Uptown Meets Downtown (A Goss...

By SolsticeQueen25

7.8K 140 31

Meet Catherine (Cat, or Kitty) Humphrey. She's the middle Humphrey. Loves her family, likes school, and even... More

The Wild Brunch
Poison Ivy
Bad News Blair
Dare Devil
Seventeen Candles
Blair Waldorf Must Pie
Hi, Society
Roman Holiday
School Lies
A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nick
Blair Bitch Project

The Handmaiden's Tale

398 8 3
By SolsticeQueen25

Long ago, when European Royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry. Couture and canapé are just another Saturday night until you add a mask. But preparing for the ball is an event in itself. Which is why queens invented handmaidens.

Cat's POV:

"Excited for the ball Cinderella," Jo asked me as I got a table coffee order together. Blair was hosting a masquerade ball and somehow Nate, Nick, and even Chuck talked her into inviting me.  "I don't know if I'm elated or gassy, but I'm somewhere in that zone. I can't believe the guys talked Blair into letting me come, I don't even know what to wear." I told her, feeling somehow nervous and excited at the same time.

"Well there's no need to fear, your fairy godmother is here." She told me. "What are you talking about?" I said laughing at how silly she was being about this whole thing, like she always got when it comes to parties. "The minute I heard about this ball I got you the perfect outfit. You can come by after your study date with Nate and I'll help you get ready." she told me. "It's not a date it's a tutoring session." I told her for the millionth time. As much as I was falling for Nate, I couldn't ignore the fact that he was already taken.

Nick's POV:

Nate and I got up and got ready to start the day. Just as we were getting ready to go downstairs and get something to eat, we heard Mom and Dad talking, well arguing was more like it.

"Damn it, Anne. I told you no starch." Dad said as he walked over to the mirror near the foyer. "Howard, we've been going to the same cleaners for 19 years. Your shirts are exactly how they always are. We both know this isn't about laundry." Mom said to him, trying to get him to calm down. "I'm sorry, but I need everything to be perfect at Eleanor's party tonight. I can't screw up." Dad told her, but something about the way he was talking felt off. Like it was more than just stress talking.

"Eleanor knows you're the best person to take her company public. She's going to pick you. Just show up and be yourself." Mom tries to reassure Dad and give him a kiss on the cheek, which Dad just brushed off. "I'll call you from the office. I gotta look over the proposal one more time." He said as he went to leave the house.

"Oh, hello." I heard Cat's voice say. I guess she was about to knock on the door when Dad opened it. "May I help you?" Dad impatiently asked her. "I'm Catherine Humphrey, I'm here for a tutoring session with Nate." she explained to Dad. "Come in, I've heard a lot about you." Mom said, as Dad just continued do leave. "Nate Catherine's here." she said as she lead Cat into the house. "Hey Cat," Nate said. "Hey Nate," Cat said back. If you looked at them and knew nothing about them, you'd think they were a couple the way they were staring at each other.

"Well, I'll leave you kids to your studying." She said as she left the three of us in the foyer.

Cat's POV:

After a couple of hours, studying turned into Nate, Nick, Chuck, and I becoming Mystery Inc. minus Scooby Doo as we began snooping through his father's office.

"So what exactly are we looking for." Chuck asked as he tried on the different masks he brought with him for the ball. "Evidence." Nate said as he and Nick searched his dad's filing cabinet. "Of what? The captain's dislike of starchy shirts? I totally sympathize. The collars chafe." Chuck joked. "Be serious, Chuck." I told him, as I watched the twins continue their search. "So, did you guys ever ask him about the missing money from your accounts." I asked, thinking that this was linked to whatever they were looking for.

"Yeah, he said he was moving accounts around. It was all back the next day." Nick said as he looked through his father's bank book. "So why worry. Mysterious financial transactions, warring parents. Welcome to the Upper East Side, Tutor Girl." Chuck said, addressing the final part of that statement to me. I just rolled my eyes.

Nate was flipping the pages of one of his father's books when a little bag fell out of it. And it wasn't just any bag, it was a cocaine bag. "Chi Chi get the yayo." I said, quoting Scarface. "Gentlemen, I'm shocked, I thought you were strictly herbal men." Chuck said to Nick and Nate. "It's not ours." the twins said. Meaning it had to be their dads.

Why is it  that Friends of Serena Van der Woodsen have to search for her suitor? Have fables fallen so out of fashion that princesses have to do everything themselves? Call us old-school, but sometimes the Fairy Tale ending requires he knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.

After our little investigation, I decided to take Nate for a walk, help him clear his head. "Maybe the drugs are old. You know, left over from the '90s or something." I suggested to make him feel. better, although even  I didn't believe it as I said it. "You and I both know it's not old Cat. And it makes total sense." He told me. "Are you talking about how he drained your and Nick's accounts?" I asked him. "The accounts, his erratic behavior... I think he's having some money problems." He told me.

"I just wish he'd be honest with Nick and I. It's like he and my mom, they made some secret pact to act like robots." He said, feeling exasperated. "Yeah, I think every parents is in on that pact." I said, trying make a a joke out of this situation. "But we're not little kids anymore. He doesn't have to shut me out." Okay, so my little joke backfired, so it was time for a new approach.

"Nate," I said as I stood in front of him to get him to stop walking, grabbing onto both of his hands as I looked in to his perfect blue eyes. "I think he might be just as scared as you are. Maybe you and Nick have to tell him how you guys feels more than once for him to really listen. Just don't give up on him, okay?" He didn't say anything back, he just pulled me closer to him and leaned his forehead against mine.

I was scared where this was going, so I cleared my throat and told him, "I have to go get ready for the ball tonight." My voice was no louder than a whisper. "Yeah, me too," He said, slowly pulling himself away from me. "Look, thanks for just listening, and for being here. It really mean a lot." "Any time, Nate. That's what I'm here for." I told him, and just before we went our separate ways, he kissed me on my forehead.

After Nate and I went our separate ways, I went to the apartment above the cafe to get ready with Jo.

After a quick shower I saw Jo in one of the bedrooms, all tidy and excited to help me get ready. "Do you remember how I use to get you ready for big nights when you were little?" she asked me as she finished my hair.

"You'd put on the soundtrack to Cinderella when the fairy godmother makes her official appearance." I remembered, I could still remember all of the words from that song. "What would you dream of to wear for ball the my child." she said as she pretended to be the fairy godmother. "A white gown I imagine, a beautiful white gown sewn up with pearls and jewels and a tiara of diamonds." I said in a dreamy voice as I got up and twirled around the room. "And on your feet," she asked with a giggle. "Why, the most beautiful grosgrain pumps, I'd imagine."I said a I recited the lines from memory. "No, better. The Venetian glass that your stepmother so loves in her trinkets and baubles, an entire pair of shoes made of Venetian."She decided. "How silly. Oh I'd be the end of all." I said ending the scene.

"It's too bad that can't happen in real life." I told her. "Oh, really?" she asked me, as if to challenge me. "Close your eyes." As confused as I was, I did as I was told. "Now open them in bippity...boppity...boo!" And when I opened my eyes, right before them were the dress and crown just like story, along with jewelry to match.

"Oh my god, this is amazing, how'd you find these?" I asked her. "Fairy godmothers never reveal their secrets." She told me with a wide grin on her face. "And we can't forget your mask.

And, last but not least, not Cinderella look is ever complete without glass slippers."

And of course they were a perfect fit. When I looked at myself in the mirror I truly felt like a princess. "Thank you so much, Jo." I said as I pulled Jo in for a hug. "You always know how to make me feel magical." "You're welcome sweetie. Now go to ball, in the name of every girl who has wished to go to a ball in a beautiful dress. In the name of every girl who has ever wanted to change the world she lived in. Go with the promise of possibilities!" She told me and sent me on my way to my fairytale night.

On the Upper East Side, appearances are deceiving. From friends to hair color, there's always more than meets the eye.

Nick's POV:

The ball was in full swing. Nate suggested we both wear Phantom of the Opera masks, the only difference being his was white and mine was black. "So what exactly made you want to pick this specific mask exactly." I asked him, although I had a pretty good idea about what his answer would be. "Cat leant me the book to read, and I thought I'd surprise her that I actually read it." He told me. I just laughed at how lovestruck he was and he didn't even know it.

"Hey Nick, I wanted to talk to you about something." He told me getting real serious all of a sudden. "Yeah man, what's up?" I asked him. "I know you're in love with Blair." he told me, straight to the point. "And before you try to deny it. I've known for a while, and I think it's great." He continued. "You do?" I said, shocked that we were really having this discussion. "Yeah, you care about her, listen to her, and understand her in a way that I never will. So I want to help you." He said. "How?" I asked him, wondering where this was going.

"Blair had this little scavenger hunt planned for tonight. And even thought she knows about what kind of masks we're wearing, she doesn't know who's wearing what color. So you can go on the hunt and when you find Blair, tell her your true feelings. Something tells me she feels the same way you do." He told me, and amazingly it was a pretty good plan. "You came up with this plan all on your own?" I asked him, and he nodded with a "duh" expression. "Cat's more of a miracle worker than I thought.

Cat's POV:

As I made my way to the refreshment table, I was able to spot Nate, Nick and Chuck. "Well, well, well." I said as I made my appearance known to them. "Chuck Bass dressed as the devil, some things just make sense." "You're one to talk Cinderella." he sassed back. "And you two," I started as I turned my attention to the wins. "Twin Phantoms, how original. Was this your idea Nate?" "How'd you know?" he asked, clearly proud of himself. "I'm glad you enjoyed the book." I told him, secretly touched that he picked his outfit based on a book I suggested he read. I honestly thought that he would just not read it and pretend that he did.

When I turned to Nick I saw that he was staring at Blair. Boy, did he have it bad for her or what?

"Cat, why don't we hang out for a bit?" Nate said to mesas he winked at Nick. "Sure," I said playing along."Maybe you should've been wearing wings too." I told help as we left Nick by himself. "What, so I could be the angel of music." wow, he really did pay attention to the story. "No," I told him, trying to hide my amazement. "Because you seem to be playing cupid tonight for your brother and girlfriend."

Nick's POV:

Just as I was standing by myself worrying that Nate's plan was going to fail, Kati and Is walked right over to me. "Blair sent us over." Kati said. "She said it's getting late, and you're taking too long." Is told me. "Your lady-in-waiting is closer than you think. Her dress is feathers of black and pink." Kati told me. Knowing that meant I needed to turn to Is, that's exactly what I did. "Good, now to speed things up, go and find Serena." Is told me, just skipping over all the other clues. "She's in a yellow dress, black shawl, and has a gold butterfly mask on, she'll lead you right to Blair." I just nodded my head. Not wanting to give it away that I wasn't Nate.

Just when I was able to find Serena, she went into the ladies' room. I might have been desperate to tell Blair how I really felt about her, but not that desperate. I would just have to wait.

Cat's POV:

Nate and I spent the whole ball together, just talking, dancing, and overall having fun. It truly felt like a Cinderella moment.

"Cat, I need to tell you something." He told me as he pulled me behind one of the columns so we could have some privacy. "What's up?" I asked him. "I've been trying to do right by Blair, but the truth is, it's killing me."

Nick's POV:

As soon as I saw Serena come out of the bathroom. I made my move. "Serena, just don't say anything and let me explain." I said as I held her arm, her back facing me. "I've been holding back for so long but I just can't do it anymore."

Cat's POV:

" I care about Blair I do, but maybe the best this is for me is to just tell the truth about my feeling for once." Nate continued. "And what's the truth?" I asked as I felt my heart racing 100 miles per hour. "I'm falling for you. And I thought I could fight it, but I can't, and honestly I don't want to." He told me. I had gasped, not knowing just how to feel.

Nick's POV:

"The truth is, I'm in love with Blair. I've been in love with her my whole life."I told Serena. "I thought I would get over it, but I can't. Honestly I don't think I ever will." Serena was silent, but I could pulse get quicker and and quicker.

Cat's POV:

"If you don't feel the same as me, then I'll let it go forever and we never have to bring this up again." Nate said, as I continued to be silent. "But if you don't stop me, I'm gonna kiss you." He slowly brought his face closer and closer to mine, almost giving me an out. But the thing is I didn't want out. I wanted him. So I let him kiss me. At first it was gentle, but it become more passionate with each passing second. And I ended up kissing him back. And I have to say that it was the kind of kiss that years, from now, when I'm old with dementia and can't even remember my own name, I will be thinking about that kiss.

And as much as I wanted that kiss to go on forever, I had to know one thing. "Nate, as much as I want this, and I do want this, I can't be the other woman." "You won't, I promise. I'm going to talk to Blair and tell her the truth, whether Nick tells her how he feels or not. You're the only girl that I want." Nate said, and then he hugged me and went looking for Blair.

Nick's POV:

"I know that it isn't fair to put this all on you, but I really need to know where Blair is. Please." I begged her, and she yanked her arm out of my hand and ran away. As I stood there feeling like my heart was stomped on, I heard her voice behind me. "Nate? What are doing? It's almost midnight. You have to find Blair." The real Serena said to me, and the whole time I was trying not to simultaneously puke and shit myself. "Look, okay, whatever. Just forget the clue. She's wearing big, tall boots, and a big old crown. Just go okay? Hurry."

I was literally racing against the time. And just a few seconds before midnight, I found Blair and dipped her, and kissed her with all my might. When I pulled away I could see a smile on her face, which of course mad eye smile. But then it was midnight and she pulled off my mask. "Nick, what're you doing? Where's Nate?" And just when she asked that, we both turned out heads to find Nate looking at us. Then Nate and I looked at each other and knew the jig was up.

Once the ball was over Nate, Blair and I found a humiliated Chuck and proceeded to make our exit. "Little Jenny Humphrey manages to get my pants off and have me not enjoy it. Quite the accomplishment." Chuck said as he held the bracelet that Blair inadvertently snapped off Jenny's wrist when she thought it was Serena. Which meant I poured my heart and soul out to Jenny and not Serena.

"Good thing someone else at the party was lecherous as you or you's still be on that roof." Blair said as Chuck handed her back the bracelet. "And, no, we don't wanna know what you had to do to get that tux." I told him wanting to be spared the details. "This is me." Blair said as she walked to her limo. "Alright, Chuck, we'll see you in the a.m." I told him and Nate and I made our way to Blair.

"Uh-uh. No, the wrong brother found me at midnight. No happily ever after for you." Blair told Nate. "There was never going to be a happily ever after for us Blair." Nate told her, and I could see he felt guilty for what he was clearly about to do. "What?" Blair said, her heart looking like it was about to break. "Blair, I'm sorry. Know you wanted us to start over, and even though I do care about you, the truth is we just don't belong together." Nate said, finally telling her how he really felt.

"I thought, I was doing everything right." Blair said as she began to cry. "You did, it was just for the wrong guy. You deserve to be with someone who will always work to make sure you never get your heart broken. I'm sorry I can't be that guy for you." And with that Blair got in her limo and Nate and I made our way home.

When we got home, we found Mom and Dad waiting up for us. "Hey," Nate and I said together. "You guys are up late." I said as I closed the door.

"We were celebrating." Dad said, but he didn't sound happy. "Eleanor Waldorf has agreed to let your father's firm take her company public." Mom told us. "Congrats." Nate said. "That's greats news." I followed with. "It is. Which is why I was looking for a wine opener, so I could surprise your father with a bottle of Margaux, which is how I found this." and then she pulled out the bag of cocaine.

"Well...what do you boys have to say for yourself?" she asked us, not even bothering to ask if we're using. She must have thought it belonged to either or both of us. "What?" we asked. "Well, it's not mine. And it's not your father's, so that only leaves two other people in this house." She told us. We just looked at Dad incredulously, and he barely made eye contact with us.

Cat's POV:

When I got home, I was on cloud 9. "Cinderella," Dan said as we both reached the door to the loft. "Hey, don't you look sharp." I said, as I examined him in a suit. "I ended up going to the ball, actually." I didn't expect that sentence to come out of his mouth. "How did I not know this?" I asked him. "You were probably too busy with Prince Charming." he joked, not knowing how close he was to being right so I just laughed it off.

"By the way, Vanessa's back in town." He told me. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Come on she's not that bad." He told me. "She's not that good either."I told him as I went into my room. "Nice to see you too, Cat." Vanessa said, sarcastically.

Dan made the smart choice to quickly go to his room and shut the divider. And once it went down, Jenny and I had some sister talk. And boy did we have a lot to say.

(A/N: Hey guys. I promised drama, and I hope I delivered. When the show aired, I hated how Nate strung Blair along, so I decided to have him break up with her at the ball. Plus this gives Nick a chance to try to win Blair and sweep her off her feet, or does it? You'll just have to wait and see. TTFN, ta-ta for now!)

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