MCYT Age-Regression (Solo)

By femboywriter01

215K 3.4K 952

All images used found on Pinterest!! DNI IF NSFW/K!NK OR ANTI-Agere My updates are very random and sporadic... More

"I was bored!"
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A whole lot of Littles
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Is Just Fire!
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"You're safe now, baby."
"I'm never leaving again."
Big scary Rides
"Am Lost!"
'Too many burns..'
"She'll be back soon, Wilby."
Slippin' on Stream
They...Left..? [1/2]
I don't deserve it...
Tired.. [2/2]
A Baby Prison
Sleepy Comforts
Forced Actions
Long, Long Nights
Hiding. Lots of hiding.
Icky Adult Drinks
He's Back..
Screw the haters!
Hero's Work Does End
Talking is Hard
Replacement [VENT]
another an

Trying Not to Cry

4.3K 64 21
By femboywriter01

Hello! This was a request by Cdreamthewhore and a Collab with Withering_Orchids !

We did add onto the prompt slightly to make it a hurt/comfort fic!

TW: Mentions of weapons mentions of injuries, toxic!cg!Tommy, manipulation, abuse, abusive!cg!Tommy, unsympathetic!Tommy, cursing, talking bad about little space, taking a little's comfort items (Let me know if I missed any!)

Little!Dream Toxic!CG!Tommy


Hobbling towards his makeshift tent, Dream groaned as he flopped onto the sturdy bed. Tommy had been extra insistent on making him suffer, which meant more aches and pains everywhere.

No matter how much he wants to forget the events that conspired later on in the day, it only looped inside his head. His head which is now pounding with a raging migraine.

He tossed and turned on his bed before giving up on any chances of comfortability. With his body sore, his brain thumping as rapidly as his heart, he couldn't sense his head starting to slip into a fuzzy feeling.

By the time he'd picked up on this, it was already too late. The warmth had wrapped around his entire mind.

Tommy was a very insistent pest, one that was really hard to get to buggar off at that anyway.

He had already started the trek to Dream's tent, a bit behind as he had to clean a few things, from his sessions with Dream prior. He was only actually coming back to annoy Dream, really not having anything at all he needed to do to or with the older blonde.

Therefore, he wouldn't buggar off, even if Dream tried and forced him to leave.

Dream really was too out of it to bother noticing or even remotely being aware of a lot of surroundings. When he saw the tent he had learned to call home, he quickened his pace just to get to the tent.

Once he did, he collapsed onto the bed, curling up and dragging his blanket up over him.

He grabbed his stuffed animal, a horse named Spirit, and clutched his close, taking comfort in the plush he had managed to hide and keep safe from Tommy's lighter. A tool he hated with a burning passion.

It pained him to even imagine what that wretched boy would do to his precious Spirit if he knew about it.

Distantly, he had thought he heard something, but ignored it in favor of trying to get some shut-eye. Though the position he was in was as comfortable as it could get, it felt like something was missing.

He cringed at the taste of dirt and grime enter his mouth. Since when had he started sucking his thumb? It tasted gross.

Grumbling to himself, he snaked his hand inside his pillowcase and dragged out a green pacifier.

It was a soft forest green, combat to the usual robust lime. His sore eyes needed a break from all the crying and straining today. Popping the rubber part into his mouth, he languidly began suckling on it peacefully and soon passed out. Spirit still in his arms with a vice grip.

Tommy had managed to catch his pace and actually get up to Dream's tent. He laughed quietly to himself when he saw Dream, rolling his eyes lightly and snorting some.

Of course Dream would do some freaky stuff like this, why wouldn't he?

If Tommy knew him which he really didn't, then it wasn't much of a surprise Dream would act like a kid as some form of sympathy act or something of the sort.

Though that did give him a few new ideas, of punishments for the older blonde, or well, more like torture methods.

He couldn't keep the sadistic grin off his face as his mind raced with all the possibilities.

If he's willing to act like a kid, he'd get punished like one, he thought. He could have the taller stand for hours in a lengthy timeout, just like a real child.

Oh! And he would most definitely make sure to blow up some of his precious baby stuff, just like he'd been treated. Maybe he'd pull out something sharp and scary and point it at Dream's direction, just to see him tremble in pure terror.

Who could forget his trusty lighter? It'd come in handy for any burns he'd wish to litter on Dream's arms, just like how he'd been burnt when that damned TNT went off.

And, oh boy, was Dream lucky he didn't have any TNT on him.

It's not like Dream could complain, he was at fault! He came up with some of these himself, and oh boy the revenge he could get with this revelation would be grand! .

If Dream thought it was okay to do to him, then he can put up with it for once! Feeling the fear, the genuine terror as someone threatens something you hold precious and dear to you hostage.

And then destroys it, right in front of you nonetheless!

Absentmindedly, Tommy pulled his lighter out of his pocket and flicked the flame on, smiling at the small tool as if it was a puppy he loved dearly.

Gathering his thoughts, he came to the decision to confront Dream later on.

It'd be when he was least expecting it. It seemed perfect to spring this revelation on him mid-session.

Glaring at the freckled face, he began to move away from the figure huddled in blankets and walked to his own house, which was luckily not far from Dream's hut.

After all, he needed to keep an eye out on his hostage. Laying in bed, he yawned abruptly. It would be a nice time for a nap, he figured. Tomorrow's going to be a long day for him and Dream.

Though, only one of them would be having fun.


Truly, it was a masterful plan, even if it was sick and twisted.

By the next day that Dream was big again, knowing truly nothing of what was to come from today anyway.

He forced himself to get out of bed and go to where exactly Tommy and him always met up—not that this was of his will.

Even if he didn't go than Tommy would just turn up at his tent and simply do it all there. He was still admittedly tired, and it took a lot for him to even bother getting out of his pajamas, essentially just whatever he fell asleep in at that point.

He was already dreading today, but took solace in the fact that he, to his knowledge, still had a private coping mechanism, the stuff for was hidden away.

Tommy was leaning against a firm oak tree, smugly grinning at him.

“Oh, if it isn't my favorite: Dream! Funny running into you here, isn't it” his tone sly and smooth.

"We meet up here every day, you shit! Were you seriously not expecting me?!" he hissed back.

It's one of those days when his hostage would fight back, as much as he can, at least.

It was always entertaining to see the old spark come back to him, only to beat it out of him once more.

The spark grew dimmer with each session.

Dream rolled his eyes.

"You already came from that direction, jackass. If you're going to try to mimic what I did to you in exile, then do it properly." He said, glaring at the younger blonde.

He really didn't go far beyond verbally fighting back anymore, he barely had the strength and actual materials to fight back physically. Furthermore, he rarely ever did anymore.

Scoffing at the disobedient tone, he stood up to walk closer to Dream, who'd been taken aback by the lack of comment on his remark.

"I'll get right down to it, little man. I followed you back to your sad little 'home' and I saw what you were doing. And you're not getting off scot-free."

Dream internally panicked but tried to play it off as if he didn't know what the blonde was talking about.

"The hell are you on about? I'm older than you for one, dickhead, and all I did last night was sleep!" He said, still glaring at the younger, who somehow managed to intimidate him either way.

"I don't think normal people sleep with a stuffie and a pacifier, Dream. Don't try to lie your way out of this one, I saw it with my own eyes!" he snarled.

Dream panicked internally but was trying to play it off despite flinching back due to fear.

"You're right, normal people don't, and neither do I. And how do I know you aren't lying about seeing me? You could be bullshitting me to try to force me to do something stupid!" He said, accusingly pointing a finger at Tommy.

He was lying beyond belief, but he was trying to play it off.

Rubbing his chin in faux thought, the blonde coolly began to list off his evidence.

"Your stuffie was a horse, looked like Spirit. Your pacifier was a different green, not lime but something more… easy on the eyes. There's no point in lying to me now, Dream. Just face it."   

He said it like it was so simple like he was simple-minded.
Which he wasn't!

Dream scoffed.

"Spirit is dead and was very much so a real horse, not a stuffed animal. Even if I did do whatever you're describing, I don't see the point in bringing it up." He countered, continuing to argue.

He could be rather argumentative still, especially when defending something he wanted to be kept secret.

Forcing his most parental voice he could muster, he looked down at Dream with disappointment as he continued to further dig his way into the older's headspace.

"Don't lie to me, Dream. I know it, you know it. Don't make this any harder than it has to be. I am not afraid to put you in timeout.” he spat.

Dream paused at the tone, shaking his head some. That tone made him want to regress, to prove his young manipulator right and further fuel his sadistic plans.

"I'm not standing in timeout, Tommy. The fact you think I would is almost laughable!" he said, his voice filled with an odd mixture of remorse and rage.

Either way, he wouldn't relent and take any punishments from the blonde having to do with his littlespace, that was his safe space.

"I know exactly where you put your shit. I am not beneath marching over there and blowing it TO SHREDS, DO YOU HEAR ME!?" the younger shouted.

Dream flinched at the shouting, backing away from Tommy. "Yeah, I sadly have to hear you!" He snapped back, glaring at the other, who managed to stand over him and terrify him.

Softening his voice into a calming tone that made the fight in Dream dissipate, he moved towards the other and cupped his cheek.

"Dream, Honey… I want to take care of you. I've seen how bad you can feel all alone, and I don't like it either. Not only that, but I want you to feel safe with me."

Unconsciously, the older leaned into the touch. He hasn't had someone to care for him before.

Plus, Tommy was so warm, and he felt cold and alone. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to trust someone to love him. He missed this.

Dream leaned into the touch, eyes glossing over slightly as he was put into an in-between-like state just from Tommy's faux gentleness and words.

It was like walking on clouds, making him not want to fight, and even the most obvious of manipulation would probably slip right past him.

"You can't hurt Spirit though…" he said, glancing up at Tommy from his sitting position.

Giving a light-hearted laugh, Tommy patted his back a little too hard. "I'd never dream of it, Little Man! What'd you wanna do today? I ought to let you have a cooldown period before the punishment." he said thoughtfully. The little didn't notice the sugar-coated lies he's been fed.

Dream pouted some at the harder pats.

"Get more little stuff?" he asked, his grammar partially failing.

He had always heard that caregivers liked spoiling their littles, so maybe Tommy would him?

Of course Tommy wouldn't, but it was a chance to give Dream false hope. If he was good enough then he could get new little stuff, even though that would never happen either way.

Sighing, the blond nodded.

"We'll get you some little stuff if it'll make you feel better."

Tommy had gritted his teeth. He'd just offered to take care of the little shit, and he was already acting so spoiled and needy! It pissed him off, but he kept his face steeled into a warm smile.

Dream flinched some at the annoyed like tone of the blonde, trailing down to look at the ground.

"Is okay! Happy with Spirit and paci!" He said, trying to back track to somehow possible not upset Tommy.

His grammar was still pretty okay, so he probably wasn't very far into his headspace and on the older side of his regression.

Giving a genuine, loving smile, the younger started to scratch his head lightly, making a pleasant hum escape from Dream's lips.

"Thanks for understanding, Dreamie. I might get you something if you've been really, really good. My treat! You just have to listen, okay?"

Dream nodded with a happy hum, lightly moving his head more up towards Tommy's hand. The scratches felt amazing, and Tommy was being gentle with it…

"Kay!" he said with a happy hum, smiling happily. Speaking of which…

"Can we go get Spirit?" he asked, wanting the small stuffed horse.

"Sure we can, but we have to be quick" Tommy muttered under his breath.

"I don't want someone to stumble in here and see us."

Why did Tommy not want to be seen with him? It wasn't like he's weird for regressing! Right? He was already second-guessing himself.

Dream paused momentarily, weighing his options. He could stay here and make Tommy happy, possibly getting some type of reward. But he wouldn't have Spirit or his paci, or anything to do, so he'd be terribly bored. But he didn't want Tommy upset…

"Is okay…" he muttered softly, absentmindedly and lightly sucking his thumb.

He lightly gagged at the taste of dirt and grime, but didn't stop. Tommy didn't want him going to get his paci or spirit, so this was the alternative.

"We can go for a walk together, look at all the pretty flowers in bloom. What'd you think?" His caregiver's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

Dream nodded absentmindedly, feeling like he was in autopilot. Flowers are pretty when they're in bloom, his regressed brain whispers back at him.

"Let's go on then, Bubs. There should be a few nice spots around here"

Tommy didn't sound… upset, so no harm in going!

Dream nodded, carefully stumbling to his feet.

He would've asked Tommy to carry him, but with how Tommy had said and acted he decided not to. In return Dream was incredibly wobbly on his feet, and probably wouldn't be able to manage to go very fast, but at least he wouldn't annoy Tommy!

"Kay!" he replied happily, smiling at the idea of getting to see flowers.
Flower fields were pretty, and always managed to calm his nerves big or little alike.

A few minutes into the walk, Tommy had glanced behind him where Dream fumbled on unsteady feet. He looked so concentrated on not falling onto the ground that he hadn't noticed he was lingering behind him.

"Can you hurry up? The sun will set by the time we get there at this rate!" he hissed.

Dream winced, whining softly. He couldn't go any faster! If he fell he'd get scraped, and he already struggled with supplies enough without having to deal with scrapes that could've been prevented.

"Can't!" he replied, carefully shuffling/waddling to Tommy, which took a few minutes in and of itself.

Stomping back towards the little, Tommy had forcefully gripped Dream and maneuvered them to where he could carry him properly.

“You can’t even do anything simple by yourself!” He fumed. He sounded so angry, he didn’t want that!

Dream flinched back from Tommy, tears quickly collecting in his eyes.

’M sorry!" he said, moving his hands in front of his face as if he'd be hit, clearly scared Tommy would punish him again. He couldn't help it! He was young, and no child his age—whatever it may be—could walk properly!

Glaring with a toxic look in his eyes, he uttered two words that made Dream's heart shatter into pieces.

“Shut. Up”

Dream flinched, but nodded anyway. He bit down harshly on his shirt collar to keep from making noise as he cried, unable to really hold it back.

While big Dream could mask his emotions, little Dream couldn't, and was very emotional.

He didn't even want to be there anymore, he wanted to go back to his tent and curl up with his paci and Spirit! Tommy was being a meanie, and he didn't like it!

When they made it to their destination, Tommy had let the boy drop from his arms and by sharp sticks which gave him small scrapes.

He winced at the action, as tears spilled from his eyes like a leaking faucet.

"Don't cry about it! Just go- play or whatever you're supposed to do!".

He'd been dismissed… maybe he can make a run for his tent? He can barely stand but if he makes it home than everything would be okay.

Dream struggled to stand, between his legs being wobbly this young, the new small scrapes, and how blurry his vision was from crying the odds were heavily against him.

He stood there in thought about it for a couple seconds before starting to shuffle towards his tent. It'd take longer than normal, but he yearned to be back there and away from Tommy, with spirit.

He could've sworn he heard that voice calling for him from a distance. He paid it no attention as he kept moving, never once looking back.

Spirit was waiting for him, his paci was there too! Tommy wasn't there… it felt better. It should feel better but something akin to guilt pooled inside his gut.

Tommy was probably worried! He hobbled to crash on top of his bed, pulling out his little gear. Why did he feel so bad?

When Dream got back to the cabin he immediately went to find spirit, searching for the beloved plush anywhere he could've left it or hidden it.

But it was gone, as if it had never existed anyway. No trace, no indications it ever existed, nothing! Of course little Dream's mind didn't put his caregiver as the horse-napper, thinking his caregiver wouldn't take the comfort item as he hadn't been bad.

So he did the most logical thing he could think of and frantically messaged Tommy on his communicator, each message in broken and misspelled English.

Dream> tom y help

Dream> camt fimd sprit & paci

Tommy had been preoccupied with something else, when his communicator started going off for minutes straight.

At first, he assumed it was Tubbo or maybe Wilbur, the two loving to annoy him. When he saw it was Dream, he rolled his eyes, reading a deciphering the messages.

Tommy> I took them since you were bad earlier today. If you can be good tommorow I'll consider letting you have them back.

Truly Dream hadn’t been bad, but if he made the little believe he was, he could cause more mental anguish than just taking the items.

Dream had curled onto the floor, grasping at his sides as he tried to breathe. Everything, gone.

Why was he so bad? He wants Spirit and his paci! He let every loud, ugly sob out, not caring for the volume now. Likewise, he wanted his stuff back! He didn't know long he'd been crying for, but it was starting to get dark outside.

Footsteps grew closer to him, making him furl deeper into himself.

The sound stopped until it was right in front of his body.

"Is- Dream? Is that you? What happened? Oh God, you're all scraped up-".

The thick British accent only meant one thing.


Voice panicked, the older asked if he could walk. A measly no. George carried him out to a portal that he supposed led to home. His mind was still tired from crying, meaning he didn't feel whenever something plush had been placed gently into his arms.

Something rubber went into his mouth as well, but he could process what's going on around him. He couldn't see George looking down at him sweetly. 'He'll be safe now…' the shorter's mind cheered.

George gently and carefully got Dream back to the community house, where Sapnap had been waiting. Sure they knew Dream had been some sort of "exiled" or however Tommy explained it, but it never felt right.

So after a long time mapping out and figuring out where Dream was later, and the older British male finally had the blonde back.

Sapnap knew of and helped with his plan, swearing up and down that if Dream was even mildly hurt, he personally beat Tommy to a pulp.

Sadly, Dream looked rather bad. Scars definitely from pocket knives littered his sides, like they'd been thrown at him, some older and newer looking burns on his arms, scraped up…

"Well, he doesn't look good." he spoke to the ravenette as he entered the house, Dream asleep in his arms by this point.

"We should bandage his little scrapes… poor thing" George was being weirdly soft, but Sapnap couldn't blame him.

He would be too if he saw the state Dream was in when he'd first picked him up.

Sapnap nodded. "Here, we can take him back to Kinoko for tonight, get him patched up and all that." He said with a hum.

He could hunt Tommy down later, for now Dream needed them.

They whispered amongst themselves the whole way there, commenting on certain bruises and injuries that looked abhorrent. Not even Tommy had those kinds of scars. The child had taken it too far.

Making it back to Kinoko, they'd grabbed antiseptic wipes and began to gently pat down on the needed areas. The stench and burn from the medicine enough to wake Dream up, who started crying.

Dream immediately spring up and thrashed away from the other two, panicking and breathing heavy. This wasn't his tent, Tommy wasn't there. Oh God, he's going to be so upset! Would he burn Spirit!?

All those thoughts and more ram through his head as he was back against a wall, sobbing his eyes out.

"Hey, hey… Dream, it's us. Sappy and Gogy?" his pleading tone was enough to make the blond look at him.

Seeing it was his friend, he visibly relaxed.

"Don't worry, Love. To- he, isn't coming anywhere near you again. We promise."

Pure rage was all they felt after seeing Dream flinch at his name.

Dream would be happy with that fact, if the younger didn't still have his beloved horse plushie. He didn't even care about the paci anymore, he just wanted the plushie…

"Spiwit!" he said, ending up in happy tears again at the name being uttered.

Handing him the plush softly, George smiled at him. A real, happy smile. One that wasn't mean.

"That's right, Darling. It's Spirit!"

He moved the horse to make it seem like it was waving at him.

Dream clutched the horse close, holding it as if he wasn't touching it then it'd suddenly vanish. He also checked it over for any type of burn scar, but luckily found none.

Of course, they wouldn't tell him this, but Sapnap may have persuaded Tommy into giving Dream's little items to them.

"We should go to bed now, Sweetie. We're all pretty tired…"

A whine made him give another bit of reassurance.

"We'll be here for you, Dream. Through everything good and bad… We love you."

With that, they cuddled close to one another in a large bed. They'd talk about it when it's morning.


When morning came, Dream was the first up, at the crack of dawn. He always made him get up this early, so it was a learned habit.

He was big, and least to say confused and worried when he woke up next to his two friends, or if Dream actually believed him ex-friends.

George began to awake at the movement in the blankets and cracked open an eye.

"Mmh. Dream- how're you doing? Better?"

His words often getting interrupted with small yawns. Sapnap was always the heaviest sleep out of them.

"What am I doing here? And where is here?"

Dream immediately asked, backing away from the two and backing into a wall. He didn't trust them, not now at least. Everyone that had gotten close to him only did it to stab him later on, at least recently.

It wasn't exactly surprising, but still rather sad…

"We rescued you from 'Exile' and brought you back to Kinoko Kingdom. We caught on that something fishy was going on with you and him, so we planned this through." He said calmly, waiting for his friend to process the information.

It'd be a lot at first, it was always like that for everyone.

Dream flinched at that, shaking his head as he immediately stood up.

"Fuck, no, I-" he was panicked and between trying to rationalize the situation and figuring out how he'd calm Tommy down from this one.

"I have to go back, Tommy will do something drastic-" he muttered, seeming completely unfazed by saying Tommy's name.

George's eyes glimmered with protectiveness, going as far to make a disgusted face at the boy's name.

"He won't touch you, let alone come near you. We took care of that, don't worry."

"Don't worry?" Dream actually laughed some.

"He's crazy, he'll literally do anything to get back at me. I really can't just not worry." He said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his nerves, so far nothing was helping.

George shook his head. "You don't understand. Sapnap convinced him to not come near you. It's Sapnap we're talking about" he said dully. It was reassuring to him, in a way. Sapnap stirred, slowly waking up.

He knew that his captor was probably beaten the shit out of. And rightfully so. His breathing slowed back down to a normal pace.

Dream sighed. "You still shouldn't of. It wasn't great, but still…" he said with a frown. He didn't want to be a bother…

Almost as if reading his mind, George spoke up. "It wasn't a bother. We're glad you're safe! We were worried sick about you…"

"You shouldn't of been, I'm fine." Dream said, lying pretty blatantly at that point. Which made Sapnap facepalm, with just how bad the lie was.

"What he was doing wasn't fine Dream, he was hurting you. It was dangerous for you!" Sapnap ranted out.

"And? I deserved it, after all he was just mimicking me." Dream said this with a plain look, staring down at his hands.

Tommy just mimicked what Dream did during his exile, so truly he deserved it!

"He did it worse to you! He was hurting you more often than you'd hurt him. He'd beat you up nearly every day. Furthermore, he's been using your coping mechanism against you! Something you never did to him!"

George had set a grounding hand on Sapnap's shoulder to keep him from getting too loud and scaring Dream.

Dream just sighed. "If I didn't want him to use my coping mechanism against me than I should've been more aware and hid it better!" he said with a scoff.

He was just as argumentative as Sapnap, when he could do such safely.

“Dream, you didn’t know he was following you, or that he’d manipulate you. It’s not your fault,  he’s in the wrong, not you.” George complained.

"Who can blame him? I manipulated him too, hell his exile was what kept me out of prison! If anything he did me a favour!" Dream argued.

He didn't know why he was defending Tommy, he just was.

"Anyway," George said, strategically changing the conversation, "Puffy's written you down for a therapy meeting".

Sapnap chimed in, "You don't have to go if you don't want to!"

Taking a deep breath to steady his pounding heartbeat, he sighed.

"I'm going."   The smile on his face was real. He was safe.

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