From Miami To Japan (Hotline...

By Mr-Grimm87

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Taking place shortly before the ending of Hotline Miami 2 Wrong Number. Throughout the city of Miami, people... More

The Masks and Their Abilities
The Masks and Their Abilities, Part 2
Harem 1
Harem 2
Prologue: The Visitors
Chapter 1: Hotline Japan
Chapter 2: 1-800-GETAGIRLFRIEND
Chapter 3: A Date Worth Falling For
Chapter 4: House Call
Chapter 5: A Meeting With the Devils
Chapter 6: Reunion Part 1
Chapter 7: Reunion Part 2
Chapter 8: Contract Work For the Devils

Chapter *ERROR*: WAKE UP

3.3K 74 83
By Mr-Grimm87

(Y/N)'s pov


It's pretty much all I can see right now. Hell, I can't even see my surroundings, how long does it take for the dreams to start? The last thing I remember seeing before going to sleep was the face of my fallen girlfriend. Still how long-

Wake Up

Huh, who said that?

Wake Up

*start the song*




Where's that sound coming from? It sounds terrifyingly familiar...

Then before my eyes, a glowing white light appears ways away from me and seems to be approaching me at a fast rate. As the light was getting closer and closer, my head starts hurting like crazy as there was also a high pitch ringing sound in my ears causing me to put my hands over my ears, trying to block out this deafening sound. But before I even knew it, the white light had already engulf me, leaving the only thing I could do to be to close me eyes and look away.

You've Done Enough... Time To Let Go

Honestly I don't any clue on how long I staring at nothing except the color white but eventually my eyes slowly begin to open. Glancing up towards the ceiling, there was a bright ceiling light over top of me with a light gray ceiling surrounding it although I didn't spend much time focusing on it as I quickly close my eyes again while I wait for my eyes to readjust to my surroundings. Shifting around a little in the bed I was in, it feels uncomfortable almost like a hospital bed.

After a minute or two of just laying around, I proceed to sit up and rub the back of my head, however something felt off. From rubbing my head, it felt like a bunch of cloth was wrapped around the top of my head. Opening my eyes and looking up, I pull on the cloth and quickly find out it was bandages. Letting go of the bandages, I then look down at my body to see that instead of my normal clothes I was wearing a hospital gown. Looking away from my body and around the room, I realized that I was no longer in the comfort of my own home but instead I was in a hospital.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) *while looking around* "How in the world did I end up here? (out loud) Mom? Raynare? Richard? Don? Rasmus?... Anyone?"

You're All Alone Now

(Y/N): *clutches his head* "Argh, where is that voice coming from?!"

Letting go of my head once the voice was gone, I was about to get out of bed until I heard the door handle begin to turn and what sounded like two voices coming from the other side of the door.

???: "Hey, doc! Any news on the kid?"

???: *opening the door* "Look officer, I'm just here to do a routine check up on my patient. I can't say anything for sure."

Quickly, I lay back down in my bed and pull the blanket over me to make it look like I never got up. As the door was opening up, I close my eyes and remain completely still, pretending to be asleep.

After I got into place, I hear two pairs of footsteps enter the room and still questioning what is going on, I listened in on their conversation.

No one's pov

Walking into (Y/N)'s hospital room were two people, a police officer and a doctor. Shutting the door behind them, the officer goes to sit down in one of the chairs while the doctor goes over to to (Y/N)'s bedside.

Over the next few minutes, the doctor does a standard check up of (Y/N), making sure he is still stable and doing alright. Though at certain points of the check up like when the doctor checked (Y/N)'s heart rate, (Y/N) made absolutely sure not to move a muscle or lose his cool and risk being found out. After finishing up and writing a couple things down on a clipboard, the doctor looks at (Y/N) for one more test.

Doctor: "(Y/N)?... Can you hear me, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): *pretending to be asleep* "..."

Letting out a sigh, the doctor walks away from (Y/N)'s bed and over to the police officer, who stands up from his seat upon seeing the doctor approach him.

Police Officer: *crosses his arms while briefly glancing over to (Y/N)* "So how is he, doc?"

Doctor: *looks at his clipboard* "Nothing has change from last time which could be a good thing."

Police Officer: "Yeah maybe... Hey, doc! When's the kid going to wake up?"

Doctor: "I don't know... He's been in a coma for weeks now."

Police Officer: "But he is going to wake up... right? This kid is a prime suspect in a major case!"

Doctor: "Look, my guess is as good as yours! Though I can say it might take a while. *sigh* He's still not fully healed from the surgery..."

Police Officer: "Is there nothing you can do? We need this guy! You people weren't able to save his family or his girlfriend... I mean, we've got the perp who shot 'em in the locker. But that asshole ain't saying shit!"

Doctor: "And what makes you think this guy will...?"

Police Officer: "... *lets out a huff* You're probably right, but he still is major part of the case and we need him... Just do what you got to do, doc."

Doctor: "We're trying our very best, okay? But right now it's up to him to wake up."

Police Officer: *rubs his forehead with his police cap* "Fine."

Wrapping up this conversation, the doctor and officer begin to leave the room.

(Y/N)'s pov

Hearing their footsteps going towards the door, I open one of my eyes and see the back of the doctor before the door could shut back. Now alone once again in the room, I sit back up and move to the edge of the bed.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Okay this has got to be a dream, there ain't no way everything from the last few days or weeks was just a coma dream. Wait a minute, what that cop say again? You weren't able to save his family or his girlfriend and they the perp that shot 'em in the locker. Are they... talking about Ricther? *comes to the realization* Oh fuck."

No wonder this place feels so familiar like I've been here before because I have! From the hospital room, to my clothes, to even the conversation between the doctor and cop. I first though that I was back to my previous life but when thinking things over a little more, I realized there were a couple things different this time compared to last time, namely I look much younger and that the cop mention my family were also killed by Ricther. If I recall correctly from my previous life, on the night when the shooting happened, Ricther only shot me and my girlfriend. He never met or even saw my family since I don't really keep in contact with them much and weren't living close by either. 

(Y/N): "Man, just thinking about this situation is stressful... *looks down at his arm* If this really is a dream, guest there's one way to find out."

To check to see if this was a dream, I pinch myself, sending a slight jolt of pain through my arm.

(Y/N): (quiet) "Ow... looks like I ain't dreaming or at least its going to take more to wake up."

Stop Breathing... There's No Point In Fighting Back

(Y/N): "Arghhh... *gets off of the bed* I need to get out of here."

Setting my two feet on the ground, I stumble over to the door and crack the door open slightly. Peeking outside my room, I see the cop from earlier sitting right outside the door, reading a newspaper. Before he could notice the door cracked open, I slowly close the door back making sure to slowly let off the door handle and not make any unnecessary noise. 

Stumbling away from the door, I head to the other side of the room where the window is as quick as I could.

Don't Do Anything Rash

However just as I was about to reach the window, my head begins to hurt badly and I could hear an ear piercing ring through my ears. Clutching my head in pain, I crouch down on one knee as I wait for the pain to subside.


 Think Things Over 

The headache soon went away after a few moments, allowing me to stand back up and get back to moving around. Walking up to the window, I open it and look out to see the ledge running across the side of the building. Climbing out of the window, I begin to hug the wall and shimmy my way along the ledge, trying to keep myself from looking downwards too much. After passing by a few different hospital rooms, I make it to one hospital room that had its window left open, but as I was just about to re-enter the building, a part of the ledge breaks off and begins spiraling down towards the ground.

No one's pov 

Down on the ground level just outside of the hospital, a businessman is seen walking pass the hospital while talking on the phone.

Businessman: *talking to the phone* "Yeah... Yeah and Liz, I want you to set up a meeting with a head honchos as soon as possible... What do you mean I don't have room in my schedule?... Then make some room for a meeting, cancel a business lunch or something, I got some really important matters to discuss-"



Businessman: *holds the top of his head in pain and leans forward* "Ow!... Ow! What the hell was that?!"

Looking down in front of him, the businessman sees a bloody piece of stone and then taking his hand off his head and bringing down in front of his face for him to see that his there was blood on his hand. Placing his hand back on top of his head, the businessman looks up towards the sky to figure out where that stone came from. Looking up for a possible source, the businessman only finds a open window and a broke ledge but no person. However before he could focus on the sight anymore, he starts to get dizzy, forcing him to look back down.

While he was in pain, he was still on the phone with his assistant Liz.

Liz: (over the phone) "Uh, is everything okay, sir?"

Businessman: *puts the phone back up to his ear* "On second thought, Liz, cancel everything I have planned for today. I'm taking off early... And if someone from upper management asks about me, just tell them I'm at the hospital getting a check up... Have a good rest of your day, bye."

Hanging up the phone, the businessman slowly walks inside of the hospital as blood drips onto the ground below him.

(Y/N)'s pov

(Y/N): *peeking out the window* "Phew, that was close."

Turning away from the window, I start to walk towards the room door but before I could make it far, my right arm begins to feel like its on fire, specifically around the spot where my tattoo was. Placing my hand over the tattoo, I hold back my screams in order to keep myself from being found out as I wait for the burning to stop. Once I feel the burning start to go away, I then lift my gown's sleeve to show that my tattoo was glowing.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Now what in the world caused that reaction to happen? I know I didn't say set checkpoint or anything."

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. Walking into the room was a nurse, who at the moment hasn't noticed me yet.

Nurse: *walking towards the window minding her own business* "Hmm hmm hmm..."

But as soon as the nurse laid eyes on me, she jumped back and screamed.

Nurse: "AHHHH!!! What are you doing in here, you shouldn't be out of your room yet! *runs out of the hospital room* Security!"

After she ran out of the room, I could hear multiple pairs of footsteps rapidly approaching me. However before I could security she call could come rushing in, my headache suddenly returns causing me to clutch my head and fall to the ground.

Once I hit the ground, my entire vision goes white. All I could hear was that annoying ring in my ears.


As the ringing slowly went away, I close my eyes and upon reopening them, I find myself still in hospital room. At first it didn't seem like nothing changed but my thoughts quickly changed when I look at the tattoo to see its glow slowly fading away, indicating that I went a few seconds back in time.

Then just like clockwork, the room door began to open again and in walked the same nurse from last time.

Nurse: *walking towards the window still oblivious to (Y/N)* "Hmm hmm hmm..."

Now instead of standing around like a deer in headlights, I quickly dash over to one of beds and slide underneath it right as the nurse was walking by me. The nurse didn't seem to notice me one bit as she continued over to the window. There, she reaches out and shuts the window back.

Nurse: *locks the window* "Alright, almost forgot to shut this back. Don't want to get in trouble another bird flying into the hospital again."

Looking out from under the bed, I watch as the nurse walks out of the room and once the coast is clear, I crawl out from under the bed. Popping my back a couple times, I then return to my main mission: escaping this hospital... again.

Opening the door and poking my head out, I glance down the hall and see that cop still sitting in front of my hospital room with his nose stuck in that newspaper of his. Turning my head to look in front of me, there was a white door with a radiation warning on it. It also seem to be left cracked open. 

Deciding between either walking pass the cop, risking the possibly of him looking up from the paper and discovering me, or going through the white door and around the cop, though it may take longer.

Deciding to be a little daring, I wait until the cop turned to the next page and stuck his head back into his newspaper. When the timing was right, I stepped out of the room and begin to make my way down the hallway, passing by the distracted cop, but before I could make it into another room or even far enough away from the cop, a voice comes into my head to distract me.

Is (Y/N) Even Your Real Name?

I try to block out the voice although in doing so, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and that caused me to stumble into a table and knock off a potted plant. Because of how slow I was feeling, I wasn't able to catch the plant before it hit the ground, shattering into pieces.


Police Officer:  *looks up from his paper* "Huh? *notices (Y/N) out of his room* Hey! Where do you think you're going, prick? I guess we better put restraints on you!"

Getting up from his chair, the cop reaches behind his back and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. While the cop walks towards me, I couldn't fight back or run away as my head suddenly began to hurt once again. Collapsing to the floor while using the table to try and support myself, everything around me start to become white and the damn ringing returned with a vengeance.


Closing my eyes, I waited for the ringing to go away and once it was gone, I open my eyes to find myself back next to the open window in the hospital room. Repeating the process of sneaking pass the nurse, I find myself back at the door, deciding which way to go. Deciding to play it safe this time, I waited until the cop was distracted and then dashed into the adjacent room, shutting the white door behind me.

Thankfully when I entered the room there was no one in here other then myself. Looking around the room, there was a bunch of equipment such as a diagnostic medical scanner. Heading straight for the door to the next room, I was about to open the door until something stopped me.

???: "(Y/N)..."

Turning around to find the source, I notice a girl laying on the table in front of the scanner. Approaching the operating table, I took notice of the girl's outfit which was a simple green tank top and pink shorts. Getting a look at the girl's face, I jumped at the sight of the familiar face.

Girlfriend: (image above) *tilts her head towards (Y/N)* "Why did you leave me to die?"

Hearing that, I was at a lost of words and the only thing I did was continue to focus on the girl who happen to be my previous girlfriend. However before I could focus on girlfriend any longer, I place a hand over my eyes and lean my head back a bit as my vision fades in and out of white.

She's Already Dead

Coming back down to reality and lightly shaking my head, I look back to the table only to find nothing was there, not even a single hair was left.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "It was only a hallucination... *rubs his head* Man, I must really be going insane."

Carrying on through the next room which pretty much seem to be a basic operating room, I poke my head out of another doctor to a find a big hallway and at the end of the hallway was an elevator. Granted there were a few doctors patrolling around and that cop still sitting on his ass but I could figure something out.

Once again playing it safe, I waited until the cop was distract and there were no doctors in sight before making my move to the other side of the building.

Avoid The Green Light

 Getting to the other side of the building, I go to open the door on the right but it doesn't budge. Looking down at the handle, I quickly figure out the problem... it needs a bloody keycard.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Well ain't this load of shit."

Before I could think of what to do next, I heard the sound of crumbling paper coming from beside me. Guess the cop is about to look up while he changes pages. Frantically, I duck into the room behind me right as the cop looked up.

Inside that room it apparently was an office. And lady luck must be on my side because there, sitting on the corner of the desk, was a keycard. 

(Y/N): "Talk about convenient."

Grabbing the keycard, I backtrack to the lock door. Thankfully, the cop wasn't paying attention at the moment, giving me plenty of time to swipe the card and get inside the room.

Throwing the keycard away, I find myself walking into a lounge area. As nice as it would to take a nap on the sofa, I want get out of this hospital. Passing through the next two rooms, which included playing ring around the lockers with a doctor, I find myself standing a few feet away from the elevator. Quickly getting into elevator before I could be spotted, I press the button for first floor. Once the elevator doors closed and the elevator begins to go down, I just lean back and enjoy the ride down.

The Shadows Are Your Friend. Remember This

(Time skip, brought to you by chibi (Y/N) listening to some elevator music)

Floor 3...


Floor 2...


Floor 1...


(Y/N): "Finally."

Getting off the wall. I stand in front of the elevator doors, waiting for the doors to open.

After a second, the doors open and I am immediately met by a hospital staff member, who was holding three sub sandwiches in his hands. The both of us just stand there looking at each other confused.

Staff Member: *looking (Y/N) over* "Huh? Who are-"

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Oh crap."

Staff Member: "Hey! Wait a minute, you're a patient. You aren't allowed to be out here. Return to your room at once. Before I call security!"

(Y/N): *doesn't move* "..."

Staff Member: "Tsk. *turns away from (Y/N) and begins yelling out* Security! I need some assistance over here! We got one trying to escape!"

Before the staff member could continue calling out for backup, I quickly lean out of the elevator and grab the guy by his shoulder, turning him back around to face me. Pulling my fist back, I then punch the guy in the throat, silencing him for a moment. As he started coughing, the staff member drops the sandwiches and immediately grabs ahold of his throat while he begins to stumble in place. 

Briefly stepping out to glance around the area, I see no-one in the immediate vicinity giving me the perfect chance to subdue the staff member. Grabbing him by the shoulders, I forcibly drag the staff member into the elevator.

Inside the elevator, I throw the guy up against the wall, making him slam his head up against the wall before dropping to the floor. Glancing over to the call button panel, I reach over and repeatedly press the close doors button. 

Once the doors started to close, I walk over to the dazed staff member. Kneeling down next to him, I put him into a chokehold. As I tighten my hold on him, the staff member comes to and in a panic, raises his arms to try and break free from the chokehold. Continuing to apply pressure for the next 10 or so seconds, I eventually felt less resistance coming from the staff member to the point where I felt him go limp.

Letting go of the unconscious staff member, I stand up and was about to reopen the elevator doors until I stopped and looked back over at the unconscious guy. Then looking between my hospital gown and the guy's uniform, a brilliant idea enters my head. Stripping out of my gown and tearing off the bandages around my head, I go over and take the staffs member's uniform right off of him, leaving him only in his boxers. Thankfully while I was putting the uniform on, the clothes were a perfect fit for me. My plan is to use this staff uniform as a disguise to sneak right out the front door of this place. 

(Y/N): *looking over his disguise* "Hmm... This disguise might just work... Though it probably would work better if I was bald but what can you do?"

While I was making sure my pants were pulled up, I felt something in my pocket. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out a keycard that apparently went to the morgue one floor below me.

(Y/N): *looking over the keycard* "Should I or should I just leave?"

I don't know why but something was telling me to go investigate the morgue even though the escape was right in front of me. It was very tempting.

(Y/N): "... *sigh* I'm probably going to regret this."

Instead of pressing the button to open the elevator doors, I press the button for the basement floor. As the elevator begin to move down, I take a seat on top of the unconscious guy's back and relax. 

Next stop: the morgue. 

*stop the song*













Gold. It's Your Ticket To Freedom

No one's pov

*play the song*

Down in the depths of the hospital's basement was the morgue, the place where deceased individuals are kept. Outside of the ceiling lights and surgical lights, this place pretty much had no sources of light, the temperature was cold, and atmosphere reeked of death. 

Shifting perspective over to the elevator, a ding is soon heard coming from it as the doors open up. On the other side stood (Y/N) dressed in his doctor disguise. Stepping out of the elevator, (Y/N) looks around at the new environment he has found himself in. However after stepping out, (Y/N) suddenly stops in his place as he grips his arm in pain. In the quietness of the room, the slight sound of sizzling sound of flesh could be heard.

(Y/N): *grunts in pain* "Ugh."

Keeping himself from letting out anymore painful sounds, (Y/N) soon releases his arm once the pain dies down. Looking down at his arm, he finds out that the tattoo reacted again without any input from him, and in a strange way, the tattoo burned a hole right through the jacket I was wearing, exposing itself to the world.

(Y/N): "Never did that before. Actually, outside of the first time, the ability never really hurt while using it... Something ain't right."

Continuing to explore the area, (Y/N) comes across a pair of steel and glass doors. Walking up to the doors, (Y/N) notices a card reader beside the door frame and glancing through the window, he sees only two people inside. Currently the two workers were busy examining a corpse.

Done peeking through the glass, (Y/N) pulls out his keycard and swipes it through the card reader. After a second of processing, the card reader's light changes from red to green, unlocking the doors, and thus (Y/N) opened a door and made his way inside. Once in, (Y/N) quietly shuts the door behind him before crouching down behind a table to avoid being spotted. Then sneaking around, (Y/N) manages to hide behind a some appliances which puts him into a position close enough to listen in on the two morgue worker's conversation.

Mortuary Assistant: "Hey so... when's lunch?"

Pathologist: *stops examining the corpse and looks up at his coworker* "Is this really the time for that?"

Mortuary Assistant: "Yeah it is. *holds his stomach* I think I can already feel my stomach eating itself."

Pathologist: *goes back to examining the corpse* "Quit your bitching. Time will go by faster if you just shut up and work... Anyway get ready to write down what I'm about to say."

Mortuary Assistant: *grabs a clipboard and pen* "Alright, ready on you... (under his breath) asshole."

Pathologist: *points his finger at his assistant* "Hey! Don't you go getting an attitude with me, buddy. Just because this place has security doesn't mean I'm afraid to beat your ass."

Mortuary Assistant: "Okay, jeez... Ready when you are, sir."

Pathologist: "That's better... The cause of death was from intense third degree burns spanning the upper jaw down to her stomach. Most of serious damage is around the chest cavity. My best guess would be from some kind of an explosion."

Mortuary Assistant: *writing that down* "Damn, poor girl."

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "A girl?"

Pathologist: "Yeah but that ain't it. *grabs the body and lifts it up for the assistance to see her back* If you would notice her back, there are a significant amount of bruises here especially this one. *points at a dark purple bruise over where the spine is* When I looked into that one earlier, I found that her spine had completely fractured, paralyzing her from the neck down."

Mortuary Assistant: *flinches* "Ouch. What do you think caused that?"

Pathologist: "Not sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if the explosion that caused the damage on the front would have launched her back into a tree or something like that, with enough speed to cause her spine to fracture like it did."

Mortuary Assistant: "Is that everything? *the pathologist nods* Then what was the girl's name? That way we can reach out to any relatives and see what they want to do with the body."

Pathologist: *puts a finger up to his chin* "Um... I believe it was-"


Feeling his headache return, (Y/N) stops focusing on the conversation and clutches his head until he could feel the pain start to fade away. Shaking his head a bit as his vision clears up, (Y/N) quickly returns to listening in on the doctor's conversation.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) *rubs his head* "This is really starting to get on my nerves. It's like some annoying gameplay mechanic..."

Mortuary Assistant: "(L/N)?"

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Huh?"

Mortuary Assistant: "I'll go ahead and notify the family and see what they wish to do with the body."

Pathologist: *waves his assistant off* "Don't even bother. Besides her boyfriend, the rest of the immediate family is dead."

Mortuary Assistant: "Then I'll go ask the boyfriend."

Pathologist: "Heh, good luck with that, if you haven't heard, the boyfriend has been stuck in a coma for the last few weeks. Heck, there has been no news of him waking up yet so I think he's going to care if we get dispose of the body, much less if he even remembers he HAD a girlfriend. *zips up the body bag and points in a direction of the morgue* Anyway bring the gurney over here."

Putting his clipboard down, the assistant walks to a nearby gurney before pushing it over to table where the body bag is. 

Pathologist: *walks over to one end of table* "You grab one end and I'll grab the other."

Following his instruction, the assistance goes to the opposite end and grabs the other end of the body bag. 

Pathologist: *grabs his end of the body bag* "Lift on three... 1... 2... 3."

Lifting the body bag up, the two workers proceed to move the body onto the gurney. As they were moving it, the assistance asks the pathologist a question.

Mortuary Assistant: "So... about lunch?"

Letting out a groan, the pathologist brings his arm up and looks at his watch.

Pathologist: "We'll call lunch after we finish up with this person."

Mortuary Assistant: "Yes! Oh man, I can't wait to have a sub from that sandwich joint around the corner. Taste just like what mama use to make."

Pathologist: "Now that you mention it, wonder what's taking John so long to get back? Maybe their having a busy day? *once the body bag is placed on the gurney* I don't know, but before we leave for lunch, take this body bag and leave it over with the other two. We'll toss them into the furnace after lunch."

Mortuary Assistant: *starts moving the gurney* "Got it."

Hearing the gurney roll away and the sound of footsteps coming his way, (Y/N) sneaks around the appliance he is currently hiding behind just as the pathologist passes by. A few seconds later after leaving the body bag where he was told, the assistance comes rushes up to the pathologist before slowing down to walk next to him.

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Wonder what's so special about that body. Might as well go check it out."

With curiosity getting the better of him, (Y/N) begins to sneak off to search for the body bag the workers were examining.

Meanwhile in a different part of the basement, a male figure dressed in black and camo gray armor is seen walking down a hallway only stopping upon reaching the electrical room. Stepping inside and quietly closing the door behind him, the unknown man is met with a ton of electrical equipment. Then reaching behind him, the man pulls out a modified Compact-5 and begins to shoot up the entire room, destroying various amounts of circuit breakers, transformers, fuse boxes, and the like. With each electrical device destroyed, the lights begin to flicker as the man reloads his gun with a new magazine before continuing to trash the room. Thanks to the gun's custom suppressor, there was no sound coming from the gun to bring attention. 

Soon there was only one fuse box left and pointing his gun towards it, the man proceeds to dump the rest of his mag into the fuse box, making it far beyond repair. With the final fuse box destroyed, the unknown man then turns to the camera as the entire building's power goes out. Before long, two bright green dots appear in the now dark room. 

Back in the morgue, while the two workers were heading towards the exit, (Y/N) was sneaking towards the where he saw the assistance take the gurney. However to the surprise of everyone, the power suddenly goes out and after a couple of seconds, the backup generators kick in and restore some power to the building. 

Pathologist: (frustrated) "Oh, gosh damn it! Why in the world did the power have to go out now of all times?"

Mortuary Assistant: "Do you think a patient stuck a fork into a electrical outlet?"

Pathologist: "I hope not, that would just put more work on us. Seems like we're going have to take the stairs." 

The two workers then start to leave but before they could walk out the doors, they stop upon hearing the pattering of footsteps rapidly approaching them. Turning to the sound, the two are caught off guard when a foot comes flying towards the assistances face.


Pathologist: "Who are you?! This area is off limit-"


As the unknown attacker was beating the pathologist, his assistance recovers from the kick to witness his co-worker being brutally beaten. With fear overcoming him, the assistance begins to back away but he couldn't get away before the attacker turned his attention to him.

Mortuary Assistant: *looking around* "Somebody... Help me! *starts getting a nightstick pressed on his throat* Ah... puh... pa.. ah-"


Curious about the whole commotion, (Y/N) quietly makes his way back towards them. Hiding behind a table, (Y/N) peeks his head out and sees the lifeless body of the assistance on the floor. Then a pair of hands in black combat gloves come out and grab the corpse by his legs before dragging him out of sight. 

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "That's totally not creeping at all."

Staying by his current position for a moment, (Y/N) looks around the room in an effort to find who or what did that. Not finding anything, (Y/N) soon gives up looking and returns to searching for the body bag. However throughout his search, (Y/N) couldn't shake the eerie feeling that he is being stalked.

With a bit of navigation, (Y/N) soon finds a well lit area with three body bags all separated by a few feet from each other. Questioning which body bag was the one from earlier, (Y/N) then randomly picks by playing eeny meeny miny moe. 

(Y/N): *starts pointing his finger between all three body bags* Eeny meeny miny moe. Catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe... *stops on the middle body bag but then resumes choosing* But my mother told me to pick this one right over here."

Coming to the end, (Y/N)'s finger lands on the body bag to the right.

(Y/N): "Well, right's always right."

With the decision made, (Y/N) starts to approach the right body bag, but before he could open it, he heard a light flicker on followed by a dreaded sound that would give many Payday players PTSD.

(Y/N): *play the video* "... Uh you've got to be kidding me."

Turning towards the sound, (Y/N) immediately gets dropkicked, knocking him on his ass. Looking up at his attacker, (Y/N) finds it to be an old enemy from his past.  

(with the black smoke)

Nightmare Cloaker: *raises his nightstick* "Did you miss me, cocksucker, *starts hitting (Y/N)* because I miss beating the absolute shit out of you!"

Alternating between hits with the nightstick and kicks, the cloaker brutally beats down the incapacitated (Y/N). With more and more pain being inflicted on his body, (Y/N) begins to fade in and out of consciousness before giving up and going limp.





Opening his eyes, (Y/N) sits up as he rubs his eyes while lightly shaking his head. 

(Y/N): *cracks his neck* "Oh man, I have not miss that. *looks around* Huh? Where- where am I this time?"

True to his word, (Y/N) had no idea where he was at currently because right now the area he woke up in wasn't anywhere near the elevator he previously saved at. In fact everything about his surroundings were different because now the morgue looked like something you would find out of a Silent Hill game. It was dark, dirty, abandoned, and creepy. 


(Y/N): *picks himself up off the ground* "So much for walking out... Huh?"

Looking himself over, (Y/N) finds that he is no longer in the doctor's disguise but instead is back in his normal clothes. Judging by all the boxes and junk around him, (Y/N) reasons that he is currently in a storage room. After getting his bearings, (Y/N) proceeds to leave the storage room he is in. 

Exiting the storage room, (Y/N) walks into a long dark hallway that seems to have some structural damage throughout the hallway. Walking down the hallway, (Y/N) makes it halfway before hearing footsteps coming from in front of him and then at the end of the hallway, a door opens. Standing on the other side of the door was the cloaker, who is currently unaware of (Y/N)'s presents. Walking into the hallway, the cloaker begins to make his way towards (Y/N). 

Looking around for somewhere to hide, (Y/N) notices a big gap, with enough space to fit only one person, in the wall next to him that was being concealed in the shadows. With the cloaker getting closer and closer by the second, (Y/N) comes to a decision. Then quickly but quietly, (Y/N) moves to the gap where he proceeds to squeeze into the tight space. Once hidden in the darknees of the shadows, (Y/N) slows his breathing and remains quiet to avoid being found out. Soon, the cloaker comes walking right by (Y/N)'s hiding place, with a trail of black smoke following behind him.

Nightmare Cloaker: *looking around as he walks pass (Y/N)'s hiding spot* "One, two- buckle my shoe. Three, four- beat down a clown!"

Not noticing (Y/N), the cloaker continues walking down the hallway and then enters the storage room, shutting the door behind him. 

Hearing the storage room door open and close, it was like an all clear signal to (Y/N) as after hearing the door close, (Y/N) comes out of the gap. Not wasting anymore time, (Y/N) runs to the end of the hallway where the cloaker just came from. 

Entering into the next room, (Y/N) finds himself in an operating room although now looking more creepy and sinister. With no other way to proceed other than turning back, (Y/N) begins to venture around the room, making sure to always keep a watchful ear and eye out for any danger. Then there in the middle of the room was a pair of surgical lights turned on and laying underneath them on a workbench was a body bag.

Curious, (Y/N) walks over next to the body bag and wanting to see who the unfortunate bastard inside, he proceeds to unzip the bag. After unzipping the body bag down to torso level, an arm falls out and hangs over the table edge. Getting a look at the corpse, (Y/N) figures it was the pathologist though it wasn't easy to tell, the guy's whole head was crushed to oblivion. Not startle by the horrific sight, (Y/N) continues to look the corpse over until something catches his attention. There seem to be an item of some sorts in the dead man's hand. Reaching down and loosening the dead man's fingers, (Y/N) retrieves the item. Now in his hands was a syringe filled with some kind of blue liquid. Medicine? Poison? Who cares?

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Looks good enough for one use... not on me though." 

Now armed with a weapon, (Y/N) begins to leave the room through the door he came in from but before he could open the door, a body then falls from the ceiling and hangs in front of (Y/N). Frighten by the sudden jump scare, (Y/N) goes stumbling back as he then falls down on his butt, knocking over a tray table in the process.


(Y/N): *quickly stands back up* "Jeez!"

Looking up at the dangling corpse, it was quickly revealed to be the mortuary assistant, hanging from the ceiling with a rope tied around his neck. 

Once his heart rate settles, (Y/N) was about to leave, but he stop when he hears something in the hallway.






(Y/N): (in thoughts) *crouches behind a table* "Great, sounds like the wannabe Sam Fisher finally took his head out of his ass and listened. *starts glancing around the room* But I have to found a hiding spot and fast."

The first course of action, (Y/N) smashes the surgical lights to pieces. Even though his location was already revealed, destroying the lights made the room much more darker and easier to hide in. Looking over to the other side of the room, (Y/N) sees a locker. 

Rushing over to the locker, (Y/N) grabs the handle and opens the locker up.


Aside from dry blood staining the floor and walls, the inside of the locker was empty. With the footsteps getting closer and closer, (Y/N) has to quickly make a decision. 

(Y/N): "Ah, fuck it."


(A few seconds ago with the Cloaker)

Back in the storage room, the cloaker could be seen tearing through the entire storage room in search of (Y/N).

Nightmare Cloaker: *kicks over a box* "Where is that little chicken at?! *knocks over a self of medical supplies* I could've swore I left him in here after I gave him that beatdown-"


Nightmare Cloaker: *looks towards the door* "Oh so you want to play hide and seek? Well in that case... Ready or not, here I fucking come!"

Busting through the storage room door and into the hallway, the cloaker begins to walk down the hallway, trying to figure out the place where the sound came from. At random points, he would kick open a door and peek inside a room only to quickly leave each room after finding nothing.

He soon stops in front of a door since there was a loud sound coming from the inside.


Nightmare Cloaker: *smirks under his mask* "Huh, so this is where you ran off to, little chicken. Haha, I guess you're not as sneaky as you thought!"

Now instead of opening the door like a normal person, the cloaker stands slightly back and raises his foot before kicking the door open. When the door goes flying open, it makes the assistant's hanging corpse swing forward before swinging back towards the cloaker, nearly hitting him. Catching the corpse before it could slam into him, the cloaker then takes a moment to admire his handiwork which meant treating the assistant's body like a piñata and mocking him at the same time.

Nightmare Cloaker: *hitting the corpse with his nightstick* "Next time, check your corners."

After having a bit of fun, the cloaker moves pass the corpse and into the dark operating room. There he then switches on his night vision goggles, allowing him to see much more clearly. When looking around the room, the cloaker lays his eyes on an obvious locker, leaving the cloaker to shake his head. 

Nightmare Cloaker: (in thoughts) "It's like he's not even trying. *shrugs his shoulders* Oh well, might as well toy around with him before I beat him up again."

Now instead of going directly to (Y/N)'s hiding spot, the cloaker toys with (Y/N) by checking different spots in the room and taunting him the whole time.

Nightmare Cloaker: *starts walking around the room* "Hmm, I wonder where a little bitch could be hiding? *checks behind the door* Not there... *checks around the table* Not here either... *walks over to the open body bag and looks at the dead guy* Wrong bitch... *looks up at the ceiling* No spiderman crawling around here."

After enough playing around, the cloaker goes over next to the locker (Y/N) is currently in and knocks on the side of it.

Nightmare Cloaker: "Knock. Knock. Anyone home?"

After a second of not getting a response or a reaction, the cloaker, not able to wait any longer, grabs the handle and swings the locker door wide open. Raising his nightstick high, the cloaker jumps out in front of the locker , surprising whoever was inside.

Nightmare Cloaker: "Hah Ha! I'm gonna beat the cellu-... *lowers his nightstick in confusion* Huh?"

However much to the cloaker's confusion, no one was hiding inside the locker.

Nightmare Cloaker: (confused) "But- I swore he was hiding in here. Heck, I heard a locker shut just a moment ago. Is there a secret panel in here?"

As the the cloaker was left dumbfounded, he fails to notice (Y/N) emerging from the shadows behind him. Silently approaching the cloaker from behind, (Y/N) raises his syringe up and holds it in place for a second. Then, while the cloaker is still distracted, (Y/N) lunges forward and goes in for the kill.


Lunging forward, (Y/N) reaches over the cloaker's left shoulder and grabs ahold of the cloaker's vest before pulling him back closer to him. Then reaching over the cloaker's right shoulder with his other hand, (Y/N) jams the syringe needle directly into the cloaker's chest, then proceeding to inject the blue liquid into the cloaker's chest.

Caught off guard by the sudden sneak attack, the cloaker drops his weapon and immediately tries to break free from (Y/N)'s grasp but to no avail because he started to feel weak and dizzy. Feeling no resistance coming from the cloaker, (Y/N) forces him to the ground while still holding onto him. All the poor cloaker could do at the moment was kick and scream but his screams were soon replaced by a gurgling sound.

Once he started to hear gurgling coming from the cloaker, (Y/N) rips the syringe out of his chest, tossing the used needle off to the side, and stands up straight. After the needle got ripped out of his chest, the cloaker is left to spasm out on the ground before dying of an overdose.


Breathing out a sigh of relief, (Y/N) looks down at the cloaker's body but suddenly, his head begins to hurt again. Grabbing his head, (Y/N) clutches over in pain while a white light blinds him. 


Shaking his head while the color returns to his sight, (Y/N) looks down to find a big problem... the cloaker's body was gone like disappeared. 

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Great, that's a problem. Wouldn't suppose the janitor works fast, right?"

However before (Y/N) could think about it any further, a figure could be seen emerging behind him. Feeling someone is behind him, (Y/N) starts to turn around but is met with the blunt end of a nightstick smacking him across the side of the face and knocking him down. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *standing over (Y/N)* "You didn't think you'll get rid of me that easily, did ya?!"

Before (Y/N) could actually react, the cloaker raises his nightstick and hits (Y/N) in the head again and again. On the third hit, the side of (Y/N)'s head gets busted open. As (Y/N) laid there dying, the cloaker holsters his nightstick and grabs (Y/N) by the legs before beginning to drag him out of the room. 









(Y/N): *wakes up in a sweat* "Ah! Ah, ah, ah, ah... *moves his head around* Where am I this time."

Looking around, (Y/N) couldn't see anything but darkness but the moment he looked over his head, (Y/N) notices a sliver of light. Moving his arms towards the light, he couldn't help but fill he was confined in plastic. Slipping his fingers through the hole and feeling what could teeth belonging to a zipper, (Y/N) begins tear the hole open causing the light to shine down upon him.

Once his eyes readjusted to the light, (Y/N) sits up and finds himself sitting in a body bag. The room he is currently in is the morgue's freezer. Getting out of the body bag and off of the bench, (Y/N) breathes out a visible cloud of air and rubs his arms.

(Y/N): "Man, it's chilly in here."

Trying his best to ignore to the freezing temperature, (Y/N) travels down the isles of morgue refrigerators. While looking for an exit, (Y/N) rounds a corner to another isle but before he could walk down it, a bit of banging could be heard coming from the ceiling at the middle of the isle. Slowly approaching the sound, (Y/N) looks up to see the banging coming from a vent but just then, the vent grate is kick open and sent falling to the ground. From the vent, the cloaker pops out and lands in front of (Y/N). 

Nightmare Cloaker: *twirling his nightstick* "Peek a boo, I found you!"

Now instead of immediately rushing (Y/N) and attacking him, the cloaker merely paces around the spot while trying to intimidate (Y/N). 

Nightmare Cloaker: *points his nightstick at (Y/N)* "Now I could just beat the shit out of you right here and now but instead why don't we have a little fun? I'll give you a ten second head start before I come chasing you down. You ready? Great! Here we go ... 1.."

Realizing the cloaker is serious, (Y/N) turns around and begins to hightail it out of there.

Nightmare Cloaker: "2..."

(Y/N) then stops for a second, trying to decide whether to go left or right, before deciding to run right.

Nightmare Cloaker: *as soon as (Y/N) is out of sight* "3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not, *goggles begin to glow green* HERE I COME! *starts booking it after (Y/N)* Wululululululululu!!!"

Cutting back to (Y/N), he was busy running pass a couple of refrigeration units and when he looks over his shoulder, he sees the cloaker coming around the corner and rushing towards him. In an attempt to slow the cloaker down, (Y/N) knocks over a gurney and drags open one of the freezers before continuing to run for his life. While not 100% working, these obstacles did happen to slow the cloaker down a bit cause he had to jump over the fallen gurney and vault over the open freezer unit thus creating more distance between the two.

Once out of the cloaker's sightline, (Y/N) runs and busts through a door but quickly finds out the room he just entered was a dead end. Hearing rapid footsteps coming behind him, (Y/N) turns around and slams the door shut, locking it in the process. Now with a little extra time, (Y/N) looks around the room for either a hiding place or an escape plan. In a rush, (Y/N) narrows down two possible choices: a dark spot behind some pile of boxes or a vent. 

Then from the other side of the door, the cloaker attempts to open the door but finds it locked. Realizing it's locked, the cloaker starts banging on the door while calling out to (Y/N).

Nightmare Cloaker: *banging on door* "Open the damn door, prick! *tries to turn the knob again only for it not to open* Last chance or else I'll make you hurt like hell to the point where you won't be able to ever have kids!"

With a pissed off cloaker at the door, (Y/N) comes up with plan and immediately rushes over to the vent.

Nightmare Cloaker: *stops banging on the door* "You asked for it! Really!"

Following a short bit of silence, the cloaker returns and begins to kick the door open, though it's taking him quite a bit of effort to do so. 

During that time of the cloaker kicking the door, (Y/N) pulled the vent covering off and throws it to the side before standing back up and going to the boxes. Getting behind the boxes and into the shadows, (Y/N) sits and waits for the cloaker to kick open that door.





The door is then finally kicked open and in stomps the cloaker. Looking around the room for his target, the only thing the cloaker finds is an empty room. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *looking around the room* "Here chicken, chicken. Come on out, I got a nice cob of corn, all for you."

Soon the cloaker walks over to the pile of boxes and begins to investigate causes (Y/N) to slow his breathing and not move a single muscle. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *looking into the shadows* "Hmm... Now what do we have here?"

As the cloaker was thoroughly looking into the shadows, (Y/N) remains completely motionless.  Soon with the shrug of his shoulders and briefly looking around him, the cloaker gives up his search and turns around before walking away from the hidden (Y/N).

Nightmare Cloaker: "Okay , I know I ain't losing my shit here so where?! Where did that little- *notices the open vent* Hello~ what do we have here."

Crouching down next to the opened vent, the cloaker looks into the vent.

Nightmare Cloaker: "Oh so that's where you went. Like a mouse in a maze. However it's not going to help you in the slightest."

Then entering into the vent, the cloaker begins to crawl through the ventilation system believing that (Y/N) went in there. 

Once the cloaker left, (Y/N) waited for a moment until the sounds of the cloaker shuffling through the vents were completely gone before thinking about coming out of hiding. After determining the coast is clear and coming out of hiding, (Y/N) leaves the room and starts to roam around the morgue's freezer, looking for an exit or a weapon.

After a bit of walking around, (Y/N) comes across a horrific sight laying on a bench in front of him. There before him was another dead body, mutilated in various ways, but yet something on that bench caught his attention. Going up to the bench, (Y/N) picks up a bloody bone saw and then runs his finger along the sharp teeth, getting a quick feel for the weapon. Now all that is left to do list is to track down and kill the cloaker for the second time. 

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "This is work just nicely... Now just to find that damn cloaker, *sigh* really wish I had my tape recorder right now."

 To lure the cloaker out of whatever hole he's hiding in, (Y/N) walks over to the nearby wall and goes to hit the end of the bone saw against the wall. 



Once he reveal his current location, (Y/N) steps away from the spot and gets behind some cover. After a couple seconds of silence, there was sounds coming from overhead in the vents. When the sounds got close, a vent grate is forced open as the cloaker pops his head out and looks around before dropping down. Landing on the floor, the cloaker moves to investigate the area the sound came from. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *looking around the area* "What's wrong, to scare to face me, pussy?"

While he was looking for any movement, it turns out the cloaker finds absolutely nothing causing him to stomp the ground in frustration. The cloaker soon walked over to the bench where the mutilated body was and began to examine it. 

Nightmare Cloaker: "Man, got a load of this faggot! Wait a minute, he looks familiar?... Oh yeah, now I remember, you were the noob I owned 100-1, guess you finally learned the true meaning of police brutality!"

While the cloaker was busy mocking the corpse, (Y/N) snuck out of his cover and behind the cloaker. Once close, (Y/N) raises his bone saw and is about to attack until the cloaker started to turn around. Copying the cloaker's movement, (Y/N) too begin to go around the cloaker, keeping his back towards him. As the cloaker begin to walk away, (Y/N) followed close behind but soon lowered the bone saw, aiming for the place where the sun don't shine. After another three seconds of patience, (Y/N) goes in for the kill.


Snaking the saw blade between the cloaker's legs, (Y/N) immediately pulls the blade up and out, slicing the cloaker's groin open. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *grabs his groin in pain* "Ahhh!!!"

With his family jewels heavily damaged, the cloaker collapses to the ground, landing on his knees, but unfortunately for him, (Y/N) wasn't done yet. Stepping up to the injured cloaker, (Y/N) reaches down and under the cloaker's body, before lifting him off the ground and holding him up by the chest. Then aligning the bone saw with the cloaker's neck, (Y/N) begins to saw into the cloaker's neck, making absolutely sure to take long and deep cuts each time. Squealing like a pig and watching his blood splatter the ground beneath him was all the cloaker could at the moment as he tried to struggle against (Y/N). After a few grueling seconds of nonstop sawing, (Y/N) reaches the other end of the cloaker's neck and with one final big cut, (Y/N) decapitates the cloaker. As the cloaker's head rolls forward, (Y/N) then drops the headless body before stepping back. 


(Y/N): (in thoughts) "You know... that was oddly satisfying."

However before (Y/N) could think on it further, he suddenly grips his head and drops the bone saw as he begins to see white.


After recovering from yet another headache, (Y/N) opens his eyes to find both the bone saw and the cloaker gone.

(Y/N): "How much longer am I going to have to do this song and dance?"

???: (in the distance) "Wulululululululululu!!!"

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Time to go."

Fleeing the scene before the cloaker could arrive, (Y/N) eventually finds a door leading out of the freezer. 

Walking through a corridor, the temperature drastically changes from cold to warm to finally red hot. Following the heat to the source, (Y/N) enters a room to find an opened furnace. Leaving the door open behind him, (Y/N) approaches the furnace with curiosity. Then on the side of the furnace, (Y/N) notices a board with instructions on how to properly use said furnace.

1. Open the furnace door and place a body on the tray.

2. Push the tray inside the furnace.

3. Close the door and lock it. Make absolutely sure it is seal shut to prevent flames from bursting out. 

4. Release the gas by turning the red gas valve. 

5. Pull the lever to ignite the fire. Warning: Once a fire is started, please refrain from touching the metal door without proper protection.

6. After the process is finished, turn the gas off and wait for the fire to die down.

7. Next, either wait a few minutes for the metal door to cool or wear proper gloves before opening the door.

8. Pull the tray out and clean the tray off of any trash or ash.

9. Repeat...

Once he gets the idea on how to use the furnace, (Y/N) finds his attention drawn to a table next to the furnace where a couple of tools laid. Right after getting a look at the tools, (Y/N) gets an idea and then walks over to the door to the room. Grabbing the handle, (Y/N) proceeds to slam the door open and shut multiple times, creating many sounds that echo throughout the halls.

Leaving the door open, (Y/N) goes to hide in the shadow's of the room while waiting for the cloaker to turn up. After a few seconds of waiting, the cloaker comes rushing into the room, frantically looking around. Not finding any trace of (Y/N), the cloaker then steps into the room and approaches the furnace, holding his hands up to the furnace.

Nightmare Cloaker: "Brrrr... This is very refreshing after being stuck in a human meat locker."

Seeing an opening, (Y/N) makes his way out of the shadows and behind the cloaker. Looking between the table and the cloaker, (Y/N) quickly goes in for a sneak attack.


Reaching over to table of tools, (Y/N) grabs a mallet and readies it. To get the cloaker's attention, (Y/N) whistles and like a damn dog, the cloaker quickly turns around to come face to face with (Y/N). But before he could attack, (Y/N) smacks him in the face with the mallet causing the cloaker to fall to the floor, stunned. 

Dropping the mallet on the floor, (Y/N) hoists the cloaker onto the tray connected to the furnace before pushing the cloaker into the furnace and slamming the door shut. The cloaker doesn't come to until (Y/N) locks the door, locking him inside the furnace. Hearing the sound of the door being locked, the cloaker shoots his head up and immediately begins to kick at the door in an attempt to free himself. 

Following the instructions, (Y/N) jumps over to the furnace controls and quickly goes to turn the gas valve on, releasing gas into the furnace. Once there was enough gas inside, (Y/N) moves over and flips the lever to ignite a flame. When the gas meets the flame, a huge fire consumes the cloaker into a fireball.

Nightmare Cloaker: (burning alive) "Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh!..."

As the cloaker's screams died down and kicking ceased, (Y/N) turns away from the furnace, leaving the cloaker to burn to ash.


(Y/N): *walking away from the furnace* "Smells like... victory."

Exiting the furnace room, (Y/N) continues to walk through the corridor but just as he was gets ways away, he stops in his tracks from hearing a door open behind him.

Walking out of the furnace room was the cloaker now looking a bit more scorched with his clothes and armor having many singes all over them. Turning his head towards (Y/N), the cloaker brandishes his nightstick before brings his thumb up and dragging it across his throat, acting like he is slitting it. Then pointing his finger towards (Y/N), the cloaker's goggles momentarily flash green before changing to a solid red. 

(Y/N): "For the love- Just die already."

Nightmare Cloaker: *starts running towards (Y/N)* "Wulululululululululululu!!!"

Being chased all throughout the morgue, (Y/N) runs into the main room and following behind him from a short distance was the cloaker. While he was running, (Y/N) grabs a scalpel from off of a passing table and with the cloaker hot on his tail, he begins to make frantic moves by suddenly making a sharp turn between a couple of tables or throwing some random pieces of glass behind him to slow the cloaker down a little. 

Realizing he can't keep running forever and with the cloaker hot on his tail, (Y/N) then does something dumb yet daring. Slowing his pace down to a halt, he then turns around 180 degrees and begins to rush at the oncoming cloaker. 

As the two hunters got within spitting distance of each other, the cloaker then jumps into the air, going for a dropkick on (Y/N). But before the cloaker could connect his dropkick, (Y/N) surprises him by dropping to the floor and sliding underneath the flying cloaker. Once clear, (Y/N) quickly stands back up and begins to run the direction he came from while the cloaker landed at the spot where (Y/N) once was.

Groaning in frustration, the cloaker stands up and looks in the direction, (Y/N) ran off in.

Nightmare Cloaker: *nods his head with his hands on his hips* "Okay, that was dumb. Smart but dumb."

Getting his head back in the game, the cloaker resumes chasing after (Y/N).

Going back to (Y/N), once he manage to break line of sight with the cloaker, he took the opportunity to hide in some nearby shadows. Concealing himself the shadows, (Y/N) waits for the cloaker to come running by. Right on schedule, the cloaker comes running by, completely passing by (Y/N), and stops a few feet away from him, cluelessly looking around the area for any trace of (Y/N). While the cloaker was looking elsewhere, (Y/N) exits out of the shadows and begins to slowly approach the cloaker. However before he could get close, the cloaker begins to turn around causing (Y/N) to immediately backtrack into the shadows. 

When he turns around, the cloaker all of a sudden goes over to the shadows where (Y/N) is hiding in and begins to search through the shadows.

Nightmare Cloaker: *looking around the darkness* "Hmm?..."

While the cloaker was searching, (Y/N) remains completely motionless and holds his breath in. But just as the cloaker was about to give up and leave, (Y/N), on accident, lets out a sharp breath, revealing himself. (Y/N)'s eyes go wide as the cloaker turns his head directly at (Y/N) with a red glare from his goggles. 

Raising his nightstick high, the cloaker bonks (Y/N) over the head before pulling the nightstick back and then striking (Y/N) in the stomach.

Nightmare Cloaker: "You call this resisting arrest? *grabs (Y/N) by his jacket and drags him out of the shadows* We call this a difficulty tweak!"

After dragging (Y/N) out of hiding, the cloaker doesn't let him go but instead keeps whacking (Y/N) with his nightstick over and over.

Nightmare Cloaker: *hitting (Y/N)* "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself!"

Then the cloaker winds up his nightstick for a heavy overhead attack but because it was a slow wind up, (Y/N) has enough time to pull out his scalpel and stab it into the cloaker's neck. Choking on his own blood, the cloaker lets go of (Y/N) while trying to spout a couple words.

Nightmare Cloaker: *choking on blood* "Ugh... Why... Ugh... You-"

(Y/N): "Dang, looks like I missed the vocal cords. Don't worry I won't miss this time."

Before (Y/N) could pull the scalpel out and go in for another stab, the cloaker shoots his hand up, grabbing the scalpel and stopping (Y/N) from pulling it out. Then the cloaker raises his nightstick again but before he could swing at (Y/N), (Y/N) kicks the cloaker to the ground, resulting in the cloaker landing on his back and throwing his nightstick off to the side. 

As the cloaker was in the middle of recovering, (Y/N) walks over and grabs the nightstick before shifting his attention to the injured cloaker. With the intent to give the cloaker a taste of his own medicine, (Y/N) readies the nightstick and approaches the injured cloaker. As he was about to strike the cloaker down, the cloaker reaches behind his back and pulls out another weapon, his modified Compact-5. 

Nightmare Cloaker: *points his SMG at (Y/N) * "Rais- *coughs* them now... *starts squeezing the trigger* Motherfuc-"

Squeezing the trigger, the cloaker quickly starts firing off the gun at (Y/N), though inaccurately since he was holding the gun.

As soon as the first shots rang out, (Y/N) gets away from the cloaker and retreats to a different part of the room, making sure to keep his head low and avoid any stray bullets.

Once (Y/N) was completely gone, the cloaker then gets himself up, though struggling all the way up. Reaching a hand to the embedded scalpel, the cloaker rips it from his neck and immediately stumbles around as blood sprays from out of his throat. Regaining his balance, steam begins to emit from the cloaker's throat as his wound heals and close up, while at the same time, the cloaker pulls up his Compact-5 and ejects the current mag and loads in a fresh one.

Nightmare Cloaker: *cocks the Compact-5 by slapping it* "It was all fun and games until you had to go ruin it!"

The cloaker then start to walk around the area, keeping a sharp eye out for any pesky chicken wondering around. While the cloaker began his hunt, (Y/N), somewhere else in the room, start to hunt down the cloaker.

For the next few passing minutes, the two hunters were in the middle of hunting each other down. For (Y/N), he began to backtrack towards the last place he saw the cloaker. Meanwhile, the cloaker was walking around and blind firing around any corner that he deemed suspicious. 

Eventually during his backtracking, (Y/N) comes across the cloaker stalking the surrounding area. Sneaking around the cloaker and coming up behind him, (Y/N) raises his nightstick over his head, aiming at the cloaker's head. After a couple seconds pass, (Y/N) attacks the cloaker, catching him completely off guard.


Smacking the cloaker on the back of his head causing him to lean forward, (Y/N) quickly follows that initial hit with two more hits to the back that make the cloaker drop his gun and turn around. Once the cloaker turns to be face to face with (Y/N), he gets hit on the forehead by a horizontal swing from the nightstick, which makes him fall to the floor, landing on his side.

Then ironically, (Y/N) starts beating the cloaker senseless with his own nightstick, starting from the feet and working his way up. Upon getting hit in his pelvis and lower stomach, the cloaker, now screaming for mercy, gets into a fetal position while continuing to take a brutal amount of punishment. Even though the cloaker was in a weak position, (Y/N)'s attacks didn't cease as he continues to lay the nightstick into the cloaker without any remorse. From multiple hits to the back, chest, shoulders, and most importantly the head, the cloaker soon went limp.

Noticing the clocker laid motionless, (Y/N) hesitates for a moment before then raising the nightstick again and double tapping the cloaker's head until it explodes in a bloody fashion.


Dropping the nightstick, (Y/N) looks away momentarily but when he looks back, he starts getting a splitting headache. 


With the pain subsiding,  (Y/N) shakes his head before looking back at the dead body only to find it gone and replaced by a note with some blood stains on it. Crouching down and picking up the note, (Y/N) reads what is written on it.

There is a gift for you hidden somewhere in the freezer. Find it.


Crumbling up the note and throwing it away, (Y/N) leaves the room and heads straight to the freezer. Although a couple of moments later, the cloaker enters the shot, watching as (Y/N) leaves the room before looking at the piece of paper he threw. Taking that note and uncrumbling it, the cloaker reads it over before dropping it and pulling out his SMG while making his way to the freezer as well.

Entering into the cold freezer, (Y/N) briefly glances around the room while rubbing his arms to keep himself warm. Venturing through the freezer, (Y/N) is trying to figure where in the world the gift could be hiding at. Eventually he comes across a body bag that wasn't there the pervious time he walked through here. Approaching the body bag, (Y/N) unzips the bag and finds a corpse but nothing else in there. 

(Y/N): (in thoughts) "Huh... Guess my gift is in another body bag then."


Nightmare Cloaker: *walks into the room* "Knock, knock! Anyone home?"

Now with a current threat roaming around and creating a sort of pressure, (Y/N) hurries to find another body bag while stealthily avoiding the patrolling cloaker. Soon (Y/N) manages to find a second body bag down one of the isles of refrigeration units. Approaching it and unzipping the bag, (Y/N) find finds not only a corpse inside but also two items which are assume to be his gift. The first one was a very special and personal belonging to (Y/N): his tape recorder.

(Y/N): *grabs his tape recorder* "Was wondering where this was this whole time.

Unlike the tape recorder, the second item wasn't very visual to (Y/N) and all he could find was a golden handle poking out of the corpse's chest. 

Curious about the hidden item, (Y/N) reaches up and grabs the golden handle. Then using his strength, (Y/N) rips out the bloody weapon from the chest. Shaking the blood from off of it, a smirk finds it's way onto (Y/N)'s face because in his hands was...

The Comically Large Spoon of Gold. 

(Y/N): *twirls the golden spoon around* "Well, old friend, who we traumatizing today? *notices a tag hanging off the end of the spoon* Huh, what's this?"

Looking at the tag, it read...

Your ticket to freedom

Now looking between the two items, a bright idea enters (Y/N)'s head. Holding his tape recorder out, (Y/N) hits play, play a random line of dialogue.

(Y/N)'s Tape Recorder: (echoing throughout the freezer) "Medical supplies have arrived." *Click*  

Getting away from the area and hiding nearby, (Y/N) waits for the cloaker to come running to the source of the sound. Almost immediately, he begins to hear footsteps getting closer and quickly the cloaker comes into view before taking cover behind a refrigerator before aiming his gun down the isle.

Because nothing is down there, the cloaker is left confused as he takes his back from off the wall and starts heading down the isle. Exiting out of his hiding spot, (Y/N) sneaks up behind the unaware cloaker.

Once he was directly behind him, (Y/N) holds up his tape recorder and after a few seconds hits play.


(Y/N): *using his tape recorder* "I'll like to invite you to my party." *Click* 

Hearing the PA sounding voice coming from behind him, the cloaker's eyes go wide and is left frozen in fear.

Raising the comically large spoon of gold, (Y/N) hits the cloaker in the back, breaking his spine and producing a satisfying crack sound. Groaning in pain, the cloaker falls face first on the ground and then quickly rolls over to his side, getting a look at (Y/N). Raising the golden spoon again, (Y/N) smashes the cloaker's right knee before moving along and smashing the cloaker's ribs. 

After getting hit in the ribs, the cloaker suddenly bursts into flames. While the cloaker was in a fire panic and trying to self-extinguish himself, (Y/N) leans down closer to him while holding the tape recorder near his mouth.

(Y/N): "Who do you want to be today? You can go anywhere, you can be anyone, who do you want to be?-" *Click*

Following the message, (Y/N) proceeds to mercilessly smash the golden spoon into the cloaker's head multiple times. After three violent hits, (Y/N) crushes the cloaker's head into nothing but burning bloody mush.


After killing the cloaker for the what he hopes is the final time, (Y/N) waits a moment to see if anything changes but thankfully nothing changes and the cloaker's burning corpse was still there, lying motionless.

Dropping the golden spoon and breathing out a sigh of relief, (Y/N) then leaves the area.

After a few minutes of wandering around, (Y/N) manages to find the place where the three body bags, that (Y/N) was investigating earlier before being attacked by the cloaker, were being stored at. Under a dim light, (Y/N) walks up onto a platform and stands in the center of three body bags, one in front of him and two on his sides. 

(Y/N): *looking between all the body bags* "Now where was I last time before being interrupted?... Oh yeah, the right one."

Going over to the body bag off to the right side, (Y/N) unzips the bag to find a skeleton wearing a Hawaiian shirt and glasses.

(Y/N): *raises an eyebrow* "Not the one I was looking for but... it seems familiar... *puts the pieces together* Beard?"

Taking his eyes off of the skeleton and looking over to the next body bag across from him, (Y/N) then goes over to it. Opening the next body bag up, (Y/N) is met by the horrific sight of his girlfriend Raynare's burnt and mutilate corpse. The sight alone of her dead leaves (Y/N) speechless.

(Y/N): *goes wide eye* "..."

Reaching a hand up, (Y/N) rubs Raynare's cold cheek while still in the middle of processing the sight. For the next few moments, (Y/N) was deep in his own thoughts until he started to hear pattering coming from nearby. Upon turning to look in the direction of the sound, he finds the pattering to be coming from the last unopened body bag in the center.

Currently, the body bag in question could be seen slightly moving around, almost like whoever is inside is trying to get out. Tilting his head to the side, (Y/N) slowly approaches the last body bag.

Now standing over the body bag, (Y/N) grabs the zipper and begins to unzip. Now what was hidden inside body bag number three?... 



Absolutely gosh darn nothing.


???: (female voice echoing from behind (Y/N)) "You- You left me to die!"

(Y/N) then turns around to find out who said that but in the process is left speechless. There standing before (Y/N) was someone he once held dear before her untimely demise... His previous girlfriend, though looking a bit more rotten and accompany by multiple bullet holes riddling her body. 

Girlfriend: (echoing) "It was all a lie! You're no fucking hero!"

Then in a flash of a moment, the undead girlfriend appears in right front of (Y/N). She then tackles him to the ground and gets on top him. Before (Y/N) could respond in any way, the girlfriend tightly grasps his throat and begins to choke him.

Girlfriend: (echoing) *while choking (Y/N)* "This is all... your fault! YOURS!!!"

Fading in and out of consciousness, (Y/N) struggles to break free but fails as he grows weaker from the continual lack of air and the girlfriend seem pretty strong for an undead corpse. With his face turning blue, (Y/N) starts to close his eye and cease his struggle. Soon (Y/N)'s eyes fully close as he goes completely limp.




*stop the song*

(Time skip, brought to you by chibi (Y/N) destroying the R button on his keyboard)

(Back in the real world)

(Y/N): *wakes up and hastily sits up in his bed*  "Ah!... Ah."

Placing a hand over his chest while trying to control his rapid breathing, (Y/N) glances at his surrounding to find that he was still in his bedroom.

(Y/N): (rapid breathing) "It-... It was all... just a horrible dream... *looks out the window* I'm still in Japan... Thank God."

With the realization that it was all just a nightmare, (Y/N) breathes out a sigh of relief while wiping the sweat off his forehead. But as (Y/N) lays his hand down next to him, he suddenly grows worry as he feels something soft and lumpy next to him. Looking beside him, there was a giant lump underneath the covers. Slowly reaching over and grabbing the end of the blanket, (Y/N) pulls it off to reveal something that causes his look of worry to slowly be replaced with a warm smile. 

There laying on his bed was none other than his fallen girlfriend, peacefully sleeping away the night without an ounce of worry on her face. Lightly running a hand through Raynare's hair, (Y/N) admires his girlfriend's beautiful face, though he quickly stops playing with her hair once Raynare began to shift around in the bed. Luckily, she didn't wake up from his actions. 

Quietly laughing to himself, (Y/N) removes his hand from her head before reaching up and grabbing the blanket. As (Y/N) lays back down, he pulls the blanket over himself and Raynare. Once comfortable, (Y/N) turns over to face Raynare and then wraps his arms around her. Being as careful as he could to avoid waking her up, (Y/N) pulls Raynare closer to him. Before going back to sleep, (Y/N) leans his head down and plants a light kiss on Raynare's forehead causing the sleeping beauty to smile in her sleep and subconsciously snuggle into (Y/N)'s chest. Resting his chin on top of Raynare's head, (Y/N) whispers something to her even though she was sleeping.

(Y/N): (whispering) "I promise you, Raynare... I'll make sure to protect you, even if it costs me my life... *begins closing his eyes* I don't plan on losing another girlfriend."

With that (Y/N) fully closes his eyes and drifts back off to sleep, hoping for a better dream this time. 

The camera soon pans away from the pair of lovebirds and begins to slowly move to a different part of the room. Stopping over by (Y/N)'s computer, the camera zooms in on the monitor when mysteriously, the computer is turned on. After somehow logging itself in, the computer stays on the home screen for what seems like a while. Then from the bottom of the screen, a head of blue and pink hair tied into two ponytails emerges before being followed up by a pair of heterochromia eyes, one pink and one blue.

Glancing around the room, the girl inside the monitor then looks up to the corner of the screen where a pop up appears for some sort of download that says...

Installing Nutaka.exe...

Download Progress... 1 of 69 files...

Nutaka: *looks over to (Y/N)* "Soon love... We'll be seeing each other a lot more very soon. *notices Raynare* Well hello~ who do we have here? A girlfriend I suppose, well I ain't oppose to sharing so I hope you can make room for one more girl~... Sweet dreams, sexy. *turns to the camera with bed room eyes* Bonne nuit, lecteurs~"

With that said, Nutaka then goes back to hiding while the download continues. For the final shot, the camera goes over to (Y/N)'s closet where inside behind a couple of clothes and weapons laid the Comically Large Spoon of Gold.

With a final golden shine coming off the oversize spoon, the chapter begins to fade to black with the credits soon taking over.

(End credits) 





(Y/N)'s Phone: "You have 1 new message."

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