A Ghost's Wish [MxM]

By Hopestrife

630K 40.6K 11.1K

[COMPLETED] Oliver Kardos was the General of Bierze and Guardian of the Realms. He had dedicated his life to... More

1. A Ghost
2. A Ghost's Request
3. A Ghost's Parade
4. Anima Wish
5. A Wish
6. A Ghost Returns
8. A Ghost Becomes a Trainee
9. An Informant
10. A Ghost, a Priest, and a Thief Walk Into Bar
11. An Old Foe
12. An Alibi
13. A Ghost Wrapped in Mystery
14. An Expected Invitation
15. A Spar
16. A Ball
17. A Break Up
18. A Confrontation in the Gardens
19. A Farewell
20. A Brawl
21. A Threat
22. A Battle
23. A Welcome Home
24. A Rescue
25. A Dream
26. A King
27. A Guest
28. A Prisoner
29. A Breakdown
30. A Vision
31. Moonlight
32. A Nest
33. A Roar
34. A Wyvern
35. A Dragon King
36. A Request to Leave
37. A Threat
38. A Conference
39. A Motive
40. A Night [M]
41. A Brand
42. A Summons
43. A Skirmish
44. Guarded
45. Choices
46. A Visitor
47. A Golden Cage
48. An Old Friend
49. An Heir
50. A Rucrean King
51. Reunited
52. A Traitor
53. Terms of Surrender
54. A Guardian
55. Desire [M]
56. An Attack
57. A Monster
58. A Messanger
59. Four Generals
60. An Explosion
61. A Stampede
62. War
63. An End
64. A Ghost's Wish [End]

7. An Insulting Proposal

10.7K 736 146
By Hopestrife

Oliver stepped out of Conrad's room and met up with Sarah, who was giving him an unsettled look.

Oliver made her walk beside him again back to his room. "You have a question on the tip of your tongue?"

Sarah sighed. "You still wish me to be honest?"


"Then what are you plotting?" Sarah asked coldly. "I respect the Kardos family and will do anything I can to protect it, even if that is to stand against you."

Oliver gazed at her for a while. Her stubbornness forced her to straighten her back, although her face was pale, and she trembled slightly. He had to smile at the familiar resilience. Having Sarah by his side again made his heart feel at ease, longing to give her a better ending this time.

He finally broke the stare and moved to the large windows that overlooked their property. He felt his heart falter when he saw Duke Aaron and Duchess Sophia step out of their carriage. He held his breath, watching these two. His parents looked so young... so happy... he had stripped them of these smiles in his past life.

He lightly placed his hand on the glass. After he joined the war and donned the title of Guardian and General, he lived a life they would be proud of; however, they had died before they knew of his deeds. 

"I want to do the same, Sarah." His voice was quiet, nearly a whisper.

He would protect his friends, save his family, stop the war, and punish those who dared plot against him this time. One sword will defend his loved ones; the other sword will be the blade of vengeance. 

His eyes lingered on the figures below, and Sarah watched as the young man seemed to age substantially. His face and body were still young, but his eyes were complicated and deep. His aura was that of a lonely king. She held her breath, unable to find the confidence to interject into this melancholy mood.

He finally pushed away from the window and turned away.  

At the same time, his father's eyes flashed upwards and landed on the window where Oliver stood. He had felt the intense gaze before but hesitated before looking up. He was surprised to see the back of his second son walking away.

When Oliver reached his room with Sarah, she noticed the clothes on the bed. "Sir—Oliver? What's this?" She corrected herself when she saw Oliver giving her an annoyed look.

"I need a new tailor. The one my father uses should be fine. He has the right sense of style I am looking for." He explained. "Everything else in my closet needs to go."

Sarah tilted her body so she could look inside the closet and paled. "Um... Oliver... you know how many jewels are on your clothes?"

Oliver shuddered. "Don't remind me. We can donate it, right? There are plenty of the Blue Cristalino Pearls that will be beneficial for Osmela. Everything with those gems can go to the local church. The rest can be exchanged and sent to the shelters in Wynter's territories." He waved his hand across the room. "Same for the gaudy decorations and jewelry I have lying around. I'd rather keep things simple."

Sarah remained still, trying to absorb this information. "But you love jewels."

Oliver shrugged. "Do you think it can be done?"

"You're not..." Sarah hesitated, "...trying to set me up, right? You're not going to turn around and claim I stole your things?"

Oliver patted her lightly on the head. "Nothing like that. It's just a time for a change."

"Are you preparing to be a good Royal Consort?"

Oliver shook his head and leaned against the window, looking to the gardens below. "I'm not the Royal Consort. But I want to start living like a decent man. Once I can accomplish that, perhaps I may become a good son."

Sarah was in quiet contemplation when he said this. There was a sincerity in his voice that she had never experienced before. She somehow knew that he wanted to be better, so she was no longer painfully suspicious. She would remain cautious, but that was only until he proved himself.

It took her and several other maids to clear out the room. They even set aside time to remove the jewels from the clothes. Many were confused, but Oliver made no move to stop them. He sat on the balcony floor, with his back propped against the wall, and read a book.

When evening came, Sarah approached Oliver, who was still sitting outside. She shivered a little from the chill in the air, but Oliver was unfazed by the drop in temperature. He turned towards her as she approached.

"Oliver? Why are you out here?"

He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes with pleasure. "The air is so peaceful."

Silent, without the protests of the dying.  Pure, without the stench of blood.

Sarah didn't understand him but noticed that he was happy, so she didn't pry. "Dinner will be served soon. Would you like to join your family?"

He faltered but nodded in the end. He stood up and walked inside, placing the book on a table. He looked in the mirror and frowned. The cold had turned his cheeks and nose a little red, and his hair was disheveled. He quickly ran his hands through his long hair and tied it up again. He straightened his clothes and turned towards Sarah with his hands held out. "Am I presentable?"

Sarah chuckled. "Let's put you in the last remaining dinner jacket in your closet. Viscount Russell and his family had decided to join us today."

Oliver's brow creased in disgust. The Russell family were detestable rats of society. They had proposed marriage multiple times between Conrad and their Daughter, Joanne so that they could climb the social ladder. They even tried to nuzzle up against Oliver to force the marriage. However, the Russells were cruel in heart and were later found to be intertwined in a slave trading ring. Joanne was a malicious snake as well, thriving in gossip and rumors. They turned their backs on the Kardoses when Oliver was sentenced to fight in the war.

Joanne did marry another Viscount, and her husband suspiciously died shortly afterward. The same happened to her second and third husbands. Oliver laughed darkly to himself. They will never get their claws into his family.

He wanted to tear down the traitors who had harmed his family. It may be his first day back, but he might as well start his plans right away.

He quickly changed to a more formal suit that was sleek and simple, contrary to his typical outfits. His long silver hair was still tied up but long enough to still fall on his back. He looked in the mirror, still baffled by the young man staring back at him. He carefully rubbed the left side of his face to ensure it was smooth, praying that he was not stuck in some dream state before he died at the command of Piers.

"Oliver?" Sarah called out after noticing the heavy atmosphere.

"Let's go face the Russell wolves, shall we?" 

He strutted out of the room and headed to the formal dining room. He had already heard the chatter from the two families. He walked into the well-lit room for entertainment. The voices stopped as they all turned towards Oliver.

His parents were the most surprised to see him. His father hid his shock it a bit more than his mother, but it was still noticeable for Oliver. He smiled lightly when he saw them.

Suddenly a small body hit his legs. "Oli! You came!" Avery giggled with delight, his soft silver hair bouncing with his laugh.

Oliver bent low and picked him, placing him on his hip. "I came." He turned towards the others. "Sorry if I'm a little late."

His mother smiled warmly and quickly met him halfway. She lovingly brushed some of his stray hairs away from his face. "Not at all, darling."

She led him to the sitting area and had him sit down next to her with Avery on his lap. He nodded a little stiffly to the Russells.

"Royal Consort." They greeted him.

Oliver frowned, and his eyes narrowed a little. "You're mistaken. I'm not the Royal Consort."

Silence fell heavily when he said this. The Russells were obviously trying to warm up to him but failed when Oliver gave his cold retort. No one thought he would refuse this form of address so resolutely.

Joanne gave her best smile. "It's only a matter of time, isn't that right?"

Oliver's eyes shifted to her, leaving her breathless from his glare. "I'm not the Royal Consort." He repeated, not caring to elaborate more.

He could demand to be called Future Royal Consort; however, being addressed as the current Royal Consort was poor etiquette. Besides, Oliver would never hold that damnable title, so he didn't want to be reminded of it.

The eldest son of the Russell family, John, broke in to ease the tension. "We were discussing a possible trade route."

Oliver raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Most trade routes have been carefully tracked and evaluated. It's a challenge to find a new one."

The Viscount brightened when he heard Oliver's words, thinking that this was praise for their findings. "We hope to open a new route to travel from our gem mines to Osmela. Most routes are through the sand plains or through the Bolitali Forest of the southern region. However, we believe there is a reliable path through Wynter and in the shadows of the Asksno Peaks."

Oliver's face remained calm and did not show the growing indignation inside of him. He gave a sideways glance toward his father and saw a mirrored expression. He also knew that this was a laughable plan.

"In the shadows of the Asksno Peaks lies the Misty Passage. Despite the treacherous mountains it frames, the flat and wide ground makes it ideal for carriages and carts, unlike the paths in the woodlands in the south. The ground is hard, and we would not have to worry about getting stuck as we do in the Sand Desert. Additionally, the path follows along the border of Rucrea and Osmela in nearly a straight line, drastically reducing travel time." The Viscount continued.

Oliver nodded. "The path is wide, and the ground is solid... yes... But what do you have planned for the predators in that area? Cinderwolves and Arctic Bears would be your common foes, but sometimes an Ice Serpent will travel south from Rucrea. Do you have the means to defend against these beasts?"

The Viscount sputtered a little, not expecting these types of questions from the frivolous young Kardos.

"Of course, if you are traveling through the Misty Passage, then you know this is where Silver Wraiths nest." Oliver continued.

Silver Wraiths are not well known in Wynter and even less known in Bierze. Very little is revealed about these monsters because those who encounter them do not live to tell the tale. 

Oliver had encountered them several times in his previous life, barely escaping his doom. They were large predatory birds hiding in the rocks of the passage. Their wingspan was the length of three carriages, and their beaks could swallow a man whole. Their claws could cut through the toughest stone and crush a horse within moments.

They would seem to be an easy target, except their coloring was light silver and grey. They could blend into the mountain walls and hide above in the mist. It was usually too late to escape when they swooped down because of their unbelievable speeds.

It was when Oliver faced them a third time he knew how to fight them. He paid attention to the circulating mist above, learning how it moved when the Wraiths were stalking their prey and how it changed when preparing to dive. Using the techniques learned from fighting the Rucreans, he would assault the beasts with arrows and spears to interrupt their flight. Once it touched the ground, he would jump on its back and stab the fleshy part behind its head, giving it a clean death. This was how he survived his frequent trips through the Misty Passage.

The Viscount looked between Oliver and his father, hoping for some reprieve, but the Duke looked at him coldly while his son was interrogating him.

"Based on my calculations for a ten carriage caravan, you would need at least a dozen skilled scouts, thirty A-ranked spear mercenaries, and another thirty to fifty melee mercenaries that are B-rank or higher... but this is pushing your luck."

"So many?" John asked meekly.

Oliver shrugged. "At least this much for a 50 percent chance of survival... you should at least triple it in preparation for the Ravagers."

Ravagers were a curse amongst the northern territories. They were a large hidden tribe of bloodthirsty bandits. They would attack Rucrea and Wynter's territories, pillaging and murdering the unlucky villages. The Kardoses and the Rucrean nobles wanted to end this blight, but the Ravagers somehow disappeared into the mountains every time they hunted after them. During the war, they were the ones who decimated Rucrea, so Oliver held a higher degree of hatred toward them.

"Ah... we were thinking..." The Viscount started and looked back towards the Duke.

Oliver knew what he was implying. He remembered this offer from his past lifetime. His father flat-out refused, but the Viscount twisted the story claiming that the Kardoses refused any trade to enter their lands. He rallied the other nobles and fiefs, blocking most trade into Wynter in retaliation. This was the beginning of Wynter's suffering. This time, Oliver would intercede and protect his family and land.

The Russells were truly daring, believing they could manipulate a Duke's family. They hoped to tie themselves with trade and then tie themselves with marriage. It was preposterous.

Oliver couldn't help but to smiled coldly. "Are you suggesting that you use the Duchy's soldiers?"

"They are well trained, right? More experienced than an A-ranked mercenary?" John asked with a clenched jaw.

Oliver nodded. "They are quite strong. But how will we split the trade profits if that's the case?"

"Split?" The Viscount blanched.

Oliver tapped his chin as if in deep thought. "70 percent?"

The Viscount felt relief in his heart, feeling that Oliver was being reasonable. "70 percent, you say? So 30 percent to the Kardoses for the use of their soldiers?"

Oliver's laugh chilled the air. He waved his hand in the air carelessly. "Oh, my dear Viscount, no. 70 percent to the Kardoses for taking an unprecedented risk. We have no need to go through that pass and no desire to do so. If you knowingly choose to venture into that death route, you will pay accordingly for each man risking his life for your gems."

The Russells' offer had mocked the Kardoses' intelligence; therefore, Oliver offered an equally insulting proposal. 

The Viscount shook a little, and his eyes turned red with visible anger. "Perhaps we can negotiate."

"Fine. 75 percent." Oliver said with a dark look.

Joanne stood up abruptly and pointed her finger toward him. "You are being unreasonable! All for mythical monsters and rarely seen bandits."

Oliver gently handed Avery over to his mother and stood up from the couch. As he stood, the atmosphere changed around him, and the temperature dropped slightly. The Russells trembled in their hearts, feeling overwhelmed by his commanding presence. Joanne quickly sat back down, lowered her head, and mumbled an apology.

"80 percent." He said coldly.

His father's lips curled a little, feeling an unfamiliar sense of pride for his son.

The Viscount shrunk in his chair a little. "I... I don't feel that this is possible."

"That's unfortunate that our negotiations fell through. However, we will be willing to allow you to still move through our territory and the Misty Passage on two conditions."

He held up one finger. "One, you supply your men and ensure you are giving them the full and absolute truth of the mission they are about to embark upon."

He held a second finger up. "Two, you sign an oath between us, acknowledging that we have advised you of the risks of the Misty Passage and have recommended against this endeavor. However, you have decided to continue this venture despite our well-intentioned warnings; therefore, we have reluctantly allowed you to continue your new trade route to exchange gems from your fief's mines to Osmela."

This oath would protect the Kardoses from any backlash from the Russell's doomed trade route. Additionally, he wanted to stress that they were only allowed to trade gems. When the Russells' slave trade ring was uncovered, he wanted to ensure that the Kardoses would not be implicated. However, he knew that the Viscount would never accept the options he had offered.

"So you wipe your hands clean of us?" The Viscount sneered.

Oliver adjusted the sleeves of his jacket as if he did not hear the venom in the Viscount's voice. "To put plainly, yes."

"I did not expect the great Kardoses were such cowards. Because of some children's tale, they don't even dare to set foot in the Misty Passage." He hissed.

This time, the other two other Kardos men stood up and radiated a killing intent next to Oliver. Even his amicable mother looked at the Viscount with a dark look.

"Think carefully about your next words, Viscount." Oliver's father said darkly.

The Viscount trembled a little in his chair. "Duke Aaron," He nervously addressed Oliver's father. "I believe we have overstayed our welcome."

"I'll show you out." Oliver motioned towards the door, leaving no room for the Kardoses to invite them back. However, no one cared to stop them from departing. 

The Russells stood stiffly and made their way through the doors and down the hall to the entrance while Oliver followed closely behind.

Before the Viscount exited, Oliver grabbed his shoulder and stopped his steps. He leaned forward but didn't care about concealing his words. "I wanted to inform you, Viscount, that I have heard about you and your wares through the Nightfall Den."

The Nightfall Den was the black market in Bierze, where all things terrible would be bartered and traded, including slaves, drugs, and assassins. This was the place where the Viscount conducted most of his slave business.

The Viscount felt his throat tighten, and the weight of Oliver's hand practically made him kneel.

"Pray that this is merely rumors with no merit," Oliver growled.

"What... what do you mean?" He sputtered.

Oliver mockingly chuckled. "If it's groundless, clear it up before you speak to my family again. If there is truth to these rumors, then know that your trade route offer has involved my family and threatened to implicate us. We now have justification for enforcing judgment on you and your family."

The Viscount backed away in terror, falling down the steps of their entryway. Oliver smiled, which only chilled him. "Watch your step, Viscount."


I have to admit, I don't believe this long chapter is the most exciting out there (which makes me hate releasing one chapter at a time), but I wanted to introduce some of the beasts and landmarks in this world.  

Thank you all for sticking with me! More to come tomorrow! ❤️

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