The Wielder Of Ember

By chelsea2096

35.9K 1.2K 43

Yelena isn't Natasha's only sister she has a BIO sister Veronika Sofia Romanova who goes by Rory they are al... More

Rory Info and Such
1995 Chapter 1
Avengers Forming Chapter 2
Asgardians Chapter 3
Playing The God Of Mischief Romanoff Style Chapter 4
Agent Down Chapter 5
Battle Of New York Part 1 Chapter 6
Battle Of New York Part 2 Chapter 7
Thor Dark World Twist
Odd Signals Chapter 8
Kidnapped To An Alien Planet Chapter 9
The Sword Of Ember Chapter 10
A Space Friendship Chapter 11
Saving Xander Chapter 12
Thanos Fight And Returning Home Chapter 13
The Winter Soldier
Briefing Chapter 14
Battleship Chapter 15
Fury Chapter 16
Trauma List Chapter 17
What The Ghost Wants Chapter 18
Bombs Away Chapter 19
Rooftops Chapter 20
What Is With With People And Ember Chapter 21
Speeches And Chaos Chapter 22
Kiss Our Asses Chapter 23
Age Of Ultron
Weird Feelings and The Scepter Chapter 24
First Meetings Chapter 25
Astro Talks Chapter 26
Party Chapter 27
TimeOut Chapter 28
First Kisses Chapter 29
More Astro Talks and Team Talks Chapter 30
We All Make Mistakes Chapter 31
Haunted Past Chapter 32
Sokovia Part 1 Chapter 33
Sokovian Part 2 Chapter 34
A Few Months Later Chapter 35
Spider-Boy Chapter 36
Trauma and Grief Freeday Chapter 37
The New Avengers Chapter 38
Around A Year Later and Anniversaries Chapter 39
Training, Trouble and Leads Chapter 40
Civil War
Rumlow and Lagos Chapter 41
The Accords and Choosing A Side Chapter 42
Funeral's and Bucky Chapter 43
Making Things Worse Chapter 44
Punching Stark and Fake Doctors Chapter 45
Coming For You Chapter 46
Team Cap Vs Team Iron-Man Chapter 47
The Raft Chapter 48
Breaking Out Chapter 49
Black Widow
Dark Side Talks and Being An Adult Chapter 50
Taskmaster Chapter 51
Sister's Reuniting Chapter 52
The Widow's Chapter 53
Fight's and Truth's Chapter 54
Beer's and Planning Chapter 55
Prison Break Chapter 56
Awkward Family Dinner Chapter 57
Found Chapter 58
The Red Room Part 1 Chapter 59
The Red Room Part 2 Chapter 60
Over The Two Years A Little
Relaxing Day Chapter 61
Wanda Birthday Chapter 62
Close Call Chapter 63
Wanda and Rory's 2nd Anniversary Chapter 64
Telling People Chapter 65
Wedding Talk and Beda Causing Mischief Chapter 66
Wedding Planning and meeting Vision Chapter 67
The Night Before and The Wedding Chapter 68
Honeymoon Chapter 69
Magical Surprise Chapter 70
Drama Free Day Chapter 71
Christmas Chapter 72
New Years Chapter 73
Sister Bonding Day Chapter 74
Rory Birthday Chapter 75
Hormonal Wanda Chapter 76
Baby Birth Chapter 77
Our Little Family Chapter 78
Sam and Steve Meeting The Baby Chapter 79
Vision Meeting The Baby Chapter 80
Infinity Wars
3rd Anniversary Chapter 81
Tali's First Birthday Chapter 82
Meeting Vision and Drama Chapter 83
Going Home Chapter 84
Plans Chapter 85
Welcome To Wakanda Chapter 86
The Battle Of Wakanda Chapter 87
The Snap Chapter 88
Carol and Finding Thanos Chapter 89
Planet Thanos Chapter 90
During The Five Years
Rory Moving Tali and Beda To The Compound Chapter 91
Sisterly Training Chapter 92
Mission Chapter 93
First Anniversary Without Wanda Chapter 94
Natasha and Rory Teaching Tali Things Chapter 95
Stark Wedding Chapter 96
Anniversary Of The Snap Chapter 97
The Cabin Chapter 98
Rory Telling Tali About Wanda Chapter 99
Tali Learning Sword Fighting Chapter 100
Christmas Chapter 101
Looking For First Borns Chapter 102
Tali Birthday Chapter 103
Roinn Chapter 104
Rory and Tali Bonding Day Chapter 105
Play Dates and Powers Chapter 106
A Heart To Heart Between Sister Chapter 107
Undercover Missions Chapter 108
Leads On First Borns Chapter 109
Talks Between Mother and Daughter Chapter 110
Visitors and Hope Chapter 111
Quantum Machine Chapter 112
Test Jump and Plotting Chapter 113
Vormir and Hero Down Chapter 114
The Reverse Snap Chapter 115
Final Battle Part 2 Chapter 117
Maximoff-Romanoff Family Reuniting Chapter 118
Tony's Funeral and The Stones Returned Chapter 119
Natasha's Funeral Chapter 120

Final Battle Part 1 Chapter 116

147 7 0
By chelsea2096

Rory wakes to Tony standing over her

Come on waky waky no time for a nap -Tony

That fucking sucked -Rory mutters sitting up

Tony nods in agreement

Where are the others -Rory

I have no fucking clue -Tony admits

Isn't that Cap's Shield -Rory

Tony follows her gaze and see's it sitting there then he goes over and grabs it

Then the two look around for Steve

Hey is that a hand -Rory says noding to a hand sticking out of part of the broken ceiling

Tony blasts the ceiling a little

Rory summons Ember and begins to cut and dice the ceiling

The two moving the ceiling and under it all they find Steve

Rory shakes Steve

Come on Steve. No time for an old man nap -Rory

Tony chokes out a laugh

Steve grumbles a little as he wakes up and finds Tony and Rory standing over him

Tony holding his Shield which Tony gives to Steve

You lose this again, I'm keeping it -Tony

What happened? -Steve

Told you. We messed with time -Tony

And time messed back -Rory

Agreed -Tony

Steve follows Tony and Rory through the ruins of the lab

Where are the others? -Steve

I read life signs, maybe 800 feet down, but it's hard to tell -Tony

Rory, Tony and Steve reach the edge of the crater where Thor looks down at... Thanos. Sitting on a rock waiting

What's he been doing -Tony

Absolutely nothing -Thor

The Four of them stare a long moment. Then, as if sensing them, Thanos turns his head and looks their way

Son of a bitch -Steve

Yeah -Tony

Where are the stones? -Steve

Somewhere under all of this, All i know is. He doesn't have Em -Tony

So we keep it that way -Steve

This is out chance -Rory

You know it's a trap -Thor

Don't think i care -Tony

Just so we're all in agreement -Thor says holding his hand out and Mjolnir flies into it

Thor then holds his other hand out and Stormbreaker laps into his palm


Lightning strikes as he's covered in cap and armor

Let's kill him properly this time -Thor

Agreed. This son of a bitch isn't walking away from this again... Wanda is alive and out there now I can feel it -Rory

Through your bond -Tony guesses

Yeah. Through our bond. This is the chance that my family can be together. Can be whole -Rory

Steve tightens his Shield

They all then jump down into the Crater where Thanos is


The Crater

Thanos doesn't stand on them The four of them getting a little closer to him

You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you?.. Right back to me -Thanos

Rory, Steve, Tony and Thor all stand around Thanos a little away from him

 I thought by eliminating half og life, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me that's impossible... Life clings to the past with bloody fingernails. As long as there are those who remember what was, there will be those unable to accept what can be. They will resist -Thanos

You killed my wife Dick. I will never let a talking grapefruit get in between her and me. An something tells me she agrees with me -Rory

We're all kind of stubborn -Tony

I'm thankful. Because now I know what I must do -Thanos says reaching for his Helmet

I will shred this universe down to its last atom and the, With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one, teeming with life that knows not what it has lost, but only what it has been given. A grateful universe -Thanos

Over my dead body -Rory

I think that's what he means -Tony

Shut up tony -Rory

Born out of blood -Steve

Thanos studies Steve as if he is seeing him for the first time

They'll never know it -Thanos says drawing the blade off his back that Rory knows well and towers over them

Because you won't be alive to tell them -Thanos

Tony glances over at Steve and Rory

Ready -Tony

Steve nods

Like you have to ask -Rory

Thor charges Thanos

The other Three follow his lead and attack Thanos using there combined skills

Thanos stumbles on his heels


Half An Hour Later

Rory leans back avoiding a blow from Thanos blade and she spins herself with Ember in hand an she slices Thanos in the face from the top of his left eye to his jaw

Thor then smashes his hammer together, Hurling lightning into the back of the Iron Man suit

Thanos hisses in pain  then she swings at Rory again who does a handstand an bounces out of the way and moves out of the way before

Tony then sends the resulting overload at Thanos... But Thanos propellers his blade, holding back the blast

Thor uses Stormbreaker to bat Mjolnir at Thanos

Thanos snatches Tony by the ankle and uses him as a shield against the oncoming hammer


Mjolnir Plows into the dirt

Tony goes tumbling out cold

Shit -Rory mutters


A Little Later

Steve slashes at Thanos

The Titan brutally bats him aside

Thor attacks, But Thanos drives him through walls of debris

Thanos smashes his fist into Thor's face, over and over again

That is until Rory jumps in she jumps ontop of Thanos and puts Ember through his Armor and into his back

Ember lights up

Thanos roars in pain and moves away a little from Thor then he grabs Rory by the hair and launches her off of him then pulls out Ember and tosses the sword to the side

Rory groans feeling blood drip down her face

Asshole -Rory mutters feeling dazed

Thor calls for Stormbreaker holding out his hand

Before Stormbreaker can get to Thor. Thanos intercepts it and he presses the blade into Thor's chest, trying to drive it home

Rory snaps out of her dazed feeling in time to see Steve pick up Mjonlnir

Rory's jaw dropped

I fucking knew it -Rory mutters then watches as things go down in front of her

Thanos grins, about to finish Thor off when... Mjolnir flies in, Knocking the axe out of Thanos's hand

Mjolnir then flies bak the way it came landing in Steve's hand

Half conscious Thor see's Steve holding Mjolnir

I... Knew... It -Thor

Steve Attacks, cracking Thanos In the Jaw

Thanos Tumbles

Rory holds out her hand and Ember flies through the air and lands in Rory's hand who then flies herself to her feet

Before the Titan can get up, Steve calls down the lightning and sends it cracking into Thanos body causing him to fall on one knee

Steve leaps, trying to finish Thanos off... But Thanos rolls aside and headbuts Steve backwards

Thanos then gets to his feet a smile on his face then he whips his helmet off and attacks Steve with his blade

Blow after blow and all Steve can do is hold his shield up hacking it to pieces

Rory throws a widow bite at Thanos causing him to stop in his brutal attack

Thanos then turns to Rory a look of fury on his face

They then meet head on

Thanos's blade meeting Ember and they and they struggle against each other

In all my years of conquest. Of Violence and slaughter... It was never personal -Thanos

You murdered my fucking wife and forced me to raise our daughter alone for the last Six Years -Rory seethed

So this isn't about me forcing you to fight for your life -Thanos

I got over that unlike you I can grow as a person. What am pissed about is that not only did you murder Billions of innocent people but you tore my family apart. Took my wife from our daughter and it's because of you my sister is dead! -Rory seethed pushing Thanos back a little

They both pause in there fighting when they hear a weird noise and they turn it where they find

Thousands of Aliens ring the lip of The Crater

The Black Order leads a Platoon of Chitauri, Sakaarans, and Outriders

But I'll tell you noew, the things I'm about to do to your stubborn annoying little planet -Thanos

Q-Ships, Dropships, Nerocraft, And Leviathans buzz from above

Rory turns back to Thanos to see his fist meet her face

Rory flies back but is caught by Steve who helps her steady herself

I'm going to enjoy it. Very, Very much -Thanos

Rory and Steve share a look

Two against... Over a Thousand -Rory

Sounds like one hell of a Friday night -Steve

A story I'll be sure to tell Tali for years to come -Rory

The two stares at Thanos and his army

Both know that it doesn't look good and this could very well be it for the two of them

Rory's thoughts go to her wife and Daughters

Wanda who she hoped to see again but now she might not

Then to her daughters Karli and Tali who mean the world to her

Rory was begining to think that she'll never see any of them again

Never be able to kiss her wife and tell her how much she loves her

Watch another Pirate Movie and tuck Tali into bed singing to her

Never be able to hold Karli close and hug her an tell her that she loves her

Then Rory snaps out of it and her comms Crackles along with Steve

Ap... Coming... Ot -Comms

Rory taps her Comms trying to get it to clear out and Steve shakes his head

Cap. Rory. On your left -Sam says

Rory and Steve turn intime to see a Portal open behind them and Sam fly out of it

Steve and Rory watches as then more portals open and more Hero's come out

Dr. Strange, Peter Quill, Mantis, Peter Parker, Karglin and The Ravagers from one

From another

T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, MBakus, Bucky, Groot, The Wakanda Army and Wanda

as soon as Rory see's her wife tears spring in Rory's eyes

From a third portal

Valkyrie, Korg, Miek and an Asgardgain Army

The Fourth portal

Pepper Porrs in Rescue armor, Hope Van Dyne, Wong who is leading a squad of sorcerers

The last portal an army of Rory's allies from Xander

Thor gets to his feet and summons Stormbreaker to his hand

Tony regains consciousness

Wanda lands by Rory and cups her face in her hands and brings her in for a kiss

Tears fall from Rory's eyes

Wanda pulls back feeling a hot liquard on her fingers and she looks down to see blood then she spots a deep cut on Rory's head

Your bleeding -Wanda frowns concerened and angery

Your alive -Rory Counters

What's going on Detka -Wanda says confused

You were gone Wands... For Five years -Rory

Tali -Wanda

She's Six and safe -Rory

Wanda uses her powers to close Rory's head wound but there is a look of Fury in her eyes

Thanos is a dead man -Wanda mutters darkly

There's something else -Rory

What is it -Wanda

Nat's gone -Rory says pain in her eyes

No -Wanda says in shock

Rory nods a little

Thanos won't be walking away from this alive -Wanda seethes

Steve takes in his reinforcements, Then stares back at Thanos

Let's do this -Rory

Wanda nods with a determined look

Avengers! -Steve

Everyone turns to him

Assemble! -Steve

Thor lets loose a battle cry as he Charges!

Everyone follows suit as the heros flood the field

Across the way, Thanos smiles and points his blade

Two Mighty Armies race towards each other


Hope You Enjoyed This Chapter... But... ;P -Chels Out

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