
Autorstwa nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 28

489 19 6
Autorstwa nikki13088

Two weeks.... tops.... that's what Kingsley said, but for some reason it seemed like a month. Most of the time would be traveling; Kingsley had set up a Portkey about 10 miles from the farmhouse so the area wouldn't seem too suspicious and from there is where Bill, Charlie and George split up to go to the different location. Kingsley was working on trying to gain back some control over at the Ministry and gave Bill and Harry a small round object that resembled the one he had given Bill on their previous mission to send him messages through. The only difference with this one was that they could send messages back to Kingsley, but he cautioned them to try not to respond if they could help it; he wanted to try and keep them off the grid as much as he could.

Once they used the Portkey they still had a long walk ahead of them. Kingsley said the wards around  Warren's camp went out for miles so he wanted to at least PortKey 20 miles from the camp. Once inside the wards they would do a lot of duck and cover until they reached the main part of the camp where Warren was and hoped that Lucius would be also. They had planned to scout the area further once they got closer to make sure they moved in when Lucius was inside, otherwise they could potentially risk a big chance.

Draco kept smiling to himself every time his pocket started getting hot; he would stick his hand in it and wrap his fingers tightly around the stone as it seemed to give him some comfort. He was a bit grateful that Seamus talked so much as his mind kept going to Ginny and hearing Seamus run his mouth and Ron complain about how his feet hurt  from walking was enough to keep his mind from wandering anywhere else.

"Then there was this other girl..... god she was a beauty.....she had these perfectly round breasts that-"

"Alright Finnigan, that's enough about your drunken sex nights" Draco cut him off.

"But Draco...these things...... they were.....like this big........ I swear." Seamus continued, holding out his hands to give him a general idea of just how big the chest on this woman was.

Draco just shook his head with a smirk and then spared a glance over to Harry who had been quiet the entire trip so far with just an occasional comment. Ron also had noticed since he and Draco exchanged a look every so often at the different facial expressions that seemed to be running across Harry's face. He looked deep in thought,  as if he was having an argument in his head about something.

"You ok Potter?......Potter?.........HARRY!" Draco shouted a bit louder to get his attention.

"Sorry, what?" Harry said, shaking his head of whatever seemed to be on his mind. He gave a quick glance at Draco and Ron then returned his gaze at the ground.

"What's wrong with you mate? You've been in another world the entire trip." Ron stated.

"Oh..... nothing..... just thinking."

"About Luna? Yeah.....I can't stop thinking about Ginny and if-

"We broke up." Harry cut Draco off.

"WHAT?" said Ron and Draco together, seizing all walking.

"Why?" Ron asked.

"It's just....... better this way." he said, continuing to walk past them.

Draco and Ron looked at each other and they quickly caught up with him and walked beside him to continue the conversation.

"Is this because we had to leave again? Because it's only for two weeks, that's no need to go and break up with the poor girl. Believe me, I made a lot of stupid decisions during these past few months with Ginny......I think you made a mistake Potter." Draco said with a bit of unintentional anger.

"Yeah, Harry, you guys are crazy about each other; I think you really do need to rethink y-"

"JUST STOP!" Harry shouted, cutting Ron off. "Just drop it, please," he said, quickly walking ahead of them to avoid them questioning him further.

Draco and Ron exchanged yet another look and continued walking, deciding not to bring the subject up again right now.



Ginny peeked her eyes up a bit and saw her Mother standing at her feet with a tray of breakfast in her hands. She lightly shook her head and let a small smile come to her face as she willed her body to realize it was time to get up. Madame Pomfrey was staying with them for the remainder of Ginny's pregnancy since she was due within the week which gave her some form of comfort knowing she was here in case anything went wrong.  Ginny was in so much discomfort at this stage in her pregnancy; she could barely make the stairs anymore and this forced her to make the couch in the downstairs den her permanent bed for now.  She greatly appreciated the downstairs bathroom and shower during these past few days, otherwise she could be sure her Mother would be sponge bathing her and Ginny wasn't sure she could deal with anymore of her Mother's smothering.

"Thanks Mom," she mumbled out, slowly getting up into a sitting position. "Have you heard anything from Kingsley yet?" she asked, grabbing some breakfast and stuffing it in her mouth.

"Not yet, sweetheart, the last message he sent us was of their arrival at the edge of the camp wards........ hopefully  we have some news by the end of today." Mrs. Weasley said brightly.

Ginny nodded and continued eating her breakfast; she couldn't wait to have Draco back home and hopefully for good this time. Ginny thought about how life would be with Draco after she had the babies and in a world that was finally free of Dark magic; these days those kind of thoughts seemed pretty far fetched.

Ginny's attention went to Luna, who was coming down the stairs and quietly made her way to the kitchen table. She exchanged a sad look with her Mother who came closer to Ginny and whispered in her ear.

"I think maybe you should try talking to her again."

Ginny just gave her Mom a small smile and gave a stiff nod; she had tried talking to Luna again, but she just wanted to be left alone and was trying to act like her normal quirky self, but she could tell it was just an act at this point.  Ginny quickly finished her breakfast before making her way to the bathroom to get showered and dressed.

After her shower, Ginny made her way to go look for Luna and after much searching, she finally found her sitting outside on the back porch in the corner. She made her way over to her and sat down on a nearby chair trying to ignore how uncomfortable she was right now with her aching back and swollen feet. She put on the best smile she could muster up and turned to Luna.

"Luna, please talk to me....... what's wrong?"

Luna just looked at her and after a few moments she gave a defeated sigh. "Harry and I......... broke up." she whispered.

"WHAT? WHY?" Ginny yelled.

"I.... I don't know, " she said, getting up and turning to make her way inside.

"Wait, what do you mean you don't know? What's going on Luna, you guys seemed so happy together." Ginny said with a frown.

"We are and we love each other its just........ he thinks its best th-

"What's going on with Harry?" Ginny cut in suddenly with more anger in her voice.


"What's going on with Harry...... I know you know....... something is off with him and your hiding something." She said, getting up from her seat and walking closer to Luna.

"I....I don't know anything Ginny, I don't know what you're talking about." she said, desperately trying to sound convincing.

Ginny reached out suddenly and grabbed Luna's hand with the burn on it; she was surprised to see it was almost completely gone. She looked from the blonde's arm to her face and tried reading the expression on her face, which seemed to be a mixture of nervousness and sadness. Ginny just let her arm go and walked past her back inside giving her what could resemble quite close to one of Draco's famous Malfoy sneers.


Draco lifted his hand to his cheek to see how bad the cut was, but before he could do that another blast sent him ducking down further behind the tree stump. He tried making out the figures through the darkness, but they were moving around so fast that they seemed to just blend in making his eyes constantly dart furiously around him for any sign of movement.

"This is ridiculous..... there's no way we are going to make it to the camp...... not with this many Death Eaters out here." Ron said, wrapping a quick bandage around his bloodied hand.

They had entered the wards to the camp hours ago, but as soon as they did, they were ambushed by Death Eaters and were now fighting for their lives. They had almost five miles to walk to get to the camp itself and having to endure these attacks the whole way definitely posed a problem. They weren't even a mile in yet and they were cornered already and Draco knew he wasn't the only one who was seeing little chance of them making it out of here alive. He looked out to the water that surrounded the forested area the camp was on and he knew the small stone building in the distance was more than likely where Warren and his Father were; he mentally made a note about possibly using the water as an escape route.

Harry grabbed the charmed object from his pocket and sent out a quick a message to Kingsley and the others, letting them know they were outnumbered and cornered. After Harry sent it, he was about to pocket the object again when a curse collided with his hand, making the object bust into pieces causing Harry to grab his hand in pain as shards of it pierced his skin.

"Shit, " he said through clenched teeth, ignoring the pain and throwing out a curse over his shoulder from behind a tree.

"We need to take a few of them out and then just make a run for it." Draco said, trying his best to take in how many visible Death Eaters he could make out from behind the tree. "Doesn't look like we have much choice really." he said, sparing a glance at Harry, Ron and Seamus to see their response.

They all nodded in agreement and they all seemed to mentally pick their own targets for when they revealed their position.

Draco tightened his grip around his wand and gave one final nod before he ran out from behind the tree, throwing as many spells as he could from his wand. He ran as fast as his feet would carry him; jumping out of the way of curse after curse and ducking to avoid different blasts all around him. All he could hear was yelling and the steady pounding his heartbeat in his ears as he continued barreling through the forest. He lost his footing a bit when he ran past a small ditch and quickly regained himself and kept running; he heard Ron do the same, but he heard a clear snap and whipped his head around when he heard him scream out.  He quickly ran back and grabbed Ron by the sleeve and heaved him up; throwing his arm over his shoulders.

Draco pulled Ron behind a large rock and took cover and watched as Harry and Seamus raced past them to get behind a nearby tree. Draco went to give a quick glance over the log when a huge blast shot over his head and he watched the blaring spell radiating above him destroying everything in its path. He crouched down as low as he could to get out of the way from the powerful spell waiting to make a move once he had an opportunity.  Once the spell died down, he grabbed Ron to follow him and they made another run for it with Harry and Seamus just ahead of them.

He felt his lungs burning from how fast he ran and didn't look back; he just kept thinking to get as close to the building in the distance. He mentally made a note to stay along the small ditch that led to a large body of water in case they needed an escape route. He suddenly heard a spell shoot out and hit the ground right behind him, sending him flying through the air and colliding with a nearby tree.  He could hear nothing but ringing in his ears......his vision was blurred and he felt fresh warm blood on his head. He tried to get up from the ground and winced in pain, grabbing his ribs trying not to cry out from it.  He saw Seamus in front of him yelling and grabbing his arm to pull him along, but Draco couldn't make out what he was saying.

The ringing sound seemed to subside when he heard Seamus scream out in pain from a knife that was thrown at him and hit him in the back of his shoulder. As a Death Eater was advancing towards them, Draco realized he had dropped his wand when he was thrown from that earlier spell. He felt his pocket for his knife and quickly pulled it out, but was quickly disarmed by another Death Eater advancing on them.  Both Death Eaters were then taken down by a spell from Harry and Ron that were taking cover nearby. Draco grabbed Seamus to help him as they both fought through the pain of their injuries and made their way to Harry and Ron.

"THERE'S TOO MANY OF THEM; WE NEED TO FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE....... I'M THINKING MAKE A RUN TO THE WATER." Draco yelled over the sound of spells and explosions around them.

"IF WE EVEN MAKE IT TO BLOODY WATER" Ron called out shaking his head at the rather hopeless situation they were in. He leaned his head back against the tree for a moment as if he was coming to terms with something. "LET'S DO IT" he finally said with a mixture of anger and fear on his face.

They took in their surroundings once more and then they all ran quickly from their cover towards the small cliff where they could jump off safely enough to the water. They were almost there when Draco saw a spell hit Seamus and Harry, wrapping them in a net and bringing them to the ground. Draco ran at the Death Eater that cast the spell without thinking and jumped on him, causing them both to fall down; he pushed the pain in his ribs aside and let pure adrenaline take over. He picked up a rock and slammed it into the mans head repeatedly until the man stopped moving. He turned to see Seamus pulling himself free of the net, but then what happened next made Draco's legs buckle beneath him. A Death Eater reached out from behind Seamus and swiftly slit his throat; his blood splattering everywhere causing Harry to hold up his hand as it hit him. Harry watched with wide eyes as his friend fell to the ground beside him as he watched the life leave Seamus' eyes.

"NO! SEAMUS!" Ron screamed.

Draco felt himself being grabbed roughly by the arms and dragged forward to where Harry was; there was just too many of them and there was no way they were making it out of here.

"Kill the redhead and keep these two alive for now until Lucius gets here." said one of the Death Eaters.

Draco watched them advance on Ron, he was the closest to the cliff. "WEASLEY, GET OUT OF HERE NOW!"

Ron just shook his head, there was no way he was leaving Harry and Draco here to die; he could never live with himself if he did that.

"RON JUST GO! NOW!"Harry screamed at his friend, tears in his eyes as he turned his gaze from his lifeless friend to his best mate.

Draco  was thrown to the ground roughly and grabbed his ribs in pain; he moved as fast as he could and grabbed the wand from Seamus' lifeless hand and pointed it to Ron. The only thing that ran through his head was the promise he made to Hermione about bringing Ron safely home to her and with that he sent out a spell.


The spell hit Ron hard sending him backwards off the cliff and into the body of water below. It was only a moment before everything went black for Draco; his last thoughts firmly on Ginny and the warm stone in his pocket.


"Alright Miss Weasley, everything is looking great, it's going to be any time now before these little ones are fighting to get out." Madame Pomfrey chuckled.

"As nervous as I am, I'm more than happy to evict them from their cozy home." Ginny laughed, patting her tummy.

"Ok, Ok.....look at this.....I did one....finally" came Narcissa's voice from the staircase making her way over to Ginny.

Ginny took the crocheted baby hat from her and looked at it with a bright smile. "Wow Narcissa, this is great, it's adorable....... Mom must be so proud." she teased.

Narcissa just gave her a smirk, "Took me forever, but I got it in the end." she smiled triumphantly.

"You certainly did" Molly said from the kitchen.

They all jumped in surprise when the front door slammed open and Kingsley walked in followed by Arthur, Bill, Charlie and George; they all looked a mess with some cuts and scrapes on their bodies but looked to be ok otherwise.

"You guys are back already?" Hermione said, getting up from the kitchen table.

Ginny had Narcissa help her up from the couch and made her way into the kitchen; a look of worry formed on her face when she saw the look on her Father and brothers' faces.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"We need to talk....... it's best you sit down........ all of you." Kingsley said to them.

Ginny was trying hard not to tremble with worry and to not get emotional; she didn't even know what the news was yet and she was already assuming the worst.

"We...... have lost contact with the others. The last message we received from them was that they were outnumbered by Death Eaters and escaping seemed highly unlikely....... that was over a day ago. When I tried to send a message back, it wouldn't go through which means the object I gave them must have been destroyed somehow." Kingsley said, giving them all a moment to take in the news.

"Does that mean they're dead?" Hermione whispered, as tears freely fell from her face.

Kingsley sighed and then Artur spoke.

"Not necessarily, but if I'm being honest Hermione......... No Death Eater would keep them alive for very long." he said in a grave voice trying hard not to let his own emotions out.

"Dad..... please tell me this is George's idea of some sick prank." Ginny cried out.

Her Father shook his head.

"There's a chance they are still alive, though, right?" Luna said suddenly. "We aren't going to just dismiss this right?" she said, ready and willing to go and rescue them if need be.

"Of course not, we can't just assume they're dead and not be sure." Hermione cut in before anybody answered.

"It...... is more of a suicide mission Hermione...... it's...... it's damn near impossible to get past that many Death Eaters with just us." Arthur said.

Ginny couldn't accept the possibility of Draco being dead; even though she always expected the worst to happen...... now that it possibly could have..... she just couldn't accept it and chose to believe otherwise. Something inside her pushed the idea of him being dead completely out of her mind and she strongly believed he would walk through the door at any moment, no matter how many tears were streaming down her face.

"I don't care...... I will gladly die to try and find out if they are still alive." Hermione snapped, anger in her voice.

"Ron?" came Luna's voice suddenly.

They all turned to Luna with a confused look; and saw her staring with squinted eyes out the window. Hermione followed her gaze to the field outside and her eyes grew wide when she saw in the distance someone making their way towards the house. She didn't have to think long about who it was when she saw a glimmer of red hair that the sun lit up.

"It's Ron" she whispered. "IT'S RON!" she yelled, running from the house and across the field to make her way to him.

Everyone else rushed outside behind her and towards him as Madame Pomfrey and McGonagall stayed with Ginny on the front porch to keep her from running over to him.

"RON! RON!" Hermione screamed as her feet pounded against the grass as she raced towards him.

She was soon before him and took in his injuries as he dropped to his knees and let out a loud cry of pain and guilt. Hermione grabbed his face  firmly and looked at him; he pulled his face from her grasp not able to look at her. Molly and Arthur threw their arms around their son and cried to see that he was alive; all Ron could do was shake his head as he cried in their arms.

His ankle was messed up and his face was covered in blood from a deep cut on his head; he was covered in dirt and his wrist looked like it might be broken.

"Ron, listen to me carefully. Where is Harry, Draco and Seamus?" Arthur asked, placing his hands on his son's shoulders to try and calm him down.

He wouldn't answer, he just kept shaking his head "no" and letting out whimpering sobs.

"Let's get him inside first Arthur." Molly said, having Charlie and Bill help Ron up to the house.

They soon came to the front of the house where Ginny was waiting and her eyes just kept looking in the distance to see if Draco was close behind him. She then looked back at Ron, whose eyes locked with hers and she felt any hope she was holding onto completely slip from her grasp and bust into a million pieces.

"R....Ron.......Wh.....where is h.....he? Where is.....Dr.....Draco?" she choked out; her body shaking, her heart racing.

He looked away from her."Seamus.....is ...... d.....dead, I watched them m...... murder him right in front of me." he cried out. "Draco and Harry told me to leave them, but I couldn't..........I wouldn't. Draco threw a spell at me knocking me into the water to avoid being killed also; I don't know what happened to them after that but I do know....... that the last thing I saw was them both being captured." he let out another emotional gasp. "I couldn't do anything....... they were going to kill them once Lucius got there.....they are probably dead by now." he finished; falling into a fit of sobs.

Hermione threw her arms around him and tried to console him the best she could while her own hysterical sobs shook her body. As for Ginny........ she felt her mind drifting......she felt bile rise in her throat; she became light headed and her legs seemed to have disappeared from under her. Everything became muffled and blurry and she felt her Father's arms around her as she closed her eyes and let darkness take her.



She heard her name and an instant smile came to her face at the sound of that voice, but she kept her eyes closed still.

"Ginny......come on wake up."

She kept her eyes closed, but her smile grew wider and soon she felt his lips on hers and her eyes snapped open to meet those mercury ones.

"This truly is the only way to wake you up." Draco teased.

A frown suddenly  came over her face. "Your.....not really here, are you?" she asked quietly.

He just looked at her with a smile and kissed her again......god how she loved his kisses. She sat up on her bed and saw nothing but white surrounding her and she looked back at Draco who was still smiling at her.

"What is this place?" she asked, looking all around her.

"Not sure really." he said, snaking his arms around her and placing his hands on her pregnant tummy.

She realized she was standing now and her bed was gone and then she turned around to face him. "Why are you here?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and then grabbed her face again, but this time she held her hands up and pushed him gently away.

"This..... this isn't real, is it?" she said, feeling tears swell up in her eyes.

He grabbed her face again and kissed her deeply; she didn't care if it wasn't real she just wanted to feel his lips against hers and taste his kisses. She suddenly felt him pull away and when she opened her eyes she was staring at the ceiling in the farmhouse den. She brought her hand up to her mouth and could've sworn she still tasted him on her lips; she then quietly fell into a mass of tears.

Later that evening her Mother and Father approached her with some food to eat, but she refused it; she wouldn't even talk to them. Her eyes burned from how much she cried and the color had yet to return to her face. She felt an overwhelming amount of pressure from sitting in the same position for hours and decided she better walk around for a bit and got up to make her way outside. She just couldn't accept the fact that Draco was gone and didn't want anyone trying to make her understand it as if it would make the situation any less painful. She knew she was just numb right now..... she felt the babies moving like crazy and not even a tiny smile came to her like it always did.

She past her Mom in the living room who was trying to occupy her thoughts with some crocheting and lifted her head to try and say something comforting to her daughter, but decided not to when she saw the look on her face. Ginny suddenly felt a gush of wetness between her legs and let out a painful gasp grabbing the kitchen counter.

"GINNY!" her Mother yelled, running to her side.

"I think my.......w......water just broke." she said through clenched teeth, wincing at the pressure and uncomfortable feeling she was enduring.

"POPPY!" Molly yelled for Madame Pomfrey as she led Ginny back to the den.

Within moments Madame Pomfrey and the rest of them were downstairs in moments. Ginny heard her Mother yelling and she felt Madame Pomfrey prepping her for the delivery of her babies; everything was going by in a blur and she suddenly pushed them both away from her roughly.

"NO! I  CAN'T DO THIS....... NOT WITHOUT HIM!" She cried out.

Molly looked at her daughter with tears in her eyes....... she didn't possibly know what to tell her daughter right now; she was surprised when she heard Narcissa speak.

"You don't have a choice sweety, your a Mother now.......these little ones are relying on you to get them out safely...... you need to stay strong for them." she said, wiping her own tears away.

Ginny just sobbed, and shook her head. "NO, I CAN'T....... THIS ISN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE! I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT HIM, I JUST CAN'T!" she cried hysterically.

"You can and you will." Molly said softly to her.

Ginny wasn't sure what happened in the next few moments, all she could see was Draco; all she wanted was Draco........... she knew there was no possible way to live a life without him by her side....... to raise his kids without their Father there. She blocked out everything around her, the yelling, the crying, even the pain......... it was like she was just giving up and letting go. She snapped out of her trance like state when she heard crying and Madame Pomfrey place a baby in her arms. She looked down at it with a look of disbelief on her face; tears flowing freely down her cheeks as her Mother kissed the top of her head.

"Congrats Miss Weasley, you have a son." Madame Pomfrey said with a tearful smile.

Ginny's lips trembled with the overwhelming emotion that filled her........ was this....... really happening, she thought to herself. She just stared and watched her son cry in her arms when she soon felt Madame Pomfrey place another baby against her chest. Ginny let out an emotional gasp when she looked at the both of them.

"Looks like you get one of each Miss Weasley, you also have a daughter." she smiled brightly at her.

Ginny just stared at the two babies in her arms, she didn't pay any attention to anything else in this moment until she started feeling dizzy. She felt someone take the babies from her and soon everything became muffled again; the cries of her son and daughter ringing through her as she was met by blackness.


Ginny blinked a few times to take in her surroundings; she realized she was up in her bed and thought of how much she missed sleeping in it compared to the couch downstairs. She placed a hand on her stomach and realized something was different, it wasn't as round and hard as she remembered it to be and her mind suddenly registered the soreness her body was feeling. She whipped her head around when she heard a small cry behind her and everything came rushing back to her. She slowly got up from the bed and took a few steps closer to the two cribs in her bedroom and soon two tiny babies came into view. They were both bundled up in a blanket, one pink and one blue, with matching crocheted hats laying side by side.

One of them started crying suddenly and Ginny took a step closer and leaned over her son and gently stroked his cheek. She felt tears fill her eyes and then her daughter started crying beside her brother and soon they were both crying. The tears in her eyes spilled down her face and she took a step back; she wasn't sure why, but her body became stiff and she felt an overwhelming amount of grief consume her. The crying seemed to be driving her further away until she was backed against the wall across the room from them.


She turned to the sound of her name to see her Mother standing in the doorway with Hermione by her side.

"I was just coming in to check on you guys." Molly said, walking over to the crib and picking one of the babies up as Hermione picked up the other.

She saw her Mother about to gesture for her to hold them, but she quickly left the bedroom and ran to the bathroom slamming the door behind her. She turned on the water and splashed her face repeatedly with cold water and just cried into her hands;  she wasn't sure how to feel, how to act, what to even think.

"You said y....you'd come b.....back to m....me." she quietly cried out; falling to a heap on the floor. She hugged her knees to her chest and cried hysterically.

Why? That's all she kept thinking, it wasn't fair that he couldn't be here with her........ to help her hold one crying baby as she consoled the other......... she was scared to do this alone. She knew she had her family still, but she didn't have him....... Draco Malfoy......... the man she never in a million years thought she would fall madly in love with and have kids with. The man who made her happy again and made her feel safe...... to never fall asleep in his arms again was an unbearable thought. To never feel or taste his lips again and to never see those piercing silver eyes staring back at her was enough to make her want to leave this life so she can be with him again. She cried so much that she became sick and threw herself over the toilet letting whatever contents were in her stomach out.

She rinsed her mouth  out and then looked into the mirror; she was a mess. Her hair was all tangled up and her face pale and clammy; her eyes had dark circles under them and were red and puffy from crying so much. Of course she looked like hell; she only just gave birth to twins a few hours ago and shortly before that found out the man she loved was more than likely dead. Then she thought of the two babies inside....... something she and Draco created....... the last things that were a part of him. She suddenly ripped open the bathroom door and ran back to her bedroom where she saw her Mother cradling one of them and Hermione feeding another.

"Ginny? Are you alright, you should get back in bed, sweetheart." Her Mother said, nodding towards the bed.

She climbed back into her bed and pulled the blankets over her lap and then looked at her Mother. "I..... I want to hold them." she whispered.

Her Mother smiled at her and walked over and gently placed her son in one of her arms and then Hermione gently placed her daughter in the other arm. Ginny just looked at the both of them; they were too perfect.

"Mom..... can you take their hats off for me?"

"Of course, sweety." Mrs Weasley said, gently pulling off each of their little hats.

Ginny looked at her daughter and smiled when she saw the light layer of ginger hair on top and then turned to her son and saw the light blonde hair covering his head. She buried her face between the two babies in her arms and cried; how badly she wished Draco was here with her right now; he deserved to be happy........ to meet his kids...... to love and be loved without any regrets.

"Mom, I want him here with me so badly." she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I know Ginny...... I know," she said, wrapping her arms around her daughter.

"We can't just assume Harry and Draco are dead." Hermione said suddenly. "I want to talk to Kingsley about going back; we need to be sure; not just go on what Ron last saw and assume they were killed." Hermione continued with some anger in her voice.

Ginny wasn't even sure what to think about what she said, she had already assumed Draco dead and it more than likely was true, so she wasn't about to get her hopes up that there was still a chance he was alive.

"Hermione, why don't you go check on Ron, dear?" Mrs. Weasley said, trying to change the conversation.

Once Hermione left the room, Ginny turned to her Mother. "Do you think there's really a chance Draco and Harry are still alive." she looked at her Mom with tear filled eyes.

Mrs. Weasley just stared at her for a moment; she didn't have the heart to tell Ginny that she thought there was no way they were still alive so she changed the conversation again.

"So.... do you have names for these little ones yet?" she said, smiling brightly.

Ginny noticed how her Mother avoided her question and let out an emotional sob.  "No.... Dr....Draco and I n...... never could agree on any." she sniffled.

Molly hugged her daughter's head to her chest and held her as she cried. "That's alright sweetheart........ you can think about that tomorrow." she said, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

They sat like this for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Ginny looked down at the two sleeping babies in her arms and smiled through her tear stained face.

"Scorpius" she whispered suddenly.

"What was that dear?" Molly asked, looking at her daughters face.

"Scorpius......... Draco liked that name..... I want his name to be Scorpius." she said through her sniffles.

"Ah, perfect..... well, there you go..... you have one down and one to go." Mrs. Weasley lightly joked, making Ginny give a small smile.

Ginny looked at the little redhead in her arms and she smiled brightly. "I like Ember" she said quietly.

Her Mother leaned her chin on her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Well, there you have it......... they are beautiful Ginny."

"Mom, can I have a moment alone with them?"

"Of course, sweetheart, I'll be back in a few minutes." Mrs. Weasley said, getting up from the bed and closing the door behind her.

Ginny just sat there holding her babies; she was still in a state of shock. "Hey guys...... it's me....... Mommy, "she said softly to the sleeping babies, and an emotional laugh escaped her mouth at calling herself a Mom."Listen, we need to work together ok? Because Daddy isn't here to help Mommy........but...... if he was..... he would make you both laugh and talk about how adorable you both were because Daddy is.... well....... conceited." she laughed when she said this and her mind went to the blonde Slytherin and her eyes spilled tears again.

She held them close to her again and buried her face between the two babies. "I love you both so much.........Scorpius and Ember."

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