I am in Your Debt. (Black Clo...

By GayAsHECK101

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You saved me. I will forever be in your debt until the day I save you back, or death comes knocking on my doo... More

Chapter One : You Saved Me!
Chapter Two : I Just Can't get a Break
Chapter Three : Let The Magic Knight Exams Start!
Chapter Four : So Many People I Want to Talk to, so Little Time!
Chapter Six : The Sleepover Competition
Chapter Seven : Attempt One Through Five
Chapter Eight : Crimson Lions!
Chapter Nine : Asta's First Mission!
Chapter Eleven : Temporary Magic Knight Reporting For Duty!

Chapter Ten : A Black Market?

293 13 13
By GayAsHECK101

WOO we hit 1k reads! I am very thankful for everyone who is reading my book, thank you thank you thank you!!! I didn't think I would make it this far tbh, my motivation dies so easily but I'm very proud of sticking it out!

Also- would anyone be interested in a one piece fanfiction? I started writing one but it was only a background thing while I thought of ideas for other books.

Anyways, Enjoy!!


Asta and Noelle said goodbye to that one grieving child and we headed back to the base.

"You guys had a real tough time out there!" Mister Yami laughed at us. "Whatever, good job idiots."

"YESSIR!!" The two boys yelled.

Vanessa told us "great work" while yawning, she wrapped an arm around me and started to explain. "The magic investigation department is examining what the criminals left behind but. . They haven't gotten any important information out of it." She changed her position on me, going behind as she wrapped both of her arms around my neck and placed her head on top of mine. "That pocket watch he left was valuable. Considering that and how they acted, they might be extremists OR dissidents from the noble realm. Oh who's this little guy? How cute!" She noticed the bird on top of Asta's head.

"He sorta followed me."

"Well it doesn't matter, in recognition of your actions." Yami pulls out a gold star, "the wizard king has awarded us a gold star!"

"WOAAAH!! FOR REAL!" Magna yelled in shock.

"WE WON A STAR?! Er- YOU GUYS WON A STAR?!" I jumped up in excitement, "Asta got a star on his first mission~! Asta got a star on his first mission~!" I pointed to Yami, "SEE!! I told you he was worth it!!"

"Yeah yeah." Yami rolled his eyes but still had a small smile on his face.

"A star?! What's a star?!" Asta looked at Magna and I for answers.

"Stars are rewarded to magic knights by the wizard king when they do missions, of course you gotta really earn them though." I started, "all the squads have a contest to see who can get the most. Although golden dawn always seems to win, at least they have whenever I went to the fair with Amira."

"So far the golden dawn is in first with seventy, which is a lot!" Vanessa states.

Yami let go of the star and it flew to the star board. "Great! That makes us a nice, neat minus thirty!"

Yeah I expected that. I sighed and Asta yelled in shock.

"And here, your wages for this month." Yami set a bag of coins into everyone's hands except mine.

"WOAH MONEY!!!" Asta screamed as the coins slid out of his hands.

"It's barely anything. . ." Noelle looked into the bag with disappointment.


"Nomotatoes? What's that?"

"It's a potato from Hage, it's filling and tastes a little weird!!"


"And here." Yami said.

I looked towards him, his fist was held out to me. I stared at it before fist bumping him.

"What? No." He grabbed my hand and placed a few coins in it, "for helping out today."

Vanessa laughed at my fist bump.

"Oh!" I looked a them, it was five gold coins. "Haoly sheet-" The weight of them made me feel rich, I cupped them and threw them lightly into the air to hear the clinks when they hit each other. "Thanks Mister Yami!" I quickly gave him a hug before he could stop me.

He patted my head, "You're the one that did the work."

"Congrats on your first payday! This means you'll want to go shopping in the castle town right?" Vanessa winked, "I'm free, I'll take you."

"The castle town?" Asta and I questioned.

I stepped through Martha's portal to see a bustling market, the noise was loud and the smells were delicious. I've been to one before, it was actually when I first came to the clover kingdom. I couldn't talk to anyone but there was this really nice man that tried helping me out once he realized the coin I was trying to give him wasn't native to the land. I smiled at the memory as I looked around, I've come a long way.

Asta was the only one freaking out as he looked over at the market and the looming castle in the background. "There's so much yummy looking fruit I've never seen before! And tons of wands and magic items!" he stepped away from the stall immediately, "GEEZ THAT'S EXPENSIVE!"

I followed Asta as he looked at everything, he was like a kid in a candy shop. "Woah look at the art supplies! I'm sure Rill would love these!" before me sat a huge arsenal of different colour paints.

"Are you gonna buy him something?" Asta picked up a paintbrush and lightly brushed his cheek because it was so soft.

"That's a good idea, he has been letting me stay with him." I looked at the price of the paint and cringed, "Maybe something small. . . I'm sure he has a lot of paint and can pay for it himself. . ."

Asta nodded and placed the brush back, he looked to the side and got distracted by another stall and sprinted full force to it. I walked over to Vanessa and Noelle when I heard people start talking about Asta.

"Hey, that robe. . . aren't those magic knights?!"

"That's! Eeep! He's a black bull!"

"That little guy?"

I slowly raised my fist and Vanessa calmly put it back down.

"Over there, that's Vanessa! The black bulls' lush of a witch! Talk about hot!"

"So the cutie next to her is a black bull too?!"

"There's another one without a robe, is she a black bull?"

"I don't think so, but I'd kill to go on a date with her!"

"Oi." I glared at the man that said that. He choked and stepped back, not expecting me to hear him. "Do something useful for once and shut up, I don't want to hear you talking about me or my friends that way."


"Aw, YN you didn't have to do that~ I normally would be sad that the men were all scared away but because it's you it's fine!" Vanessa wrapped her arms around me from behind, her hands were occupied with holding two booze bottles each.

"Oh right, sorry."

Vanessa picked up some magic items she needed before telling us she was going to show us somewhere special.

"This is just an alley. . ." Noelle noted.

Vanessa waved her hand, telling us to follow her before she disappeared into a wall.

"HUH?!" Asta yelled, he shoved his hand into the wall and it disappeared just like Vanessa. He took a step in and was gone.

"Lady's first." I said politely to Noelle.

"At least you know how to be respectful, unlike Short-sta." she nodded to me in a type of thanks and walked in, I followed after her.

Once I stepped into the wall a new world was shown to me, it looked like a long hallway with shady stalls lining the walls.

"It's the black market," Vanessa cleared up.

"That makes a lot more sense." I nodded and followed them in more.

"It's a teensy bit more dangerous, but they have some super effective items for sale" She waved at a man sitting on a carpet selling skulls, necklaces, potions etc. She turned to Noelle, "you can't control your magic yet, right?"

"That's right. . ." she looked to the side and flushed a bit, seemingly embarrassed. "But, what's this about?"

"They've got items to repress magic here too. If you find an item that's suited to you and adjust your magic, you might be able to control it." This got Noelles attention.

We passed a hallway which was bustling with all the missing people.

"Huh? Things are really jumping over there." Asta stated, I hummed in agreement.

"That's a casino, you three are still too young for that. Amateures need to take it easy, or they'll ruin themselves." Vanessa warned.

"Wh- I'm 23!" I argued.

Vanessa stared at me before smiling, "Perfect!"

"AWRIIIIIIGHT!! BRING IT OOOOOOOOOON!!!" a certain punk yelled from one of the tables in the room.

Wait. . . is that-? God dammit, I knew he was an idiot but- actually nevermind. I'm not surprised to find him here.

We split up, Vanessa and Noelle went to go look at items to help her control her magic, and Asta and I went to look around. I was trying to find a present for Rill.

"Hey Asta," I started as I picked up a small cloth doll that had pins sticking in it.

"Hm?" he looked over to me, giving me his full attention, "Yeah? What's up?"

"When you got your first payment, you said something about this type of potato from a place called Hage, can I ask about that? What's your connection with that place?" I placed the doll down and walked over to the table he was at.

"Oh! You wanna know about Hage?" I nodded, "That's where I grew up!"

"You grew up there?" I didn't do anything to hide my shock.

"Yeah! I got taken in by a church and they raised me, it is a great place if you ever want to visit there with me!"

"That would be great! Just one more question." He waited for me to ask, "Do you know a boy named Yuno? I met him at the magic knight exam and he said he was from Hage too."

A wide smile stretched across Astas face, "We grew up in the church together! He's my rival, we both want to become the wizard king!"

Everything clicked into my head, "Does that mean. . . you're the one that trained in the huge demon skull there?"

"Yeah!! Before I got my grimoire I'd train by running and picking up heavy logs, then I trained with my swords!" Asta seemed really happy to talk about Yuno even though he was supposed to be his rival.

"Wow, small world." I chuckled.

Asta continued to tell me about Hage. Starting with his found family that he grew up with, and about his love for a sister named Lily.

Wait. . . I thought sisters couldn't get married-

"Hey look!" Asta stopped his rambling to point out this one stall.

We walked over to it, nothing was truly out of the ordinary, except this beautiful sword that was sitting on display.

"Woah!" I ran my finger down the flat side of the blade. It was smooth and kinda warm for a sword, reminds me of Fugoleon- I mean summer, when it warms up those huge flat rocks that I'd lie down on and burn my back but in a good way. "Maybe I should get a sword. . ." I muttered.

"Why would you need one?" Asta asked.

"Well Martha is great but I can't just rely on her. If I use too much mana summoning her one time, I'm useless. Plus it would give me an advantage to be both long range and short range."

Asta grinned, "Well if you ever get one, I can train you with it!"

"Really?! That's awesome Asta, thank you!" I looked at the price of the sword, it was a lot more than five gold coins. "Well, not this one at least." I sighed.

"Let's just go look at items, Vanessa and Noelle still seem to be busy." Asta grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! LOOK AT THIS AWESOME ITEM I FOUND!" Asta yelled, running back to the two girls waving the plushie he bought.

"Please don't tell me you bought that." Noelle sighed. It's a bit too late for that. . . heh. . . I tried to stop him but at the same time it's nice to buy a reminder of his first mission!

I caught up and saw a man I didn't want to ever see again. "Hey, your Ha-ha man." I said, pointing at the dirty blond man who was looking at Asta as if he was a ghost. "You have no idea how much I want to punch you right now."


"It's Sekke!" Asta yelled, then tried to copy his laugh.

"You know him?" Noelle asked.

"He was at the entrance exam with me."

"He's a jerk." I added.

"Going gambling with the ladies even though you're a peasant?" Sekke started, which I made a 'see I told you' motion towards him, "if you've got that much spare time, shouldn't you be doing odd jobs and earning points?"


"I was there! He was awesome!"

"Oh. . Yeah? Well I've just gotten my second one. ." Sekke said unsteadily.

Pssssh yeah right.

"THEIF!!" I heard someone scream.

A man went past us on a cloud, holding a bag of which I assume coins, but it was huge!

"No! My winnings! Stop!" An old lady yelled as she tried to run after the man.

Everyone jumped into action, since this was a lowly thief I decided that it wasn't worth my mana, especially since everyone else was going.

Asta immediately rushed after the man, and Sekke made this weird looking bike thing? Kinda reminds me of Magnas broom funny enough, men have weird tastes.

The true magic knights left to go get the man so I walked up to the old lady. "Don't worry ma'am, they will get your. . . winnings back?" My eyes widened as I looked at the lady.

"Oh thank you so much!" We started walking in the direction they went.

"Can I ask you a question ma'am?" I broke the silence as we came close to the entrance of the black market.

"Oh course deary, anything for a friend of the people who are helping me!" She gave me a kind smile and a 'hohoho'.

I gushed a bit, "How do you have so much mana?"

The lady looked shocked, "what- what do you mean?"

"I can sense your mana, honestly I'd say you can rival the wizard king with that amount. But if you have that much then I'm sure you could have just gotten your coins back by yourself." I stopped walking as she did too.

"I'm not as sprung as I used to be, and I just won some money from a magic knight so I knew they were around to help, hohoho."

I nodded, "I understand." I continued walking and we went out through the wall.

There we saw the take down of the thief. Asta being badass as always and Sekke left after getting healed from the numbing poison, the embarrassing display of an act of dying.

The black bulls were making their way back towards us, the bag of coins were tucked under Astas arm.

"You won all this from gambling?! That's awesome grandma!" Asta cheered as he gave the bag back to the lady. "Don't let anyone take it again!"

"Thank you magic knights, hohoho!"

"Take care grandma!" Asta waved as we left to go back to the black bulls base, everyone seemed to have what they needed.

The old lady looked at her patch of coins, "What an interesting bunch." she said before crystals flowed around her, showing that she wasn't an old lady, but the wizard king. "A girl that could look through the mana coverage spell, and a boy that could negate magic." he smiled, looking thoroughly pleased.

I teleported back instantly so Vanessa didn't have to fly me back. I walked through the base's door to see Yami sitting on one of the couches reading a newspaper.

"Heyo Mister Yami!" I said, walking over to the man and sitting beside him.

He glanced at me before continuing to read, "what are you still doing here?"

"Wow. How rude. Is that how you greet people? Anyways we just finished going to the market, and since it's three people who can't ride a broom I teleported here to help out Vanessa. The other three will be here soon." I looked around the base as there wasn't any eye contact in this conversation.

"You don't know how to ride a broom?" He turned his head to look at me.

"It's not that I don't know how to ride one, I just don't have the mana too." I rested my head back and faced Yami.

He gazed at my face for a bit before going back to his paper, "that's sad."

"WHA- You're a real jerk y'know that Mister." I poked him in the arm, which was fucking riped. "You don't have to try hard to be nice but at least try!"

He ignored me, not surprising.

A huge wave of exhaustion hit me and I slightly faltered, "Hey, I'm really tired."

"Good for you."

"Tsk, you're the one that's supposed to keep me occupied." I lifted up his arms and layed down on his legs, using them as a pillow. "This is what you get for being mean." I closed my eyes and focused on the small sounds as they lulled me to sleep.

Yami stared down at my face, not knowing what to do. He just sighed and continued reading.

The door burst open, both Yami and I didn't react to it.

"CAPTAIN! Look what I got- huh?" Asta ran over to us, waving his plush around in the air but stopped when he noticed me snoozing away on Yami. "So that's where she went."

Vanessa walked in and rested herself on the back of the couch, leaning over Yami's shoulder to watch me sleep. "Didn't think you would let anyone sleep on your lap, huh captain? You got a soft spot for her??" she cooed.

"She just forced herself there, I'm not getting up anytime soon so I thought to just leave her there."

"Soft spottt~"

Noelle walked over to Asta and looked down at me, "Y'know. . . she's kinda cute like this."

"Thanks." I said.

She froze and immediately walked away, "I take it back, I said nothing."

I laughed and got up, telling everyone I have been awake the whole time.

"Good! Then you can come cuddle with me~!" Vanessa said.

"Maybe not, my heart won't be able to take it" I joked.

"Hey YN?" Asta poked me in the cheek, "What did you get Captain Rill anyways? I didn't see you buy anything."

"You bought something with the money I gave you?" Yami asked, placing his newspaper down on his lap.

"Well you see, yes. But because Rill has money and could literally buy anything he wanted, I went for something I knew he wouldn't buy!" I reached into Martha's portal, trying to find the item.

"But isn't the point of buying a present to get something that they want?" Asta asked.

"Yeah but screw that rule." I pulled out the gift, in my palm sat a cube of obsidian, "You see, he would never buy this. But it's a small item he can put on a shelf to make it look better or something, and I bought it for him so now it's sentimental."

". . ."

"I think it's cute," Vanessa says after a pause.

"You are right though, he could buy anything he wants so getting something he wouldn't normally buy would be the right gift. . ." Asta sighed sadly, "If only I had that much money."

I joined him, "Yeah, life would be a dream."

"Did you seriously buy that for five gold?" Yami puffs out from a smoke he just lit.

"Nah, I would never buy this for that much. It was a little less than one gold after I bargained for a cheaper price." I passed the cube to Asta who felt the smoothness of it.

"Didn't get anything for Captain Yami?" Vanessa asked, teasing me.

"Heh, don't underestimate my power of giving gifts." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cigarette case. It was a metal box with an intricate design on the two sides. "I know you probably don't need it, but it's waterproof and won't bend your cancer sticks. So here!" I placed the box in Yami's hand. He took it and started playing with it to get a better look.

"You're so thoughtful! But Rill's gift was because he took you in, what reason is this one for?" Asta asked.

"I don't think you need a reason to gift things, but if there was-

One : because he took me in today without hesitation."

"That doesn't matter, you can walk through the door and I wouldn't give two shits." Yami grumbled as he loaded the casing with cigarettes.

"Two : because he listened to me after I said to take you in, Asta."

"Didn't he make you beg?" Vanessa snorted.


"Yami did." she pointed to the man with her thumb, Yami just gave me a grin.

"Dammit." I sighed, "anyways, the third reason is because he gave me the money in the first place."

I looked outside and realized the time, "I should be getting going, gotta give Rill his gift." Asta handed me the cube back and I stood up from the couch.

"Aww, are you really leaving so soon? Not even going to stay for dinner?" Vanessa grumbled.

"Maybe another day if you will take me." I waved to the three and walked out the door. I prepared a portal into Rills mana but got stopped when I heard the door open.

Yami stood there, closing the door behind him. "Hey."

"Uh- Hey?" I said back but made it sound more like a question.

He walked over and looked down to me. He stayed silent for a bit before letting out a sigh rubbing the back of his neck. "Vanessas forcing me to say thanks."

"For what- oh! Yeah no problem!" I waved him off, "I saw it and immediately thought of your addiction."

He chuckled, "Y'know you didn't have to do it, giving me a gift and all."

"Well, we're friends right? That's what they do!" I paused, "you think of me as a friend right? Well no matter, you deserved the gift."

"We're friends." Yami said, placing a hand on top of my head, giving me a head pat.

I gave him a huge smile, "Yay! Thanks Yami!" I gave him a hug and he rubbed my back.

"I see you dropped the Mister." He chucked.

"Well you downgraded yourself when you became my friend. Now we are on equal ground." I let him go and we said our goodbyes.

I stepped through the portal and vanished.

Yami stood there for a bit until he heard the creaking of the door, he turned around to see Vanessa and Asta peeking their heads through the crack.

"Soo. . . When's the wedding?" She giggled.

Yami looked away with furrowed eyebrows, "Shut it." He walked past the two back into the base and disappeared around a corner.

She gasped and squealed, "Captain has a crush!"

"Woah really?! How can you tell?" Asta questioned.

"Because he didn't joke about my comment! He would normally laugh and brush it off but this one got him! YN threw her hook and caught Yami's heart!!" (Get it- cause he came from a fishing family-)

I stepped through the portal and was welcomed with the white halls of the Aqua Deers headquarters. I walked down towards Rills office, looking in after knocking. I didn't see the boy anywhere.

"Looking for Master Rill?" I heard Walter ask from behind me.

I quickly turned around to look at him, "Oh, Walter! Yeah I am, would you happen to know where he is?"

"He's just in his room painting, usually around this time he takes a break to paint."

"Right, thanks! I need to go give him something, see ya later Walter!" I waved to him and jogged to Rill's room.

I slightly knocked before barging into the room, Rill sat by his easel, looking at me mortified as if I just murdered his family.

"What up?" I smirked.

"Don't just barge in here! I could have been changing!" Rill immediately pulled a cloth over his painting. Sadly because I wasn't paying attention to it I don't know what he was doing.

"Pish posh, you weren't though so your argument is invalid."

"No it's not!" Rill huffed and crossed his arms, "why are you back so soon anyways? I thought you would have stayed there for dinner as well."

"Do YOu nOt wAnT mE heRe?! I'll go back if so!" I threatened.

"That's not what I meant." he grumbled.

"Aw, lighten up Rill! I came back because I got you something!" he perked up at that.

"You got me something? With what money?"

"I'm not that poor! I still have like- some. . . coins. . ." I blanked, shit. I really was that poor.

"Well what did you get me??" Rill got up and walked over to me.

I reached into Martha's portal and pulled out the cube of obsidian, "Here!"

He took it into his hands and stared at it, "Uh- what is it?"

"It's obsidian!" I beamed.

"Okay. . . what's it for?"

"Well I was thinking you could put it on your bookshelf to pisaz it up a bit, y'know." I patted his shoulder and went to sit on his bed.

He looked up at my smile and cringed a bit, "thanks. . ."

"You don't like it?" I questioned.

"I just know i've never asked for it," He walked around and put it on his nightstand.

I let out an audible groan and flopped backwards onto the bed, "Well anything you did want you could just buy it yourself, plus it would have been a lot more than 5 gold coins." he came and sat with me on the bed, giving me a hum of agreement. "It's supposed to be a sentimental thing, like the first gift I gave you. Like when I die you can ground it up or cut it and make it into a necklace or something."

"When you die? That's going to be a long way from now I hope. Anyways, how did you get the coins? I don't remember giving you 5 g o l d coins?"

"Oh, I went on a magic knight mission!"

". . . you. W h a t ?"

I decided to tell Rill all about it at dinner, how I got swept into a magic knight mission and helped out. Then getting the star and five gold coins from Yami as it was payday. Then going to the black market and getting his gift and helping out that sweet POWERFUL old lady, of course leaving out the fact of the lady's seemining unlimited mana.

He accepted my story but was kinda disappointed that I helped the black bulls get a gold star.

After dinner Rill told me that they finished the room they were working on before and wanted to show me it.

"Let me show you. . . your new room!! We finished it today while you were gone." I followed Rill into the room beside him.

"Really! You made a room just for me?! Thank you Rill but- didn't I already say who I was? Why did you get me a room beside yours?"

"It's just a precaution. If I had my way we would have been roommates but my butler said 'a lady needs her space blah blah blah.'"

"I need to thank your butler, I couldn't imagine being in the same room with a doofus."

"Hey! Stop being so r u d e" he playfully slapped me, which I did in return.

"Master Rill- what are you two doing?" Rills' butler came out of Rills' room, guessing he was getting it ready.

We paused, my hand lightly on Rills face as we just had a slapping fight. "No sing." Rill sounded out from under my hand.

"EW" I screamed and took my hand away which was now covered in saliva. "You piece of trash, take it back" I rubbed my hand across his cheek.

"eww-" he wiped his cheek.

"Are you showing the room to her?" The butler had flowers dancing around him.

"Oh right." Rill placed a hand on the handle

"He spent all day designing it. I couldn't pull him out of the room even for food!" He wiped a tear from his eye, "he said he wanted to make it just perfect for you!"

Rills face blew up, "WALTER SHHH! She didn't need to know!"

"He loved the expression you gave when you walked into the base and he wanted to recreate it, he put more effort into this room than he has ever before." The butler didn't hear Rill, or just plain ignored him.

Rill quietly resided in his robe.

"Awww, Rill~ you're the sweetest boy I've ever met!" I pulled him into a hug, he couldn't do anything out of embarrassment so he just stood there with his robe over his face. "I've never had anyone put this much dedication to me, now this makes my gift look like a joke."

"I thought it already was-"

"Rill, you're ruining the moment." I harshly patted his head. "Anyways, show me my new roooooommmmm!!!" I turned him around to the door for him to open it up for us when he thought it was right.

He sighed, taking a deep breath in and placed his hand on the handle again, this time he got to turning it and opening the door.

The room was fully furnished; I had a big bed, a desk with a mirror, a whole couch section, a dresser, a few bookshelves and an en suite. The roof was like Rill and had a huge mural, this one was of a goddess in the middle giving her power to the ones around her.

"RIILLLL!!!" I squealed, I ran in and did a small twirl, "This is amazing!!"

He breathed out a sigh of relief as he and Walter stepped in. "I was hoping you would like it!"

"Why wouldn't I? Anything you create is awesome!"

His face flushed pink, "ah- thanks YN. ."

I ran up to him, "No, thank you Rill. you've put so much work into this room for me, I don't know how I can repay you."

"I-its just a r-room!" he waved his hands in defense.

"It's more than that! I've never had a room all to myself, and you just created this masterpiece only for me. This means so much more than you know!" I grabbed him and landed a kiss on his cheek. "Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank-"

"I think he's dead Master YN." Walter spoke up.

I looked down to Rill in my arms, he passed out with his face completely red, his eyes were in swirls.

"Oh. whoops."

Walter took Rill and told me to enjoy the new room.

I said my goodbye and sat at the desk, looking at myself in the mirror.

"I wonder how that old ladys doing. . ." I thought out loud randomly.

A few seconds later I saw and heard Martha group her arms together and made the arch of a portal. I turned around in the seat to watch the murky water fill the area in between. "You're joking if you think i'm going to go visit the old lady, she's probably sleeping right now!"

Martha brought out another tentacle to act as her head, she shook the tentacle in a way of saying that she wasn't sleeping.

"I wouldn't even know what to talk about, just let her live her life-" Martha forcefully grabbed my arms and started dragging me to the portal, "What! Martha what's gotten into you?! Is the lady in trouble?? Why are you so pushy!?!" She let me go and gave me a push to go into the portal.

I was instantly blinded with a bright light, I wouldn't have thought that the lady would live in a place with light like this. I'm going to chalk it up to those gambaling winnings. My eyes eventually adjusted and before me was a half naked man.

"Oh?" he started, "why hello there!" He was blond with a blue marking on his forehead. His eyes were a pretty shade of purple, and he was in fact not wearing a shirt.

He was also, in fact, the Wizard King.

I gazed upon the man who was giving me the kindest smile. I looked around and noticed I was in a bedroom, his I would assume. He stood beside his dresser, his bed was absolutely massive, surprisingly smaller than Fugoleons. I turned around to gaze upon the room, it was gold, white and red. I noticed Martha left so I didn't have an escape.

I turned back to the man and gave him finger guns, "you come here often?"

"To my own bedroom?" He chuckled. "Mind telling me who you might be? And maybe how you got in here?"

"No!" I shut him down real quick, pointing a finger at him. This seemed to surprise him, "You answer my question, where is that old lady!"

"Old. . . Lady?"

"Yeah! Later today I met an old lady with the mana that could rival the- wizard- king- . . .Is the old Lady your mother?!" I screeched.

"No- the old lady was me," I died. "I was very surprised that you could read my mana. I was using a cloak so I could walk amongst the citizens," he gave me a smile, "now that i've answered your question, how about mine?"

I slowly nodded, "My name is YN LN. As for how I got here, I teleported."

"I got that you teleported, through that really cool looking octopus thing-" he cleared his throat, trying to not get off topic about my magic, "but you see there is a spell placed around the area that doesn't allow people to teleport in."

"Well then to be honest, I have no idea." I shrugged. I glanced down at his still bare chest, "you gonna put a shirt on or-"

"Well I was getting ready for bed, so no."

"Mind if I join- I'm joking, that's a joke." I immediately said. "Well I should be going, Rills going to wonder where I went." I walked to the door but Martha blocked it. "Nevermind, I'll go through the window." I turned to look at the window but Martha was quick. "Yeah I expected that." I slumped.

"Woah! That magic is really cool! Does it have a mind of its own?" the man asked excitedly, his eyes turning into stars.

"Yes, meet Martha, she is a mana sucking octopus. She also wont let me leave because she finds you incredibly sexy and you not wearing a shirt isn't helping."

"I'll take the compliment, Can I look at your grimoire?!" He grabbed both of my hands.

I paused, "Well you see. . . it's actually kind of disappointing." I handed him the book.

Have I ever told you about the grimoire? I know it's been mentioned a few times but I've never actually gone into detail about it.

"It's. . . thin!"

The grimoire only has two pages, well, it does now. It used to have more.

"There used to be more, if you look in the book you can see pages torn from it. I'm a summoner so i'm assuming there were other creatures I could summon but they died when the book belonged to someone else." I shrugged, "Just a theory though."

"And there isn't a clover on it?"

Now it's not what you're thinking, 'oh she must be really special to have no clovers on it!' but that's not the case, this isn't an Asta or first magic king situation.

"Let me explain," I took a deep breath in, the man in front of me waited with growing impatience because he's too excited. "There's no clover because I got this grimoire in my own country."

"Your own country? Wouldn't it have a different sign then?" he quired.

"I got that grimoire from my town, I don't know where it is so there is no point asking." He opened his mouth to say something but I put a finger to his lips, "shh, story time." I walked over to the end of his bed where a small luxurious couch sat, I took my seat and the king followed by taking his beside me, eagerly waiting.

"When I was a child, I was a loner. The only people I had were my family. We lived in a place called the Hino Country, or you could even call it the Land of the sun."

He jerked at the name of the country, "Oh I see, I've actually heard of that place before. Doesn't that mean you know another language?"

I nodded, "I should have known you would know it, you're the wizard king!"

He smiled at me, as if that wasn't the reason he knew about the place but I decided to continue on.

"Well when I turned sixteen I was walking alone in the forest when I came across this book, just lying there. When I picked it up I saw a blinding light." I looked at him in his beautiful purple eyes. "And I was here."

He blinked, "what do you mean you were here?"

"I got teleported, away from my home land, and away from my family. I was stranded in an unknown land where I couldn't understand a thing anyone was saying to me. Do you know how terrifying that was?" I pouted and he patted my back. "I'm assuming that the book didn't belong to any place and was made by someone random, but who would just leave it in the middle of a forest? Maybe they died and I got it before it dissolved? Anyway, I was back at square one learning how to talk and behave around people. I was lucky enough to meet someone who didn't care that I couldn't understand them, and only wanted to help me. They helped me speak this language."

"Do you normally spill your life story to random men you meet?" he asked.

"As long as they're willing to listen." I joked, "you wanna spill yours? Or do you wanna vent? I can only assume the duties of the Wiz king as taxing."

"Oh don't get me started." He started.

We swapped funny stories that we've been through, and without realizing it became very late.

We were in the middle of a laughing fit when we heard a hard knock on the door. I immediately shut up, we must have woken someone up and now they are going to throw me out.

The Wizard king, now known as Julius, calmed down and told the person to come in. Which he apparently regretted.

A man with blue hair walked in, he did not look happy. "Wizard King, what do you think you're. . doing. . ." We stared into eachothers eyes. He was clearly shocked to see me here.

Julius quickly stood up, "Oh hey Marx! Funny seeing you here!"

"I didn't know you had a lady friend over," He nodded towards me, "When you're done here please escort her out, you have work to do in the morning because you were out all day." He started closing the door.

Did he think Julius and I were gonna. . .? My face felt hot and I stared at the ground.

"WAIT IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Julius tried to reason.

"What do you mean it's not like that? You're shirtless." the man deadpanned.

"Eh." Julius looked down to see he still didn't have one on, "Oh yeah, forgot about that." He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

He didn't look impressed.

"You see I was going to bed, then she teleported into my room!"

"She couldn't have done that, there's an enchantment-"

Julius turned to me, "See I told you!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, I actually did. I didn't mean to, I was searching for someone else and my magic took me here."

"I'll be sure to check if the enchantment still works, in the meantime." He turned to me, "please take your leave, The Wizard king has work to do in the morning and he needs as much sleep as he can get."

"Aw! But we were really bonding!" He whined.

"You don't know who she is, she could be planning something." He sighed, turned and walked out, "I don't get paid enough for this."

The door clicked shut.

"Well I guess I shall be taking me leave," I turned to Julius, he was giving me a puppy face. 'I- TOO CUTE-' I thought, my heart getting struck by an arrow. "H-hey, we will see eachother again!"

"I guess. . ." he sighed, "Well it was really nice talking to you, I don't get a lot of conversations without it linking up to being the wizard king, or about my duties."

"That must get tiring fast, why don't you seek me out whenever you get the chance? You're my friend now, you don't have a choice."

He nodded his head rapidly, "great! Now you go get some sleep, see you later!!" He waved as I made a portal and walked through it, back to my lonely room.

I sat on the edge of my bed and smiled slightly.

Time for bed, that's saying if I can even get sleep.


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