their balance and fall on their backs. Soon an roar was heard, whatever it was, it was in pain.

But Blackheart could only laugh, he knew the reason for this earthquake.

In the far distance the Whale Grimm which once belonged to Salem, started to be enveloped by an dark substance in a dome like shape, the ground on which the dome resided was simply desintegraded upon contact. As if this dome was another space entirely, an dimension which devoured time and space.

Blackheart: "You are too late! AhahahahHAHAHAH!"

Raven simply out of anger, lashed out at Blackheart, ignoring the pain that was surging through her body, she swinged her blade with all her might. Only for Blackheart to catch the blade betwee his index and middle finger, he the grabbed Raven by the neck.

Blackheart: "You know, this little skirmish was quite amusing, seeing you struggle, but i must ask, what do you hope to acomplish? Huh? Huntsmen, Huntresses, Maidens, you are nothing to him! I once fought a battle with my own life at stake, he tore through armies of demons like it was nothing, he made Gods tremble at his pressence, Titans fell one by one  Helllords tried to break him, yet he came back with a vengeance. Nature bended at his will, making even the Earth itself tremble at the mere clench of his fist. Among the Riders, he was in a league of his own, no, in his own dimension."

Raven: "W-what... the hell... ar-are you blabbering...?", she strugled to speak in Blackheart's grip.

Blackheart: "About Duncan of course, the mention of that mortal's name makes me nauseous. But i finnaly found out why father was so adamant about having him as his Rider. Redgrave and Rosenblack, those families united, can be quite troublesome, but now sadly... Duncan is dead."

Suddenly Blackheart felt a surge of energy coming towards him, from within the buildings, black energy in a  crescent form.

Blackheart quickly tossed Raven aside, and used both of his arms to stop the attack. Scowling, Blackheart notice that he was being pushed back, his feet beginning to dig deeper and deeper within the ground. Blackheart eyes turned pitch black, letting out a demonic roar, he split the attack in half barehanded.

Blackheart looked at the ground, from the damage he noticed he was pushed back a almost ten meters. Looking at his hands, they were bleeding and burned, clenching his fist, the healing factor kicked in.

From within the dust, from the place of origin of the attack, there could be seen a pair of feral glowing blue eyes. Footsteps echoed acompanied by the growls of a tigress.

As the cloud of dust settled, Ashley appeared, dragging and uncocious Blake by the leg.

Ashley merely grunted as she tossed Blake where the injured seemd to be gathered.

As Ashley scanned her surroudings, she noticed a few dead bodies and injured huntsmen and hutresses, this only added more fuel to her anger, her scowl deepening. With each step she took, the earth seemed to crack and crumble.

But Blackheart seemed quite happy, maybe an actual challenge?

Blackheart: "I must say i'm quite impressed... you actualy defeated an Rider."

Ashley: "Cut the formalities. What. Have. You. Done?"

Blackheart: "You have to be more specific, i did many things."

Ashley: "Where is my brother?", her eyes flashed pure white for a second before returing to glowing blue.

The growly and eldtrich tone in Ashley's voice made even Blackheart curious.

But nonetheless, Blackheart was gonna give Ashley an answer.

Snapping his fingers, two small demons appeared, each of them carrying something in their arms. As they passed by Blackheart they dropped something on the ground that made Ashley's hands tremble.

Blackheart: "Does this answer your question? They were more sturdier than the last time i ripped them off.", he smirked darkly.


Ashley: "A-are t-those... Duncan's wings...?"

This chapter's meme:

Czytaj Dalej

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