Your Twinkling Eyes

AdedoyinAyeni द्वारा

2.4K 372 35

Tami is a simple and cute seventeen year old girl who just finished her SSCE( secondary school) and is about... अधिक

Author's Note
Updated Cast List!!!!
Twenty -One
Twenty Two
Twenty -Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thrity Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six


55 7 0
AdedoyinAyeni द्वारा

I opened the door to the house, finding my mother in the living room watching her favorite channel (Zee World). King of Hearts running grabbing the keen attention of my mum as she ate a plate of jollof spaghetti.
"Why are you so late young lady?" She asked finally noticing my presence.
I sighed sitting on the couch as I tiredly answered her. " Sorry mum, there was traffic"
"Are you hungry, Your sister made spaghetti?" She asked her eyes not straying away from the TV.
"No, I'm good.."
"Oya, go and take your bath. You're stinking up my living room" she scolded shooing me away from the parlour.
"Mummm..." I whined grudgingly getting up from the couch..
As I walked away from the parlour, I stopped in my tracks remembering that I got into crown lake and that I hadn't told my mum yet.
"Why are you still here?" She asked giving me a scolding look.
"Mum I got an email today.." I drawled out slowly
"Email?.. from who?" She asked dropping the empty plate on the center table.
"Crown lake.." I answered.
Her eyes immediately widened, turning to look at me watching me keenly as she waited for me to continue talking..
"I got in.."I said..
"What course did they give you?"
"Medicine" I answered and she immediately jumped up from her seat in happiness as I watched her dance around the living room singing praises to God.
I gave a small smile as I watched her dance happily, getting into crown lake meant a lot to my mum and I felt proud of myself to see that I didn't fail her..
She moved closer to me a proud smile on her face as she embraced me in a warm hug. My mum rarely hugged me, she wasn't a stiff woman but she was the type that didn't show her emotions all the time..
"You've done well my daughter, I'm so proud of you" she said releasing me from the hug giving me a proud smile..
"Thanks mum"
"Go and take your bath okay, it's already late.. We'll talk more in the morning.. it's obvious that you're tired" she said giving me a pat on the shoulder.
"Yeah I am.. goodnight mum"

I felt so much refreshed after the shower I just had, as I laid down on my bed scrolling through my WhatsApp texts. I went to Kemi's chat, deciding to tell her that I just got accepted into crown lake.
"Hey kems.." I sent
"Tami boo.. what's up? How was your date with tony?" She asked replying.
"It was fun! I enjoyed myself babe.. like he was so romantic and we kissed..goodbye" I typed back
"Ohmygod! Istg babe.. tony is inluvvv with you!" She teased causing me to laugh..
"He's not inlove with me kems.."
"Okay, So did he ask you out?" She sent.
I paused a bit as I read her question wondering if I should tell her or not. I mean Kemi's my best friend and I never hide anything from her, but I don't know if she's understand my current relationship with Tony.

"Well.. technically" I replied
"What do you mean?" She sent seeming confused by my vague answer..
"He found out about Derin" I sent..
"He whattt?! How?!"
"We might have jammed Derin at the mall today and he wasn't so happy about me being with Tony" I explained.
"You've got to be kidding me! Why's that boy always around you? I really do not get it."
"Yeah freaks me out too.. but tony kinda sensed that Derin and I had something going on and he didn't seem to like it.."I explained.

"So what did he say?"
"At first he wasn't sure about us anymore, said he's scared of what might happen and doesn't want to get involved.."
"Well shit." She replied causing me to chuckle.
"Yeah.. but I told him that what I feel for Derin is over and that I really like him and I'm willing to try for his sake" I explained
"Is it really over?.. what you feel for Derin?" She sent..

I sat up on my bed as I thought about Kemi's question. Did I still like Derin? I wasn't sure anymore because after what happened later on this night felt weird between us, plus.. we'll both be going to the same school and be in the same department. I honestly didn't know what to think but one thing for sure is that I liked Tony.
"I honestly don't know for sure babe, but I'm willing to forget about how I feel for him just so tony and I can work out" I replied

"Good. So what did tony say after you told him all of this?" She asked
"He said we should have an experimental relationship first" I sent waiting for her reply.
"An experimental what?!"
"Yeah. I didn't get it either, but then he was like just to be on the safe side we should try dating for this week to see if we can really work out before making it official.." I typed explaining it to her..
"Well that makes and doesn't make sense at all!" She replied causing me to let out a short laugh..
"It doesn't matter.. I already said yes"

"Hmm.. I hope you know what you're doing bestie.." she addressed..
"I do.. forget about tony.. I GOT INTO CROWN LAKE!!" I sent, her reply immediately coming in.
"No shit! Congratulations bestieeee!" She wished causing me to smile in happiness..
I'm honestly gonna miss having Kemi around once I resume school..
I was currently in the car as my mum drove us to the Adesanya's house. I wasn't elated by what was currently happening since we were actually going to derin's house and i was currently trying to ignore him but my mum didn't get that because she thinks that Derin and I are still close friend, so I was practically forced on this outing.
We are still friends but right now, things between us are not straight..

Derin's mum called mine this morning asking her to bring me over to visit so that they could both discuss and plan the preparations for Derin and I going to school.
Honestly some times I felt our mum's actually discussed about us getting married and already have the preparations settled down..
The gate opened as we drove into the compound, The Adesanya's  house still managed to knock me off my feet whenever I stepped in. The house was tall and really big, the small garage out front had three beautiful cars parked. The compound big enough for them to throw parties and functions.
Derin's family was affluent, his father was a big time civil engineer and even had his own construction company, while his mum was a big shot lawyer in Lagos.
We both got out of the car, ringing the doorbell as we stood at the small balcony which was tiled and had a really nice flower plant at the edge. The door opened to reveal derin's mum in a nice Ankara gown, her hair styled in a short pixie cut weave. Derin's mum looked too young for her age and she had beautiful, smooth melanin skin.
What money can do..
Her eyes glistened in happiness as she saw us, engulfing my mum in a hug before releasing her turning to look at me with a smile on her face. I immediately bent kneeling slightly to greet her and show respect.
"Good morning ma." I greeted politely
"Tami dear, how're you.. it's been a while since I last saw you.. you've grown so much, look at how fresh you are" she complimented causing me to blush shyly.
Derin's mum was a really nice person, and also really accommodating. It was never a dull moment with her and that was why I loved coming over back when I was still really young.
"We thank God my sister" my mum answered.
"Ahnahn, mummy Tami you don't like to give yourself credit" she said giving my mother a look causing my mum to laugh.

Our mum's liked to call each other by the names of their first child as a sign to show respect for the other. My mum called derin's mum "Mummy Sayo" while derin's mum called my mum "Mummy Tami". It's been that way since I remember. We walked into the house following derin's mum to the downstairs living room.
Derin's house was that big that they had two big living rooms, the second one upstairs was mostly used by the kids. While the one down was mostly used to receive guests and important people . I sat down on the couch admiring the living room while she went to get us refreshments.

It seemed like Derin's father refurbished the living room because it looked different and much more glamorous than the last time I came. There was a large smart TV right out on the wall, the floor was marbled tiled which glistened under the white lights. A large beautiful chandelier stood right in the middle of the ceiling complimenting the house, and there was a large black shiny piano at the side of the parlor.
Derin played the piano. When he was young his mother made him go for piano lessons and he grew to love it. It was like his secret hobby because not many people knew about it.

I smiled remembering the time he played a tune for me when I was fourteen, I came over to his place for extra lessons because I was having a hard time understanding further mathematics which he offered to teach me. After the lesson, he dragged me downstairs and said he just learnt this song and wanted to play it for me.
That was the most romantic scene I had ever been in with Derin.
Watching him play the piano was so beautiful and gave me a deep sense of calmness. With each chord his fingers played, it touched my heart and I remember crying because of how amazing the song felt.
Derin teased me about it for a really long time.. called me a huge softie..
I snapped out of my thoughts about Derin playing the piano when I heard his mum asking me a question.
"So tami, how excited are you to start in crown lake?"
I wasn't happy at all! Infact I was fucking nervous.. I didn't know if I'd fit in with all those rich snobs... I honestly wished I could attend a federal university like Kemi and Tony..
I ignored the voice in my head giving her a smile answering her question "Really excited ma."
"I really can't wait for you and Derin to go to school, I'm honestly so happy that the both of you got in." She said with a smile causing my mum to nod in agreement with her.
"Abi my sister, we honestly owe it all to God" my mum said
"So about the school fees and monumental fees? Have you been able to get enough?" His mum asked turning her attention to my mum..
I decided to excuse myself going upstairs to wait not wanting to involve myself in their adult discussion.

I knew that derin's mum wanted to assist in paying my school fees, since things weren't really rosy for my family. My mother was primary school head teacher and her salary wasn't that much to help pay my school fees, plus she was also a widow of almost nine years.
Although my uncles supported us but i doubt that they'll be able to pay crown lake university fees. But my mother always seemed to have everything handled, she was like a superwoman...but I knew my mum would find away with paying my school fees and taking care of my younger sisters without the help of Derin's family....
She always seemed to find a way..

My thoughts were cut off when i got startled seeing Derin walk out of his room, startling him also...
"The fuck Tami?!" He cussed in slight annoyance.
"What're you doing here?!" I asked feeling dumb immediately I asked the question.
"Uhh, I live here" he answered giving me a look.
I rolled my eyes at his answer, sitting down on the couch eyeing him closely. He looked good in brown shorts, simple white shirt with a black hoodie draped over his curly hair wearing rubber slippers..
He looked too good in just simple housewear and I didn't like the effect he was having on me..
It was going to be really hard to forget my feelings for him..
"Why are you here though?" He asked still confused at my presence..
"Didn't your mum tell you?"
"Tell me what?"he asked dumbfounded
"My mum and I came to discuss preparations concerning our resumption to crown lake" I answered.
"Oh.." he said coming to seat next to me keeping a good distance for the both of us..
"You don't seem that happy to go to crown lake though" he said observing me closely..
"Honestly I'm not.."I said turning to look at him.
"Then why are you going?"He asked confused
"Because my mum wants me to.."i answered simply..
"Tami.. if you just talked to your mum about it she's understand" he said causing me to laugh humourlessly..
"You mean crush her dreams?.. Look Derin I'm just scared okay, it's a school for the rich! I don't know if I'd fit in.." I said with a small sigh..
"C'mon tami, now you're just being ridiculous., of course you'll fit in.. I'm also nervous you know" he said causing me to stare at him in surprise
"You are?"
"Of course.. I mean we'll be going to a school that's filled with kids of governors, big shot elites and kids of celebrities.. if you think about it I'm just like you.."he said giving me a small smile..
"You're not Derin.. your dad's an engineer and your mum.. she's a big shot lawyer in Lagos.. my mum's just a primary school head teacher"I answered honestly..
"I'm not gonna argue with you on that one, but Tami to those kids in crown lake my family is nothing.. Money isn't exactly the issue at that university, it's about Title and Power..." he explained causing my nerves to spiral..
Then that's much worse!
"But hey.. you have me, we have each other's backs.. we're going to make it through and those rich snobs are gonna wish they were us!" He said causing me to give a short laugh feeling much more relaxed..
"Why are you going to Crown lake though?" I asked..
I honestly wanted to know why.. I mean he had a choice to study abroad like his brother but he pushed that away to go to crown lake.. why?
"You want the honest truth?" He asked turning to look at me with an indescribable emotion in his eyes..
"It's because of you.." he answered his eyes still on mine..
My eyes widened slightly at his answer, he has got to be kidding me.. Was this a joke?
"You're serious?" I asked checking his expression to see if he was just kidding..
He immediately bursted into laughter, causing me to frown slightly.. I knew he wasn't being serious.
"Oh my God Tami, you should have seen your face" he said in between laughs.. causing me to huff in annoyance.
"It's not funny joor" I said..
"It really is.." he answered still laughing..
"Shut up, so you're really not gonna tell me why you're going?" I asked.
He finally relaxed giving me a mischievous look before mouthing the words "No".
I rolled my eyes at his answer muttering a whatever in his face causing him to chuckle. My phone lit up to show that I had a new text message. A smile erupted on my face to see that it was tony who texted.
Hey girlfriend..
I immediately replied, continuing to text him when I felt my phone being dragged out of my hands..
Ugh not again!
"Derin, give me my phone!" I shouted trying to collect it from his hands..
He scrolled through my texts with tony, a deep frown on his face.
"You're dating him now?"he questioned with a raise of his eyebrow..
"It's none of your business!" I snapped still trying to get my phone out of his hands..
"Tami.." he warned giving me a tired sigh..
"Just give it to me!" I said my palm out.

"Why won't you listen? I told you that he's not good for you.." he said giving me a disapproving look.
"You always say that about all the guys that want me!" I said challenging him with a fold of my arms..
"True, but this time it's different.. Tony's not who he says he is!" He snapped causing a deep frown to grow on my face.
"And who exactly is he Derin?! Please enlighten me?" I asked
"I told you.. he does drugs."
"Tony doesn't do drugs!" I shouted getting really angry at his accusations.
"Did he tell you that himself?!" He snapped causing me to go quiet..
"Exactly.." he answered for himself looking at my quiet state turning else where..
"He doesn't do drugs.." I muttered softly my heart breaking at what just happened..
"Don't come running to me tami when he breaks your heart" Derin said and with that he left to his room slamming the door causing me to wince.

Author's Note:
So this chapter was a bit longer than expected, and I didn't want it to end like this.. but then Tami and Derin are just like me and my best friend..

We'll have a moment and then ruin it by arguing and fighting😂.. it was just a really weird way of us dealing with the sexual tension between us and I imagined Derin and Tami to be just like that.. since they're actually based of us..

Tony and Tami shippers I hope y'all aren't gonna kill me cos of this.. do you think tony might really be going drugs?
That's for you to read in the next chapter..
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