The Masters Brothers - Driven...

By TheClosetLibrarian

60.7K 3.8K 115

Blake and Simon Masters, all they wanted to do was focus on racing, the rest of the family could play spies b... More

2. Blake - Then
3. Simon - Then
4. Beatrice - Between
5. Beatrice - Now
6. Simon - Now
7. Blake - Now
8. August
9. Beatrice
10. Blake
11. Beatrice
12. Simon
13. Blake
14. Beatrice
15. Beatrice
16. Blake
17. Simon
18. Beatrice
19. Epilogue - 6 Months Later
Feedback and Other Books

1. Beatrice - Then

5.3K 226 3
By TheClosetLibrarian

I watch as my mothers car leaves, feeling the panic creeping up my spine as I turn to face the building in front of me. 

My new school Holmwood Manor Prep, serving the lucky children of the local well heeled, rich and famous for over 100 years and now me... a new girl starting mid year!

My parents having decided that they no longer liked each other enough to pretend had divvied everything up and had moved to opposite ends of the country, Dad going to Edinburgh as Mom had come to Surrey, taking me with her after much argument, it seemed neither had wanted to take responsibility for me. But I was fifteen and no matter how much they wished it otherwise, someone had to take me. I was sure if there had been any other family left on either side they would have tried to pass me off to them but unluckily for them, there wasn't.

So given that Dad's job frequently took him out of the country for weeks on end, I had ended up with my mother, or at least in my mothers new house, a key in hand, a bus pass and a new credit card in my purse and a 'See you Friday' as she had dropped me off for my first day and headed into London for the week. Dora the new housekeeper would be stocking the fridge as part of her duties but her hours were while I was in school so pretty much I would be alone all week.

Melius Quam Cetera.  I gazed at the words carved into the granite above the door, sounding out the words in my head wondering what it meant, my mind screaming 'Beware all who enter here' but I knew it wasn't that, that I had looked up 'cavete omnes qui huc intraverunt' those were the words I had painted onto a sign for the new house but mother had not seen the humour in it and it had disappeared, almost as swiftly as she had.

The loud ring of a bell had the other students around me moving towards the doors and hitching my bag higher on my shoulder I moved with them inside, guiding myself out of the flow towards the desk where a woman was sat observing the students pass with a grimace.

"Hello" I greet once the noise has died down a little, bring her gaze my way, straightening my spine as moms voice chides me in my mind.  I can feel her gaze on me and grit my teeth.

"New girl?"

I nod

"What is your name?" she asks her gaze narrowing on me.

"Sorry, I'm Beatrice Blackstone" I reply and wait as she clicks away on the computer.

"Take a seat, the guidance counsellor will be with you shortly" she points as some seats to the side.

"Thank you" I reply politely, sitting down but not missing the surprise that crosses her face at my words, did people not say thank you here?

"Miss Blackstone?" I stand as a man approaches me, a file in one hand and his other held out to shake my hand "I am Dr Richard Lane, I am the counsellor for your year group, Welcome to Holmwood"

As he releases my hand, he turns, "Follow me, I have your records from your last school, we just need a quick review and then I can show you to your classroom and introduce you to your class buddy" he sounded enthusiastic and I was glad I was behind him so he couldn't see my expression of horror at his words... a class buddy!

He waved me into a seat and took his behind the desk, his gaze on me as I sat waiting for him to continue "Our school motto is Melius Quam Cetera, Miss Blackstone, do you know what that means?"

"No sir"

"Better than the rest" he replies shuffling through my papers and lifting one up "I can see from your exam results you are an exemplary student and I have no doubt you will continue to excel at Holmwood" he paused looking at me, did he want a response?

"Thank you Sir" I replied, my mind still thinking how elitist the school motto sounded.

"Good, good, now I have asked one of our student councillors to show you around and make sure everything is okay for this week, she will be your class buddy and if you need anything I am sure Stephanie will be able to assist you, but if she cannot then my door is always open... unless I am teaching or in a meeting" he laughs at his own words and I nod, forcing my lips up into a smile.

"Righto, right. Here is your class schedule" he hands me a sheet of paper and I scan across it, noting the classes pretty much matched what I did in my previous school.

He held out another sheet, "This is a map of the school and the location of your locker and the combination" I nod as I take it.

"You mother has requested a place on the minibus from this afternoon and that is all set up for you, each afternoon you have the choice of two buses depending if you are staying for any clubs, they go from the front car park, and in the morning you just need to be at the pick up point for 7.15, the bus will not wait so please don't be late" he pauses, his eyes scanning the paperwork again.

"Yes, I think that's covered it all, but don't forget, my door is always open, unless its closed, ha ha..." he laughs at his own words "now lets get you to class"

"Yes sir" I mumble, getting up and following him as he weaves through the building, pointing out key locations on the way, theatre, offices, nurse, gym and then the classrooms.

He knocks briefly before flinging the door open and I groan internally, my gut telling me this wasn't going to go well.

"Mr Havers, can I borrow Stephanie King for a moment please" I watch as the class watches a blond girl stand and walk towards the door, most of my frame hidden from view until she stepped outside the classroom.

"Sir, you called for me" she twittered at him and I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her tone.

"Ahh Stephanie, last week I asked if you could help with a new student" her gaze slid to me before returning to him as she nods "This is Beatrice, she is starting today and I know you will look after her and see her settled in"

"Of course Dr Lane, you can rely on me" she smiles at him and I feel the prickles on panic along my spine again, he had saddled me with a mean girl, he may be fooled by her faux smiles but I'm not"

"Wonderful, now Beatrice, good luck and enjoy your first day" he tells me before walking away leaving me face to face with Stephanie.

Her gaze scans over me and I can tell she thinks I'm lacking as her nose curls up "Did he give you a map?" she asks taking a step back from me.


"Then use it, I have better things to do with my time that show you round" she spins away then stops "However, I need the extra credit being a buddy gives, so you make sure Dr Lane thinks I am here for you" she glares and I nod silently.

Biting my lip to stop myself smiling that I got away from her that easily, I follow her into the classroom and towards the teacher "Mr Havers, this is Beatrice, she started today" she tells him, back with the fake smile.

"Ah thank you Stephanie, welcome Beatrice, take a seat with Stephanie and just follow what you can today and we can go over the course at the end of class" he tells me and I look around the room, most tables already hold 4 people but a few have two's and threes and one table is empty.

"Sir, I am already in a group with Annika, Jan and Patty, I don't think its fair on the girls to include another at this stage" I watch her bat her eyes at him and see his discomfort.

"Its fine sir, I don't mind going elsewhere" I see the relief cross his face at my words and he scans the room before pointing to the empty table.

"Sit there today and we can see where you fit in best later" he tell me with a smile before looking back at a surprisingly annoyed Stephanie "Take your seat Miss King and we can continue"

I move to the table and sit, my gaze scanning the class, Stephanie is sat glaring at me as another girl whispers in her ear. I roll my eyes, mean girls, I guess every school must have them but why did I have to deal with one on my first day.

I can feel eyes on my through most of the class but Mr Havers quickly engages everyone and i sit back and listen, enjoying his teaching style and knowing I would do well in this class. I spent time looking over both the map and my schedule, planning my route between todays classes, knowing that it would be unwise to rely on Stephanie, and as I stayed back at the end of class to speak to Mr Havers about the course, she had taken one look, come over with her little group behind her and apologised that she had to run and was sorry she couldn't escort me to my next class. Her eyes had narrowed as I had thanked her for her help before telling her I would manage and not to worry about me.

Mr Havers had watched and I had seen him hide his smile as she had turned and marched out. "Welcome to Holmwood Miss Blackstone, I think you will fit in very well here" he had said before explaining this years work and what I would need to do to catch up.

He had checked with me that I knew where I was going next before waving me off and I had felt a little of my confidence returning, I could do this.

The rest of the day followed a similar pattern, I got myself between classes, spent lunchtime in the library, having found my locker and made sure the combination worked. I had checked out the after school clubs and was disappointed they were most sports. I preferred inside, non sweaty activities but I could always make use of the library after school to do any homework rather than be home alone.

In todays classes I had been happy to watch, engage in basic conversation with the other students who bothered to engage with me but no one grabbed me as true friend material, not yet.

As I had headed for the bus, Stephanie had stepped into my path and again looked me up and down critically "Can I help you?" I asked politely, keeping a smile on my face, conscious of her followers watching.

"Dr Lane thinks I have abandoned you, you have to tell him it was your choice" she replies and I smile.

"Of course" I tell her and she take a step back looking confused.

"You will?"

"Yes, I do not want you as a buddy any more than you want me, I am happy to tell him I don't need you" the inner me laughs at the expression on her face.

"" she huffs out, rushing off and I want to kick myself, I wanted to settle in before I provoked anyone but I'd never been good at being the underdog. Hiking my bag up higher I resumed my walk to the bus, joining the six other pupils heading my way.

I watch the last drop off, the driver reminding me pick up was at 7.15 in the morning before driving off and rolling my shoulders back I let myself into our empty house. Dora has left a note on the kitchen worktop, she had pre packaged meals and labelled them along with cooking instructions. I had chosen one and thrown it in the microwave before grabbing a fork and taking it, still in the bowl along to my favourite room in the house, the library.

The following day I was ready at 7.15, first student on board, I had settled back and pulled out my map and schedule and planned my day. We arrived at the school before most of the other students and I aimed for Dr Lanes office hoping to catch him before classes started and deal with the Stephanie issue. He was in his office and called me in when I knocked on the door. I had practised what I wanted to tell him, much as I would love to drop Stephanie in it, I knew that would be unwise so I kept it simple and by the time I left I no longer had a buddy to worry about.

When I walked into my third class I lingered in the doorway, the table I had sat at yesterday had two boys sat at it. Mr Havers wasn't yet in the classroom so I hesitated until a sharp laugh and a shove from behind me had me falling forward, my bag went one way and I went the other, my body landing with a thud as laughter surrounded me.

"Look at the new girl, already falling over her feet, what's the matter scared" Stephanie stands over me, I move to get up, reaching for my bag but she kicks it away, her face set in a scowl "You ratted me out to Lane! " she hisses and she pushes me back down.

I glare back at her "I didn't!"

"Liar" she screeches pulling her leg back and I know she's going to kick me. The other pupils are watching the interaction between us but no-one...

"Steph, back off, what the hell are you doing" a deep male voice growls and a large body steps between us, all I can see is him looming over me, his body almost shadowed from my viewpoint.

"Blake, what! get out the way!" he steps towards her, forcing her to take a step back as i become aware of another presence by my side. My gaze widens as dark chocolate eyes catch and hold mine.

"You okay" he murmurs, his arm coming around me and helping me to my feet.

I can see Stephanie glaring at me over the other boys shoulder and I start to reach for my bag but the boy at my side gets there first.

"You okay?" he repeats and I nod, reaching for my bag just as Mr Havers enters, his gaze assessing the tableau in front of him.

"Simon, Blake? Stephanie would one of you like to tell me what's going on?" he asks, the class hurriedly returning to their desks.

"I fell sir, they were helping me up" I say into stunned silence, my gaze now holding the teachers, I can see he has doubts about my words, his gaze skittering across the others but no one contradicts me.

"Simon?" he asks the boy at my side.

"I was just helping her up" he replies truthfully without revealing what actually happened.

"Hmm, if you say so take your seats please" he moves to his desk.

The boy with my bag... Simon, puts his arm through mine "I understand you have joined out table, come on" he says with a smile guiding me forward, the second boy close behind me and as I sit, I look at them closely... brothers... twins.

"Simon Masters, this is my brother Blake" he introduces himself before finally handing my bag over. "Welcome to Holmwood" he grins almost silently as class finally starts.

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