Forgotten to Remember (Atem/Y...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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You were a simple reporter for duelists of Heartland City with this constant weird dream throughout all your... More

Chapter 1: Hello, My Lady
Chapter 2: Blending In
Chapter 3: Reunion, Dreams, and Friends
Chapter 4: Going Down Swinging
Chapter 5: We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Stranger Danger!
Chapter 7: All's Well That Ends Well?
Chapter 8: Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 10: Evil Spirit, Be Gone!
Chapter 11: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
Chapter 12: The Lucky
Chapter 13: The Unlucky
Chapter 14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Noah's World
Chapter 16: Escape Plan
Chapter 18: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 19: Risking It All (Pt. 1)
Chapter 20: Risking It All (Pt. 2)
Chapter 21: Risking It All (Pt. 3)
Chapter 22: Without You
Chapter 23: Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream
Chapter 24: Back to the Future
Chapter 25: Normal Lives
Chapter 26: Knights & The Night
Chapter 27: Cinderella & The Beast
Chapter 28: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 1)
Chapter 29: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 2)
Chapter 30: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 3)
Chapter 31: Forgive Me, My Lady (Pt. 4)
Chapter 32: Save Your Tears
Chapter 33: We Need You
Chapter 34: Hope
Chapter 35: Here One Moment, Gone The Next
Chapter 36: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 1)
Chapter 37: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 2)
Chapter 38: Forgive Me, Pharaoh (Pt. 3)
Chapter 39: Phantom of the Opera
Chapter 40: A Nightmare
Chapter 41: Shatter
Chapter 42: The 4th Legendary Knight - Maiden Jane
Chapter 43: Knight's Unite
Chapter 44: The Staff of Light
Chapter 45: Rise of the Great Leviathan
Chapter 46: Goodbye, My Lady & Pharaoh
Chapter 47: Together
Chapter 48: Roomies
Chapter 49: Girl Talk
Chapter 50: Friends Assemble
Chapter 51: Get Ready
Chapter 52: The Promised Date
Chapter 53: Special Night
Chapter 54: Wonderful Morning
Chapter 55: The Bad Traveler & The Powerful Traveler
Chapter 56: The 2nd & 3rd Traveler
Chapter 57: The 4th Traveler
Chapter 58: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 1)
Chapter 59: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 2)
Chapter 60: Running Out Of Time (Pt. 3)
Chapter 61: Help me, Help You
Chapter 62: Papa
Chapter 63: Boom! Plan!
Chapter 64: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 65: Eye for an Eye
Chapter 66: Let's Get Down to Business
Chapter 67: My Little Star
Chapter 68: The Sand Woman
Chapter 69: Don't Give Up!!
Chapter 70: To Dream Is To Die
Chapter 71: Timeless
Chapter 72: The Beginning Of The End

Chapter 17: Mission Impossible

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By _Weeb_Writer_


AO3 Account: 1_Weeb_Writer_1

I do not own Yugioh characters or franchise(s), Belongs rightfully to Toei Animations. Series belongs to Kazuki Takahashi (Yugioh Duel Monsters) & Shin Yoshida (Yugioh Zexal Author) & Naohito Miyoshi (Yugioh Zexal Manga Artist). English dubs belong rightfully to 4Kids Entertainment & 4K Media.


"I have no idea what you're talking about." You tried playing dumb even though you knew that he knew. Playing dumb was the only defense you really had up your sleeve for the moment. Trying to buy Mokuba time to put in the code to get everyone home. You had to stall for the time being. Noah scoffed as he started to walk around the room. You remained where you were standing while he was "Oh don't play coy with me. I cannot find your information anywhere in my system. State of the art, unlike any in the world. You don't exist." You kept your eye on him as he was strolling around you. Like a lion waiting to strike on its prey. "Your duel disk is not from here. You are more valuable than that Seto even realizes. He is too caught up in reclaiming his title as King of Games and pride to have even noticed." He stopped when he was standing behind you.

You made yourself face Noah with your arms crossed "You are the key to my great plan. You are a smart woman and I think you'll know what will happen to your friends if you don't cooperate." You narrow your eyes at him. It wasn't a total surprise to you that he would use the others to his advantage for his own volition. This is all he could do to buy himself some time to think of something. 'This kid is more wicked than Kaiba ever has been.' You wanted to deny him. However, you had no choice. "What do you want, Noah." You hissed his name. You were having a bad feeling about this. This could have led to a total risk of the future if he uses your knowledge to his advantage to take over not only Kaiba Corp but possibly the entire world's network. That's how much knowledge you had. Well, with the technology that is. The future's tech is much greater than the tech being used here. World domination was just stamped on your brain that was full of that information.

Noah walked up super close to you "Help me get out of here before he takes over more control." Noah whispered to you with an entirely different expression on his face. Not one of vengeance but of desperation. "Huh?" You were dumbfounded by this. 'No way, there can't be a bigger person behind all of this could there?!'. It seems like your gut feeling of having a bad feeling was coming true. Along with that this whole operation of mission impossible was just the surface of the problem and there was much more that lies beneath it all.


"Down this hall and to the right."

'This is freaky. First with Marik being evil marik, these so-called millenium items, and now a talking cat. (Y/n) and Yugi sure make a match made in heaven with the weird stuff they're involved in.' He was running down the hall and made a hard right. Stumbling when he made the turn but he quickly recovered to continue going. "Uh, Where to next, Um, Jane was it?" Mokuba called out to Jane as he was debating on where he should go next. 'Great, I am now talking to a cat.' He thought to himself and wondered if Seto would throw him into the insane asylum if he told him about this. Heck, about this entire operation ordeal he was going on. There was no way he could possibly believe him like you had told him before.

"Keep heading straight and you will go to the first room to your left in the middle of the hall."

"On it!" Mokuba ran to the door on the left that was exactly as she said it would be, which was in the middle of the hall she said it was. He was faced with a dilemma as this door had a passcode to get in. "What do I do? I wasn't told there would be a code to get into the room!" Mokuba was feeling panic starting to rise in him. He was starting to have heavy breathing, about to have a panic attack. Mokuba recalled your words in his head "Be brave now, for Seto." and he took a deep breath. Calming himself down to regain composure. Staring at the passcode "Do what Seto would do for you." Mokuba looked at his hand and he clenched it into a fist, pulling it back. "For Seto!!!" He cried out as he punched the passcode keypad with all of his might. It cracked and was smashed with enough force for it to lose connection and have the door glitch itself to open..

Mokuba took his hand away and his hand was throbbing in pain. 'Looks much easier in the movies and duel monsters.' he thought to himself. Going into the room while leaving the slightly bloody punched in passcode keypad behind. He ran over to the control panel where there were a bunch of screens. His attention went over to the sound of someone coughing. His young dark blue eyes laid upon the black cat with the purple collar and Horus eye charm on it. "Jane!" Mokuba ran over to her as she was stuck in a tight space between two monitors that were practically squishing her. He pushed one monitor carefully over to not break it and moved the other one a little to be able to grab Jane out.

Jane was not moving but was barely breathing "Come on Jane. Stay with us." Mokuba whispered as he gently hugged her in his arms. A few long moments later in his embrace, Jane gasped for air. Giving a few coughs here and there. She tiredly looked up to Mokuba with her emerald eyes gently taking in the young boy's presence "Good job, Mokuba." she smiled in her own kitty cat way. Mokuba smiled back "Rest easy now Jane. I got it from here." Mokuba caressed his thumb by her whiskers to comfort her. Jane's head wobbled side to side before she ended up passing out again but this time in the safe arms of a friend. Mokuba walked back over to the control panel to set her gently beside him near the keys. He popped his neck and he popped his knuckles even though his right hand did hurt, he pushed the pain aside. "Let's get to work!" Mokuba pumped himself up and he started to decode the system to find the file you told him to look for. It was going to take a few to get to that wall's layers since it was made to be an undetected one so he had to dig through many of the already bunch of files and fire walls to get there.


The air started to get colder and colder as he rubbed his arms with his hands to try to warm himself up. "Is it me or is it getting colder?" He asked Yami which was not the right choice considering he is in spirit form beside him. Of course he can't feel it. Yugi took one more step and suddenly he was in another completely different area. He saw Tea on the verge of being almost frozen. She was dueling one of the big 5 who was their deck master. This guy was a weird one. A penguin. Tea had just made her last move that ended him and the duel she was in the middle of. The ice that almost covered her disappeared. Tea fell to her knees as the duel disk that was on her arm disappeared. Girl was shivering like crazy. She was not in the proper attire to be out in this blasting cold atmosphere.

Yugi ran over to her "Tea!" he called out to her and she slowly turned to Yugi. She smiled at the sight of him but her teeth were chattering like a woodpecker so she stopped smiling. The sound of them doing that was not a pleasant sound for her to hear. Yugi took off his coat and knelt down to wrap it around her "Are you alright?" He asked even though it was obvious that she wasn't but he asked it anyways. Tea could barely get a world out as she clung to his jacket he covered her with on both sides with both of her hands. Only being able to give him a nod. "We have to get out of here." Yugi was starting to feel the cold start riding upon his skin. It was going to get to him the longer he stays here. The cold will grab Tea faster the longer she stays in this place than she already has. It was a miracle she was able to last so long in this cold with her outfit of choice. "You did a good job holding up for this long Tea." Yugi complimented to cheer the freezing Tea up for her miraculous efforts.

Yami looked around while Yugi rubbed Tea's arms as he helped her up. Trying to keep her warm. Yami saw a minor glitch to a iceberg. "Yugi, up ahead, That iceberg is glitching. It could lead us to a way out." Yugi looked to the direction where Yami mentioned. Tea followed with her eyes to the iceberg lightly glitching every few long seconds. "Let's get out of this frozen shit hole." Tea grumbled as she started to walk to the iceberg in a haste with light blush on her cheeks '(Y/n) was right . . . Letting someone go is really not easy . . . and they are too kind for their own good . . .' She thought as she marched forward. Tea looked over her shoulder to Yugi "Hurry up slow poke! You'll freeze if you stay here for too long too!" Tea giggled with a smile forming on her face. Yugi smiled back to her and started running after her to catch up to her while Yami returned his spirit self back into the puzzle.

Tea and Yugi push themselves through and ended up in a entire different place which was in a amusement park of some kind. "Tea! Yug!" A familar accent of someone called over to the two. Yugi turned around as Tea was taking off Yugi's jacket to bask in the gracious warm air of their new area. "Joey!" Yugi watched Joey running up to them with Duke and Serenity who was holding some sort of machine in her arms. Yugi was hoping it would have been Jane but he hasn't been seen her anywhere 'I hope she is not caught up in anything drastic. No one is able to see her besides Yami and I. If we escape without her, (Y/n) won't be able to handle another loss of a friend. Not just a friend's soul but entire body they cannot get back unlike how we can get Mai back. Jane, please be alright, for (Y/n)'s sake. Please also forgive me for getting separated from you.' Yugi snapped himself out of his thoughts to be looking at what Serenity was holding on in a clearer view. Duke was holding a duel disk in his hands while Serenity was holding this weird monkey robot with a mohawk hairdo.

"Uh what the heck is that?" Tea pointed to the robot monkey and handed Yugi back his coat which he took back without saying a word. "It's a long story, in short - That's Tristan in a monkey robot. He is still here with us so he will still be good to go once we get out of here." Joey summed up the gist of their situation. "Is that (Y/n)'s duel disk?" Yugi asked Duke who nodded in reply. "Wait - How'd you know it was hers?" Monkey Tristan asked Yugi. 'Never am I gonna get used to seeing him like this.' Tea thought to herself as she kept her eyes on the robot version of her dear friend. Yugi was putting on his jacket "She quite literally flew into me before I met up with Tea. She helped me get to her but right now she is captured by Noah." Yugi fixed his jacket to fit him just right. Tea turned Yugi around and started to shake him "Why didn't you tell me (Y/n) was captured earlier?!" She exclaimed as she was shaking him. Duke made Yugi hold onto your duel disk and pulled him away from Tea before Yugi started to see stars from all her ruthless shaking.

Yugi held his head and gathered his brain cells before speaking up again "I didn't get a chance to Tea, sorry. It doesn't matter now. We need to find Kaiba." Joey raised a brow "Whatdaya mean it doesn't matter?! We gotta find her and find a way out of this sick place!" Joey was shocked that Yugi would even say that. Let alone think of doing that with how Yami feels about her and thought the pharaoh would be against such a thing. "Yeah, we can't just leave (Y/n) here!" monkey Tristan snaps at Yugi. It was hard to take the monkey robot seriously. "I am not saying that we are Tristan. She has already found a way to get us out. She is trying to do that as we speak." Duke blinks and took your duel disk from his hands with a cocky grin "So I was right. (Y/n) did have a plan." He felt more at ease with the assurance of you finding a way to get everyone out. Serenity held monkey Tristan closer to her chest, overjoyed hearing Yugi say that of you. "Then let's get moving to find Kaiba and Mokuba." Serenity was feeling more confident now with the comforting thoughts of you going to get them the heck out of here.

Tristan's monkey eyes expressed their joy and he leaned against Serenity's chest with glee. Joey glared at Tristan and yanked him out of Serenity's arms. "Don't think I didn't see that ya pervert." He sneered and started to spin him around with his tail. Walking with the others who did not try to stop Joey for punishing the pervert monkey.


"Please (Y/n). I have been stuck in this place for 6 years. No where to go and no body to return to. I don't want a body anymore. I just want to see the world as it is outside of this wretched place. You have the advanced knowledge to make that possible for me. I know you do." Noah grabbed your arms and gave them a squeeze with his head hung low "He won't let me leave. I try but he keeps bringing me back no matter how many times I override his coding. I have accepted my death but he won't accept his own. He won't stop until he gets to rise again." You were now lost with his rambling. It made sense but also didn't make sense. He was holding onto you for dear life. Afraid of whoever this "He" is. This guy seems to be more of a threat than Noah is. That says a lot considering he was pretty intimidating to everyone before but now that you thought about it more, he only shot you with a stun phaser. Never once had he actually shot you like he threatened earlier.

Noah could have just taken anyone's body and been done with it to escape himself. He could have done it at any time during this whole time but he never once did that. You glanced over to your boot to see if your dagger was glowing like before when he was a threat back on the blimp. It was a precautionary measure after the shit you and your friends have gone through. The dagger held no glow. Noah was no longer a threat. You turn your attention back to Noah who was now shaking. "Who is this person you're so afraid of?" You whisper to him which made Noah look up at you. You had a hand on the back of his head, gently caressing his pastel green hair. "My father . . . Seto's and Mokuba's step-father . . ." He buried his face in your waist. You blinked "Wait a second so you are actually . . . The biological child of the Gozaburo Kaiba . . . ?" You were more surprised at the fact that Seto somehow in some way looks like Noah. They were not even biological siblings but they still looked very similar to one another. Crazy it was.

"And you . . . have been . . . . dead for 6 years . . . ?" You were cautious of the way you worded this. You didn't want to trigger Noah. Noah slowly nods " . . . It was because of an accident I had that left me in a critical state and my father put me here to keep me alive here but I was in fact dead in real life . . . He forgot about me after he adopted the Kaiba brothers that you are familiar with . . . I was jealous and wanted revenge but it lost its meaning when the man I wanted to do that for died himself . . . Unlike me, my father . . . He doesn't accept his death . . . He is the one behind all of this . . . Wanting to go back to the real world to cause havoc through the company again and make it as it once was before Seto changed it . . ." He was taking a while to explain but you were patient. Listened to the kid's every word. Taking in this new information and this new threat that was the real enemy behind this virtual world. This let you know that Gozaburo did miss this child you are holding now to the point where he adopted Seto and Mokuba. However, his cruel heart and selfish desires of basically immortality blinded him.

'Kaiba . . . Your family is full of so much drama . . .' You couldn't help but think to yourself of this matter. You also couldn't help but think how Mokuba and Noah probably would have gotten along. Seto and him probably would have been fun rivals or something like that. Their lives could have been something entirely different for the better. Fate on the other hand had different plans. There was no way to turn back time to fix this broken family. Not that you even had that ability to anyway, if you had you would be back home in the future. You would have been able to save Mai from Marik's hands. At the end of the day, you had no such power. "Where is he now Noah?" Noah lifted his head to look up at you once more. "I do not know where is at this moment but I can take you to the control room to encrypt his network to end him. He is most likely after your friends. You are the only one I can confidently say can do this. Take me away from this prison, confine me to another place where I can see the real world again." You firmly nod to Noah "Take us to the room." Noah nodded and transported the two of you into the room with Mokuba.

Mokuba turned around and glared at Noah before taking in the sight of the two of you. He was confused on why Noah was hugging you but he didn't ask further questions when you looked at him. Just your stare alone told him enough. You wouldn't be with him if he was a threat to you still. "Does this have to deal with our step-fathers file I just found? Is he in on this too?" Mokuba asked and you made Noah let go of you to answer Mokuba. "It is all because of him." he confirmed Mokuba's suspicions. "Jane" you softly said as you saw Jane sleeping away beside Mokuba. "I will take over from here, Mokuba. Thank you for your efforts and thank you for rescuing Jane." You went and ruffled Mokuba's hair with a kind smile. Tearing a bit of your sleeve to wrap it around Mokuba's bleeding knuckles. You nudge Noah who is now nervous "I will reunite you with Seto and make your avatar a beacon to lure the others to you. Once you all are gathered together again, you all will be taken to the exit. We will stay for the time being to stop Gozaburo." Noah told Mokuba who was now holding Jane in his arms. Noah was already getting on it by finding Kaiba's location to bring Mokuba to him.

"I will get out on time, Mokuba." You could already tell by the expression the young boy made on his face that he was worried about how you would get out. "I am sorry Mokuba . . . I was jealous of the two of you before . . . I outgrew that jealousy a long time ago but I was manipulated from that man I sought approval and attention from . . . In the end, what I truly want now is just to be free from this place . . . Even if I am to leave still in a program form . . ." Mokuba stared at Noah who had his back turned to him but from the side look of his face. It was full of sincere. No lies left his mouth. No threats. A genuine apology. Mokuba was quiet for a minute before he developed a small smile on his face. Punching Noah's arm in a friendly manner "I am glad you are on our side, bro." Noah was in shock at the way he addressed him. Noah didn't expect to be called that ever at all in his short existence. It warmed his ghostly virtual heart to hear it from Mokuba. Knowing he will be the only one to ever say that to him. Seto wouldn't ever say that. Rather die than say such a thing besides Mokuba. Noah simply smiled "I am glad too, bro." Noah took a good look at Mokuba before he pressed a key to send Mokuba away and back to be reunited with Kaiba.

You went to stand where Mokuba once stood, beside Noah. You ruffled Noah's hair. Noah pouted a bit from you ruffling his hair but also blushed from this radiant aura you gave around you. This kindness he has almost forgotten. He felt like he didn't deserve it but you made him redeem that kindness he thought he long lost. "Let's get to work Noah." You chirped after you stopped ruffling his hair. You took out your duel disk once again and you plugged it into the network to get a wider variety to work with. Noah cleared his throat and he was bringing over the coding screen "This is my fathers coding. It is more advanced than my own. He kept it under the radar but I always can find it but never am able to keep it altered for a long period of time before he kicks me out of the database. He is on the move to head to where I sent Mokuba." Noah narrowed his brows as he was seeing his father already on his way to cause more chaos. He looked away to gaze over at one of the monitors to see Seto be unstoned since he had turned him to stone when Seto and he dueled. It was a cowardly move of Noah to turn him into that stone statue because he manipulated him with the leverage of Mokuba's safety. "You get the others together and out. I will continue trying to destroy that man." You pull out a hard drive from your pouch and you also plug it into another monitor set to have Noah's virtual self to escape into once you got the chance to finish off Gozaburo.

Noah firmly nods to your orders. Noah turned on the intercom for Seto's and Mokuba's virtual world area "Alright, get a move on. I just made a doorway for you to enter. Go through and you'll meet with the rest of your group." Noah instructed the brothers that followed the orders given by Noah. He moved that holographic screen to the next one. Where Duke, Joey, Serenity, Tristan robot, Yugi, and Tea were at where they were startled to see Mokuba and Kaiba walking through a door to them. Noah made Tristan's form back to being human again. Tristan was jumping up and down on the screen. Noah shakes his head as he witnessed him doing such actions of celebration when they weren't out of the woods yet. "Noah, in coming!" You shout over to him from your station. Cursing under your breath as you were typing away like a madwoman who was determined to get this old geezer out of this world to get back to the blimp.

Noah clicked his tongue as he saw Gozaburo appear in the sky with a menacing look on his face. Glaring at the group "I will not allow any of you to leave! I will live again!" He proclaimed loudly through the sky which was loud for everyone's ears for those who were present in his presence. He was huge in the sky so it was only natural for his voice to be booming like thunder in the clouds. "Get them to the ship!" Noah didn't hesitate to follow your orders and made another door for the others once he saw his father start to glitch and get angry for starting to disintegrate into pixels slowly. "Head through! We're almost done!" Noah ushered them to haul ass. The place was starting to shake from the anger of Gozaburo and trying to shut this place down. "Damn that bastard!" You hit your fist on the side of the keyboard out of frustration. "He rigged this place with him. If I destroy him then I destroy the entire place. If I don't, he will just slither into another program he has been working on while in this virtual world. Gozaburo will just invade Kaiba Corp but infiltrate other facilities before getting there. It would cause a catastrophe for the entire City of Domino in the process if I just leave him here. I can only create a well timed opening for us to escape." Noah bit his lip to your explanation. You move over to Noah's hard drive to start putting his programing data into the hard drive. You were thinking over of how to by pass those trigger bombs Gozaburo set up to block his virtual existence from being destroyed.

"Destroy him, (Y/n)." You froze as Noah's data was finished uploading into the hard drive. Shifting your attention over to Noah who was starting to pixelate himself as an effect from being transferred into the hard drive. "It is the only way to keep Domino City safe and make sure he doesn't come back for good. I don't want him to harm anyone else anymore. We have to destroy him here and now." Noah created a doorway for you to pass through. He turned to face you with a confident smile "You have this presence with you that makes everything feel like it is going to be alright. Feel protected but also make people feel strong (Y/n). Because of that I was able to have the courage to finally leave this place. That's why I know it will be okay." He was slowly fading away "Now go (Y/n)!" He shouted out before he disappeared right before your eyes. You blink away your upcoming tears and punch the button to rig the system to destroy itself. Grabbing the hard drive, unplugging your duel disk, shoving both things into your pouch, and booking it to the door.


Duke had fallen on his knees as he was in the ship's control room with everyone. "Oh sweet, sweet, sweet haven." He would kiss the floor of this ship if he wanted after getting out of that virtual hell. Duke didn't because the floor is disgusting and riddled with germs. Kaiba went over to the controls and ast himself in the pilot seat. He was lifting a few control switches to start the blimp back up. "What the heck do you think you're doing, pretty boy?" Tristan sneered at Kaiba who ignored him entirely. Too focused on setting the controls. Tristan grabbed Kaiba's wrist "If you are thinking if flying this ship without (Y/n) on board you are fucking insane!" He snapped at Kaiba who slapped Tristan's grip off his arm to get it back with an annoyed scoff.

Kaiba went back to finishing up the last of the setting controls to have the ship be fully ready to be airborne.

"After all she has done for you to be here with your brother!?" Joey snapped.

"How selfish can you seriously be Kaiba!?" Tea was now angry along with the boys because this was out of line and unfair for you.

"We have to wait for her!" Serenity even chimed in.

"This was your mess and she helped with it! You can't just leave her!" Duke had a hand on Serenity's shoulders since she was shaking a bit from the fuming anger she was trying to hold in.

"WE ARE NOT LEAVING (Y/N), KAIBA." Yami's voice carried throughout the entire room. It made his friends all turn to him and jump from his loud tone. One they heard before in duels but not in such a manner as this.

"Pharaoh . . ." Tea softly whispered out of shock and a little envy.

Kaiba growled and looked over his shoulder to Yami "Listen here you dweebs. I have my brother and that's all that matters. We. Are. Leaving." He glared at Yami for daring to give Kaiba orders on his own ship.

Mokuba stepped up to Kaiba and he took hold of his brother's wrist but not with such force like Tristan had earlier. "We wait for (Y/n)." Kaiba silently gasped as he saw his younger brother's hand that was slightly bloody and a part of your blouse's fabric was wrapped around Mokuba's hand. When he looked at Mokuba he was with this more serious and determined expression he had never seen on Mokuba's face before.

Kaiba clenched his teeth before he gave a big sigh "Fine. I am giving her 5 minutes. After that we are leaving with or without her." Kaiba gave into his brother's small plea. The tension in the room settled but Yami was still pissed off at the fact Kaiba was ready to leave you behind.

Something about having you left behind filled him with such regret and much sadness beneath it. It was a familiar and sorrowful feeling. Like it happened once before. Yet there were no moments of this type of occurrence with you since he has been with you and known you through this entire tournament. Yami couldn't bear the thought of you not returning to his side. That thought alone frightened him. He stepped out of the room and he went to the door to wait for your arrival which he wasn't alone on since Joey and Tristan tagged along. The sound of the blimps engine was loud and didn't ease the high anticipation for your return.


The entire place was starting to shake and it made it hard to run without almost losing your balance as you were making your way to the ship. A few explosions were heard coming their way as you were running. "I seriously hate running!" You shout out to the air. Not that anyone was even listening to you with you running for your life. This was the longest you had ever run because it was a 4 minute run. "You could have sent me any place closer!? I thought we had a bond!" You grumbled. Panting. Heart racing from this endless running. You could see the ship in close distance where a waving Tristan and Joey were shouting for you. You smiled at the sight of them and most of all Yami. He was smiling with such relief as he saw you were alright just like you said you were going to be.

"(Y/n)! Hurry! Kaiba is gonna take off!!!" Joey shouted. You got a closer look on his face as it was one with much anxiousness for you to hurry.

"Oh come on!" You exclaimed as this was no surprise but also it made you mad at the fact Kaiba was going to leave your ass to this place. It was as if it was on cue for things that were caught with flames to start falling from the ceiling. You dodged a few but a big one came crashing down in between the ship and you. Yami's heart was racing in fear when that pillar fell between you two 'No, no, she's gonna make it. (Y/n) is gonna make it. Come on. You're too stubborn to give up. Please my beloved.' Yami gasped with Joey and Tristan when Kaiba had started to take the ship airborne because of the high risk of the flames. It would have caught on fire if he kept being close. "Bastard!" Tristan growled and noticed a drop ladder. He ran and grabbed it "We can still use this." Tristan threw down the ladder. Joey looked at Yami "You gotta go down there Yug. I know you'll catch her." He patted his shoulder for good luck. Of course he had full faith in him but of course he was worried as any friend would have in this dire situation.

Yami went down those anxiety rising steps of the ladder. He managed to make it to the bottom. He can hear the other two shouting to Kaiba to just wait a minute longer for you. "(Y/n)!?" He shouted out for you. You came rising over the flames with your golden pole formed from your dagger. You used to pole lift yourself over the large pillar to the other side. Your body was doing these moves out of some weird instinct. You quickly manifest your dagger into a katana weapon and sliced whatever falling flaming pieces of the building came in your way with this sudden rush of incredible strength. The dagger was pulsing this unknown energy throughout your entire body that gave you this unnatural strength that shouldn't be capable of by normal humans. It felt refreshing and memorable at the same time. Almost as if these movements were done by you a long time ago. You were running out of room to continue running on. It was a long jump to Yami who was holding out his hand for you to reach.

You made your dagger disappear from your hand and reached out with that hand to his. You took the leap without a second to think as you only knew that he was going to catch you. You knew even if he had not caught you that he would fall with you. No matter how high or low the fall may be. That was what you felt he would have done at that moment. In that leap of faith. Once he grabbed onto your hand you both seemed to let go of that breath you both had been holding in within those few long agonizing seconds.

Yami pulled you further up to him. Pulling you in close by the waist with his only hand to wrap that hand's arm around it, holding the ladder with the other hand. He buried his face into your neck "Thank gods, I finally have you back in my arms." He mumbled against your neck. His lips moving send light trickles against your neck that also send a shiver down your spine. Your face felt hotter than it already was from running so much and the heat of the burning silver foundation of the virtual world building. You were glad that those things were able to hide the fact you were indeed blushing from him being so close. Your heart fluttered from him and was beating against your chest from the escaping rush. You leaned into his embrace. Not having the heart to move from his hold onto your waist. Too precious of a moment to let you pass. 'I deserve this . . . . Even for a few minutes . . . . Let me keep this moment for myself for those few minutes fate . . . . Before you try to invade my life once again . . . .' You thought to yourself as you glancee to watch the building collapse in on itself into the depths of the bottomless sea.

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