Worth Fighting For| B. Barnes

By XxCammmxX

14.4K 705 262

You've all been waiting for it...The sequel to Plums! The story of Ivory and Bucky continues. This the story... More

~Enrieta-Maria Cristian-Lee~
~June 23, 2014~
~Far From Home~
~Steve and 'Nana'~
~Safe Place~
~Long Distance~
~Louisiana Family~
~The Weeping Willow Tree~
~Poison Ivy~
~Wakanda Welcomes You~
~Molweni, Ivory~
~Have you seen me?~
~The Story of the Mysterious Bucky Barnes~
~The Best day Ever~
~The Places You'll go~

~Close to Home~

572 30 7
By XxCammmxX

October 22, 2016
9:30 AM

"Nana? Oh Nana!?" Ivory called out for Natasha.

"Yes sweetheart?" Natasha replies from her spot on the couch.

"C-Can you please open this?" Ivory asks handing Natasha a pack of mini muffins.

"Only if I can have one." Nat says to Ivory as a joke, wanting to see the girl's reaction.

"Kay, but only one!" Ivory said holding up a single finger making Nat laugh. Nat wanted to soak up every moment she could with the girl, everyday Ivory seemed to be another day closer to leaving Nat, and Nat knew there was nothing that could prepare her for that day mentally or emotionally.

Today Natasha was going to be making a very hard, yet important phone call...she planned on calling T'Challa to see about bringing her over to Wakanda.

"Here Nana, Here!" Ivory says briefly distracting Natasha from her thoughts. She didn't realize she had unconsciously opened Ivory's muffins and handed them back to her. Now Ivory was presenting Nat with a mini muffin of her own.

"It's okay sweets, you eat it, those are for you. Nana was just joking around." Nat explained.

"But y-you gonna be hungry Nana...Pease have one..." Ivory says pouting, causing Nat's heart to melt. Nat smiled and accepted the mini muffin in her hand and smiled at the little girl as she took a bite.

"Thank you sweetheart."

"Welcome Nana. I-I only share with you, Uncle Steve a-and my daddy." She says eating a muffin herself.

"Oh yeah?" Nat chuckled.

"Y-Yeah...Hey Nana?"

"Hey Ivory?" Nat smiled, mimicking the girl.

"W-Where Uncle Steve? W-Will he come back?" Ivory asked.

Natasha sighed thinking of the events that took place this time three weeks ago...

Three Weeks Earlier

"How are your pancakes? Are they yummy?" Steve asked Ivory who had been sat directly next to him at the dining room table.

"Uh-huh, they're yummy! A-And I like the bacon too!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Uh-huh!" Ivory says dipping her piece of bacon into her syrup.

"I'm glad to see you're eating! We're you extra hungry this morning?" Nat asks.

"Um...a-a lil bit..."

"A little bit?"

"Uh-huh!" Ivory says leaning into Steve's side earning a small smile from the man. Recently Ivory and Steve were attached at the hips, Ivory just couldn't bring herself to be separated from her Uncle Steve. Ivory absolutely adored Steve, and followed him around wherever he went.

Ivory had been going through a bit of a clingy phase in general but had been gravitating more towards Steve.

"Uncle Steve does make a pretty good breakfast." Natasha chimes in. "What do you say to Uncle Steve?"

"Tanks Uncle Steve." Ivory says hugging the man tightly.

"You're welcome sweet girl." Steve says gently brushing Ivory's hair out of her face. Just then someone comes knocking on the door of the safe house and Ivory immediately tensed up.

"No Bad men, I don't wanna go, No bad men..." Ivory says getting up from the table.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm sure it's just Miss. Laura..." Nat says going to console the girl. Steve got up and took his time going to answer the door. He looked through the peephole and sighed in relief when he saw it was just Sam.

It was pretty strange to see Sam had showed up to the house with no kind of notice, and Steve couldn't shake the feeling that something may have happened. Nevertheless Steve proceeded to open the door, Welcoming Sam into the home.

"Ivory Look who it is!" Steve says closing the door behind Sam. Ivory slowly looked up from her hiding spot in Natasha's chest and smiled.

"Sam-I-am, Sam-I-am!" Ivory yelled from up the hallway, running up to greet Sam.

"Oh...here she comes." Sam chuckled, smiling when the toddler crashed into his legs.

"Uh-Sam, why no Twinkle, Twinkle?" Ivory asks the man.

"What about Twinkle, Twinkle?" Sam asked confused looking at Steve.

"It's the safe knock...we always do the rhythm Twinkle twinkle little star so she knows she's safe." Steve explains.

"Oh, Oh, my bad I'm sorry! Did I scare you?" Sam asks crouching down to Ivory's level.

"Uh-huh..." Ivory says nodding her head.

"I'm sorry...Next time I'll use twinkle, twinkle." Sam says giving Ivory a hug. Ivory then proceeded to run up to Nat, requesting that the woman hold her, and Nat stood and held Ivory on her hip.

"Its good to see you guys...I wish I was here for a good reason..." Sam says looking between Steve and Nat.

"What's going on?" Steve asks concerned.

"We have a problem..." Sam says taking out his cell phone. On his cellphone he had showed Nat and Steve a video that had surfaced online of terrorist organizations who somehow got their hands on Chitauri Technology.

The Chitauri haven't really been in the picture since the 2012 attack on New York, lead by Loki...

"Steve, doesn't that remind you of tech used by the Chitauri?" Nat says.

"That's because it is tech from the Chitauri..."

"How is that possible?!" Steve asks confused. "Tony got them all with a nuclear bomb on the day of the attack...he even took it to the portal itself and blew up the Chitauri Mother Ship, the whole army shouldn't have even survived..."

"I don't know how these guys got their hands on Chitauri tech of any kind, but they seem to be raising A LOT of hell..." Sam says with a sigh.

"The footage was traced to some location in the Middle East, I don't have any coordinates but I think we should get in there and put a stop to these guys before it gets out of hand..." Sam

"Sam, we can't..." Nat says.

"Who's saying we can't?" Steve says earning a hard stare from the black widow herself. If looks could kill, Steve would most likely be dead.

"Steve, did you somehow forget that we're all in hiding here?" Nat says placing Ivory down.

"Exactly! We're in hiding, who's gonna find us in the Middle East?"

"Steve, in the eyes of the states we are wanted criminals...I just don't think this is a great idea..."

"Think of it this way Nat...we still get to do hero work...just completely underground, we won't have to answer to anyone, no accords to stop us from doing what's right...none of that."

"Steve...no...you know we can't do that. Not while we have her...it's too dangerous."

"You're right..." Steve sighs. "In all honesty Nat I think it would be best if I go and help Sam to investigate this more so we know what we're dealing with..."


"It will only be for a few days..."

"Steve Ivory is possibly going home soon..." Nat whispers.

"I know she is...isn't that what we want? Is for her to be able to go and be with Bucky again?"

"Ultimately that is the goal..." Nat sighs. "It's just...do you really want to do this now instead of spend our last few days with her? It could literally be any day now..."

"I'd love to spend a few extra days with Ivory, you know that...but now that we're talking the return of the very group that could have destroyed the world, we need to put a stop to it...think about it as trying to create a safer world for Ivory..."

"Listen Steve, I see where you're coming from, but I think you also need to see where I'm coming from as well." Nat says. "...if you want to go and help Sam, I think that would be a great thing...but all I'm saying is right now, I think it would be best if we stayed with Ivory...we're all she has right now, and we owe it to her to be there for her before she goes to be with her father."

"That's fair...I see what you're saying..." Steve says with a sigh.

"I know that look on your face Rogers...I know it all too well..." Nat says grinning. "If you really want to resume hero work vigilante style, I'm totally on board with it...I'm with you guys...just not until Ivory goes home...I'll be staying here with her."

"Okay, I understand. I promise, I'll only be a few days..." Steve says shuffling around the home, putting a backpack together. "I will make it a point to be back before Ivory goes to Wakanda."


"You have my word too Romanoff..." Sam replied to the woman. "I may not be as close with Ivory but I'll make sure we both return in enough time to see her off." Sam says.

"Fine." Nat sighed, "I'm holding you guys to that...especially you Rogers..."

"I could never let her down..." Steve says as he picks up his tattered suit and helmet, shoving the items in his back pack before zipping it up. He sighed looking over at Ivory who had definitely been well aware of what was about to happen.

"Uncle Steve?"

"Yes Ivory?"

"No leave...stay..." Ivory says to the man.

"I want to stay, I do sweet girl...I promise I'll be back before you know it."

"Promise?" Ivory says.

"I promise I'll be back." He says giving Ivory the biggest hug.

"Until I come back you'll be safe with Nana."

"Kay..." Ivory says getting tears in her sad eyes.

"Come here Ivory." Nat says holding her arms out for the girl. Ivory immediately ran to Natasha and clung to her like a Koala.

"I love you Kid," Steve says wiping the tears from her sad eyes.

"Kay..." Ivory says refusing to look at Steve. Steve and Sam looked at each other before looking at the toddler.

"We'll be back soon, sweet girl. Sam-I-am wouldn't lie to you..."

"Kay..." Ivory says also refusing to look at Sam as well.

"I think you guys should get going...she'll be okay..." Nat said to the pair, allowing Ivory to lay her head in the crook of her neck.

"Okay..." Steve sighed knowing he couldn't bare to see the girl so upset. "I'll see you both soon."

"Okay, later Steve...you too Sam. Be careful out there." Natasha says watching as the two men headed for the door.

"We will." Steve says looking at Nat and ivory one last time before following Sam out the door, closing the door behind them.

"S-Steve going bye-bye?"

"It's okay sweets...he'll be back." Nat says holding the girl on her hip.

"He comin home soon?"

"Yes sweets...soon."


"Uncle Steve is still on a trip." Nat replies.

"He comin back?" Ivory asks.

"I...I don't know sweets...I sure hope he does..." Natasha replies holding Ivory on her hip.

"Hey Nana!?"

"Yes Ivory?"

"I goin home?" Ivory asks. Nat sighed instantly trying to think of a way to answer the girl's question.

"I don't know when...but yes...you're going home...soon."

"W-With my Daddy?"

"Yes ma'am. You'll be seeing your daddy very soon." She says to the girl hugging her tightly. Nat held Ivory on her hip and looked out the window to see Clint had been outside with the kids.

"I see Clint outside with Lila and Nathaniel..."

"Cooper too?" Ivory asked.

"I don't see Cooper...sometimes Cooper likes to stay inside. You wanna go out and see what they're doing?" Nat asks.

"Um...yeah!" Ivory says racing to the door. Natasha followed the girl to the door, and opened it for her.

"Clint!" Nat yelled out to the man, causing him to turn his head her way.

"You got company!" Nat says pointing out the child who had already been running out to join Clint and his children.

"Got it!" Clint yelled back, the girl taking his hand almost instantly. Nat smiled and closed the door behind her knowing she would be okay with Clint. While Ivory had been outside, Nat decided to take advantage of the time by using her time to call T'Challa.

Natasha and Steve always tried to avoid talking about "home" in front of Ivory incase things fell through and she wasn't going to be leaving right away. Truthfully Nat had been procrastinating making the call, but only because she grew to love Ivory so much, and she knew the time was near for Ivory to leave her.

She dialed the number T'Challa had given them and sat and waited while the line rang.

"Hello? Captain Rogers?"

"Hi T'Challa it's actually me...Romanoff." Nat replied.

"Ohh Agent Romanoff! I'm so glad to be hearing from you. Where is Captain Rogers?"

"He's been away with Wilson on an underground mission...it's been about three weeks and I think he's coming back soon, but I don't know yet...anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Ivory..."

"Ahh, sweet Ivory. You think she is ready to come to Wakanda?"

"She's been ready for a while now...it's just us...we weren't ready for her to go." Natasha admits with a chuckle. "We've just spent so much time with her that it's getting harder and harder to let her go, but we know...keeping her from Wakanda would be selfish of us so Steve and I both agreed that she should go."

"It always happens that way...you become attached to a child, and they quickly start to feel like your own." T'Challa replies. "She will be in good hands when she gets here. Do you know when you will be dropping her off?"

"I-I don't know...I was hoping Steve would get back before we bring her but he still isn't back yet. He wanted to be there to say goodbye." Natasha explains.

"Oh I see..."

"How's Barnes? Is he still in cryo?"

"Yes, he's back under...he's not passing his trials but we are doing everything we can to help him pass...so technically speaking he may still be under when Ivory comes."

"That's okay, as long as we get her there that's all that matters...I feel like the longer we wait, the more difficult it will be for her you know?"

"Absolutely, I understand..." T'Challa replies. "Well how about this...you let me know when Captain Rogers is due to return and we'll go from there. Sound like a plan?"

"Sounds like a plan to me your highness. I'll definitely be in touch."

"Okay, you take care!"

"You as well, bye now."

"NANA!?" Ivory screams causing Nat to jump.

"Ivory...I thought you were outside with Uncle Clint?"

"Uh-no..." Ivory says shaking her head.

"What's the matter? You have to go potty?"

"Uh-yeah..." Ivory says nodding her head.

"Go ahead, I'll meet you there." Nat chuckled following the girl to the bathroom. By the time Nat got to the bathroom, Ivory had been sitting on the potty, her shorts laid out on the floor, while she swung her legs back and forth and sadly looked at the ground.

"What's wrong sweets? Why the sad face?" Nat asked the girl, pulling up the stool to sit next to her.

"New pants." Ivory pouted wiping her eyes.

"You need new pants?" Nat said rubbing the girl's back. "It's okay, accidents happen...Remember, Nan's got you, I'll be right back."

Natasha was quick to run and get Ivory dry underwear and dry shorts and sat them on the edge of the sink while she waited for Ivory to be done.


"Yes Ivory?"

"Daddy on the phone?" Ivory asked referring to the phone conversation she had walked into.

"Y-Yeah...I talked to daddy." Nat lied not wanting to upset the girl any further.

"He say Hi!?" Ivory asked excitedly.

"Yep, he sure did." Nat says. "...and he said he misses you and he loves you very much."

"I miss daddy..."

"I know you do sweetheart."

"I see him soon?" Ivory asks.

"I don't know how soon, but yes soon...Are you all done going potty?"

"Uh-yeah!" Ivory says getting up, allowing Nat to clean her off before putting her clean shorts on.

"Thank you Nana."

"You're welcome sweets. Wash your hands and then you can go back out to play."

"Kay!" Ivory says excitedly washing her hands.

"Hey Nana!?"

"Hey Ivory?" Nat chuckled at the girl who had been ready to ask her fourth question.

"Wh-When Uncle Steve comin back?" Ivory asked causing Nat to frown. As of now that was the one question Natasha truly didn't have the answer to.

"I don't know when...but I'm sure he'll be back soon."

"Oh...Kay." Ivory says with a sigh.

"Need a hug?"

"Uh-huh." Ivory said nodding and running into the woman's arms.

"I love you Nana..."

"I love you too sweets." Nat says kissing the girl's forehead.

"I be back, Kay Nana?"

"Okay Ivory, you have fun playing!" Nat says smiling as she let the child back out the door. She watched out the window and saw Clint had been waiting for her. He took the girl's hand and the pair wandered probably somewhere on the property, but Nat trusted that Clint wouldn't let anything happen to her.

After she watched Ivory wander off with Clint she sat down at the computer to check her emails for any sign of Steve.

It seemed a little bizarre but e-mail was the easiest way for her to reach Steve while he was away.

She was surprised to see an email from Steve that he sent 8 hours ago.

It read:

"Nat, it's so good to hear from you again, Sam and I have been hanging in there. This terrorist group is starting to die down, but they're still running wild over here, and it's still seems like things are crazy here. How is Little love? I miss her...Tell our sweet girl Uncle Steve loves her so much! Anything new?


"Oh Steve..." Nat says to herself. She missed having Steve around just as much as Ivory did but Nat knew she'd see him again but she was more concerned about Ivory not seeing him before she goes to Wakanda.

She took a minute to think before finally issuing a reply to Steve's email. The two of them always made sure to speak in code and to keep things brief but what Nat had to tell the man definitely wasn't going to be brief.

Nat replied to Steve saying:

"Steve, I will not lie to you it's definitely been lonely around here without you. The little and I miss you like crazy, but Little love...possibly misses you a little bit more than me...

She's been doing a good job using the potty, I think she'll be fully potty trained before the week is out. She's gotten better with eating, I recently discovered she loves strawberry yogurt at breakfast, she's getting even better with using her words, and she will talk all day long if you let her, and as I told you before, she still loves sitting at the Weeping Willow tree predicting the day you return, and asks about seeing 'Uncle' and 'Daddy'. I believe she's definitely ready to go home which brings me to my next thing...

I need you to tell me when you will be back...If you can, I need you to call me to discuss things more in depth."


Natasha sighed and closed the computer down and in about five minutes, her phone rang.

Nat stared at her phone for a brief moment seeing a number that she didn't recognize meaning it was probably Steve. Without asking any further questions, Nat answered the phone.


"Hey Nat, it's me Steve!"

"Oh my gosh Rogers, I'll be damned...you actually read your emails?!" Nat teased.

"I'm sorry about not keeping in touch as often...things have been a little crazy on this end." Steve explains.

"I know, I'm just messing with you." Nat chuckled. "Anyway I guess I'll make this quick..."

"What is it?" Steve asks. "Is Ivory okay?"

"She's fine but this has a lot to do with her...so I spoke with T'Challa today and I told him that we feel like she's ready for Wakanda, but I told him I wouldn't be bringing her back until you were back from your mission...so do you know when you'll be back?"

"It's actually funny you say that, we actually just left out this morning. Things are still kind of a mess back there but we decided to hold off and just revisit once we have better staffing." Steve says making Natasha laugh.

"You're short?" Nat asks chuckling.

"Yeah...we could really use your help but I know you want to wait for Ivory to go to Wakanda.

"Well that's probably going to happen soon now that you're on your way back. How's Wilson?"

"He's good. It's his turn to fly right now which is why I actually had time to read my emails." Steve replies with a chuckle. "But honestly I'd say we're due back in Iowa in about 2 days..."

"Okay, so when you come, we're gonna take her right to Wakanda?"

"Yep...that seems to be what it's looking like, that's going to be our plan." Steve says with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Nat asks hearing the disappointment in Steve's voice.


"No, it's something..."

"I guess I just can't believe..."

"...That it's already happening?" Nat says finishing the man's sentence.

"Yeah...I don't know what we're gonna do with ourselves once she's home..." Steve chuckled.

"We're gonna be in the Middle East taking down possible chitauri associates...I much rather be hanging out with our little love though, I'll tell you that." Nat says.

"I know...me too...I know I promised Bucky I wouldn't do this, but this day was a long time coming but it's definitely time." Steve replies. "...so, I guess I'll see you in two days?"

"Yep...two days..."

~~~To Be Continued~~~

Author's Note:

First and foremost I can't even believe that 'Worth Fighting for' has already made it to 3k reads! I also went back and took a look at 'Plums' the first book and it's reached a good 19k reads!🤯 you all know I don't usually pay the reads any mind but I just couldn't believe how popular this story has gotten in a few short months and I owe it all to my readers/supporters! You guys are the best!

Soon we'll be seeing the reunion you've all been waiting for...I hope y'all are ready! I was also thinking about a possible time jump in the near future, but we will see!😉

I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far, and I appreciate you all for continuing to follow this story! Stay tuned, more updates are coming soon!

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